Chapter 7


It seemed strange to him, how until a few months ago he was tormented by thoughts that probably never made sense and that had only caused him to lock in on himself, absent from the world and only immersed in the known: the school, his family and his friends.

There were times when the mere fact of hearing his name made him feel bad or a little depressed, depending on his mood of the day, but something sure was that thinking about him for a long time did him absolutely no good.

He used to reprimand himself repeatedly, trying to convince himself that he was not good for him, that he had never really appreciated him and that everything he came to feel was just a product of his imagination, hyperactive and witty. But there were times when he could not make himself believe it, because just when Hyukjae began to mentalise, he returned with actions that seemed to say the opposite.

It happened at least six times, that they stopped talking, never because of Hyukjae's fault or decision, and that after a few days or weeks, they started talking again for reasons unknown to both of them, or maybe perfectly knwon by both but that they refused to reveal.

This last time, however, it had all been Hyukjae's decision. He was tired of being a second choice, of just waiting until Donghae decided to talk to him, or until he got bored of talking to someone else, or needed something he knew only Hyukjae could give him. The first few times he seemed not to care too much, because the happiness that caused him that the one who was once his best friend, spoke to him, overshadowed everything else. It was until that third time, that he began to doubt whether they really had a future or a minimum chance. The next couple of times he was much less excited, but he still allowed him to approach as always, with sweetened words and empty promises. It was not until the next school term began that he really convinced himself to leave it behind. And he thanked God for having done it just when he did, because a few days later he noticed the existence of Jongwoon, that human being, so perfect before his eyes. And then he could not help but thank Donghae for rejecting him, because if he had not, he would not have met Jongwoon.

“Do not forget to send your part of the project,” Kyuhyun said in a firm voice and Hyukjae turned around looking for the person he was addressing.

“Do you doubt me?” That was undoubtedly Donghae's voice and Hyukjae rolled his eyes.

“Well...” Kyuhyun whispered making a disgusted face, clearly answering his question.

It was no secret that Ryeowook and Kyuhyun talked to Donghae, not because they liked the idea, but because they went to the same class and it was inevitable to exchange words. Hyukjae had nothing against that, as long as Donghae didn't come too close looking to talk to them; his friends respected their situation too much, preventing contact between them two.

“Don't listen to him,” whispered Siwon, patting him on the back.

“I got over it,” he whispered back and Siwon shot him a look that he could interpret as a 'tell me' after so many years of being friends. Hyukjae took him by the hand and quietly pulled him away from the people to start walking alone. “I'm interested in someone else.”

“Well, that's what I already realised,” Siwon replied. “Your attitude changes noticeably when you're interested in someone.”

“Yeah... Well,” he whispered. “I like Jongwoon.”

“What?” His best friend exclaimed.

“What you heard, shut uuup,” he asked panicking by dragging the 'u', fearing someone would listen.

“How? Why? How did-” he was interrupted when Hyukjae put a hand in his mouth.

“Calm down.” He asked. “I only saw him and he caught my attention, that's why I asked for help in singing.”

“And have you told him already?”

“Of course not, it's not been that much since we started talking, but I certainly begin to know him better and I'm sure I like him.”

“Does anyone else know?” Hyukjae denied frantically. “Wow, what an honor.” Siwon smiled.

“Do not say anything to anyone,” the elder pleaded. “I want everything to go well this time and that never happens when people know. Everything gets spoiled.”

“It's okay," Siwon raised his hands as if surrendering. “I will not say anything. But you know you could ask Ryeowook for help or something, right? I think I've seen them talking a lot.”

“Of course they do, they are in the same class,” he replied and suddenly went blank. If Jongwoon attended the same class as his younger friends, it meant that he attended the same as Donghae. “With Donghae...” he whispered to himself.

“Oh,” Siwon whispered in response.

“I hope no one says anything so Jongwoon doesn't hear about him. That class is in itself, already quite complicated.”

“The living room of all your ex's,” Siwon laughed, receiving a blow from Hyukjae.

“Shut up, it's not true,” he frowned, though he was right, apart from Donghae, there were a couple of people there who had liked him in past years. “I hope nobody says anything.”

“You could ask Ryeowook,” Siwon shrugged.

“Are you crazy?” He questioned. The first year of university Ryeowook also liked him, nothing serious, he never said anything and Hyukjae pretended not to ever know, although due to gossip and partners who like to bother, he had found out. Now he was grateful that Kyuhyun had arrived a semester later to make Ryeowook forget about him. It was true that Hyukjae never wanted to hurt him, quite the contrary and despite that, he always treated him with all the affection of the world as a friend and now Ryeowook had forgotten about him and was happy liking Kyuhyun, something that he had not admitted but that everyone knew.

“It was just a suggestion.”

Hyukjae shook his head in disapproval at the suggestion and turned his head to find Jongwoon walking towards his locker.

“Hey,” he called Siwon, tapping him lightly on the arm to get his attention. “I'm leaving, do not forget to say absolutely NOTHING about what I told you.”

Siwon made a military sign and watched him walk away from him to get to where the raven haired was.

“Hi Jae,” Jongwoon greeted with a smile.

“Hi hyung,” he replied clearly happy.

“What are you doing here?”

“I just came to say hello, I like to talk to you,” he confessed directly and Jongwoon stirred.

“Uhm, thanks,” he murmured. “I also like talking to you.”

“Do you have any class?”

“No, my period is over for today.”


“Mine too, would you like to hang out with me?”

Jongwoon didn't respond with words but with a slight nod, and Hyukjae understood that he was saying 'yes' gladly.

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389 streak #1
Chapter 9: I love this, I hope you will come back soon >___<
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 8: Those two, so self-depreciating - Hyukjae with his singing and Jongwoon with his love life.
I like this chapter and the careful treading they are doing getting to know eachother <3
Chapter 8: woah,they had a deep talk..i wish Jongwoon would open his comfort to Hyukjae,it will be easier to go further tho...
TaiShanNiangNiang #4
Chapter 4: So Hyukjae carries around Pink Floyd music in his knapsack? ;) I recognized "Wish You Were Here" right away.
Great job! I love Hyukjae's attraction to mysterious Jongwoon <3
Chapter 2: I'm so excited fo curious ^^