Pleasure Doing Business

Never Alone


Pleasure Doing Business

"What am I supposed to do? Dress up like a ?" I hissed at Hyorin, who was sat on my bed madly textingJake.

"Wear what you want, I don't care," She replied. I sighed. She was no help at all. Just because she didn't want to bother taking me to these so called 'races', she was being rather moody with me.

I pushed through my clothes. There was nothing in there that was very exciting. Not that I wanted to go dressed in underwear... The only thing I could find was my lilac dress, and that was just plain ridiculous. I couldn't turn up looking like I was going to prom.

In the end I settled for my black jeans, black thigh high boots, and my checked red shirt. It tied up in a knot around my waist, exposing an expectable amount of skin and my belly button ring.

Not bad, I thought. I let my hair out, so it fell down over my shoulders. I then applied a layer of mascara to my eyelashes and smoothed some lip gloss on my plump lips. I turned in the mirror. I'd always wanted to be taller, my legs weren't long and endless like some girls, they were just...legs. I had more than your average model, my figure that of an hourglass. "What about this?" I asked Reiko, who glanced at me.

"Well you'll get more of Myungsoo's attention,"

I blanched. "What?"

"Never mind. You coming then or not?" She spat as she dragged herself up. I grabbed my bag and followed her quickly.

The races were once again packed. As soon as I got out of Hyorins's car, she wondered off and I was left standing on my own, again. I felt less ridiculous this time around, however, without my huge backpack.

"Barbie, so nice to see you again," A voice said next to me. I was slightly startled, and turned to face a guy who was literally raking his eyes all over my curvy form with nothing but lust in his eyes. I grimaced internally. This guy looked and was acting like a creep.

"Sorry, don't think we've met before," I managed to say.

"No, but I remember you from your last visit. You're not a sight a man could easily forget," He seemed to have taken me for an average . "The name is U-Kwon, and you?"

I felt like slapping him, with his funny  coloured hair and the horrible look in his eyes. "Sora," I said quickly, instantly regretting it.

"Well, Sora, do you wanan see how a real rider does things?" He was getting too close to me. I didn't even realise I'd been slowly backing away from him until the back of my legs met the bonnet of Hyorin's car. He slid his hand onto my waist.

I snapped.

With one strike, I kneed him squarely where the sun don't shine. He gave a loud howl of pain and staggered backwards, acting as if the whole world had crashed down around him. What a baby. "That's for touching me you !" I exclaimed angrily.

"You little !" U-kwon growled. I thought for a minute he might lunge for me, but a voice made him stop.

"I don't think she likes being touched, do you?" Myungsoo said, leaning casually against another car. He looked thoroughly amused. "You'd better go get yourself ready U-kwon, you have a big race soon,"

U-kwon let out what I presumed were a string of curses in Korean as he hobbled off. myungsoo came over to me, chewing on a pocky stick he had taken out of a bright pink packet. "You know, when you first told me about self defence, I thought you were joking Princess,"

I chuckled darkly. "Not a chance,"

"Well come on then," He said. We walked through the masses, heading towards the lifts, his hand on the small of back the whole time. I could see other girls eyeing me up as if I were some sort of evil bug they needed to squash. Myungsoo either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Sup baby!" Changjo said as he saw me approaching with Myungsoo. "Looking fiiiine tonight,"

I shook my head. "You just don't give up do you?" I laughed.

"Never gurl, never."

Byunghun was looking at his car in detail, when he looked up and saw me. "There you are! Thought you'd bailed."

"Nah, I have to see what all the fuss is about don't I?" I answered with a grin.

"She just injured your competition, so you might have a fighting chance," Myungsoo said from behind me, making me start. I hadn't realised how close to me he was. Byunghun raised his eyebrows at him.

"You what?"

"U-kwon was hitting on me. I kneed him in the balls," I said simply.

Changjo spluttered up the fizz he was drinking and began choking. Sean, laughing his head off, hit him squarely on the back, causing the taller guy to jerk forwards. He coughed and spluttered. "You...really, did that?" He managed to choke out.


"She's my new best friend," Changjo announced, pointing at me before bowing. I smiled at him, bowing back.


"This is sweet, what a nice little family you all are," A cold voice emitted from outside of the group circle. Everyone looked around. B-Bomb stood watching us, his arm around a pretty tanned girl with dark curly hair. She looked less than pleased about being with him. The guy, U-kwon, stood next to him, glaring at us all like we were parasites.

"So this is your cousin L.Joe?" He asked icily, eyes roaming me.

"What of it?" Byunghun bit back.

"You know how I knew L.Joe? Because she looks like trailer trash. Just like you," He sneered. My eyebrows furrowed in anger as U-kwon sniggered.

"Hey you," I said, pointing at him. "Did you tell the big badass how you cried when I kneed your pitiful excuse for balls?"

Byunghun bit back a smile. I watched as U-kwon fumed in anger, starting forwards. B-Bomb instantly stopped him by holding out his arm. His lips turned up into an evil smile, eyeing me for a few intense seconds. "I hope you're ready to race this time," he said as he refocused his attention to my cousin.

"Oh I'm ready. I'm just sad it ain't you I'm takin on," Byunghun said coolly.

"I already beat you once. I don't need to do it again," He took off, ordering something in Korean. His cronies sauntered off after him.

"Well he's just lovely," I said as the group went silent.

"I swear man, you two are gonna be the death of me," Changjo breathed as if he had been holding his breath. "Can't you just keep your mouths shut?"

Me and Byunghun looked at each other. "Not really," We said simultaneously.

Drifting was exactly that. There was no other way to explain what it was. I watched as Byunghun raced this guy, flying around corners as if the car could just float. I had to admit, I was kind of impressed.

We all had to go up to the roof to see the end of the race, and once we got there, with a whole crowd of excited people, it was just a matter of seeing who drifted to the top first.

"Are you enjoying your first race then Princess?" Myungsoo asked me as he sat next to me on the trunk of his car. I saw his eyes linger around my mid drift for a few seconds, before he quickly stuffed more Pocky into his mouth.

"If I say yes will I ever hear the end of it?"

"Hmm, probably not," He grinned.

The sound of a car broke into our conversation. I saw Byunghun's car drift into the lott, the crowd screaming and cheering manically as he did a few loops to show off. U-Kwon's car stopped further back. He looked extremely angry...or more likely having a fit. I smirked. "Well at least Byunghun's good at something,"

A very pissed off looking B-Bomb strolled past Myungsoo, dropping the keys to the losing car in his hand. "Pleasure doing business," He said smoothly, tossing the keys in his hand. B-Bomb didn't even look at either of us.

"He's really not happy with you is he?" I whispered.

"Yeah I know but it's too much fun hacking him off," Myungsoo whispered back, leaning very close to me as he said it. I couldn't help but smile, even if my heart was racing. I prayed my cheeks weren't turning red.

"Hey, hey Myungsoo!" A woman's voice interrupted us. "Hey baby!" She cried, flinging her arms around him and kissing him straight on the lips. My eyes widened and nose wrinkled in disgust. She was tall, with a sparkly bikini top on, and the way she was leaning over, her skirt was riding up, revealing nothing more than a thong.

"Oh hey baby," Myungsoo finally said when she released his mouth. I stood up quickly, deciding to go and find Byunghun or Hyorin or Twinkie, not interested in being near her or him.

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I really like Sora's personality!