Master Seungri's Brilliant Plan

The Blind Date



Seungri was chilling out in one of YG building’s lounges, browsing the internet, when he came across one article. It was an interview of their beloved maknae 2NE1 but he wasn’t amused by the way his favorite noona answered the questions, particularly one, which made his forehead crease deeply.



“Tsk, tsk…” He shook his head in disagreement. What a disaster!



“My faithful and favorite student of Seungri Academy, Dara-noona, has just put her dating chances in peril. Now, the whole world knows of the death of her dating genes.” He sighed.



He sprawled back on the couch he was sitting and thought of a plan.



He held his chin with his forefinger and thumb. “Pitiful. Looks like this situation calls for Master Seungri’s expertise in dating!” Don’t worry, noona, I’ll be here for your rescue.



He, then, imagines himself in a superman costume with his hands on his hips and laughing like a mad man.





By afternoon, on his free time, Seungri went straight to YG building’s internet cafeteria and started searching for ways on how his Dara-noona get to date the opposite .



After a while, he was able to create a list. Noona will be able to regain her pride and her fanboys! Bwahahaha!



He grinned proudly on his work. “Now, off to sorting them out.”





  • Post anonymous dating ads on newspapers.


“A newspaper ad is more affordable than a TV ad.” He nods.


“However, the process could be bloody.” His face cracked up with dismay.


He scratches his head. “Also, with Big Bang’s schedule, I think I could barely entertain applicants.” With that, he marks the option with an X.



  • Introduce her to my friends.


He began browsing his phonebook. “I’ve introduced her to some of my guy friends but she seems to shy towards them.”


He paused and his gaze roamed throughout the room.


“Now that I think of it, my guy friends are too young for her taste. Hmm...” He hummed. “...and majority of my friends are females.” I don’t think she would like to date women.


“Just thinking of her going gay gives me the creeps!” He gives off a shudder. Another option he puts an X to.



  • Let her attend social gatherings and parties of artists.


“Wait…” His eyebrows slowly meeting. “...2NE1 only attends YG Family events and YG-sajangnim would be too strict in choosing events for the girls.”


He closed his eyes and tried to rationalize. “Their comeback is fast-approaching. They’ll be too busy for the preparations. Social life is sacrificed at the moment.” Poor girls and I guess this is a no-no.



  • Let her get casted in a reality TV show, i.e. We Got Married.


His eyes popped out from its sockets. “Wow. Why did I ever come up with this option?” He has limited connections with MBC to actualize this ideal project.


“Besides, YG-sajangnim isn’t the type to be aggressive in accepting this kind of exposure for his artists.” He scratches his head again.


“I’d rather reserve this for future purposes.” He lets out a sigh for the nth time.



  • Create a fake account in an online dating site.


He crossed his arms on his chest. “Down to the last option...” He breathed deeply. “Dara-noona was sure to dominate Me2day, why not a dating website?”


He gave a lopsided smile thinking of this brilliant plan.


He didn’t expect it would be way too easy. The worldwide web is such a wonderful blessing! In no time, she’ll be thanking me for being genius.


He puts his hands together and rubs them. “Dara-noona, I’ll find you a perfect mate soon.” In his mind, he was laughing out loud. I’m so amazing!



Seungri didn’t waste his time. He was so eager to work on his magic at once! He searched for Korea’s most popular online dating site and immediately registered. His plan is materializing before him. “The fun starts now!” He can’t wait to see his favorite noona’s reaction once she finds out.



Your account has been verified and activated.Welcome to I-Date Website!

You may now enjoy meeting up to more than 10 million subscribers online!

We are looking forward that you’ll be able to meet your “right one!”

Thank you very much for joining!


Yours truly,




The next day, Seungri started updating the site with information, pictures, and the like. That’s to make it more believable. Earlier, in their photoshoot, he gathered the courage to ask his favorite noona for a shot of the two of them, which she gladly did to his relief. Sorry, noona, but I’m doing this for you...kekeke



Seungri-sunbaenim to my rescue~ ^0^ Although embarrassing, he wanted to help me with my dating skills!!! ㅋㅋㅋ

Will I do good this time??? I hope so..+.+ I-Date here I come!!! I want to have a boyfriend soon~ Getting senti again..

Ya ya ya~ Dara, hwaiting!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Feeling his nape and shoulders ache, Seungri rolled his head back in forth to stretch his tired muscles. “What a day! I think this is all for today.”



He double-checked all his inputs and was very much satisfied before logging off the site. “In days time, I’m sure men will flock and take interest on this account.”



He felt sleepy and yawned. “Sweet dreams, genius! Tomorrow will be a long day.”



He jumped, literally, towards his bed and slept soundly with a smile of content plastered on his face.




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i wonder, are you guys still reading this fic? kkk. *curious* any ideas on how you want this story would want to progress? hmm. ^___^


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 7: Authornim, update juseyo..
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 7: Jaedara dateeeeee,...
bluefairy07 #3
Chapter 7: authornim please don't abandon this fanfics of yours... update it juseyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y Y
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 7: authornim update please please please~~~~~~~~ TT TT TT TT update it authornim...u can't do this to me TT TT update please i begging you..
msdeathstalker #5
Chapter 7: Nice story! update please
Chapter 7: more updates please!komawo~!
kwonsantokky #7
Chapter 7: ojhhh..pls update chingu!!!
Seems interesting... I'll read this later =D
anna0315 #9
Chapter 7: oh nice one
Lighterain #10
Chapter 7: Its been a while so thank you for updating :)