IV. Because I'm Naughty, Naughty

One-Shot Challenge ft. MyungYeol [hiatus]

Prompt #4: Detention
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Semi-Humor
Warnings: Implied



[High School AU/Sungyeol's point of view]

"Detention, Lee Sungyeol! You've had gone far enough!"

The shriek of one Mrs. Kim, my homeroom teacher, rang throughout the hallway and into my ear like a frantic banshee. Physically, I appeared unfazed, but mentally, I was huddling in the back of my mind and cringing. The old hag had a louder voice than I had anticipated. And for what? For pulling all the tables and chairs together at the end of the room? Or for pulling the classic, 'eraser on the top of the doorway and watch it fall on the victim'- namely her?

I think it was both.

But what was the problem? The white chalk dust had improved her damaged chocolate brown frizz immensely. Her face was also pretty dry so it was good that the chalk got that too!

She closely resembled a ghost now. Amazing.

I deserved a standing ovation, not a long boring lecture.

And if only she didn't caught me when I was sneaking my way out, she wouldn't have known it was me. Was my skills lagging? I need to practice more in the near future. As I thought this, Mrs. Kim continued to scream into my ear.

"You will return to this classroom to fix this mess as well as room 107 to continue further punishment. You'd better attend or else I will extend this detention by another week!"

Wow. It was surprising no one came out from the classrooms to take a peek at me. Then again, they were probably used to this. It wasn't the first time I had caused trouble for teachers.

"Do you understand me, Lee Sungyeol?"

I immediately jerked out of my thoughts, blinking up innocently to her scowling face, and eventually shrugging in response. "Sure, sure."

"Don't you dare use that tone with me, young man!"

I don't really care, old hag. Cause you'll bound to create more wrinkles and white hair if you continue on with this. So as long as it's not me, I have no qualms about you and your physical appearance. So can I leave now?

Ah, maybe I should try and feign etiquettes. One must need to use it on a dire situation- especially in this case.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim. May I please take my leave?" I replied monotonously, my face, however, a picture perfect of a sweet angel. Said teacher, who seemed unfazed by my antics, took a long moment to give me one final stern glare before waving me off and leaving the premise, most likely to clean up and save herself from further embarrassment. Pity.

As soon as she vanished from sight, I stretched my arms up with a soft satisfied groan. What an unfortunate fate befallen on me...no, I'm just kidding. This was exactly what I wanted at the moment. The detention, I mean. Because, to tell the truth, I'm rather liked by the teacher who usually oversee the detention.

Don't believe me? You'll see it soon enough.


"Didn't I tell you not to show your face in this room at this hour ever again?"

A teasing grin stretched wide across my lips when a familiar face gave a mild scowl toward my direction as I entered through the door. The teacher- one that went by the name of Mr. Kim- was seated behind his desk, one hand propped beneath his chin and a sleek black-inked pen gripped in the other. Aside from the two of us, there wasn't anyone else residing in the room.

"Your mom caught me." was the simplest response I could offer.

The other raised up an eyebrow at him. Then, an inaudible sigh left his lips.

"So she told me."

Yes, the mother and son- both teachers in this school. Despite that, the mother and son tended to stay away from each other, opting to be accompanied by other teachers (the mother) and staying within the premise of their classroom (the son).

But let me say this: the son was an attractive man and quite young to boot, being a graduate from a well-known university not too long ago. Maybe the mother was looking for suitors within this school for him. Such a shame for her that her son was actually bent.

By me, of course.

"Seriously, Yeol, couldn't you stay away from trouble for once?" he continued on. As he spoke, I shut the door behind me and strode deeper into the room, stopping short as soon as my left upper thigh touched the edge of his desk. His eyes darted up, unfazed.

"And why would you need to tell me this every time you see me?" I inquired with a sweet voice, precariously dropping my bag to the floor and pushing myself over to sit on his desk. "You already know my reason, don't you? Myung.soo.yah."

The other quirked up his eyebrow once more, this time in mirth. This was the only time he'd allow me to speak his first name without restriction and I savored every moment of it because when there were students and teachers around- especially Myungsoo's mother, we could only go on as teacher and student. Nothing more. Swiveling his chair just a little toward my direction, he took hold of my wrist and lead me to his lap before wrapping his arms loosely around my waist to secure me. "You're enjoying yourself too much."

"Am I?"

"Very much so."

I tilted my head back, barely catching a glimpse of him through the corner of my eye. "So what are you going to do about it? Punish me?"

Suddenly, there was a smirk- one that I loved seeing because it held unspoken promises that I expect him to keep. "You know, that's not a bad idea. You are in detention for a reason." A soft chuckle left my lips when long fingers hovered momentarily over the buttons of my wrinkled white shirt before they began to pop them open one by one in a languid pace.

When he finished with it, he pulled one side of my shirt over my shoulder, revealing the pale skin beneath it. Upon noticing the hinted lust held within Myungsoo's eyes, I went and by raising my shoulder up with an inviting smile. Ah, Myungsoo and his shameless for my shoulders. I knew how much he loved them.

I watched as his eyes darkened and before I could react, warms lips attached to my shoulder, soon followed by sharp nips of teeth and a soothing glide of tongue. I let out a soft gasp when his hands pulled me closer to his body, ripping away my shirt in the process as I was doing to his. Moments later, his lips pressed against my own into a deep, passionate kiss.

"I'm going to make sure you won't be able to walk for at least a week."

"Hmm, I bet you're not going to make much damage like the last time."

A low chuckle came from Myungsoo and I soon found myself lying on his desk with him hovering over like a hungry predator. I gulped in fear and anticipation. Maybe it was a bad thing to say.

"The bet is on then."



A/N: I might make a sequel to this in the future 8|

mitsuchan: I agree. Myungsoo needs a change of pace, I think xD Thanks for reading and commenting <3
PeachCherryProposal: Is that a bad thing? ^^; Thanks for reading and commenting~
DMace9: Thank you :3 Happy you think so!
I'm actually working on Seven Sins at the moment :3 Acacia, on the other hand,...well, I'll find some way to get my motivation back on it >_<

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 2: Sequel pleaseee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 4: Wow so hot here
I share the sentiments of the person below me :)
lahdeedah000 #4
I don't care if this is on hiatus and hasn't been updated in like a year. I'm still subscribing. :P
Sneak into detention? Doesn't sound too bad xD

Aww..the part where the two of them thought abouts their past and Sungyeol told him he was hurt is my fav. So sad but the ending was sweet.
I think it's cute that Myungsoo didn't give up on Sungyeol and kept tabs on him through all these years.
asdfghjkl love-hate relationship was one of my bestest prompts. ;w; <3
my heart aches </3
it must be hard for both of them, but the ending is..too sweet <3
Teacher-student relationship is hot. Lol
Didn't expect Sungyeol's teacher to be Myungsoo's mom though xD
Sungyeol is such a troublemaker, but if Myungsoo was the person overseeing detention, I wouldn't mind being stuck with detention either. =P
Omg, sequel, sequel!!! I would totally love it xD

Yay for Seven Sins! And I'll be waiting for Acacia =D
sequel sequel sequel *y*
it kinda interesting imagine myungsoo being teacher and sungyeol being troublemaker and the best thing they are a couple xD <333