Lee Minwoo 2

Shinhwa One Shot

You stared at the kitchen.


What to make, you thought.


You tipped your head to the side when Minwoo walked in.


Chuckeling, he stood next to you and tipped his head. "What are you looking at?"


"The kitchen." You answered simply.


"Why the kitchen? You thinking about cooking?"


"Yeah problem is I don't know what to cook." You pondered.


"Good question." He looks at me. "Food?" He shrugs playfully.


"Ha. Ha." You said as you crossed your arms looking at him. 


"You sure you want to cook? Remember what happened last time." Minwoo said, but instantly regretted it.


"One mistake and no one lets me forget about it." You started to sulk.


Minwoo gave you a hug. "Aww jagiya I didn't mean it like that."


You shake head. "Just forget it." Shrugging out of his embrace you sit on the couch.


Minwoo walks over and sits in front of you.


You immediately cover your face. You didn't want to look at him. You knew if you did, you'd forgive him.  You knew he didn't mean it in a bad way. Just for once you wanted to feel like you could do something right. Every time you just felt like a failure.


You felt him pull you into him and didn't fight it. He kissed the top of your head, "Jagiya I was only teasing." You just nodded your head, not speaking. "You know I'd die without your cooking."


"You can because you can cook well." You whispered.


"But I like your cooking." He mumbled in your hair.


You moved a little to where he can see a little bit of your face. "Even if it's burnt?" 


Minwoo smiled. "Yes even if it's burnt because it gives me a burning inside my heart."


Your eyes connected with his sending both of you cracking up laughing. "You are so cheesy."


"But you love me for it." Minwoo grins.


Smiling, you nod. "True." You rested your head on his chest. "I love you, Minwoo."


He pulled you closer to him and kissed the top of your head. "I love you too."




A/N: I know it has been a long while. To be honest it has been a long year. The first year without my dad and it isn't easy. I've honestly have spent days where I want to write and get stuff done, but I find myself not doing anything. Feel like I'm in a horrible funk. Hopefully, I can get out of this funk and when I do I can hopefully write more and more. On a brighter note, I have one more semester of school left and it will be one class. I should graduate with my bachelors in Mathematics with a minor in Education in December. I will go for my masters and maybe even a doctorate, however there will be at least a semester break before I start that route. Anyhow, this is for orenjilipseu. I am sorry for the wait. I hope everyone likes it.




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Chapter 8: : my condolences on your loss. continue staying strong and stay safe.
on a second note, keep up with these AWESOME shorts, Author-nim! ?