I. Contrast

One-Shot Challenge ft. MyungYeol [hiatus]

Prompt #1: Pink and Black
Rated: PG
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None



[AU/Myungsoo's point of view]


Ever since the day I met someone by the name of Lee Sungyeol, I never thought my life would make such a drastic turn.


You see, thoughout my whole life, I was living as Kim Myungsoo, the only child to a strict man whose sole purpose was to train his son to the "right" direction to politics and business; and a beautiful, petite woman who could care less about what her husband was doing due to the fact that she took more interest in her several muses rather than her family. And as Kim Myungsoo, I had to undergo vigorous study private session along with my own schooling in a high class private school- never a public school, no. My father thinks that those who taught in public school were too laidback, too incompetent along with those who couldn't earn enough much to partake into higher education.


However, despite everything he told me, I learned not to care for it. In fact, I don't care for anything and everything that's going on with my life. I simply learned to accept things the way they are. It made things easier for me, needless to say.


And so, how does this relate to one Lee Sungyeol? Let me tell you:


The two of us...we've first met in our Chemistry class. He was the transferred student fresh off from another city and I was sitting in the back of the class, not really caring who he was. We didn't really meet immediately because he went and took a seat near the front of the room. And let me just say, only those who really want to learn sits in the front. I'm not one of them, as you can see.


The first time we've truly met was during lunch hours.


Sungjong, a long time friend of mine, introduced him to me with a bright smile and a nudge to the arm and for some reason, my conscience cringed. Up close, I could feel that Sungyeol was going to be one cheerful, bubbly, and annoyingly bright person. He was tall, with porcelain white skin, dark auburn red hair, large eyes, and chubby cheeks. Cute, I reluctantly admitted to myself; however, the objects he had adorned with his uniform forced me to take in the overall image of him. They were in bright pink- the bracelets around his wrists, the tear-drop pendant lying over his collared shirt, the various clip ons on his bag...they were all pink.


And that brought him...a very girly image. Not any more than Sungjong, but close enough.


Sungjong and Sungyeol seemed to be getting along well, with me sitting on the side and continuing on with my meal. During the time, all I did was listen to the conversation between the two. Sungjong knew I wasn't one to join in and so, he helped out by inquiring about Sungyeol's life as well as providing some information about the two of us. And within the next few minutes, I was intrigued. Because there were a few things that caught my interest about Lee Sungyeol.


He was a scholarship student, for starters. He drank coffee on a daily basis. He was older than me- something that caught me by surprise. I thought for sure that he'd be younger. And the last bit I caught was the fact that he had a younger brother, who I heard was apparently the genius of the family and an aspiring doctor.


Would you also like to know something as I pretended to eat? The entire time, I could feel his eyes lingering onto me. Course, it wasn't anything to be bothered with because people stared at me all the time. It was only the fact I knew it was Sungyeol who was watching me that I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable. Much to my relief, lunch had ended and we all returned to our respected classrooms.


And yeah, that was the day he came into my life.




Days, weeks, months passed by.


The bond between the three of us grew thicker, stronger, and more vivid than anything I've ever seen in my life. Sungjong was still the school's brand diva, Sungyeol built up his reputation as the choding of the lot (and you know what? I was right about him being a cheerful, bubbly person), and me...well, there was nothing particularly new, aside one key aspect.


I didn't know when it happened but I found myself enraptured by said choding. My heart swayed in a way that I never knew possible. Could I...really be in love?


One day, as soon as the day ended, Sungyeol came up to me as I was preparing to leave. "Hey, do you want to hang out?"


I didn't know when I said 'yes' but apparently, I did because we were both seated face to face in a cafe with an air of tension surrounding us like a thick fog. My eyes lingered onto Sungyeol who was more focused on his cup of Americano than anything else. It was odd in a way- the two of us never hung out without the appearance of Sungjong and what was more surprising was the fact that he asked me to accompany him into this quaint looking cafe. During the time, there was nothing but silence between us, save for muted chatters of the customers nearby. I didn't know what to do, until Sungyeol spoke up, strangely hesitant and shy.


"So...I've heard your birthday's tomorrow."


Was it? I shrugged my shoulders. "Guess so. What about it?"


He eyed me for a second before gazing away, his elbows propping against the surface of the dark table and his fingers tapping lightly against the cup. It was easy to tell he was nervous- a new kind of emotion that I had never seen on him. A moment later, "I want to give you an early gift. Would you accept it?"


I was suddenly taken aback. Not even Sungjong gave me a gift for my birthday (because I didn't allow him to. The words "Happy Birthday" was more than enough).


"...You didn't have to." I eventually responded.


"But I do. It's something that  I've...been thinking about for a long time." He said, nodding to himself as his cheeks suddenly tinged pink. "So would you accept it?"


Suddenly, I became nervous myself. My heart slowly began to pound harshly against my chest. I supposed I should accept it, right? After a long moment, I nodded, clearing my throat behind my fist.


Sungyeol too gave a nod and reached into his pocket for a second before extending a fist toward me. I raised my eyebrows at this. Was there really a gift clenched in Sungyeol's fist? The only thing I could think of if that was the case was...either a tightly fold paper or nothing. "Here. Take it." He extended his fist a little more so that it hovered over my own hand. I didn't really know what to do next so I simply followed his instruction and flipped my hand, palm up. A blur of pink and black met my vision and when it landed on my palm, my heart seemed to stop.


It was a beaded bracelet; however, it wasn't only that that caught my attention. It was the words imprinted on them.


'I love you'


Slowly, my eyes traveled from the bracelet to the person before me. Sungyeol's cheeks grew redder as he fidgetted in his seat, his fingers continued to tap against the side of the cup for a mew more seconds before he let it go. Was he serious? Did that meant...he felt the same way I do? I just had to know.


After a long while, I gathered up my courage and questioned him, "...You really mean it?"


Sungyeol flinched, his head tilted up to meet my gaze. I watched him steadily as he blinked a couple of times and responded with a slight nod. And I swear, his face was starting to resemble a tomato now. How cute.


Yes, I openly admitted. Lee Sungyeol was cute.


The corners of my lips began to twitch up, curving my mouth into a widening smile. For the first time, I felt terribly happy...and for once, I cared. He stared at me, shock and surprise clearly etched across his face. Reaching over to take one of his hands into my own, I replied,


"I love you too."





A/N: Yeah, random o_o Wrote this cause I can't seem to focus on my "Seven Sins" story. But I should do that right about now.
Check it up if you can, kay? -> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/136432
And of course, must not forget "Acacia" 8D -shameless pimping-



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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 2: Sequel pleaseee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 4: Wow so hot here
I share the sentiments of the person below me :)
lahdeedah000 #4
I don't care if this is on hiatus and hasn't been updated in like a year. I'm still subscribing. :P
Sneak into detention? Doesn't sound too bad xD

Aww..the part where the two of them thought abouts their past and Sungyeol told him he was hurt is my fav. So sad but the ending was sweet.
I think it's cute that Myungsoo didn't give up on Sungyeol and kept tabs on him through all these years.
asdfghjkl love-hate relationship was one of my bestest prompts. ;w; <3
my heart aches </3
it must be hard for both of them, but the ending is..too sweet <3
Teacher-student relationship is hot. Lol
Didn't expect Sungyeol's teacher to be Myungsoo's mom though xD
Sungyeol is such a troublemaker, but if Myungsoo was the person overseeing detention, I wouldn't mind being stuck with detention either. =P
Omg, sequel, sequel!!! I would totally love it xD

Yay for Seven Sins! And I'll be waiting for Acacia =D
sequel sequel sequel *y*
it kinda interesting imagine myungsoo being teacher and sungyeol being troublemaker and the best thing they are a couple xD <333