Chapter 24

Power Of Love

Taeyeon's POV

Fany hesitated about going to her dad's place with me. She admitted she's afraid that her dad will get angry, and might even disown her. No matter what, I promise that I will not let their Father-and-Daughter relationship to go bad. I will fight as an individual, and I won't let her suffer with me. 

I drove her car to her dad's apartment, or rather the Hwangs' apartment and park inside when the gate automatic opens as we arrive. 

"Woah, does your dad expect you or something ?"

" I'm not sure... Oh, It's my sister. It must be her who opens the gate." Fany points at the mirror.

I look through the rear mirror and saw Michelle walking towards the apartment when Fany told me.


" Sis !" Fany ran out after I turn off the car engine.

" Oh my baby sister! You're back! Why did you get down from the passenger seat? Who is..  " Her sister glare at me as I come out from the driver seat.

I look at her, and was shock by that deadly glare. I lower my head and let out a deep breath as I walk towards her.

" Hi.. sister.. michelle." I slowly look up to share eye contact with her.

" Why are you here ?" I move a step back when she suddenly points her finger at me.

" Sis, what are you doing? " Fany puts down her sister hand and told her everything.

" You sure about it, Mr Kim? " Michelle let out a smirk on her face, doubting me.

" You can call me Taeyeon. And yes, I'm sure. "

" Very well." She pull Fany's hand as she reply me with her boastful tone.

My face starts to frown, worrying about facing Mr Hwang.. Fany grabs my hand and pull me with her and the three of us walk in like the caterpillar.

"Dad, look whose here?! " Michelle let go off Fany's hand and tap on her father's shoulder. She wink at me and form "good luck" from the movement of her lips before she run up the stairs laughing.

My hands starts to tremble and my palms are sweating. Gosh, this is worse than having criminals pointing their guns at me. I feel a slight squeeze in my hand and look at Fany, giving me assurance in her face. I slightly nodded to show that I'm ready, somehow..

" Oh! Stephy baby !! " Her dad puts down the newspaper and walk towards her precious daughter with a tight hug.

I was standing there like a block after Fany lets go of my hand as she hugs her father. It was as if I've fallen in love with the tiles on the floor, that I didn't stop staring at it. After sensing eyes on me, I slowly look up. Her dad is observing me with a confuse face.

" Hi sir, I'm Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon. From Jeonju." I reach out my hand , 45 degrees away from my body, with my left hand supporting the other hand to show respect. In other hand, saving my hand from trembling so much.

Mr Hwang shake my hand and continue to stay silent. " Dad, take a seat." Fany gesture her dad as she pull me to sit too.

" So.. you are going to introduce me your new friend ? " Her dad pause a while, again observing me, as if I'm from Mars, before he continues. " Or.. your special friend?" He is suspecting the relationship between Fany and I.

" Dad.. I want to tell you something but you have to stay calm at all times, is it okay ?" Fany carefully say as she pat her father's hand a few times.

" I'm ready to explode any moment. Speak." Her dad folds his arms and lean back at the couch with the stern face. This is going to be a tough one..

" We.. have dated for about half a year. " Fany turns and look at me and look back at her father. He looks cool with it. Maybe he's holding his anger. 

"And.. we .. " Fany sort of stuck in continuing.  I swallow the lump in my throat and starts to talk on behalf of her.

"And we really love each other a lot, Sir. I hope you can give us your blessings and.. call off the wedding." I look down as I say the last few words. 

Mr Hwang suddenly stood up, and said.

" Are you guys kidding me? Firstly, YOU are not suppose to even date this guy when you ARE engage, Ms Hwang." He points at Fany as his face turns red then points at me.

Oh no.. Fany looks afraid. I see her hands rubbing each other as she stare at the ground.

" And you." He walks towards me and points at me, again. "You have no rights to ask me to call off their wedding."

He walks away, facing us with his back. He stop walking and finish off by saying, "Don't let me hear this nonsense again. And I want this guy to leave by tomorrow. I will bring forward the wedding instead."

I was on verge of breaking down as I heard his firm rejection. I slowly stood up, ready to leave. But a hand stop me from walking. I look down and stare at Fany. Her eyes, were pleading me to stay. I stop walking and look at her. 

I ask myself why am I here? Why am I talking to her father about us ? Why? I got it. I wanted to fight for her. I want to shout and talk to her father again, but a voice starts before me.

"Even if you want to carry forward the wedding, I will not attend. " It's Fany. She's fighting for us. Finally I knew, I'm not fighting this alone. We are fighting this together.

She stood up and pulls me towards the door. She opens the door fiercely and was about the step out when we heard a voice from the apartment.

" Ms Hwang Mi Young. Are you getting defiant now?! "

Fany let go off my hand and the door, and stomp towards her dad. I wanted to stop her but she walks too fast.

" Dad, I've been a good girl, a good daughter ever since mum left us. " She pause her speech, and I can feel her words trembling.

" I have never demand anything from you. I obey, I respect... But I just hope I can have something I wanted now. Because I finally know what I want. And I want to be with him.. I want to be with the one I love." Fany tears start to fall but she wipes it away several times. I stand by the door, like a fool. Heart breaking as I watch her cry from afar. I can see that Mr Hwang eyes soften as he looks at Fany crying.

"You can have everything, except cancelling the wedding with Dennis. You promised me you will marry him, and you guys have already engaged. The whole LA knows about the both of you. How am I .. or rather you and your siblings going to face the society if you suddenly changes your mind? Most importantly, how am I able to face Mr Parker?! Don't you know this decision of yours will cause damage to the business, to the society, and to our relationship with the Parkers?! This sudden change will title me as the irresponsible chairperson of Hwangs Finance Industry."

Mr Hwang said finish his points and I took note of it. I understand what he means. I walk towards Fany and gently pull her hand , walking towards the door.

Fany didn't stop crying. But she let out a sigh from her breath as we were about to walk out. 

" I will not give up, dad." I was shock by her sudden words. But my lips unknowingly curve upwards. I know this route is going to be tough, but with Fany standing with me, I'm not going to give up too.



The ride back to Fany's apartment is so quiet. Only with a few sobs could be heard. I handed her tissue and wipe her tears with my thumb whenever we reach a stop at the traffic light. Her eyes are getting swollen. It hurts to see her like this, but it's better for her to cry it out than holding them back.


We went back home, and I suggest she needs to have some rest. I brush her hair as she lie on her bed, dry tears forming at corner of her eyes. I wipe it and pull her pink comforter up to her shoulder. I softly place a kiss on her forehead and whisper to her to rest well. Before closing the door behind me.


I called for pizza and roasted chickens for dinner. But Fany haven't wake up when the food arrives, so I didn't bother to wake her up either.

I stare at the television in the living as I think about everything. Her dad, her family, the Hwangs' business and the society.. that her dad mentioned. I was in deep thoughts when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my neck from the back.

"Ahhh! " I jumped off my the couch and make a swift turn. Of course I know it's my baby. I just wanna have some fun.

" Reporting reporting! An alien has attack me! Save me ROGER! " I ran away from the living to the kitchen as I make a drama , directed by myself and saw Fany revealing her prettiest eyesmile.

I went to heat the food and feel arms wrapping around my waist. " The alien is going to eat you." Fany whisper to my ears. I feel chills down my spine. I always feel my stomach having somersaults from every little contact with her. Even though we have been dating for months, that feeling never stops. 

I grab her arms and turn to face her. "Eat me then." I cheekily whisper to her ears. She giggle as I give her a kiss.

Then a loud growl heard, from her hungry stomache. I broke the kiss and saw her disappointing face with a pout.

" This alien is hungry. " I chuckled at her and she lightly whack my chest. 

"Sit and wait for food to get ready okay ?" I turn her around and place my arms on her shoulder, directing her out of the kitchen and sit at the dining table.



The whole night we play Wii at the hall. Totally forgotten the tough day we had with Mr Hwang.  Laughter fills the apartment the whole night and we eventually slept on the couch with me sitting upright and Fany lying on my lap. Both of us were exhausted. 

I slightly brush her hair behind her ears and kiss her cheek. I whisper to her ears before I close my eyelids.

" I love you."

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #2
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #3
Chapter 1: Cute first meeting ☺️
Soneisa #4
I like that Seohyun is a guy here, I think this is the first time. Excited 😁
1123 streak #5
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I'm glad that I found this again I forgot the title so I can't look for it earlier🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 4: i'm going to continue reading this, i like it.
Farfarah0329 #7
Chapter 33: Pleasa make sequel for this
Please×10000000 *Sunny aegyo*
Cutiepiesoshi #8
Chapter 33: U know this story is soooooo great
tipco09 #9
Chapter 33: I cant believe I just discovered this story. I read it in one sitting ans thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you authorshi.
cwright01_ #10
A well written story !! So nice !