Dont Knock it till you've tried it.

Never Alone


Don't Knock it til you've Tried It

Changjo immediately dropped the wrench he was holding when I came into the garage.

He looked too happy for his own good, and Byung hunlooked entirely too amused.

I could feel every set of eyes on me. It was starting to get on my nerves.

"Yo!" Changjo hollered.

"Shut up , Jonghyun," Sean sighed.

"What? I can't even say hello?"

"You know, you remind me of my friend back in the states," I said to Changjo, whose eyes lit up.

I then proceeded to pinch his cheeks and put on a Mommy voice. "Your just so damn cuuuute,"

"Cute! Cute!" Changjo exclaimed when I let his cheeks go, Byunghun nearly on the floor with laughing.

I just shrugged, glancing around and seeing two Korean kids also in hysterics.

One of them was Hyorin, the girl who'd given me directions, and her English friend Jake.

"I like her, can we keep her Myungsoo?" He asked, looking up to the next floor, where the good looking guy was leaning on the railing,

watching what was going on with amused eyes. He caught my brown ones with a smirk.

"She's got fire, yeah, but what else does she got?"

Byunghun snorted. "If you mean can she drive cars, think again, she crashes everything, and that includes a bicycle,"

"Hey, that wasn't my fault and you know it!" I snapped.

"It was your fault, you were riding it!" He retorted.

"You nearly ran me down with that stupid car, I couldn't do anything other than crash it!"

"Whoa take it down a notch would ya? You're almost worse than HYorin and Jake!"

Changjo cut in, his cheeks still a little red from where I'd pinched them.

"Come on," Byunghun said.

I followed him up the stairs. He sat down on one of the couches and I had no other option than to plant myself next to him.

"So Sora, do you know anything about cars?"Myungsoo asked me, falling down next to me.

Byunghun snorted again and I smacked his shoulder.

"Sorry to disappoint but...I have no idea about cars,"

I confessed, slightly uneasy by the fact this guy was making my stomach do funny somersaults.

"That's too bad, then again, it might be fun to try and teach you,"

I mentally cringed. Putting me into the driving seat was a disaster waiting to happen.

I only just managed to scrape my licence .

And that was only because my driving instructor couldn't take giving me anymore lessons.

I think he had a breakdown.

"If you value your life Myungsoo, I wouldn't," Byunghun said.

"What makes you so cocky Byunghun? Last time you drove a car back home didn't you send it spinning?"

I asked in annoyance, ignoring Myungsoo's smirk.

He knew I was annoyed, he knew cars were my weak spot and I didn't like it.

I felt like this guy could read me like an open book, his eyes were so penetrating, they almost made my knees go weak.

"Ha! You ain't seen this boy drift have you?" Changjo asked as he bounded up the stairs.

I blinked at him in confusion. "Drift?"

"Omo! You look exactly like Byunghun did when he was gonna race D.K,"

"What's D.K stand for?"

"Donkey Kong," Byunghun grinned.

"You're not serious?" I said as I stared at him.

"No you idiot, it means drift King or Zico in a matter of fact,"

I rolled my eyes. "Drift King? Seriously?"

"Hey don't knock it til you've tried it baby," Myungsoo said smoothly. He was eating sweets again.

"You guys are crazy. Driving around like maniacs, one of these days you're gonna get really hurt," I pouted, folding my arms.

"You sound like my Mom or something,"  Changjo groaned.

I shrugged. "Well all racing is pointless in my opinion,"

"Why? What's wrong with it?" Byunghun asked me, his eyebrows furrowed. "I prove I'm a better racer,"

"No, you prove you have a better car."

"Yeah what's wrong with that?"

"There's no skill're just...driving,"

"There definitely isn't skill involved when that kids racing," Myungsoo joked next to me, ignoring Byunghun scowl.

I turned to him.

"Do you race?"

"No," He said simply. "I actually agree with you,"

I was slightly flabbergasted. Of all the people to agree with me, I never thought it would be him.

I assumed he was some badass of the road or something,

he did own a badass garage after all. He grinned at my dumbfounded expression.

"What? You thought I was like a D.K or something?"

I smiled. "Something like that,"

"You what Sora, you're coming to the races tonight, cuz I'm gonna show you why I race," Byunghun said determinedly.

"I'm surprised your Dad hasn't killed you and buried you in the back yard," I mumbled.

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I really like Sora's personality!