Jae Joong

Money Love

I opened the door a bit, and thank god the door didn't squeak! guess luck was on MY side today! Mostly because i forgot the most important part of being a spy......OIL IT UP and EVERY THING will be alright. As i pulled the heavy door ope, i saw EXACTLY what i needed. The sweetest scene, my career could ask for. 

My schools principal making out with the nurse.

A smile spread through my face. I LOVE being right!....... though im not enjoying the scene here. Damn isn't that man like 60 now?? and that nurse doesn't even look 25! What has the world come to?? I held up my cell phone, when suddenly, a mans hands rested on my shoulder. My shoulders jolted away, without making a noise. I knew better than to look back. The man behind me, lowered his head towards my head, until his breath tickled my ear. "You're a real naughty girl, you know?" His grip on my shoulder got tighter. I recognized the voice right away. His strong perfume was begining to give me a head ache. I shut my cell phone, and shruggeed his hands off my shoulder, and shot my head around. amd whispered "oh! hey! your the that broke into my house, and made......" i couldn't finish the rest, because it sounded really inappropriate saying that. i shut my mouth and opened my eyes really wide. "Listen Jerk, i dont have time to play around with a loser like you. I have a full life ahead of me, and you're just not worth my time" His facial expression was blank. We stood in the hallway for about a minute, not understanding how to respond to each other. When the principal starts talking. My back is to the door. "You're quite a charmer, as for my wife. she lost it after spending the first night with me" the principal started laughing, while the nurse gave one LOUD smirk. "keep my salary up, and we have a deal"

I looked up, and saw the guy infront of me pull a painful expression on his face, as he looked away. His arm was dangling down, as if drained from energy. He shot his gaze at me, when the principal started making his way to the door. He grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the closest room there. He opened the door gently, and slid me in before him. As he closed the door behind us, he looked around the room, forgetting i was here. As i also examined the room, it turned out to be a library...... an unused one at that. My back was to the guy. "You're a spy, aren't you?" His voice came out soft, and alarming. i turned my head around calmly. "HOW DID YOU KNOW???" I said.........NOT!

"hunh?" i said finally breaking the silence. "You're calling me a what?, and why? exactly?" i said in a bored voice. "I just wanted to threaten the principal a little" i said with a laugh. When i turned my full body around to see why he wasn't responding, i saw him looking down, with his eyes closed. "Ta~lk about getting no sleep" i whispered. His eyes flew open, and his gaze shot up to me. "Kang Soo Jin, would you please help me with something?" i stepped closer to him "WHY would i help a guy who's stalking me, and FORCEFULLY planted his lips on MY beautiful lips?" i asked

"FIRST of all, i wasn't STALKING you............ i just happened to search you up. SECOND, it wasn't by FORCE, it was by chance, and THIRD i KNOW ur a spy" Before i had a chance to respond, he laughed. I looked blank, when he finally gave me a sadly, unsatisfied smile. "FOURTH i won't FORCE you to help me" He said as he turned around to leave. i was actually satisfied, .............or supposed to be "w-wait!" my voice came out unconsiously. He didn't turn around. From that smile on his face, i'm guessing he's serious? bUt something seems a little fishy.

"fine, i'll help you, depending on your reasons." i said, NOT believing myself. YAH! Kang Soo Jin! what the hell are you doing......despite me telling myself to ignore this guy, MY STUPID MOUTH KEPT OPENING IN HIS FAVOR!

He turned around, grinning like a little kid, (a part of me thought that grin was cute, FOR A SECOND). I put my hands over my face, regretting everything that just happened. I shot my gaze up "REMEMBER, i am NOT a spy! I'm only doing this for charity!" i said with a sharp voice.

"Ok! My names Kim JaeJoong" He said, still grinning. Where have i heard that name before? Oh, who cares?

"Well than, before you tell me what i have to do, i want to know what I would get out of this" i said, with a sweet smile.

"Money, right?" He asked, and i nodded with excitement! "1,200,000 Won" I looked at him in boredom "11,200,000 Won?" my grin grew wider "DONE!"

JaeJoong sat Soo Jin down. Soo Jin kept giving JaeJoong cautious looks. While JaeJoong stopped smiling, and started talking.

After listening to his favor, her jaws dropped.

"What?" i mouthed. "Yah! stop telling me lies, and tell me EXACTLY what you want. I don't have all day for your chitchat. And for your info, its already second period, and i actually wanted to attend my science period!" i said......realizing how geeky i was sounding. But i do love science better than math! He kept silent, looking down with an annoyed look? "Look, if you're not willing to do this, than don't" He finally blurted out. wait!....if i don't do this....what about my money~~!! i started sobbing in my mind. NO! i need that money.

"ok, fine, so you want me to................dispose of the principal?" I was still shocked that he had the same favor, the agency had. seemed like his reasons were different. I wanted that man out of the school too. i mean he already has a wife! why doesn't he have 'fun' with his wife?

"But, who are you to dispose of the principal?" i asked, curiously. "i mean 'are you his relative, or sumthing?'" He looked blank. "Actually let me rephrase that: 'Do you have something against the principal?'" i asked..................


If you have time for more stories, you might also want to check out the folowwing links below!:




My best friend wrote them, and i can guarentee, the stories are way more interesting than mine!


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im really sorry but i've been having writers block with this story for the past few months, and i will try to update after my science test! IM REALLY SORRY!


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UPDATE!!!!!!! X/
Me wana know!!!!!!
@justmemee THANX and i will update soon!
hhhh jiyeon is so funny update soon i wonder what's will happen
Lazy..... So true
Do what you want, but I'm a reader to!!!
:) ^^ hehheheheeee Youngmin jump him
Update soon ><
lol wow! thanx
13senyorita #7
ji yeon and donghae was adorable^^
lol i will!
myungji_luv #9
lol, i love jiyeon and donghae moments, they are so cute
Update soon
as if <3