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The Blind Date


Btw, I made a manip myself! :) *throws confetti*

This is how I envision our lovely couple someday. keke.

Sorry for my noob skills but doesn't it look oh so romantic and lovely?





I miss writing :) So to compensate my long leave, I’ll be revealing a preview!

These are barely drafts that I’ve scribbled down.

Everything’s not final yet, what’s written here may be subjected to changes.

Please keep on supporting my fanfics. Thank you very much!





Hearing Seungri’s incomplete details about Shin Jae Joon, Dara felt disappointed. She pouted furiously. Is it an alias, a borrowed identity? What is?!



Nothing can even direct her to a specific identity of a person she might know. She rested her elbows on the desk and cupped her face with her palms.



She thought of investigating the person herself. Just handy, I’m in my office with my lappy! Being the computer savvy that she is, she tried to find clues about this Shin Jae Joon all over the internet.





I reserved Bum’s Story for one night and I can’t believe that it’s even happening. He chuckled. Although I’m not the type who’ll go grand and spend for a date, this [date] in particular was an exception.



He reminisced the first time he met her. Aah, Dara is no ordinary girl. I know it’s been a long time but I would want to show her a different side of me and make her feel special.





The spring air still affected her. She was garbed in a hot pink coat beneath her silk dress with knee-high boots on that she received as a present from her 2NE1 members.



Dara let Dami drop her a few blocks away from the the said restaurant in Nonhyeon-dong.



She’d like to walk around the vicinity before going to the meeting place. She needed enough space to contemplate and breathe some fresh air.



Before leaving, Dami lowered the car window by the passenger’s seat. “Unnie, don’t worry too much. Enjoy yourself even just for the night! It wouldn’t hurt, would it?” She winked.



Dara shuddered. “Easy for you to say, dongsaeng...” She cutely pouted. “I’ll try to enjoy as much as I can. By the way, thanks for the lift!”



Dami showed her phone. “Text me if you want me to pick you up, arasso? Love you!” She ended her words with a flying kiss.



“Aaw, dongsaeng’s being cute! keke Arasso. Ppyong! Love you too!” The loving unnie waved her arms until the car disappeared from her sight.





Upon seeing Dara’s silhouette by the door from the reception, he positioned himself at the entrance to welcome her.



“Omo!” Dara got startled  once the door opened. Before entering, she removed her disguise glasses and scarf.



She clenched her chest upon seeing the person welcoming her. “Yoo Chun-sshi, you startled me!” She paused, eyed him confused. “Wait, why are you here?”



He chuckled at her reaction and smiled. “Before anything else, Welcome to Bum’s Story! Park Yoo Chun-imnida at your service.” He reached to get the scarf from Dara’s hands and placed it on the hanger.



“To answer your question, I partly own this place but right now, I’m tasked as a volunteer waiter.” He replied to her with all sincerity.



“Just now? Wae?” Dara’s expression of confusion deepened.



“A friend of mine, I couldn’t resist, needed my favor. But, of course, this is not a free service.” Yoo Chun laughed.



Later, he excused himself and talked with someone thru his bluetooth headset. And, out of nowhere, Se7en appeared.




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i wonder, are you guys still reading this fic? kkk. *curious* any ideas on how you want this story would want to progress? hmm. ^___^


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 7: Authornim, update juseyo..
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 7: Jaedara dateeeeee,...
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 7: authornim please don't abandon this fanfics of yours... update it juseyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y Y
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 7: authornim update please please please~~~~~~~~ TT TT TT TT update it authornim...u can't do this to me TT TT update please i begging you..
msdeathstalker #5
Chapter 7: Nice story! update please
Chapter 7: more updates please!komawo~!
kwonsantokky #7
Chapter 7: ojhhh..pls update chingu!!!
Seems interesting... I'll read this later =D
anna0315 #9
Chapter 7: oh nice one
Lighterain #10
Chapter 7: Its been a while so thank you for updating :)