A Change of Heart

The Blind Date



Dara adjusted her office chair to a 45-degree angle. She needed time alone to relax and contemplate. Her fingertips automatically massaged her temples.



Hearing Seungri’s incomplete details about Shin Jae Joon made her feel disappointed. Or maybe, I just expected too much? Andwae. It’s just a friggin’ blind date... ERR, MY friggin’ BLIND DATE! The thoughts racing inside her head made her cringe and pout furiously.



Realizing where her thoughts had led, there came silence. She couldn’t help but stare blankly at space. It’s as if her eyeballs will come out of its sockets any moment. An outburst escaped her lips in an attempt to calm her sanity, “$H%T. F#@K. SINCE WHEN DID I EVER CARE ABOUT DATING?!” Chincha. Good thing she’s all alone, where cursing and swearing became a private thing.



“SHIN. JAE. JOON.” Uttering every syllable with emphasis as her hand rose mid-air trying to spell it out in Hangul. She bit her lip as she tried to recall. Nothing can even direct her to a specific identity of a person she might know. Is it an alias, a borrowed identity? What is?!



Stopping wasn’t an option. “I should not settle to this. I need to find out.” Suddenly, the imaginary light bulb inside her head sparked bright. She became jumpy, sat upright, and faced her laptop.



Her, then, little hope died an early death too soon as it began. Scratching her head, she muttered out loud, “Ack! Pabo! I haven’t asked about the fake account Seungri used! Just my luck!”



She rested her elbows on the desk and cupped her face with her palms. She was in this position for almost 3 minutes thinking of a better plan.



Intuitively, she didn’t allow this minor mistake discourage her. Being the computer savvy that she is, Dara initiated her investigation using popular search engines and social networking sites (SNS).



Top searches for the name Shin Jae Joon appeared in a blink.


  • Shin Jae Joon, a corporate tycoon, president of Wonjin Auto Service USA Inc., Garden Grove, CA.


  • Shin Jae Joon, an employee in a telecommunications company, in his fourties.


  • Shin Jae Joon, a freelance writer in his mid-thirties who recently got separated.


  • Shin Jae Joon, a customer service assistant and part-time blogger who’s active in SNS.



There was another tab left unopened, its caption read “...involved in an accident that put him in a coma.” Familiarity, by instinct, came into picture.



When she was about to open it, she heard a faint voice calling her name. “Dara-ah! Dara-ah!” She paused and faced the door.



“I’m inside the office. Who is it?” she came to answer, not being able to identify the person calling her.



She then returned her attention to that last unopened tab when, suddenly, she felt the place shake. OH NO! EARTHQUAKE! EARTHQUAKE!, her mind screaming. Immediately, she hid under her table.



YG Building shook hard. All the things on Dara’s desk fell scattered all over the floor. Shoot, my laptop! She saw her laptop tumble down. Its screen shattered to pieces.



Again, she heard that faint voice calling her earlier. This time, it was louder. She shouted, “Earthquake!” Then, she felt a sharp burning pain on her left arm. With that, she snapped her eyes open.



Bom spoke in a big, loud voice, “Yah, Dara-ah! Why are you shouting earthquake?”



Massaging her throbbing arm, it dawned to her that Bom was the one who hit her arm. “Aigoo. Bom-ah, why did you have to hit me?”



With squinted eyes, Bom mockingly shot back at her. “Are you trying to scare us all away?!” Her hands were on her waist, towering Dara’s petite frame. Suddenly, the petite one yawned thoughtlessly.



“HUL! Just as I thought so, you fell asleep again.” Bom pats their dear Santokki’s head and chuckled. “Can’t wait ‘til we get home, neh? ㅋㅋㅋ”



“Okay, break’s done! PLACES!” The choreographer calls everyone for another round of rehearsal.



Oh right, we’re in the middle of dance practice for the comeback. PABO. Dara hits her head intentionally. The blind date dilemma even haunts me in my dreams. Creepy! If it’ll cost my lappie, I’m not investigating on that Shin Jae Joon instead. She runs to her position and loud music started to play.





One late afternoon...


While Dara was busy on the treadmill, Yang Hyun Suk, YG Ent. CEO, sneaked up beside her. She was totally engrossed with her workout routine until five minutes later that she noticed him next to her.



Once he saw her startled expression, he quickly said. “Oh please, don’t stop. I’m quite enjoying this.”



“Mianhamnida, Sajang-nim, for not noticing you earlier.” She bowed again and again.



He began. “Would you care to tell me?” His eyes are smiling, making her feel more intimidated.



He continued. “You were thinking so deep. I could hardly fathom your thoughts. Ah, it must’ve gone to Mars again perhaps.” He chuckled. “Dara, Dara, Dara...” He was shaking his head while saying her name, stressing it loud and clear.



“Aigoo.” Awkward silence then followed. I feel so embarrassed. Otteoke? She was sweating bullets; surely it wasn’t because of her workout.



“Sajang-nim, I...” She let seconds to pass and took courage to start but was cut off.



“Although it had a rough start and made a bad impression, I don’t mind you dating as long as you won’t abandon 2NE1 for that matter and sacrifice the quality of this business. But, I require you to do it discreetly. The public knows we’re under this special agreement, that dating contract. I don’t want them to be misled.”



The CEO’s treadmill began to slowdown and stopped. He fully turned his body to face Dara. “Did I make myself clear, Dara?”



All she can do was nod. It seems she swallowed her tongue. Snap out of it, Dara!



Yang Hyun Suk stepped out of the treadmill and began to leave.



Amidst the tolerable noise, a tiny voice was heard. “Kamsahamnida, Sajang-nim.”



“You take care of yourself, okay?” He was being fatherly towards her. “And remember, I’ll be watching you.” The sound of closing doors echoed the premises.




Mental breakdown… @.@ I am not used to this. Eotteokajyo?? The sudden turn of events...

It’s making me confused!! Or is it just because I’m just tired with all our activities and we’re all working very hard?

Hmm~ Maybe or maybe not... Ah, I should rest and sleep a lot then. ㅋㅋ My bed’s calling me...kyaaa~


Tags: Blackjacks, UNITE!! You know our comeback’s fast approaching, right? *clap, clap, clap*

Please expect a lot! ^.^ 투애니원 (Tuaeniwon), NOLJA~!





Early morning, the next day...


Dara, as usual, woke up early. She picked up her phone and called the 1st person that came to her mind.



“Yoboseyo?” The person’s voice from the other line sounded groggy.



“Seungri-sshi!” She called out.



“Dara-noona?!” He peeked at the clock. “It’s still 6am... Why are you calling me this early?”



“Seungri Academy must resume today, got it?” She hung up.



“Yah, noona! Aisht. Why did she hang up on me?” Mumbling was the only thing he can do. But then, a smile crept on his lips upon realizing the flow of events. Dara-noona is really serious about dating.



“GAME ON! My battle plan’s working far better than expected. HAHAHA.” With his eyes still closed and lying on his bed, he hugged his pillow tight with delight. Like a lunatic he shouted, “Chukahae to my brilliant self!”




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i wonder, are you guys still reading this fic? kkk. *curious* any ideas on how you want this story would want to progress? hmm. ^___^


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 7: Authornim, update juseyo..
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 7: Jaedara dateeeeee,...
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 7: authornim please don't abandon this fanfics of yours... update it juseyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y Y
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 7: authornim update please please please~~~~~~~~ TT TT TT TT update it authornim...u can't do this to me TT TT update please i begging you..
msdeathstalker #5
Chapter 7: Nice story! update please
Chapter 7: more updates please!komawo~!
kwonsantokky #7
Chapter 7: ojhhh..pls update chingu!!!
Seems interesting... I'll read this later =D
anna0315 #9
Chapter 7: oh nice one
Lighterain #10
Chapter 7: Its been a while so thank you for updating :)