Chapter 1

Never Alone


Better Buckle Up Baby

I remember the first time Myungsoo tried to make an impression on me.

I had been walking home from work, ipod in, barely noticing anything around me. The road was pretty deserted, the odd people walking by, when I heard the roar of a car engine.

A sleek Nissan Silvia came racing down the road. I stared in shock as it drifted to a halt, looping around so it was opposite me. I stared at the driver and found a pair of dark eyes staring back. I pulled my earphones out of my ears absentmindedly, wondering what he was going to do next.

The engine revved, sending smoke up into the air. He sped around me, a full circle, before stopping right next to me as the window rolled down. He was giving me those eyes, those dark, mystery eyes. The ones that cried 'come hither.' I noticed a few random people had stopped whatever they were doing and were watching in awe. I tried to bite back a smile but it didn't quite work.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.

"Trying to get you into my car," He said seductively.

I looked down the street, wondering how to get out of this. As much as I wanted to get into his car, I knew guys like this were trouble.

"And what if I say no?"

"Hey, lady, get in his car!" A random girl shouted from the street, the rest of her friends laughing. I looked into his amused eyes, his eyebrows raised in question.

With an exasperated sigh, I opened the car door and slid in, hearing the girls giving whoops. "Are you happy?"

He just sped off with a screech of tires. "Better buckle up baby,"

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I really like Sora's personality!