
Trickling Red

The local police had showed up first. The crime scene was secured and a perimeter guard was established. Sirens were blaring into the stillness of the night. The chief came later and approached the scene warily. His surbodinates explained the details briefly before he checked the body. 

"Not again..." he muttered. 
Hastily, he radioed for backup.
Twenty minutes later, cars were pulled to a halt in front of the alley. The forensic department came, all ready to bag and tag. They brought out a portable laptop to analyse details. There was nothing the others could do except to wait.
An hour later, Jaejoong and his team arrived, just in time to hear what the forensic team had to say.  
"A gash down the throat. No more, no less. The usual," a woman sighed. 
No fingerprints. No DNA traces. No impressions of shoes. No signs of struggle.
"This murderer's top-notch of the top-notch," Changmin commented. "I mean, look, there isn't anything!" 
"I think he's just the second Jack, the Ripper. Sick in the mind," Junsu said, disgusted.  
Placing his arms over the two's shoulders, Yoochun hissed, "This isn't the time for gossips, you idiot! Don't you think so, Leader?" 
The three of them turned to look at Jaejoong only to find his brows furrowed in deep thought and a finger tapping against his chin.  
"Jaejoong hyung?" Junsu called.  
Jaejoong jolted a little before giving them an equisitive, sideways glance.  
Changmin rolled his eyes and grabbed Yoochun's arm, pushing his arm off his shoulder. Yoochun moved away from them and leant against the van. Junsu had a small pout on his face. Jaejoong narrowed his eyes and stared at them.  
"You guys should be more serious about this," stated Jaejoong.  
Drawing one foot to another, the trio saluted, "Yes, Sir!"  
They grinned from ear to ear, trying hard to stifle their laughter. Suddenly, Junsu burst out laughing and the rest soon followed. Ignoring them, Jaejoong slid open the door and got into the van. Yoochun got in and took his place beside Jaejoong while Junsu and Changmin took theirs opposite them. Upon shutting the door, the van drove off, leaving a puff of grey smoke in its wake.
"Hey, Jaejoong, I'll be heading home first," said Yoochun, popping his head through the office door.  
With his eyes transfixed of the computer, Jaejoong nodded. Taking another glance at him, Yoochun exhaled. Jaejoong took a sip of coffee from his mug and then, he continued typing on the keyboard.  
Jaejoong hummed in response.  
“Ah, no. It’s nothing.” 
Not wanting to disturb Jaejoong any further, Yoochun dropped the matter and shut the door gently.  
"Thank you for your hard work," Yoochun said to the two policemen stationed at the entrance.
Thankfully, he lived just a stone's throw away from the station and he reached home within ten minutes. 
Yoochun placed his bunch of keys on the dining table and went straight to the refrigerator. He opened it, scanning his eyes through the various containers and packages. Finally, he found what he wanted — a bottle of mineral water. He snapped the cap and twisted it. He brought the bottle towards his lips and with every gulp he took, his Adam’s apple was moving up and down sensually.
He took a glance at his cell phone.
"Jaejoong would probably take at least an hour or two to be home," he muttered under his breath.
He settled down on the counch. The house was so silent that he could hear the clock tick by. Finding that the quietness was somewhat unnerving, he the air-conditioning. He leaned back onto the softly cushioned sofa. His hand fumbled around for a remote control. Lazily, he switched on the television.
Jaejoong had been staying at his place since the day he came back from his undercover job. Although Yoochun's apartment was relatively small, it was enough to accommodate Jaejoong. Since they were close friends even before high school, it was easy for them to get along when they lived together.
Half grumbling as to when Jaejoong was coming home and half paying attention to the rerun of a drama, Yoochun pulled a blanket from the couch and draped it around his shoulders. As his good friend, he felt that he had an obligation to wait for Jaejoong to return home before going to bed.
When the drama came to a part when the couple in the drama had reunited after being separated for so many years, tears threatened to roll down his cheeks. 
Meanwhile, Jaejoong was outside, finding the house key. Upon unlocking the door, he saw that the television was switched on. The lights were already off. 
"Yoochun, you're still up?" asked Jaejoong.  
Colourful lights flashed across the man's face.  
The blanket was covering his entire body and only leaving out his face.  
Slowly, he turned his head, tears trickling down his cheeks. Jaejoong was taken aback. 
"Yoochun, are you ok?" whispered Jaejoong.  
"Ah, no. It's―It's just that this drama's too touching," sniffled Yoochun. 
He got up from the sofa, scrambling for a tissue to wipe away his tears. Jaejoong sat down and turned off the television.
"Thanks for waiting up for me. Sorry I took so long to come home," said Jaejoong, giving a bitter smile.  
"No, I was not. I...I was... just catching up with a drama," Yoochun mumbled.  
Pulling the blanket away from Yoochun, Jaejoong wrapped it around himself and lay on the couch.  
"Better go and sleep now. We've to wake up in four hours time..." said Jaejoong. "Thanks for letting me stay here and good night."    
"Yeah, yeah. I can't wait till your apartment is ready. I want to have my house for myself again. Good night," yawned Yoochun, flicking his hand dismissively before walking to his room.    
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薔薇色の事件's title is changed to Trickling Red. Pls take note if u see it in ur updated subscription section. Tks!


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Chapter 3: I love the story
Chapter 22: oh my...cliffhanger..nice story and I like your writing styles too..
but I hope there is more romance between Yunho and Jaejoong ^^
oconxs #3
Chapter 22: why yunho why you must leave Jaejoong?! stupid yunho >_<
Jaejoong listen to me, if yunho really come back, please smack his head...hard. lol
there must be a reason, why only Jaejoong and maybe Changmin who remember Yunho, Kibum, Soojin, and why Yunho must leave ooh why~~ #singing_heart_mind_and_soul
OMG! there's sequel and another story from you Junyoshi! sub right away *_*
MissEztie #4
Chapter 22: Argh I can't wait to read sequel. Thank you for the story
MissEztie #5
Chapter 5: well I'm new here and I want to read this story again. This is make me anxious
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 22: Interesting story, I will waiting for the sequel.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 22: ill wait for the sequel!!!!
mizuki_s #8
Chapter 22: :O that was awesome omg <3 will be reading the sequel!~
XDoubleComboX #9
Chapter 22: Wow can't wait for the sequel!!! It's gonna be great for sure!! Can't wait to see what happens when Yunho comes back!!!!! ^_^