Just interest, not love at first sight

No matter what

"Donghyuk, Yunhyeong likes you! What are going to do?" Asked a curious Jinani.

"I definitely won't go after him. I mean i like him, I guess... But if he's interested he should come and talk to me" Dongi complained.

"Don't play hard to get Dongdong, you're a foxy, I can tell"

"Koo Junhoe! Stop being so rude when I'm around" claimed Jinani.

"Sorry, baby. I was carried away..." Stated June.

"Anyways, I'm not the one whose name reads as the big H word in English" Donghyuk said it proudly to roast back to June. Jinani secretly laughed.

June was about to slap Dong on the back of his head when someone approached.

"Are you upsetting my little friend, Koo Junhoe?!" It was Song Yunhyeong.

"Hey, Song, I'm here. Just show some respect" complained Jinani.

"My bad, Hyung. How have you been?" Replied Yoyo more politely.

"Hmmm we're leaving, June and I. Please take care of our precious Donghyuk ok?" Said Jinwhan with a smirk on his face. Then took his boyfriend by the arm and both vanished quietly.

"Hi..." Said Dong shyly.

"Hi, gorgeous. Let's have lunch together, shall we?" Suggested Yunhyeong , he wouldn't take a no for an answer.

"Ok, but really quick 'cause I gotta go to study for a test".

"I can help you". Yoyo sounded so fond of himself but in a cute way.



"Hyung, I'm wondering. Hmm are you flirting with me these days?"

You stupid just noticed? These days? Uh! For a year, you moron. "I don't know, maybe." Replied Hanbin avoiding Bobby's sight while his thoughts were a mess.

"Let's date. We've got nothing to lose. We're already losers" chuckled Bobby as fool as he could be.

"Well thanks, that's the romantic atmosphere I expected when you'd finally ask me on a date. Whatever, let's date. I mean, I like you so much". So Hanbin was not disappointed because he knew Jiwon so well and this kind of dumbness what's the lovable part of him. He was happy and excited but trying to keep it quiet.


Hanbin was so self-absorbed in his thoughts when he felt something really soft and smooth on his lips. Jiwon was kissing him.



A few months later...


"Yoyo, I mean, Yunhyeong. We cannot date. Why did you kiss me? I don't feel ready!" A distressed Donghyuk expressed his feelings trying not to offend Song.

"I like you and I liked kissing you but I can wait if you need it" Yoyo, looking to the ground, said in sad tone, but Donghyuk felt something in his word was not sincere.


From a distance, Bobby was interested in the scene, while he was monitoring the line to access the rollercoaster.


"Look, Hanbin. That guy's being dumped, so funny, the others disgrace" and Jiwon giggled showing his bucket teeth such as a bunny.

"You're so mean, I love you" giggled Hanbin as well but not paying attention to the scene, only to his handsome boyfriend.


"I gotta go, Yunhyeong . I'm sorry" Donghyuk left Yoyo alone with his thoughts and feelings and walk towards Bobby's direction. He noticed this and got interested in Dong, due to the situation only; we might not say it was love at first sight or was it?

"You seem you're lost. I work here. May I help you?" Offered Jiwon quickly.


Donghyuk stretched his hand slightly and grabbed Jiwon tagged.


"Ji-won, thanks but I'm not lost just confused..." Replied a speechless Dongdong.

"Sorry, bro. I saw everything. From my perspective, he shouldn't have stolen that kiss. You were definitely not expecting it, maybe not even wanted it." claimed Bobby.

"How would you know, you nosy a*se?" Replied Donghyuk in a cutie upset way.

"I can see through your eyes... Everyone eyes actually." Showed off Jiwon.

"Really! What am I thinking right now?" Asked Dong sarcastically and skeptical.

"That I'm stupid and I might be flirting with you. But you're wrong. D'u see that guy over there? He's my boyfriend. So no, I'm not flirting but I'm interested in you because something is telling me we're likely to get along well."


Donghyuk was staring at Bobby so thoroughly and expecting for something, he didn't know what but something.


Jiwon continued. "Listen, I'll give you some free passes but don't tell anyone around here. Promise me you'll come back and catch up and know eachother better".


Donghyuk was reluctant but hey! free passes for the best amusement park, nobody can refuse that. Besides, the park is so big and it would be difficult to come across Jiwon again, and he's here for work so.


"Ok, I'll take them and come back later, I hope. Anyways, we'll never f**k" Smirked Donghyuk probably getting excited about the idea.

"Ha! You wish. You're not that hot" laughed Bobby and left the scene just after Donghyuk took the passes.


You're such a dumb, of course he's hot but, nevermind now you're dating Hanbin and you were the one who asked and he's a good guy and. Wait! What am i trying to convince myself about Hanbin, he's my boy now. That's it. 


Bobby went back to business with so many crazy thoughts in his head. He probably liked that guy but it doesn't matter because he's with someone cute and lovely and apart from that he didn't even ask for his name and as if the gorgeous blond would come back to see him again, yeah right.


F**k it.  he thougt.




"Who was that?" Asked Yun in rude manners while he was approaching Dong from behind.

"Are you following me?! Please don't!" Donghyuk sounded more worried and scared than angry.

"Ok, ok. But I'm way more handsome than him" declared a prig Yunhyeong.

"Just be quiet Song Yunhyeong ". And Donghyuk run fast to the exit as though he was being hunted.


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It's a short story guys. Very fluffy, a little bit of angst. Some love triangles. Misunderstandings and obviously love. I hope you like it


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soulchild #1
Chapter 9: This is so cute, thank you for writing bobdong !! :>