Play With Fire

Never Alone


Play With Fire

It was always Changjo who was the first to greet me when I showed up at the garage. The crew were lazily chilling in the sun on the dock around the back, with sofas pulled out and even a coffee table. Myungsoo had his legs up on the table as he read a magazine and drank a bottle of beer.

"Where have you been man?" Changjo asked as if he had hadn't seen me for a year. I smiled, holding up a couple of shopping bags.

"Retail therapy,"

"You buy anything nice eh?" Changjo suggested, waggling his eyebrows.

"Not anything you'll see honey," I looked around. "Where's Byunghun?"

"He's going crazy. Hasn't stopped practicing his driftin since we got out here," He said just as the car zoomed around the corner, before disappearing again. I sighed.

"You see what you've done?" I said to Myungsoo, pointing at the spot where the car was a moment ago. He just shrugged with a smirk, watching me as I sank down on the sofa.

"Yo Sora, you want a fizz?" Changjo asked me, I nodded and he tossed me a can. Instead of catching it gracefully, it flew straight past my hand, fizzing up and popping. Hyorin screamed as the spray hit her, jumping up and rushing away quickly.

"...sorry Hyorin," I said wearily. She glared at me, before grabbing a can. "! Hyorin no!" I yelled, throwing myself up of the couch. I wasn't quick enough. She shook up the drink and shot it straight at me.

"I can't believe you just did that!" I yelled, rushing over the hose pipe and sending a jet of water at her. She grabbed a bucket of water and threw it at me, narrowly missing.

"Ha!" I cried out, only to be soaked by Jake. "That's cheating, you double teamed me!" I protested, though I couldn't help but laugh.

" know who we should get," Changjo whispered, gesturing towards Myungsoo, who was pretending not to be interesting by our antics. I giggled. He looked up.

"You ing dare, Changjo, you ing dare,"

"Who said anything about Changjo doing it?" I said as he sprung up, placing my hand on my hip, the hose pipe in my other hand.

"Seriously, I'm not joking," He said as he stepped towards me, holding his hands up. Before I could even do anything else, he sprang at me, gripping me by the waist. I squealed as he twisted the hose from my hands.

"I wasn't really going to do it! I swear!" I cried out as he pointed it at me, still holding me, by back pressed against his chest.

"Oh really?" He said into my ear. I struggled in his grip but wasn't much use, he was quite a lot taller and stronger than me.

Byunghun appeared with the car and he screeched to a halt. "What the hell are y'all doin?" He looked extremely bemused.

"Byunghun, byunghun tell him!" I pleaded, Myungsoo's momentary distraction giving me a bit a leeway. However, he wasn't distracted for long and he gripped me again, practically spinning me off the ground. I squealed again, waiting for the water to hit me, but the sound of cars racing towards us put a halt to everything.

Myungsoo dropped the hose and me, just as B-Bomb and his gang got out of their cars and came towards us like lions stalking their prey. Zico suddenly came out of a car. My eyes widened, *He's scarier looking than i thought..* Myungsoo moved forwards, frowning, but quickly switching to a friendly smile.

"Hey D.K, grab a chair, we were about to roast some marshmallows," He tried to joke. Zico just shoved past him, a look of pure anger on his face.

"Hey man-" Changjo tried, but he got the same treatment. Zico made straight for Byunghun and all of a sudden, he was punching him in the face.

"Byunghun" I cried, launching myself to aid my cousin, when someone grabbed me from behind. It was Myungsoo. I knew it was no use to try and get out of his grip, so I watched as Zico, U-Kwon and B-bomb pummelled Byunghun to the ground.

"Stay away from her," He growled in a low, menacing voice. "Or the only thing you will be driving is a wheelchair,"

He stalked back past me and Myungsoo. "Find yourself a new driver," He warned, and then, just like that, he was gone, and all the fun that we'd just been having evaporated into nothing. Myungsoo released me. I ran straight over to Byunghun. He spat out some blood.

"I'm alright," he said to me as I knelt down, his face cut up and bloody.

"What did you expect? You didn't just play with fire, you soaked the matches in gasoline," Myungsoo said, as cool and calm as ever. I frowned, seething in anger. How could he think it was expectable to just go around punching people? What was so wrong with this Zico that he couldn't just leave everyone alone? Then again, Byunghun was the idiot. Going out with Zico's girlfriend? Bad mistake. Even I knew that.

"Come on. We need to clean you up," I said soothingly, letting him get back to his feet.

"You really know how to make life easier for yourself, don't you?" I asked Byunghun as I sat opposite him, cleaning the blood off his face.

"Yeah well maybe if the guy wasn't such a , he might be able to hold onto his girlfriend," He said bitterly, wincing as I hit a sore spot.

"Be that as it may, I really think this guy will kill you,"

"He will," Myungsoo climbed up the stairs. I cast him a dark look as he settled himself on the couch opposite. "What's wrong with you princess? It's not like he mashed up your face,"

"You just don't get it do you? You did nothing! You let him beat Byunghun up and the only thing you could do was hold me back,"

He looked at me like I had two heads. "What was I suppose to do sweetheart? If you'd intervened he would have probably hurt you as well, is that what you wanted?"

"You pick the strangest times to become a gentleman don't you? You let this guy walk all over you Myungsoo," I saw Byunghun flinch and he batted my hand away.

"Look if you're this mad then don't come near my face because that hurt!"

"Let him walk all over me?" Myungsoo growled. I'd never seen him look so riled up; his calm exterior had suddenly vanished. "You have no idea what you're talking about,"

I stood up, not in the mood to talk to him anymore.

"Where are you going?" He demanded, standing up as well.

"Away from here!" I yelled. "Home! At least there I don't run the risk of getting beaten to a bloody pulp!"

Changjo appeared in my vision, holding up my bags. "Hey baby I brought you your-"

I grabbed them quickly. "Thanks Changjo," I muttered, before storming out of the garage.

"What the hells going on?" I heard him ask in confusion.

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I really like Sora's personality!