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"Good morning!" Baby Jingyo jolly greeted after barging in his father's room. Holding his drawing of his Mommy, his forehead creases when he spots his still sleeping Noona beside his sleeping daddy. "Why are they sleeping together?"

Scooting closer, he went to his daddy's side of the bed and poke his father's nose. Earning a zero reaction, he pokes his father's nose again until Jiyong scratches his nose in a daze.

"Hmmnn...Chae-ah, stop poking my nose you naughty girl." Jiyong murmurs.

Chaerin on the other hand, turn around and changes her sleeping position, unknowingly facing her frowning son. She pulls away some strands of her hair from her face and continue sleeping again.

Jingyo was about to poke his father's nose for the third time when he spots something on his Noona's face.

A mole...underneath her red lips.

"Huh?" he looks back at his drawing and raises it beside his Noona's face . "Noona also have that black dot?"

Slowly, he climbs on the bed and bypasses his father who sleeps like a dead man. He gently reaches out to his mother's mole and tries to erase it to no avail. "It's real..."

Due to Jingyo's sudden touch, Chaerin's senses come back to life and her eyes flutters open. The pouting image of her son greets her and she can't contain her sweet smile. "Good morning, my Baby." she gently sits up and freezes upon realizing she just slept beside the man she hates the most. Moreover, her son is looking at her (more like glaring at her) as if he's judging her whole being for sleeping beside his daddy! "J-Jingyo..."

"Good morning too~!" Jiyong answers back, still in his half-sleeping mode. He was about to hug his wife when his hand bumps into a small fluffy creature in between them. "What the-" he subconciously sits up and faces the shock look of his wife and his little son in between. It took him a minute or two before he realizes the situation. "Omo!"

"Why are you sleeping beside Daddy?" Jingyo directly asks Chaerin. He looks downs while pouting, not wanting to look at his Noona's mole.

"Noona can explain." Chaerin starts her tirade. She doesn't want their son to misunderstood things! The fact that this genius baby of her can bluntly ask scary questions like that makes her stomach churn.

"There was a bad guy last night and Noona was just guarding Daddy." Jiyong tries to save the situation. If he will introduce Chaerin to him, he will do it properly and not like this.

Jingyo pouts even more. He doesn't understand why adults had to lie.



Throughout the day, Jingyo remains quiet. Whenever Chaerin approaches him, he will run away and ignore her. The little child is disappointed because apart from the fact that she lied to him, it seems like his Noona (or his Mommy) has no intention to tell him the truth. Same with his Daddy. Although Jingyo might not understand Adult things, he feels like he needs to know something.

"Baby, are you mad at me?" Chaerin can't help but confront the frowning child. She managed to corner him while his father is busy taking up a bath. Jiyong needs to attend a dinner meeting so they had to prepare and go.

Jingyo was about to run away again when she scoops him up. "Put me down~!" the child glares at her.

"What's wrong with you, young man?"

"You lied to me."

"About what?" her brows crease.

"When are you planning to tell me that you are my Mommy?" he murmurs but she managed to catch his audible words.

"I am your WHAT?" her eyes widen.

Jingyo looks at her, eyes filled with disappointment, hurt and confusion. "You don't like Baby Jingyo? Am I not cute when I was born?"


He wiggles out from her grip. Weakend with his words, Chaerin can only let him down. "You left me when I was a baby so I am sure you don't like me. Fine! I don't like you too!" and he runs upstairs.

While her heart is in a deadly grip, her eyes can only follow him walk away from her. If her son only knows...



While being drive towards Paradise Hotel, Jiyong notices the gloomy expression of his wife. He knows that she's still upset with what happened this morning, not aware that it was actually far more than that. To his defense, she was darn tired and sleepy last night and he was just being kind enough so he carried her from the sofa to his bed. He didn't know why she's making a big fuss about it. Jingyo might saw them sleeping together, so what? They are married anyway. Besides, their baby likes her so much and he will surely approve of her if ever they decided to tell him the truth.

Clearing his throat, he tries to start some chitchat. He doesn't want to be on her bad book again. "Do you think we should just check in for a night?"

Chaerin focuses on driving instead of answering him.

"Are you still tired? Aigoo~, seems like your stamina is decreasing huh? Come on, how can you be a professional bodyguard if your energy is low?" he tried again, wanting to piss her off.

"Jingyo knows." her voice cracks. Her pent up emotions are bottling up, she just can't contain.


"He knows the truth and he hates it." tears started forming on the corner of her eyes.

Truth dawn on him like a flash of lightning. "H-How did he..."

"My baby thought I left him because I don't like him." she sarcastically laugh, "How should I tell him I left because his father wanted me go?"


"I can't tell him that, right?" she almost choke in her sobs. "In this story, I am always the bad guy eventhough I was the one who got hurt."

"Let me explain..." Jiyong pleads. He knows he also owes her the truth about the real reason of their separation. He already prolonged the agony for almost six years, now is the time to clean his name too.

"Countless cheatings, too many sleepless nights, tons of hurtful words, too many lies and even caught in the act filthy schemes, I can take them all. I had to swallow them all because you left me no choice but to deal with them. I used to blame myself for not being enough but nah, a womanizer will never ever settle for someone nomatter how perfect she could be." she gritted her teeth. "But this one...I can't take it. I can't accept the fact that my son loathes me because of your fault."

"Will you just listen to me first?!"

"What did I do to deserve this?" she mutters.

"Quit being stubborn and--"


"!" Chaerin curses as someone suddenly attacks their car. Stepping on the accelerator, she maneuvers the car and tries to avoid further shot

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Chapter 10: Love reading this
CherryQueen #2
Chapter 1: author your minami on IG right??? You commented
"Wattpad link?" Right on the post??? OWEMJI
jmaez612 #3
Chapter 10: please write skydragon stories more!!
maryetta01 #4
Chapter 10: Such a awesome read! Good story. Enjoyed it!
addy88 #5
Chapter 10: Rereading this again and again.. I miss your fics.. Looking forward to read more from you..
Chapter 10: Reading this for the second time and still love it so much!
Thank you for writing such a masterpiece Mina!
LysFernanda #7
Chapter 10: I enjoyed it SO much. Totally amazing
GDCL_1826 #8
Chapter 2: I am curious! Whatever his reasons are, it's still his choice to hurt her. Amp!
GDCL_1826 #9
Chapter 2: I am curious! Whatever his reasons are, it's still his choice to hurt her. Amp!
GDCL_1826 #10
Chapter 1: Short chap but it's okay. Want to read more!