Chill, Hyuna

Never Alone


Chill, Hyuna

I could hear loud pumping music as I walked up towards the races. I had no idea what I was doing, or who was going to be in there, but I had to find Byunghun

I was extremely furious with him.

He had meant to be picking me up from the airport a good few hours ago.

I'd been to his school, asked around, been told in Korean about fifty times before one of the morons actually clocked on she was English.

(A/N: Sora cant understand korean when people talk too fast)

They eventually told me he would be at 'the races' and a girl named  Hyorin had given me directions. After that it had been plain sailing.

Yeah, right.

"Hey, hey girlie, can I help you?" A voice asked me. I looked at the guy in front of me in surprise,

having been too busy staring where the loud music was emitting from to notice the guy at the gate.

"Oh erm...yeah, did a guy named Byunghun come in here?"

"Byunghun? you mean the L.Joe right?" He leant on the wall and smirked at me. "You his sister?" He looked me up and down.

I snorted. I was wearing skinny jeans, knee high black boots, a blue sweater and a black leather jacket.

Nothing to go crazy over. My Brown hair was swept into a ponytail, my bangs falling over my forehead.

"No, his cousin," I hitched up my big backpack on my shoulder. It was heavy, and as I looked at the smirking guy in front of me, my stomach growled in hunger.

"Is he in there?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah, go ahead," He let me pass him, probably watching my . "Good luck finding him," He added.

It turned out luck was exactly what I needed. This place was heaving with people. Guys were standing around glamorous, shiny cars,

girls parading around in front of them with little more than underwear on. I'd never been anywhere like it.

It must've shown on my face, because a couple of the women walking past me looked me up and down before sniggering.

I was the only female in the whole place with any actual clothes on.

" goes," I murmured, taking the first few steps forwards. Instantly, people were turning their heads.

I felt extremely uncomfortable, and angry.

As I scanned the crowds, I still saw no sign of Byunghun. Random people were bumping into my backpack and scowling at me.

"Hey Outsider, what the hell are you doing?" A man with spiky black hair asked me as he sneered.

I ignored him, deciding the best course of action would be to plant myself somewhere and wait for Byunghun to make an appearance.

The music still blaring, I looked for a place where I could just wait, but there was absolutely nowhere. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.

"Looking for someone?" A man's voice whispered in my ear.

I started, wheeling around like a frightened bird and staring into dark eyes.

"Hey I know a lot self defence dude so don't even try anything!" I warned, sounding like a complete idiot.

The man before me just laughed, a genuine laugh, as if I really had amused him.

"Hey chill Hyuna," He popped a sweet into his mouth. My shocked expression fizzled into a confused one.

"Hyuna?" I echoed. He chuckled again.

"Yeah, Kim HYuna, 4minute? Hot issue You look like her,"

It was my turn to laugh. I had to hand it to him, he was a charmer. He was taller than me by about two heads, with jet black hair that fell down his neck gracefully.

"Wow, that's one I haven't heard before," I could see a few girls watching intently a few metres back.

"Really? Hmm. So, what can I do for you Miss Kim?" He smirked.

"It's actually , Lee.You can be really helpful and tell me where I can find a guy named Byunghun,"

A look of recognition flickered in his expression. "Byunghun? L.Joe?"

What's with byunghun oppa with that name?!"That's the one," I nodded eagerly.

"Why do you want him?"

"So I can beat the out of him,"

He laughed again. "Damn. A lot of people wanna do that to L.Joe lately,"

"That would be Byunghun. Is he here?"

"Depends," The guy sauntered closer to me, placing his arms on my shoulders.

I stared up at him, wondering what the hell he was doing.

"On what?" I murmured, captivated by his eyes once more. He smelled extremely nice, a mixture of sweet and spice.

My head was clouding over as prepared to answer me...


Byunghun's voice made me jump. I snapped my head to the side, meeting Byunghun's eyes.

He stared at me, and I could see the cogs winding in his brain, before he let out a really loud "!"

I let my bag fall to the floor as I pulled from the guys grasp quickly, walking over to Byunghun. "You think?"

Byunghun ran a hand over his head. " Sora I'm so sorry!"

"You're sorry! You said you would pick me up from the airport! I waited for two hours Byunghun!" I poked him hard in the chest.

"Yo L.Joe hung! Who is this?" A tall guy with pale asian skin appeared next to Byunghun, eyes roaming up and down me.

"You know what Byunghun? You're just as irresponsible as you were back in the states. And what are you doing here?

Your Mom sent you here to get away from racing!" I hissed, ignoring the new guys amused sniggers.

"I won Sora! I won big," Byunghun grinned widely. "You have no idea how great it is out here,"

"Yo chill girlfirend, Changjo by the way," The kid said smoothly, putting his arm around my shoulders. "So you his sister then?"

"No Jonghyun. She's my cousin," Byunghun told him as I pushed his arms off my shoulders.

"Miss Lee has some fire," Said the guy with those dark, dark eyes. "Are all you Lee's so keen for trouble?"

I met his eyes again and tried not to blush, looking away as I felt my stomach rumble again.

"Byunghun I'm so hungry and I've been sitting on a plane for hours and I think I have jetlag and-"

"Alright alright I'll take you home," Byunhun said in defeat.

"Good," I said, smiling sweetly. I marched past him, before snapping my fingers at him. "Get my bag,"

"Oooiiii, she's got more than fire!" Changjo exclaimed as Byunghun hoisted up my bag with a loud groan.

"What the hell do you have in here, bricks?!"

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I really like Sora's personality!