Chapter 5


Emotions swirled in his stomach at the compass of his movements, creating a burst of colour inside him, something that made it impossible to know exactly what he felt, he could only say that he felt amazing. He performed the steps thinking of nothing else, but only what he was doing at that moment, as if his mind blocked any other thought and refused to leave behind that state to which he was so addicted. His body manifested it accumulating a hardly noticeable fatigue in his extremities and issuing a light layer of sweat in his face, neck and torso, which were not completely due to physical activity, also to the nerves that he usually felt. But all this was what made him feel alive. And if he had to choose a sensation to describe what he felt whenever he saw Jongwoon, talked to him or just dared to get him into his mind, as brief as it was, he would choose that: his experience when dancing.

After a couple of weeks of exhaustive activities because of the approaching exam period, between classes, practices, social life, singing counseling and an endless dilemma in his mind that he could not forget for more than half a morning, and only if he had the fortune of not crossing paths with the black haired man, because that only dragged back into the labyrinth of thoughts that he himself had built gradually during the last days.

But finally he could come to a conclusion: he wanted to meet that precious human being. As strange, sudden and daring as it seemed. He liked what he felt involuntarily, he liked that, as in the dance, he could feel alive; because he had already spent too much time without really something interesting going on in his life, without feeling anything for anyone, without doing anything extraordinary, as if he had been lifeless for years.

"Stop it, Wookie," the blond asked laughing. Ryeowook had been too clingy that day with everyone, especially with Kyuhyun, but now it was Hyukjae's turn and it didn't bother him at all, it was just that Ryeowook had spent too much time already messing with his cheeks without letting him eat the package of cookies he had bought. Ryeowook made an adorable pout pulling his hands away and Hyukjae could not help but hug him by putting an arm around his shoulders.

“Ugh,” he heard Heechul say.

“What's wrong?” Inquired Hyukjae.

“Don't ask,” suggested Leeteuk shaking his head.

“And don't turn around,” Kyuhyun followed, opening his arms for Ryeowook to reach out to hug him. Everyone was sure that they both had something but they would never admit it.

Hyukjae pushed the thoughts about his friends and turned his head to look over his shoulder at a couple kissing not far away. He turned his head to the front immediately wrinkling his nose in disgust.

“Come,” Heechul approached dangerously. “Let's show them how to do it,” and without warning he brought his face close to his, making Hyukjae throw his head backwards to keep his lips from crashing.

“What are you doing!” He exclaimed laughing as Siwon laughed and the others put on a surprised expression, although in truth it didn't surprise them so much being Heechul, after all, he and Leeteuk had gone through situations like this more times than everyone would like to admit. “That is with Teukie hyung, not with me.”

“It was for you to teach that bastard what he is loosing.”

Hyukjae shrugged with a grimace.

That couple had not been anybody, Hyukjae knew it but did not want to give it too much importance.

Inevitably his thoughts flew to that scene, something he had been yearning for many years and that could never come true and how he had given up a few months ago and he was sure he had forgotten a couple of weeks ago... or so he wanted to believe.

They were Donghae and Dara.

His stomach stirred at the thought.

Donghae had been his best friend during his freshman year in high school, before he had to move and leave school and their friendship for two years and not only that, but the feelings he had developed for his best friend and-

He stopped his thoughts abruptly, not wanting to think about that matter right there.

Then Jongwoon passed by, immersed in his own world at the end of the corridor and Hyukjae forgot all that bothered him seconds before.

Maybe he had gotten over it after all.


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404 streak #1
Chapter 9: I love this, I hope you will come back soon >___<
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 8: Those two, so self-depreciating - Hyukjae with his singing and Jongwoon with his love life.
I like this chapter and the careful treading they are doing getting to know eachother <3
Chapter 8: woah,they had a deep talk..i wish Jongwoon would open his comfort to Hyukjae,it will be easier to go further tho...
TaiShanNiangNiang #4
Chapter 4: So Hyukjae carries around Pink Floyd music in his knapsack? ;) I recognized "Wish You Were Here" right away.
Great job! I love Hyukjae's attraction to mysterious Jongwoon <3
Chapter 2: I'm so excited fo curious ^^