Chapter 7

Power Of Love


Taeyeon's POV

Everyone has gone for work, left with Fany and I.

Today she woke up at 9am. She must be really tired after watching the movie with them yesterday.

I waited for her, so that I can see her.

And It really makes my day seeing her everyday in the morning. 

"Morning Fany" 



I quickly chased after her when she took 2 tuna breads and left for the door.

"Let me fetch you to work"

"It's okay."

"But I-I'm heading to.. B-Becky's, yeah Becky's too. Come on let's go !"

That's another excuse I've used.. and that really worked, somehow.


On the way to Becky's , she didn't speak a word.

Not even singing or humming with the radio.

Something seems to be wrong..

The usual loud and cheerful Fany has become all quiet and restless.

I tried to break the slience many times, but she just nodded or shook her head at every questions I asked.



Tiffany's POV

God, I'm soo tired after thinking about .. Taeyeon and Seungyeon last night.

What is wrong with me?! It doesn't even concern me.. Why should I care?!

Taeyeon offered to fetch me to work. I was really happy that he still cares about me.

Oh wait, he always does. He's a guy who loves and cares for his friends. Yeah.. friends.


I didn't talk much at all when we were in the car, I was busy thinking about them.. again.

Should I ask what's their relationship? Or just ask him how long they knew each other? 

Urgh.. this really bothers me too much.


As I walked to my desk, I saw Sica, dozing off again. 

Taeyeon went into his huge office and came out after about 2mins.

"Bye Fany, I'll pick you up as usual after work." 

I slightly nodded without meeting his eyes and took some files out, pretending to be busy.

After he was gone, I rolled my chair over to Sica's desk and used a rolled paper to hit her head.

"Oww !"

" Why do you always sleep at work?! Does Taeyeon know? "

" Of course he does. But I'm his best friend~...."

Yeah.. bestfriend.. you're his bestfriend. I'm only his friend..


"Sica, since you're his best friend.. Do you know who is Seungyeon to him ?"

"More than a best friend.." Sica replied with her eyes slightly closed.


"Ex-loverssssssssssssss" This time her eyes were totally shut.

My heart stops beating for a moment. That answer that I didn't expected..

Sica then waved her hands infront of me , " Heelllllllllloooooooo??????????"

I broke my thoughts and continue to ask her. Sica seems to know a lot. 

Of course she does ! They've stayed together for more than 2years already.

"What happen? Why are they not in a relationship anymore ? " 

I just want to know more about Taeyeon.. He's a low profile guy when it comes to personal matters.

"Hmm... you're hiding something ,Fany~~"


"You like him"

" What?! No.. I mean yes, we are friends right.."

"You love him."

"ARGH SICA! " I was blushing so hard that I rolled back to my desk almost immediately.


Sica came rolling her chair towards me after I'm back to my desk.

"Admit it then I'll tell you " Sica said teasingly. That face of hers! 

Oh well if I want to know more about him, I'll just need to.

"Fine. I LOVE HIM ! So tell me please? " I blushed unknowingly again until Sica feels my cheek.

"Oh you're burning!! "


" Okayokay.. so what was I gonna say? .. Oh! Seungyeon wants to breakup with him because she doesn't like his job as a police."

I remained silent, wanting Sica to continue .

"Well she was okay with him being in the police force but a year ago he was promoted to a higher rank. He'll be facing high risks everyday at work, so she doesn't really like it. Then I was shocked when I heard him telling her about quitting his job. You know? He really loves his job. Being in the police force is his passion. He told me that! But he's willing to give up for her ! He is sucha sweet loving guy~"

"Then what happen?"  If they love each other so much, then what really happened ?

"Seungyeon chose her career over him. The contract and all. She violated it when they were dating. The whole Korea knows about that , and that goes to the end of their love life.."


So.. they still have feelings for each other..

"She's Taeyeon's first love, and he rejected all the girls ever since. So, I think he's still not over it. I'm still shocked that she came yesterday !!" Sica finished off with her last sentence.

Bang! I literally heard my heart shattering into pieces..

First love ?

Not over it ?

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #2
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #3
Chapter 1: Cute first meeting ☺️
Soneisa #4
I like that Seohyun is a guy here, I think this is the first time. Excited 😁
1123 streak #5
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I'm glad that I found this again I forgot the title so I can't look for it earlier🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 4: i'm going to continue reading this, i like it.
Farfarah0329 #7
Chapter 33: Pleasa make sequel for this
Please×10000000 *Sunny aegyo*
Cutiepiesoshi #8
Chapter 33: U know this story is soooooo great
tipco09 #9
Chapter 33: I cant believe I just discovered this story. I read it in one sitting ans thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you authorshi.
cwright01_ #10
A well written story !! So nice !