II. How Did It End Up Like This?

One-Shot Challenge ft. MyungYeol [hiatus]

Prompt #2: Bickering
Rated: PG
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mild insults?



[Cafe AU]


From day one, Sungyeol knew he was going to hate Kim Myungsoo, the cafe's newly appointed waiter. Not only was the other infuriatingly quiet and extremely moody, but he was also downright rude once he opened his mouth. How could someone like him ever got the job in the first place? Being a waiter required a bright personality and manners of a gentleman! He had none, for god's sake!


Myungsoo also happened to share the same sentiments, claiming that Sungyeol was too bubbly and too cheerful for his own good. He couldn't help but to comment and point out the other's mistakes every single time and that usually ended up into a rather heated argument.


 "Hyung, tell me why you hired him again?" Sungyeol whined one day as he picked up a large cup to make a caramel macchiato for their upcoming customer. It was yet another busy day; customers- females mostly- piled themselves into the cafe, hoping to catch glimpses and a conversation with the employees there, particularly Myungsoo. The male immediately picked up popularity amongst their customers with his very good looks and his calm, mysterious personality.


Sunggyu, the owner, let out an exasperated sigh. Seriously, asking once was alright, but a couple times a day for the past three days was beyond his breaking point.


"Sungyeol ah..." he began slowly, pressing a hand on the male's shoulder. "Myungsoo is good with customers. He had experience before this. Now then,...could you please, please stop questioning me?" The younger deflated almost immediately, his lower lip jutted forward into a pout as Sunggyu continued on, "I don't know why you hate Myung-"


"I don't hate him." Sungyeol cut in.


"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow, not particularly bothered that he had been interrupted. "Then, what's the relationship between you and Myungsoo?"


"I...I mean, we...!" the taller rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away. That was when Myungsoo decided to intervene, his arm propped against the counter and a hand on his hip. "I've nothing to do with him. Only the fact that he" he gestured to Sungyeol with a jerk of his chin. "wanted to pick a fight with me for no apparent reason."


"Yah, you-"


"Sungyeol, don't start!" Sunggyu reprimanded with a look of disapproval.


"But hyung-"


"No buts! Just get back to work!" And with that, the older retreated to the kitchen, most likely to help Woohyun and Howon with the cakes and sweets. Watching the other leave, Sungyeol immediately sent Myungsoo a glare, to which was responded with a quirk of the eyebrow. "I hate you."


A slight smirk graced Myungsoo's lips. "Feeling's mutual. Now pass me the macchiato, the customer's waiting."




It was just one of those days where Sungyeol's mood shot straight down due to unfortunate events. First, there was an upcoming exam he must take so he spent the night studying and that ended with him having a mere two hours of sleep. Next morning, he realized the lack of coffee he had at home and thus, he had to wait until mid-afternoon to get a cup in the cafe (and he was sure he failed that exam as well). Last but certainly not least...Kim Myungsoo. His intolerable face was the first thing that greeted him upon his entrance into the cafe.


"...Good afternoon. You're looking worse than usual."


And just like that, something within him snapped. With a look of irritaiton, he stormed forward and snatched the younger's collar into his grip. "What the hell's your problem?"


Myungsoo looked slightly taken aback- an expression he felt slightly accomplished of; however, he responded with a shrug, "Nothing."


"Don't lie! If you have something to say, say it!"


"Yah, Sungyeol!" Dongwoo and Sungjong attempted to calm the male and at the same time, apologize to their customers. Sungyeol shrugged off Dongwoo's grip, his fiery eyes meeting with Myungsoo's calm ones. "You're infuriating!"


A snort. "You're annoying."


"You're short!"


Suddenly, there was a dangerous glint flashing across Myungsoo's eyes. "You're a stick."










And they kept going on, even after Sunggyu found out and pushed them to the back while bowing to everyone with an apologetic smile. As he was nodding to the customers, the older leaned forward and whispered through clenched teeth, "You guys are in big trouble, I swear."...to which was completely ignored by the two. Upon realizing this, Sunggyu heaved a sigh and pushed them all the way to the back of the cafe, where the stockroom was located. There, he swung the door open and forced them in, saying, "Cool off and come back within half an hour, you two!" before slamming it shut.


"Why are you so damn annoying?!"


"Ohh, I'm annoying? You're more annoying than me."


"I hate you!"


"I hate you too."


"I hate you more!"


"Not more than me."


"Yes, I do! Now I hate you more than ever!"


"I hate you too."


"Arrgh, I hate you!"


"But I love you."


"I love you too...wait, what?!"


"So you do love me." Myungsoo gave the other a teasing smile as he pulled on Sungyeol's collar and forced a kiss on the other's lips. "Good to know that."


Sungyeol stood there, dumb-strucked for a long moment. What...just happened? Did he just...? After a while, he cleared his throat and tilted his head away, his face flushed a pretty red. He gave up upon thinking about it and mumbled a near inaudible "I hate you..."


The other let out a chuckle of mirth. "The feeling's mutual."



A/N: I have no idea why but I tend to use a lot of dialogue when I write past tense ;w; I'm so bad...
I'm pretty certain this doesn't make sense to many of you because in my mind, their bickering goes from negative and slowly moves onto positive. However, this isn't the case...the positive simply shot up from the negative, ha ha ._.;


PeachCherryProposal: Happy you enjoyed the first chapter <3

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 2: Sequel pleaseee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 4: Wow so hot here
I share the sentiments of the person below me :)
lahdeedah000 #4
I don't care if this is on hiatus and hasn't been updated in like a year. I'm still subscribing. :P
Sneak into detention? Doesn't sound too bad xD

Aww..the part where the two of them thought abouts their past and Sungyeol told him he was hurt is my fav. So sad but the ending was sweet.
I think it's cute that Myungsoo didn't give up on Sungyeol and kept tabs on him through all these years.
asdfghjkl love-hate relationship was one of my bestest prompts. ;w; <3
my heart aches </3
it must be hard for both of them, but the ending is..too sweet <3
Teacher-student relationship is hot. Lol
Didn't expect Sungyeol's teacher to be Myungsoo's mom though xD
Sungyeol is such a troublemaker, but if Myungsoo was the person overseeing detention, I wouldn't mind being stuck with detention either. =P
Omg, sequel, sequel!!! I would totally love it xD

Yay for Seven Sins! And I'll be waiting for Acacia =D
sequel sequel sequel *y*
it kinda interesting imagine myungsoo being teacher and sungyeol being troublemaker and the best thing they are a couple xD <333