Jung Pilgyu 1

Shinhwa One Shot

Jung Pilgyu growled in frustration as the comments came into is mind.

"I need a man Pilgyu, not a woman."

"If I wanted to date a woman Pilgyu I'd date a woman."

It made him angry always getting dumped because apparently he wasn't man enough.

"I am a man." He let out in frustration.

He failed to notice the woman he ran into while he was ranting until she replied. "As far as I can tell, yes you are a man."

"That's right." Pilgyu responded then stopped. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the beautiful woman in front of him. "Sor-rr-ry....I...Uh.." He stuttered.

The woman giggled. "It's okay." She smiled. "Bad day?"

He ran a hand through his hair." You can say that." He grumbled.

"Want to talk about it?" She suggested then continued. "Or do you think to be a man they don't talk about their feelings."

Pilgyu smiled. "I don't mind talking about it, but I don't want to bother you with it."

"It's fine." She then pulled him towards a coffee shop. "Come on. I know this awesome coffee shop we can sit and talk."

He nodded his head and amazingly enough they went to his favorite coffee shop. "Wow we have something in common."

"Really? What?"

"This is my favorite coffee shop." He said shyly. 

"Wow small world! That's awesome."

They got their coffee, which Pilgyu paid.

"You don't have to."

"Yes I do. You are about to hear a lot about me that I'm sure you don't want to know or hear, so yes this will be on me." He smiled.

She laughed a laugh that seemed like music to his ears. "Alright I'll give in."

After getting their coffee they at down at a booth near a window.

"So tell me what is bothering you." She asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well where to begin. Shall I start with seeing an ex with a more muscular looking manly man or having them laugh at me and telling me I am not a man. I am a girly man that has no idea how to treat a woman and make her happy especially in the bedroom department." Pilgyu gushed out, blushing at the last part. He started drinking his coffee out of embarrassment and anger.

"Wow." She took another sip. "Why do I get the feeling there's more?"

Setting his drink down he continued, "Because there is. I then ran into another ex who looked me up and down and laughed at me. Then a guy, another muscular manly man, looked me up and down and started laughing at me also. I asked why and they laughed more. She then revealed that I was still scrawny and couldn't protect anyone."

"You have seriously dated the wrong type of people."

"Yeah I know." He sighed in frustration.

"You know its okay to not be a muscular manly man. Right?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah I know."

"There are woman who prefer a guy like you over a muscular manly man." She pointed out. 

He scoffed. "Yeah who because I have no clue where'd they be."

"Right in front of you for one." 

He looked at her confused. "Huh?"

She giggled and pointed at herself. "Me. I for one would take you over a muscular manly man."

"Oh." Pilgyu blushed.

"I'm guessing it just took a day for you to run into one randomly on accident."

He smiles and nods his head, adding. "And one who is willing to listen to my complaining."

Smiling she replied, "See it works both ways though. You'll eventually have to hear me complain."

"Which I wouldn't mind that at all." 

"Good because now you'll owe me your ear, since i've leant you mine." She stuck her tongue out at Pilgyu, causing him to laugh and stick his tongue out in retaliation. 

As their laughter died down, Pilgyu looked at this beautiful woman in front of him and cleared his throat. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did, but go ahead." She teased.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" He asked nervously.

"Hmm I'll have to think about that." She said and watched as he nodded, looking sulky. "Yes."

He looked up at her. "Huh"

"Yes I will go out on a date with you."

"Really?" Pilgyu was shocked, he wasn't expecting her to say yes.

She laughed and nodded her head. "Really."

That night Pilgyu was nervous. You can do this Pilgyu! It's just a date. Breathe. 

The woman looked at Pilgyy. "Don't worry I'm nervous too."

Pilgyu blushed. "That noticable?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, but nothing to worry about."

Pilgyu cleared his throat and smiled. "Well shall we get going then?"

"Yes we shall." She smiled. 

Pilgyu took the woman to a restaurant he liked and knew they wouldn't be bothered by fans. 

Of course that doesn't mean they were in the clear of people bothering them.

A man walked up to the woman. "Well y lady why don't you ditch this sad excuse of a man and join a real man who can show you a good time. "

"I am with a real man, who is in fact showing me a good time. So the answer is no." The woman replied.

"He is no man. Come on I know you have better sense than that." The man scoffed. "He can't satisfy you like I can."

"I have great sense and I doubt you could satisfy me." 

The man went to grab her, but Pilgyu stopped him by grabbing his hand and pushing him aside.

"I believe the lady wants you to leave her alone." Pilgyu said calmly.

"I'm only saving her from you, who thinks he's a man." The man pushed Pilgyu aside and went to grab the woman again.

Pilgyu pushed the man away from her again. "I don't think you heard me, so I'll repeat it. Leave her alone."

The man chuckled. "What are you gonna do about it?" He pushed Pilgyu. "Huh what are you gonna do? You probably can't even fight."

"Looks can be decieving." Pilgyu glared.

The man smirked. "Rightttttttt. Sure it is." He then rolled his eyes. "I guess I'll have to take care of you first." He pulled his arm back and swung his fist at Pilgyu, aiming for his face. 

After taking the blow, Pilgyu laughed. "Thats all you got. Pathetic."

"Who you calling pathetic?" The man growled.

"You." Pilgyu said simply.

The man went to punch Pilgyu again, but this time Pilgyu dodged the punch. Pilgyu's fist then swiftly connected to the man's face with enough force to cause the man to stumble back.

The man looked at him in shock.

"What? Shocked?" Pilgyu smirked. "It's what you get for underestimating me. Now if you're done being an idiot." He then turned to the woman. "Shall we get out of here?"

The woman stood up and went to his side. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes lets go."

Pilgyu smiled and lead the way. Once they were far away, the two stopped. 

"You okay?" Pilgyu asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" The woman smiled.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."

She looked him in the eye. "Good." She then kissed him on the lips.

Pilgyu smiled shyly. "What was that for?"

"For protecting me. For being a man, Pilgyu. Only my man I hope." The woman replied.

Pilgyu grinned and pulled her into his arms. His face close to hers. "No worries. I'm all yours."

"Good." She whispered before kissing him again, which Pilgyu replied back making the kiss even sweeter.


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Chapter 8: : my condolences on your loss. continue staying strong and stay safe.
on a second note, keep up with these AWESOME shorts, Author-nim! ?