Lee Minwoo 1 Part 2

Shinhwa One Shot

Days soon became months. After the first day I knew I made a mistake. My heart was lonely. It ached for my king of hearts. It ached for Lee Minwoo. 

I wanted so bad to run back into his arms that admittedly felt safe. My scared heart afraid of being rejected for causing him pain.

I deserve the pain. The solitude. For pushing him away. For being scared of someone who loved and cared about me. For fearing love.

SIghing, I sat down on a bench. My eyes wandering the park until it reached the sky. The beautiful blue sky. 

Such a nice day, but too nice for a sorrow heart. 

"A beautiful young lady like yourself shouldn't be so sad." An old man said as he sat down.

"She should be since its her fault." I replied.

"But who said it was her fault?" The old man questioned.

"Because." She paused and held back a cry. "I ran away from the one person I love."

The old man shook his head. "True love always finds a way dear. No matter whose at fault."

Looking at him I asked, "How do you know?"

He gave a soft smile. "Because it happened to me."

"Doesn't mean it will happen to me."

Smiling, the old man replied. "Judging by the look you are getting from a certain young man, I'd say it will happen to you."

"What if your wrong? What if. It's not what you think?"

He shook his head. "Young lady don't worry about what if. I bet that's what got you to run in the first place." He smiled. "Dear its about your heart. Who holds the key? Who holds the deck of cards of your heart?" He looked me in the eye and continued. "Does the young man coming over here have it?"

I snuck a peak out of the corner of my eye to find Minwoo walking this way. Our eyes connected. "Yes." I looked back at the old man. "Yes he does, but I'm afraid I've caused him to much pain."

"He wouldn't be coming this way if you had." The old man stood up and stared at Minwoo. "I'll leave this beautiful young lady to you." He then patted Minwoo's shoulder. "Take care of her. You only get one true love. Don't let her go."

"That's the plan. To not let her go. Not this time." Minwoo replied smiling.

"Good." The old man smiled back, then went on his way.

I stood up and whispered, "Minwoo." The man who took my heart. My king of hearts.

"*you're name*." Minwoo smiled. "You're not going to run are you?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

I shook my head. "No. I'm not gonna run anymore."

He inched closer to you. Your hands connecting, fingers entwining together. He pulled you close. His hand swept back your hair and touched your foreheads together. He then whispered, "Good."

Your lips soon touched for a split moment. But that's all you needed. To know this is what you wanted. What you needed. Your king of hearts, Lee Minwoo.

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Chapter 8: : my condolences on your loss. continue staying strong and stay safe.
on a second note, keep up with these AWESOME shorts, Author-nim! ?