Chapter 9


Should he feel ridiculous for walking around begging for attention? Probably yes, but Hyukjae didn't seem to mind at all. After all, he was happy, happy as he had not felt in a long time. He had never ceased to be happy, just to clarify, but having added a love interest to his day-to-day life complemented him and burned his happiness in a different way.

His phone vibrated with a notification and he smiled to himself. It couldn't be called a 'beggar' if the other end corresponded, to some extent, his interest, right?

“Hi, Jae,” he read on the screen and his smile grew wider. Since a few days ago, Hyukjae didn't have to worry so much about being the first one to send a message, because Jongwoon had also started looking for him.

“Hellooo,” he wrote, by dragging the 'o' looking to sound animated, showing how nice he felt to be talking to him.

“Hey, do you think you can help me with some dancing?”

Hyukjae's smile widened to the point of resembling the Cheshire cat and he couldn't help but get excited. It was a motive for celebration that Jongwoon looked for his advice, considering him fit to help him with something important and what he had previously admitted, something that was not good.

“Of course!” He answered, of course he would take advantage of every moment that was presented to him, even if it was for talking about a boring school project all afternoon. “When?”

“Wednesday?” Jongwoon asked. “Or whenever you can, I really don't want to bother.”

“Wednesday is perfect,” he ignored the second message that had sounded more like an apology. “What do you need exactly?”

“Well...” he read the message waiting for a second to come, as the 'writing' had not disappeared from the screen. “They put a new choreography a bit complicated for me, of course it would not be for you at all, and the instructor asked me to pay special attention. I guess he knows how much it costs me and he needs it to go well. I wouldn't want to mess it up, do you think you could help me?”

“You know I will, hyung,” Hyukjae replied, thinking of how he would do to help him. “Tomorrow, at what time do you have class?”


Hyukjae remembered, after theatre class, he had a free class, which meant he could sneak into Jongwoon's class to at least get a look at the choreography.

“I'll be there."


Hyukjae ran off, almost stumbling on his own feet, in the direction of the classroom where he expected Jongwoon to be. Heechul, who was about to go out with him, didn't bother too much about this, he knew very well that Hyukjae had a new love interest and that this was called Jongwoon.

He stopped abruptly when the threshold of the door was close, braking as he put his hands to avoid crashing into the wall due to the acceleration that was carrying. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure and adjusting the backpack correctly on his shoulder. It was then when he noticed the look of some students of the class in him, clearly curious.

“What do you need, Mr. Lee?” He turned his head towards the voice that he could only recognised as the teacher's and smiled innocently.

“I'm here to see if you allow me to enter your class,” he requested without hesitation, apparently without a hint of grief.

“And why would I do that?” The instructor questioned.

“Because you know I will not cause problems,” he explained, moving uncomfortably, he had begun to feel the strength of eyes on him, but it was not the crowd that bothered him, but a specific gaze that, despite having overcome him, was still distinguishing to him perfectly. He then took the opportunity to reveal the real reason why he was there. “I came to see Jongwoon, to help him.”

He shot a quick glance at Donghae, who had opened his eyes slightly in disbelief at what he had heard, but remained impartial as he usually did. If there was something that characterized him, it was definitely his illegible expression.

“Oh, Mr. Kim,” the teacher spoke to Jongwoon this time. “Your tutor arrived.”

Jongwoon nodded shyly and approached slowly to Hyukjae as he had wanted to do since he saw him arrive to the room agitated.

“Hello,” he murmured timidly.

“Do not mess up, Hyukjae,” the teacher warned before turning and walking away.

“How could this piece of heaven do such a thing?” Kyuhyun mocked in the distance.

“Shut up, Cho,” Hyukjae replied in the same funny tone. “You're unpleasant.”

“Are you sure you don't have any class or something else to do?” Jongwoon asked worriedly.

“Completely,” he smiled at him. “Do not worry about that, I told you I would help you, right?”

The black haired nodded and Hyukjae hugged him lightly, barely putting his arm around his side, a gesture that Jongwoon responded with less hesitation than the first time.

“Come on!,” He cheered and applauded a couple of times excited, there couldn't be a more perfect occasion than that, help Jongwoon doing what he liked best in the world: dance. “Let's see what you have.”

He couldn't sneak into the choreography as he would have liked, but he could stay behind paying attention to the steps executed by the teacher and marking them very lightly to keep them in his memory, always adding a bit of his 'style', because if there was something that distinguish him, it was his ability to make every movement natural, making them seem as a part of himself.

From time to time he would glance at the students, discreetly analysing their abilities and seeing who did it best in his opinion. The latter could never reveal it to anyone, because despite not thinking about him in an even remotely loving way as before, for him, Donghae was the one who did it best and many knew it. They used to be part of those who excelled in this discipline, it was something they had in common.

“All right, take the rest of the class to practice,” the teacher said and immediately Jongwoon ran towards Hyukjae.

“I think you've already noticed that I'm not good,” he spoke with a hint of pain in his voice.

And Hyukjae had indeed noticed that it was difficult to him, nothing too serious, it seemed rather that Jongwoon was too systematic and closed in his movements, he didn't let them flow naturally and from there his problem was born.

“Come on, it's not that bad,” he tried to cheer him up, seeing the good side of things. “I think you torment yourself a lot and that prevents you from being free, you must let go more, be more spontaneous. That will make a difference.”

Jongwoon watched him cocking his head to the side, curious, giving himself the appearance of a lost puppy.

“Look,” he took him by the hand and pulled him a little to get away from the wall on which he was leaning. “Let's repeat the steps at the same time, don't think about anything else, if only in the sequence. But take everything out of your mind, focus only on enjoying as you do when you sing. Do you think you can do that?” Jongwoon nodded. “Perfect, then from the start. Five six seven eight...”

Hyukjae hummed the melody of the song as he began to execute the steps, Jongwoon imitated him, trying not to torment himself with coordination and just dancing. Little by little the younger stopped dancing, until he left Jongwoon doing it alone.

“Excellent,” he encouraged. “Tougher, more defined.”

Jongwoon made sure to follow all the comments that Hyukjae made, knowing that they would be recorded in his memory, which would facilitate his presentations in future classes. Hyukjae on the other hand admired. Just like that. He was so different from everything he had liked before that he had problems believing it. He found himself enjoying it, enjoying the essence of Jongwoon, more timid, more withdrawn, a little more clumsy, more systematic, less free, less abstract... so different from his own and yet so equal.


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396 streak #1
Chapter 9: I love this, I hope you will come back soon >___<
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 8: Those two, so self-depreciating - Hyukjae with his singing and Jongwoon with his love life.
I like this chapter and the careful treading they are doing getting to know eachother <3
Chapter 8: woah,they had a deep talk..i wish Jongwoon would open his comfort to Hyukjae,it will be easier to go further tho...
TaiShanNiangNiang #4
Chapter 4: So Hyukjae carries around Pink Floyd music in his knapsack? ;) I recognized "Wish You Were Here" right away.
Great job! I love Hyukjae's attraction to mysterious Jongwoon <3
Chapter 2: I'm so excited fo curious ^^