Chapter 1


He had always hated that the classrooms had so many windows and so big, as if they were designed so that everyone could see them, like cages in a zoo or a fish tank, anyone who walked by could see them and that could sometimes become tedious. However, that day, Hyukjae was grateful in a way that those windows were there.

The activity of the class was to do a little research and a report on the history of music, something that did not thrill Hyukjae so much, it was true that he was not bad at music, but it was not something that moved him too much, dancing was his thing.

When Siwon finished using a book, he approached to read whatever was written on the pages pretending to be interested, the truth was he had not been paying attention to what they were doing, he was just writing down everything his teammates told him. He put aside the book then, leaned his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand, bored, only analysing the corridors through the windows. There was nothing unusual in the front office, the secretaries working continuously and the directors in their bored cubicles as usual. In the hall there was only an occasional student or teacher. Nothing out of the ordinary, indeed. But then something caught his attention. A boy, who was sure to have seen somewhere in the big school before but never for more than two seconds. This time it was different, because he looked at him and examined him, he did not know why that stranger caught his attention more than any other person had done in recent years, he perceived a strange personality in that man, not a mean one of course, but withdrawn and that was so damn attractive that he could not let it go. He hugged a girl by the shoulders with a muffled smile, while the latter remained impartial before the gesture and spoke with a third person. If she was his girlfriend, she definitely did not treat him with affection and he did not feel comfortable, that's for sure.

“Hyukjae!” He heard that Heechul yelled at him.

“What?” He replied with a frown.

“Pay attentiooon,” he said laughing. “You can fantasize about whoever you've been looking at through the window later, for now write down.”

Hyukjae nodded, forgetting the person who he had been looking at through that window and returning to the note that lay on the desk in front of him.

“I don't think we're going to finish," he said once he had finished copying a phrase from the book he had previously seen as if it was the most exciting thing in the world. “Send me the information and I'll bring it for tomorrow.”

“We have to do everything we can-” Siwon said before being interrupted by the bell.

“Send me the information,” Hyukjae repeated, mocking.

Siwon rolled his eyes but smiled, starting to store his things like Hyukjae and Heechul. The latter ran out of the room, his friends did not even bother to know why, surely there was someone outside waiting for him, being Heechul, half school expected to see him, everyone loved him.

“Where will you go?” Siwon asked.

“Home, today I will walk,” Hyukjae replied.

“Will not you stay for some other activity?”

“Not today,” he shrugged and patted his friend on the shoulder. “Good luck with the project.”

Just like that he retired and walked to the exit, many students were already there ready to go and rest. He stopped momentarily, quickly scanning the surroundings in search of the boy he had seen through the window. But he didn't see him. A little disappointed, he turned around and started the walk back to his house.

After twenty minutes of walking eternal streets, he finally arrived at his house ready to go directly to his room and sleep.

“Just in time,” he heard his mother say as he closed the door. “The food is ready.”

“Do not give me so much, I'm not very hungry today, mom.” He dropped the backpack in an armchair and approached the bar where he used to eat.

“Tired?” His mom asked leaving the kimchi dish in front of him.

“Enough,” he confessed as he ate his first bite. “It was a very long and tired dance session today.”

“But it's what you like.”

“That I like it does not mean I do not get tired, mom,” he quickly ate more than half of the portion served. “I must find someone to be my singing tutor, I know I'm not the best.”

“Did they tell you that you need a tutor?”

“Not really. The teacher just says that a couple of extra classes would be enough, but I know I need it and that way I would feel much more comfortable.”

“Well, if it's what you want, you'll surely find one very soon, there are many guys who sing very well.”

“Tomorrow I'll start asking,” he gave the last spoonful of food and handed the plate to his mother. “Thank you, it was very delicious.”

He got up again taking the backpack he had left in the living room and ran up the stairs. He had some things to practice actually, his vocal range mainly, but he didn't want to do it until he found someone who could help him. The problem was that he didn't know who to ask for help, surely there were many guys in his generation who sang great, but he did not know who these people were, he would have to ask his teacher the next class.

And so he did. A couple of days later, in his next singing lesson, at the end of the class, he approached his teacher when all the other students had already left the classroom.

“Uhm... Professor,” he spoke. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“Ask, then.”

“Who are your best students?”

“Why do you ask that?” The professor stopped ordering his things to look at him.

“I would like to ask someone to be my tutor, you know that this is not as easy for me as dancing.”

“I don't think it's necessary, Hyukjae,” he frowned and the aforementioned man shifted, trying to explain his reasons. “You just need more practice.”

“It's just that, that way I would feel much more confident.”

“Why don't you ask Solji for help?”

Solji was the best of his class, he knew it, she had an angelic voice and the ability to reach the highest notes without failing, but he didn't want it to be her, even though they got along very well, he would feel uncomfortable.

“I would like it to be someone with whom I do not get along so well, so they will not feel obligated to tell me that everything is going well even if something goes wrong. Will there be anyone else in any other class?” Hyukjae insisted, smiling forcefully.

“Mmm, well,” the professor began, “there are a couple of students who are great. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook.”

Hyukjae twisted his mouth, he knew them both, they were very close friends of Siwon and also his, although not as close as Siwon.

“Very well, I'll ask.”

He was about to leave the desk to leave the room when the teacher stopped him.

“Oh, there's someone else,” he said. “He's new, he entered this year, his name is Jongwoon.”

Hyukjae nodded and thanked before leaving.


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389 streak #1
Chapter 9: I love this, I hope you will come back soon >___<
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 8: Those two, so self-depreciating - Hyukjae with his singing and Jongwoon with his love life.
I like this chapter and the careful treading they are doing getting to know eachother <3
Chapter 8: woah,they had a deep talk..i wish Jongwoon would open his comfort to Hyukjae,it will be easier to go further tho...
TaiShanNiangNiang #4
Chapter 4: So Hyukjae carries around Pink Floyd music in his knapsack? ;) I recognized "Wish You Were Here" right away.
Great job! I love Hyukjae's attraction to mysterious Jongwoon <3
Chapter 2: I'm so excited fo curious ^^