Chapter 10

Power Of Love

Taeyeon's POV


"Doctor how is she??" Kara's manager rush to the doctor with Kara members behind. 

" There's only minor injuries on her lower thighs and arms. The scars will not be permanent, so don't worry. But it may take 2weeks to be fully heal. We've apply medication for her, thus we need her to get amble rest. "

" Can we see her now ? " Hara asked anxiously.

" Sure. But don't stay too long. She needs to rest. " All of them thank the doctor and went in to the ward.


"Hammie, feeling okay? " Nicole Hammie's hair. She reply by giving a slight nod.

"Hammie.." I went closer to her and hold her hand. 

" We will leave you two alone ." Kara's manager left the ward with the members. I was quite surprised that he actually allow me to stay with her.

" T-Taeyeon.. "

" Hey, don't get up.. You want a drink ? " She gave a weak nod as I pour a cup of water for her. 

"T-Taeyeon... " I remain silent, patiently waiting for her to continue.

" W-will you s-stay t-tonight.. ?"

I thought for a while. Guilty for causing her in this plight. " Sure.. but you mind if I make a call first ?"


I went out of the ward and took a sit next to the door.

It rang and rang, and she didn't pick up. I call the house phone.

" Yobos- .."

" Where's Fany?!"  I was so worried about her. I want to explain everything to her. Because.. She's the last person I want to hurt.

" Oh, I don't know. She didn't join us for dinner earlier on.. She sounded tired, I think she's in her room sleeping? "

" Yoona, could you please put her on the phone ?"

"Yeah sure, hold on !" 

I start pacing around along the corridor, worrying about Fany ..


" Hello, Taeng? "

" Yesyes?! " 

"Fany and Sica both fall asleep in the room.. "

" Oh.. Okay , Thanks Yoona.. "



I got back home only next morning. I'd been sending text messages to Fany last night, but she didn't reply. I think she slept all night.

Once I stepped in the house, I saw everyone seated at the dining table. Except Fany and Sica.

" Where did you go in an early Sunday morning, Taeng ? " Sooyoung ask while munching on her toasted bread.

" Seungyeon's hospitalized and I accompanied her all night yesterday .. I gave a weak reply, didn't have much rest though..

" What happen?! " Yoona and Sunny said in sync. While Yuri , Seohyun and Sooyoung just open their eyes widely.

I briefly told them about the incident and there were , " oh no!"  "gosh!"  "my god.. " in their reactions.

Then I heard footsteps from the stairs. It's Fany. 

Her eyes.. That beautiful glittering eyes are red and swollen..

She pause her steps when she shared eye contact with me. I slowly walk towards her but she kind of avoid me, heading to the kitchen.

I sighed silently and went back to the boy's apartment.





Tiffany's POV

Last night I cried to sleep, with Sica beside me. This is the first time I've fallen in love with a guy, what more crying for a guy.

Why must he do this to me ?

I saw all the text messages he sent me. He still seems to care about me. But why did he hurt me in the first place? 

Why didn't he explain to me? Must he be so personal ?


I looked in the mirror . I looked terrible. I washed away all the dried tears and made my way down without waking Sica up.

On my way down, I heard voices coming from the living room. 

" Seungyeon's hospitalized and I accompanied her all night yesterday .. " 

Seungyeon.. Why her again? Why?? .

I stood at the edge of the stairs, eavesdropping about the incident last night.

Maybe he's just being nice? Or being guilty ? 

I try to convince myself. But I can't just simply believe my own assumption.


Taeyeon saw me. He wanted to approach me, but I walked away. I'm not ready to hear him yet . 

Somehow, I was disappointed with him not making an effort to approach me again that he went back to the boys' apartment.


Everyone 's at the living room watching Avatar. Except Taeng.

" I think we should pay a visit to Seungyeon.." Yuri suggested. " After all we'd been friends eversince Taeng and her got together."

" Oww ! What's that for?! " Yuri yelled after getting a pinch from Sica..

Thanks Sica, but I'm okay..

" We should. Even though I don't know her. You guys knew her. " I said, getting my butts up.

" Let's go! "

Everyone look shock. There's nothing wrong right ? Besides.. I want to know why he cares for her so much.. 




The 7 of us went to get a fruit hamper and went to the hospital after hearing the news.

There were so many reporters outside the ward and the 7 of us could not get through. Then Hara saw us. She seems to be so close to Sica.

"Sica! Over here! " 

We follow Sica as she walked to Hara and gave her a hug. Hara open the door as she gesture us in, while some bodyguards were refraining the reporters taking pictures of Seungyeon in the room.


Once we all went in the room, we were surprise to see Taeyeon there. Feeding her.

I changed my vision immediately. Staring at the floor. I feel so uncomfortable witnessing it. 

" Hey guys.. didn't know all of you will come.. " Taeyeon sound tired. Is he okay? 

"Woww Taeng, did you cook that?! " I looked up and saw Yoona pointing at the bowl of porridge Taeyeon's holding on to.

" Yep. Taetae cooked it personally for me ! I'm soo happy !!! Thank you Taetae! " Seungyeon said with aeygo. 

Then she gave Taeyeon a peck. On the lips. What the..

I can't stand it anymore.

" Guys, I need the wash room. " I think I just mumbled and ran out, banging against so many reporters.

But I don't care. Nothing really matters now. 

I ran down the stairs, from 6th floor to the ground floor. Then I ran all the way. I don't even know where am I.

I sit on a bench. Crying.


After a while I felt someone's sat beside me. That scent. So familiar..

" It hurts me to see you cry, Fany.. "

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #2
Chapter 14: Don’t tell me Tiff you did not break up with your old boyfriend 🤦‍♀️
Soneisa #3
Chapter 1: Cute first meeting ☺️
Soneisa #4
I like that Seohyun is a guy here, I think this is the first time. Excited 😁
1123 streak #5
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh I'm glad that I found this again I forgot the title so I can't look for it earlier🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 4: i'm going to continue reading this, i like it.
Farfarah0329 #7
Chapter 33: Pleasa make sequel for this
Please×10000000 *Sunny aegyo*
Cutiepiesoshi #8
Chapter 33: U know this story is soooooo great
tipco09 #9
Chapter 33: I cant believe I just discovered this story. I read it in one sitting ans thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you authorshi.
cwright01_ #10
A well written story !! So nice !