39. New Friends VS Old Friends Part 2


Sorry that I didn’t updated last week, but my emotion was so unstable last week. I’m very happy that Got7 left JYP because they were being treated so unfair. And I hope that they will be able you be treated better in theirs new agency. But I was also sad and worried that I wouldn’t see them all 7 together for a long time. Knowing that Mark will go back to LA and focus his career there also means that it may take longer time before he will be back to Korea. But I also had read many tweets saying that they will own the name GOT7 and it made me happy for it means them together again will happen in the future. Like BamBam had said they are going nowhere. #GOT7FOREVER #7YEARSWITHGOT7


39. New Friends VS Old Friends Part 2



“Bullies aren’t good people, they are just like killers, do you know how many people commit suicide just because of bullies?” Jungkook said and it also made Yugyeom let out a big sigh and ran away



“Yug…...” BamBam said and ran after the younger, didn’t know why he ran away



Mark let out a big sigh, he didn’t know how to explain, his brain is feeling like exploding. He can see both his friends from JYP and his friends from Big hit is glaring at him.



“Who the are you to call us killers?” Jinyoung angrily asked Jungkook, ready to kill the younger



“Stop please……” Mark begged and stopped Jinyoung for going any further to Jungkook



“Please, Jungkook, they are not any bad people……and they had stopped bullying……” Mark explained, trying hard to calm his friends down



“We did?......” Explaining from Mark got response from Jinyoung and the rest of the group ask I unison except for Jackson since he never bullying other



“Oh, come on guys, you are not helping here…….and you guys had been less bullying others……” Mark said in irritation since his friends is not helping at all



“Right Jinyoung?” Mark asked because no one is responding, but he got a disappointed glare for the younger



“So, their opinion is so important to you? More than they are fighting and cursing at us? Calling us killers? So, you’re staying by their side? You prioritise them over us?” Jinyoung asked disappointed, he thought that the elder would stand by his side and argue back to the Jungkook guy, but the elder keep staying by their side telling them that we had changed to be a good person



“It’s not like that Jinyoungie……” Mark quickly said and try to held the younger’s hand, but Jinyoung yanked it away



“Whatever, I don’t care……” Jinyoung started and turned his head toward the gang in front of him



“Yeah, I’m a bully and I’m the leader that made them being a bully as well……and for Mark……. hope you guys will be bestfriend forever……” Jinyoung said to Mark’s new friend’s and walked away



“No, Jinyoungie please listen……” Mark said and tried to stop the younger, but Jinyoung just ran away and Mark got left there. The elder can feel a sharp glare behind his back and when he turned around, he sees JB there with crossed arms



“You promised me that you would never hurt Jinyoung again and I hate people hurting Jinyoung……” JB said and left to run after Jinyoung



“Sorry, Mark-hyung, but……. I think that you need to choose between us or your new friends……. our prioritise is always us in the group…….” Youngjae said with a sad smile and ran after JB and Jinyoung



“You’re in trouble man……” Jackson said with a sigh and had arms around the elder’s shoulder for support knowing that the elder really care about Jinyoung’s feeling



“I don’t need you to remind me……” Mark said with his head down, feeling headache



“Are you really hanging out with the bullies Mark-hyung?” This time is V who asked, try to understand the situation here



“They are nice people V, yeah, they might be a bully before, but they are nice and changing already, they are not killers……please don’t make me choose as well, because both of you guys and them are my really good friends and I don’t want to lose any of you…….I had being bullied before in my old school in LA and I know how scary the bullies are and I also had thought of suicide because I hate being bullied, but they are different, I know them, they are not like the other bullies, they are much nicer and…….and……and they had been bullying other less now…..they are changing……..” Mark looked up to V and explained with tears running soon, but he still held it in he, hates complicated relationships and he still hates it



“But they are still bullies……” Rap Monster said, don’t know how to fix this situation



“Yeah, they are……” This time it was Jackson who started “I was bullied by them before when a transferred to JYP, they looked scary and had a glare that they wanted to kill me…..but when you know the reason of why they choose to be a bully, maybe you wouldn’t hate them that much…..I’m not trying to say that it is right to bully others even if you had a reason, because other people will be hurting, but they are changing for us, they are changing after me and Mark-hyung tried to tell them not to……..but changing need times and we should give them a change and not just hate them from the start…..they are human being as well……” Jackson said and try to explain and tell that they are good people. Jackson knew the reason behind for why they become a bully, JB had told him, it started with Jinyoung and JB, but all of them had their own story



“We may had heard too much of the rumour of them being the biggest bullies and how they bully others……so it got us a bit into it since we all trusted the rumour……but since Mark-hyung choose to be friends with them, maybe they are not that bad?” V said and try to fix the awkward situation. He also bumped into Jungkook to make him say something



“I still hate bullies no matter what…...” Jungkook started and it made Mark let out a sigh “But…...but I may had been a little too much to call them killers since I don’t know them…...but that’s because…...because……whatever……” Jungkook said and stopped before turning his head around not wanting to continue to explain why he hate bullies



“Mhm……a friend of Jungkook committed suicide because he got bullied…. that’s why he hates them so much……” Jimin said and explained for Jungkook and it surprised both Mark and Jackson



“I’m sorry Jungkook……” Mark said and felt sorry for the younger



“No need, it wasn’t you who bullied him anyway and it had been a long time……” Jungkook said and looked at the elder again



“Well, we’re here to have fun for our weekend, right? Let’s forget this and have some fun……” Rap monster said trying to save the awkward silence



“Yeah, and we had the volleyball court now……” J-hope said and the rest of the group agreed



“But Mark-hyung you seem to really care about your friend Jinyoung’s feeling, maybe you should run after him?” V asked and it made Mark realise that Jinyoung is still mad at him



“Yeah, I probably should…. mhm…...I talk you guys later……bye……” Mark said and ran to find Jinyoung leaving Jackson with the others



“You want to join us to play volleyball?” Rap monster asked Jackson, since he felt that Jackson is different from the others since he also got bullied from them before and he wanted to become friend with the new guy



“Sure, why not……” Jackson said all forgetting his angry boyfriend that had left



But none of them knew that a man took some picture of them and the whole situation. On the other hand, BamBam had finally catch Yugyeom and stopped the younger to run



“What’s wrong with you man…...” BamBam asked his bestfriend, confused of the youngers action



“Why this world needs to be so small and he hates bullies……” Yugyeom said and sat down at the beach in front of the sea



“Ok, I don’t get it, world? He?” BamBam sat beside Yugyeom and asked, want to hear from the younger what he means



“The guy I like……. he hates bullies……and I’m the bully……” Yugyeom said and buried his face towards his knees and had his arms around his legs



“The guy you talked about in the car? You like the friend of Mark-hyung? The one who called us killers?” BamBam asked again, try to get the information right



“We’re killers to him, he will never like me back……” Yugyeom didn’t answer BamBam, but what he said already gave the elder the answer for what he wants to know



“Well, sorry man……” BamBam understands the situation and feel sorry for his friends for liking someone who hates him. He rubbed the younger’s back to comfort his bestfriend



While on the other side we have Jinyoung cursing inside the camping car irritated over Mark. JB and Youngjae sat in front of Jinyoung and can only listen to Jinyoung curse. Jinyoung’s phone keeps vibrating with Mark calling him and message asking where he is and his sorry



“Should I pick up?” Jinyoung asked when the elder keep calling



“Your choice, but I wouldn’t…...” JB said and it got a slap on the arm from Youngjae



“Yah…….” JB said glaring at Youngjae while he rubbing his arm that just got slapped



“You’re not helping the situation here JB-hyung…...you should answer and listen to his explanation Jinyoung-hyung, maybe he didn’t mean it…. you know how much Mark-hyung loves you…...” Youngjae said, but got a glare from JB



Jinyoung let out a sigh and answered the call from Mark



“Jinyoungie…...where are you? I’m so sorry let me explain…...you know that you are always my priorities, I didn’t mean to let you feel that I’m taking the other’s side, I will always be on your side……” Mark said, begging the younger from the other side of the phone call



“Then don’t hang out with them anymore……” Jinyoung said strict like a husband banning the wife to hang out with friends with the other gender



“But, Jinyoung, they are my friends too……I like to hang out with them…….” Mark said, hoped that the younger would understand him



“Then you can hang out with them and we will stop seeing each other…….” Jinyoung said madly and hang up the call



“Jinyoung……. Jinyoung?” Mark repeated before put down the call with a sigh, but he sudden got a message






Mark-hyung, we’re inside the camping car, come before we will leave, Jinyoung-hyung is really mad…...



Youngjae sent a message to the elder because he didn’t want the two to have fight just because of some new people in Mark’s life and the elder quickly ran to their camping car. The door to the camping car opened and it was a glare the elder got from Jinyoung



“Mhm……we should go out for a walk JB-hyung……” Youngjae suggested. The elder didn’t want to, but he also knew that he need to give the couple some time and he should go find his boyfriends as well



JB didn’t say anything, but just stands up and left with Youngjae, but he didn’t get out of the camping car before giving the elder a killing glare. After the two had left, the elder quickly went to Jinyoung and sat beside the younger



“Jinyoungie…...please let me explain…...” Mark said and tried to held the younger’s hand, but Jinyoung yanked it away and crossed his arms



“Explain what? You already made your choice……” Jinyoung said stubbornly without even looking at the elder



“It’s not that I choose them over you and the gang, but……they are also my friends……” Mark said



“But your so called friends called your boyfriend a killer……” Jinyoung finally turned toward the elder and said angrily and hurt



“I know and I already told them that you aren’t a killer…… please…… they are good people too…...I know that Jungkook was a bit too much for calling you a killer and he said it too that he may was a bit too much, but the reason he was like that was because his friend committed suicide because of being bullied……. and they said that they had hear a lot of rumours and trusted that you are a bad person……….” Mark said and it surprised Jinyoung that someone really committed suicide for being bullied, all the one he bullied had either transferred or just the gang got bored of bully them so they stopped, but never has someone committed suicide



“Someone really committed suicide?” Jinyoung asked, this time more calm



“Yeah, and do you know that I also had once wanted to commit suicide because of the bullies in LA? Because of being bullied?” Mark said, he had never told Jinyoung that he had thought of suicide before when he was in LA



“You what? You have never told me that before…...let’s fly to LA now, tell me who it is and I will kill them for you……how dare them to bully my boyfriend and even made you want to commit suicide? I will never forgive them……” Jinyoung said with a fist, ready to kill the one who hurts his boyfriend



“I know babe, I hate them too…...” Mark started and held the younger’s hand so Jinyoung let’s go of his fist and they looked at each other



“But for many people, you are just like them Jinyoung……for many people you’re the one they hate and because of you they may had wanted to commit suicide…...” Mark continued and said slowly. Jinyoung stayed in silence so it made elder to continue



“I’m not saying that you’re a killer, because I know that you’re not……. I know that you have your own reason for why you became a bully, but you never told me why even I ask you so many times. I know the real you Jinyoung, you are totally different when you are with us and how you are with me at home compared at how you are at school…… You are wearing a mask and not showing the real you to other you don’t know……. you are mad and hurt for being called for a killer, but do you know how hurt I am when my friends that don’t know you just called you a killer like that? When I know you’re not and when I know that the real you are totally different from the rumour……...they just don’t know the sweet you, the nice and good hearted you, the nerd that reads book at home, the lovely you, the you who is a good friend that always support others……I want to tell them all and show them all who is talking behind your back that the bully isn’t the real you…….” Mark said and tears started to fall. Jinyoung wipes the tears away with his other hand, feeling hurt knowing that Mark is hurt because of him, because of the rumour, because of him being called for a killer



“Fine, I will try to accept them since they are your friends…….” Jinyoung said and a small smile landed on Mark’s face



“Really?” Mark asked for conform that he hears the younger right



“Yeah…...and…...and……” Jinyoung started and it got Mark confuse of what the younger wanted to say



“And?” Mark asked since the younger didn’t continue



“And I will try to not bully…...I don’t want to see you hurt because of me……” Jinyoung said and a big smile landed on Mark before the elder hugged the younger tightly and Jinyoung hugged the elder back



“I love you my Jinyoungie……” Mark said and kissed the younger on the lips



“I love you too my Markie…...” Jinyoung said after their sweet kiss



“Mhm……Jinyoungie……can you please tell me why you became a bully?” Mark asked carefully



“Mhm……it’s a long story, I will tell when we’re back home……” Jinyoung said and the elder can see that it isn’t an easy thing for the younger to tell so he didn’t push



“Ok, shall we go find the guys then? And I will introduce the gang to you guys……” Mark said with a smile waiting for Jinyoung to say yes, hoping he would



“Fine……” Jinyoung said, smiling over his boyfriend who being so carefully asking his opinion



They went back to the volleyball court hands intertwined and they can already see both the gang is there. But it didn’t seems like they we’re having a good talk, more like a new fight again. They quickly ran towards them and they could hear JB shouting at Rap monster



“Who are you to touch my man……” JB shout at Rap monster and grabbed the other on the collar



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syahdina #1
Chapter 46: i hope tsk you wil continue tsk tsk (sob)
syahdina #2
Chapter 8: oh shi*
syahdina #3
Chapter 1: i know this part ...but i didn't remember ....what drama ? from drama eh?
Chapter 46: Jinyoungie you are so brave... I hope his step father will go to the jail asap!!!
I am glad that Mark is there for Jinyoung..can’t wait for the next!!! See you soon ~
Chapter 45: Jinyoungie~ T_________T
I hope his stepdad will go to the jail and Jinyoungie will be free...be strong Jinyoung ah..i know Mark will always be his side
Chapter 44: Aww... I wish Jinyoung will be safe from this misery
Reader1702 #7
Chapter 42: Next chapter please😭🙏
Reader1702 #8
Chapter 42: Next chapter please😭🙏
Reader1702 #9
Chapter 42: Next chapter please😭🙏
Reader1702 #10
Chapter 42: Next chapter please😭🙏