bEaTiNg A lIaR

Money Love

Soo Jin lived in a huge mansion, in the middle of South Korea, Seoul. She's not as quiet, as a mouse. And she's definetly not as loud as a . But She is a lot more than that. Greedy, Selfish, Smart, and......also honest. She can tell when a person lies. When a person lies to you, do you really think they need an honest reply from you. When you're cheated by a person, and you know it, all you have to do is cheat back. Soo Jin believes in many things. Here's a list of what she follows:

***Honesty Only Works on Honest People

***Money is Every Thing

***Love is Nothing

***Being Selfish is Part of Surviving in Life

She was a beauty, with brown light curls, and bangs which droppend over her forhead, covering her eye brows. Her parents abandoned her on the streets. Her dad being an alchoholic, and her mom being a mistress, caring only about life's entertainment and joy......

SooJin's POV

I sat at home, bored out of my mind. My mansion was pitch black, due to the black out i just experienced. Life , when theres no point to it! i sat on the couch, in my overly large living room. GO~D! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! I got up, and tried moving through the dark room, trying to look for a flash light. i couldn't find it! WHY!! i reached the kitchen, opening the cupboards, and drawers. My fingers slid on something sharp, and thin. When my fingers stung, i realized i had a deep cut, from the knives. "Yah!! Soo Jin~! what the hell did you DO~ to yourself!! Your already an 18 year old~! can't you do ANYTHING properly?" i grumbled in the dark, while my fingers dripped of wet blood. as i was screaming at myself, i knew from than on, that somebody got inside my mansion. Better enough i knew he was five feet away from me. I'm a spy, you think i wouldn't know?

My blood kept dripping, and the person got closer to me. He shortened the distance by sliding on bare feet.  If a normal girl couldn't hear her own danger, I can. i slid the knife into my sweater pocket, and started walking over to the couch, where the person stood. i walked casually, cause the person in here probably has awesome night vision or something. When i almost reached the sofa, a mans hand gripped tight around my neck ....... just not tight enough. I started breathing heavily, when a rope was in the middle of dropping onto my neck. i snatched the knife out of my pocket with one hand, twisted the mans arm with the other arm, bringing my knife to his neck. My finger splurted out some blood, because of the tight grip i had on the persons arm. "How would you like to die in my place?" i whispered into the persons ear, smiling. At that moment, the lights came on, and the man elbowed me in my chest. I sprinted backwards, on the verge of losing balance.

But that wasn't enough to hold me back. As his legs were about to start off for a run, my fist punched his jaws. He dropped hard on the ground. He wore a black mask. i dug my fingers near his neck to pull off the mask, just when his fingers grabbed my hand, and pulled me onto him. i landed on his chest, hearing his heart pound loud. But his heart wasn't the only heart pounding loud enough, My heart was jumping out of my chest. I didn't CHOOSE to lay there! HE HELD ME DOWN IN HIS ARMS! would you believe this guy??? He kept taking long breathes, trying to calm himself down, while i kept struggling out of his grip! WHY does this guy have to be stronger than me??

"You're not as strong as you claim to be" He said, laughing. His voice was soft, and calming. "L-Let G-o! Of ME!" i said, STILL struggling. My fingers were on his shoulders, trying to pull me up, as his arms kept me down. When i realized my fingers were near his neck, i struggled even more. Not just to get off fingers slid under the mask roughly, and yanked his mask off, with a hard tug. His mask came off, that was when i realized i was two inches away from his face. I didn't have time to examine his face, because the next thing i lips were smacked down on his. Both our eyes widened. He losened his grip, and gently brought his hand up to my head, pressing me down gently. My brown curls flew over his face. But my eyes remained open. His eyes became serious. His other arm slid through my arm, until he reached my fingers. i was shocked. I never kissed a guy. i never wanted to. i never needed to, and i never dreamed to. My right arm lay on his chest, while my injured arm lay in his arm, life less.

After a while, My door bell rang. And we both came back to reality. i got off him, and he let me. than i smacked him in the face........and he let me? He smiled, and got up, and ran out of the window he came from. i stared in shock, and let out a small laugh "pabo"

The doorbell kept ringing. I straightened myself, and ran to get the door. When i opened the front door, it was.....

"NUNA! WHY DIDN'T YOU GET THE DOOR EARLIER?!!" YoungMin screamed, angry. KwangMin stood there, looking at her shirt. "Nuna.......did you just get another attack from a ert or something?" He asked calmly. I looked down, and saw blood smeared on my white fitted dress. Which i wore over my black skinny jeans. "haha.....uh no not an attack. i just had a blackout, and i was looking for a flashlight in the kitchen, but i found i knife instead." i lifted my finger, which had dry blood on it. I still felt the guys fingers, gliding through my cut.

"Nuna~! Don't you understand the concept of treating your wound??" YoungMin said, as he grabbed my wrist. KwangMin shook off YoungMin's arm and said "YAH! she's a patient! Not a doll!" He screamed at YoungMin.

These two twins are my neighbours. Even though they're one year younger than me, they ALWAYS end up supporting me, and taking care of me.

I love them like my own brothers.

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im really sorry but i've been having writers block with this story for the past few months, and i will try to update after my science test! IM REALLY SORRY!


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UPDATE!!!!!!! X/
Me wana know!!!!!!
@justmemee THANX and i will update soon!
hhhh jiyeon is so funny update soon i wonder what's will happen
Lazy..... So true
Do what you want, but I'm a reader to!!!
:) ^^ hehheheheeee Youngmin jump him
Update soon ><
lol wow! thanx
13senyorita #7
ji yeon and donghae was adorable^^
lol i will!
myungji_luv #9
lol, i love jiyeon and donghae moments, they are so cute
Update soon
as if <3