This is Our House? The House Openings~

우리 결혼했어요 시즌3 We Got Married Season 3 (APPLY CLOSED)

The things like This? mean that it's the interview question in that other room that they do in the real WGM. and
"this" is their answer to the question.

The groups played in Lotte World longer after the couple found out about their marriage.

"That's why you guys wanted to meet up with MBLAQ and go to Lotte World, huh Umma and Appa?" Minhyo asked Shin Kwang and Rin Ah. The three skated around the rink together while holding hands. Minhyo skated in the middle and looked up at her "parents" with beady eyes.

"Hehe yeah," Shin Kwang answered Minhyo.

"Umma?" Rin Ah mumbled to herself before HyoSeong, SeungHo, and GaCheol bumped them from the back.

"Aww, you guys are like a family," HyoSeong attempted to tease, "Look, our fans are taking pictures," HyoSeong waved at them and said, "Appa~! Umma~!" while cuddling in with them.

"Hyung...," SeungHo tried to warn the crazy hyung.


"OH MY GOOOOOOODDDDD~!!! Hyung, you are soo right!" GaCheol added in rather diva-like, "Mir-hyung! Come here quick and meet your parents-in-law!!!"

Because of the three idiots' comments, well two of the three idiots, the groups left to go buy food to a local restaurant and get to know their in-laws.

"Haha, really? That's so cool! I've always wanted to be part of the cast of a Hollywood movie," JaeMin commented after Joon told them all about being part of Ninja Assassin. "Hyongie-hyung~~ don't you wanna be in a Hollywood movie? I'm sure you'll love going to California~~~~," JaeMin teased knowing his hyung's weakness and fear: English.

"Pssh, who wants to go to America to film a movie? America has waaaayyy to much fattening food and eat waaayy too much. I need to keep my figure, you know?" HyoSeong  defended himself but didn't bring anything up on his English issues.

"What figure?" G.O. teased, "You can't keep what you don't have." Everyone began to laugh, even the crossdressers, except for HyoSeong.

"Eating to much? Like what you're doing now, hyung?" GaCheol added which gave him a flick on the forehead from HyoSeong which got a laugh out of Mir and Minhyo.

HyoSeong, realizing that SeungHo was laughing the hardest at him even though she tried to mask it, stood up. *Anger* He lifted his shirt to reveal his abs which made the table grow silent and fangirls in the restaurant to take pictures with their camera.

"Yah, pabo, what do you think you're doing?" SeungHo stood up to warn the hyung who was seriously attracting attention. "Put your shirt down and sit down."

"This is just to show you what you were laughing so hard at," HyoSeong indignantly replied.

"I told you to put your shirt down."

"Make me."

*Idea* SeungHo reached over and began to tickle HyoSeong all over his stomach who eventually had a spasm and sat down finally. The fangirls were not cheering "HyoSeong-oppa!" anymore, now they were cheering "HyoSeung~!"

"See what you did? You could've got caught," HyoSeong warned.

"But I didn't," she said as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"YAH! SEUNGHO-YAH!" HyoSeong screamed at her.

"Yeah?" Yang SeungHo asked.

Realizing how awkward it was, HyoSeong said, "Oh, sorry, I meant him," he pointed to Lee SeungHo.

"OHH, jinjja? That's cool, we share a name~," SeungHo smiled trying to change the subject.

"Oh? So I have two SeungHo-oppas now?" Minhyo smiled, "Cool~~"

"Actually, Minhyo," Mir began, "there's a ten year difference between you two, so I think you should call him SeungHo-ahjusshi instead. Or at least samchom. It seems much more appropriate."

After talking, eating, and bonding, the groups put together their money and payed for the meal.

"I can't believe our managers ditched us to pay for ourselves," Taehyon complained, "I won't have anymore allowance left after this. Shin Kwang-oppa, allowance?"

"I know," YoungKi added in, "I'll have to call my parents again."

"At least we-OOF!" Alex began to say before he crashed into a mailbox.

"Omo, it says 'We Got Married' right there," Rin Ah informed the couple.

"Mir-sshi, Minnie~, this is for you~~~," Kenisha called the two.

"Oh?" the couple said.

They read the letter until Mir said, "Minnie-yah, do you know where 137-4 Garibong-dong is?"

"No...but we can ask for directions.. Does anyone know where this is?" Minhyo asked her group and MBLAQ. Most of them shook there heads except for JaeMin who said he had a friend who lives in an apartment there.

The couple's mission was to walk to their apartment and think of a couple name. With JaeMin's help, they were able to make it to the apartments successfully.

"WHOA! WHY ARE THERE HUGE TRUCKS HERE?!" Minhyo and Mir shouted.

"Why are there two trucks? I thought we only had one full of our stuff?" a mysterious voice in the background said.

"Someone else must be moving in," a female voice this time said.

"Wh-What was that?" Mir asked but was ignored as they realized which truck was theirs.

Then an unknown man came out of the building and bowed to them, "good evening" and walked the other direction.

"HUUUUUUUUGH! Even had the nerve to put this on it!" Minhyo shouted as she pointed to the label on the truck. The truck showed a cut out of both of their heads on a heart with a title underneath that said: "We Married Today~! ♡"

In synchro, GaCheol, HyoSeong, G.O., and Joon pulled up their phone and took a picture while saying: "Me2Day."

, pabo-hyungs and pabo-dongsaeng, put your camera down and help unload the bags into the building, will you?" Mir ordered them. "I still don't know how they got all our things from our dorm.

"What room is it?" GaCheol asked his hyung as he began to carry bags.

"Uhh let me's room 927," he answered.

"Oh it's good luck then, 927. Nine for longlasting, two for 'good things come in pairs' and seven for togetherness in relationships. You're house will surely give good luck~!" the Mandarin speaker explained cheerfully.

"What? I don't...get it..," Mir commented confused.

"Ignore him," JaeMin informed him, "he's language obsessed and superstitious ."

"It's true~~~~," GaCheol sang.

As the boys, minus Mir, brought up the luggage and other things, the girls stayed in the apartment and warned Mir on things involving their dongsaeng while Minhyo explored the apartment.

"There's only one room?," Minhyo complained, "Aww."

"Like you wouldn't like that!" JaeMin teased as he huffed after bringing his last luggage in before plopping down next to the girls.

How did you feel about the apartment with only one room?
"Honestly, I was mad," Minhyo stated, "I wasn't really anticipating one room," she laughed.
"ert!" someone yelled in the background which made Minhyo giggle.
"Even though I MAY be a ert, I feel that I'm a little too young to be sharing a room with a twenty year old," Minhyo responded very seriously which was rare for her.

The couple was reading each others' basic information like their ideal type, who they wanted to be paired with, and their first kiss.

"You like a charismatic and cute guy with a good sense of humor and pretty eyes who is also caring and protective? Good, I suit," Mir announced. "WHAT?! Some of the people you wanted to be paired with? Where does my name show up?"

"Eh hehehe...," Minhyo laughed as she reviewed his sheet, "where does mine?"

"I didn't really know what to put so I was being weird. Why isn't my name here?"

"I didn't really consider it~~ Mianhae~~ I forgot I guess~."

"TaeMin, Cheondoong, Joon," Mir read out loud. "TaeMin, Cheondoong, Joon," he repeated again and again and again until Taehyon told him to shut up. "You haven't had your first kiss yet?" Mir teased as he chased her around the apartment with his arms spread wide and lips puckered. They continued to run and squeal until Rin Ah told them to stop.

How did you feel when it was your hyungs' names on the list not yours?
"I don't know why, but, honestly, I felt...jealous? Maybe it's because we were on Dating An Idol together and we even had a duet OST," Mir explained.

Mir and Minhyo then went outside to check on the others with their belongings. "Hurry up you slowpokes!" the two yelled as they climbed up the stairs.

"You Maknae Couple! Seriously!" Cheondoong complained.

"Yeah, this Maknae Couple is no joke!!" GaCheol complained as he entered the house. "Where'd fatty-hyung disappear off to?!"

"You mean your HyoSeong-hyung?" Shin Kwang asked, "He went to help someone who was also moving in apparently," he answered his dongsaeng's question. "Aisshhh, these Maknaes..." he mumbled to himself.

*Light Bulb* "We'll be the Maknae Couple!" they screamed as they looked at each other.



"Ohhoho, but you ARE married," Kan informed them, "there's nothing you can do about it~~"

This caused YeJun and JaeYong to glare at each other.

"Eh hehe mianhae YeJun-ah~, Jae-yah~~," Kan apologized. "If you want, you can go check out your house. It's next door, so if you want, YeJunnie, you can come visit me everyday~." He teased as he pinched his cheeks.

YeJun slapped Kan's hands away and ordered them to help move things to and from F.Cuz's dorm.

"You should probably get your belongings, too, JaeYongie," Kan told her.

"Oh, okay," JaeYong agreed as she walked over to put her shoes on. After putting them on, she stood up and asked, "YeongHak-oppa, will you help me pack and bring things out?"

"Why don't you ask your hus-" LeeU began before being pushed by YeJun, "Ow~!"

"Sure," Kan uttered aloud as he walked over to JaeYong and put on his shoes as they exited the dorm.

"Don't you wonder what their relationship is?" LeeU asked YeJun.

"Why would I?" YeJun replied annoyed."

"You mean you're not suspicious?" JinOn added.

"Suspicious of what?" YeJun exclaimed obviously annoyed now.

"Nothing. Just this," LeeU began, "'YeongHak-oppa~~~~~!'" he imitated JaeYong with her tone of voice as he added weird hand motions.

"'Jae-yah~! JaeYongie~~~~!'" JinOn imitated Kan now.

"Stop that!" YeJun screeched waving his hands at them, "Why would I be jealous? Why SHOULD I be jealous?"

"We didn't say anything about being jealous~," they teased.

How did you feel after your hyungs pointed that out to you?
"I felt...hmm how do I say this?...Jealous immediately. I don't know why, but I just did...," YeJun said, "Maybe it's because I have developed some feelings for her but didn't understand it?" YeJun laughed.

On the other side~

"Yah, oppa, what should I pack? Clothes, toothbrush...what else?" JaeYong asked Kan.

"Hmm... Makeup?" Kan suggested.

"Hmmm, I don't wear a lot and if I need I can just go-," JaeYong was saying as she was unlocking the door to reveal Aerodynamics lead rapper standing in front of the door, drunk.

"Yah, HyeonCheol-oppa..," JaeYong started, "you seriously reek of alcohol." Then, HyeonCheol fell on the floor and just lay there. "Aissshh, Kan, can you watch over him while I pack?"

As Kan watched over the drunk rapper, JaeYong went to go pack her things. She gathered some clothes, her toothbrush, and other essentials she might need. While Kan watched HyeonCheol, he suddenly started to speak.

"JaeYong-ah...," HyeonCheol whispered. "Eonuhyadungchinaelnareunirwodya..."

"JaeYong!" Kan called, "He's talking to you.."

"Yeah, I'm coming!" JaeYong called back.

She came over to HyeonCheol and asked Kan what he said while she handed him seven bags.

"Not sure what he said... WHOA! Do you really need all these bags?" Kan questioned shocked.

"They're my essentials," she replied, "What did you say HyeonCheol? HyeonCheol?"

"Let me stay with you and your husband tonight," HyeonCheol finally answered after a long time, "I wanna talk to my in-laws."

"Uhhh, mianhae, HyeonCheol, I don't think I'll have permission to let you stay from my husband. HyeonCheol? HyeonCheol? Wake up...?"

"Just go! Quickly!" Kan ordered as he stepped out quickly.

"Took you long enough!" YeJun whined when they finally stepped out.

"There issue," Kan explained as he and JaeYong stared at each other awkwardly with a worried expression on their faces which caused LeeU and JinOn to nudge and hint to YeJun who at this point was pissed off.

"Whatever! Where's the key?" he interrogated.

"Uh, what key?" JaeYong asked aloud.

*Anger* "You don't have a key? How can you not have the key?! How are we supposed to get in now?!"


"Did you lose it? You lost it didn't you?! Be more responsible next time!"


"Quit apologizing! It's getting annoying! 'Mianhaeyo. Mianhaeyo.' Seriously, stop!"


"Yah, YeJun, there's a spare key on my bed in the dorm, go get it won't you?" Kan ordered. "Aissh, it's okay, JaeYong. YeJun has a sharp tongue and is very careless. It'll be alright," Kan assured her as he hugged her when YeJun left.

What was your first impression of your husband?
"Hehe, he was really unkind and sharp tongued," JaeYong explained, "He scared me," she and the PDs laughed. "Haha, don't tell him, though. Shhh~~."

They were able to make it in the apartment and unpack their belongings. YeJun and JaeYong searched around but immediately complained when they only had one room. They actually had more than one, but the other room was full of weird things for storage. They then noticed the We Got Married mailbox in the living area. Their note said: "We hope you enjoy living together~! Think of a couple name that would apply to both of you. That is your mission." They stared at each other for a while, then reread the note by themselves.

"How am I supposed to think of something that applies to both of us when we're so different? I don't like anything about you!" sharp tongue YeJun explained.

"I don't like you either! I hate how you speak without thinking, how careless you are, how your nail polish is the same as mine, how annoying you are, how you speak without considering anyone's feelings at all, all of it! I hate everything about you!" JaeYong yelled back. *Emergency Situation!*

"Aishh!!! You're seriously no IU!!!" YeJun grunted.

"I'm sooooo sorry, am I supposed to be? You too are no-" she stopped herself.

"No who, huh? Kan, hyung? I know all about it."

"You know nothing," JaeYong replied as she turned away angrily.

Suddenly, the door opened and both their heads snapped to see who was there. At the door stood semi-sober HyeonCheol. "I think you left your key Kwonnie~~," he sang to JaeYong.

"Yah, sit down, you're completely drunk," she replied. After sitting down, HyeonCheol collapsed and fell asleep sprawled out on their floor. "Oh yeah, YeJun-sshi, HyeonCheol wanted to know if he could sleep over and I wanted your permission...," she spoke slowly.

After a long pause, YeJun finally answered, "Do whatever you want." YeJun then walked over to his suitcase and began to unpack some things.

"I got it!" LeeU announced, "You'll be the nail polish couple!"

"What did you say?" YeJun turned around with a bottle of nail polish remover in his hand.

"Err...nevermind," LeeU uttered slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for YeJun's attitude," JinOn whispered to JaeYong, "he'll change as he opens up to you."

"Annyeong in-laws~!" Aerodynamic leader MyeongJae walked in all by himself.

"MyeongJae-oppa, shouldn't you be sleeping?" JaeYong asked their leader. "What are you doing awake?"

"I woke up when you and Kan walked in, and I could hear you two fighting," MyeongJae explained, "Yah, YeChun or whatever your name is. Stop picking fights with my dongsaeng!"

"Whatever," YeJun replied, "It's YeJun by the way," he said which received him a slap on the back of the head from JinOn.

"WELLL~~~ I'm here because I wanted to help resolve your couple name issues and..." MyeongJae replied, "I want to sleep over, too."

"What?! Hyung, does that mean we can sleep over, too?" LeeU asked JinOn who eagerly agreed and immediately brought their things as did MyeongJae and HyeonCheol.

The couple reviewed their information sheet of their spouse and read over first kiss, ideal type, and partner they wanted.

"Your first kiss was recently?" YeJun asked. "With who?" Kan and JaeYong became uncomfortable and began to shift around in their position. "Yah, marhaebwa," YeJun demanded.

"Ideal type, IU. Partner choice, IU," JaeYong mumbled softly. MyeongJae felt like now was a good time to interrupt. *Tense*

"Well," MyeongJae began, "we start by finding your similarities, hmm are you both stubborn?"

"No!" both answered.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Sushi!" they glared at each other, "Stop that!"

"Birth date" MyeongJae asked while getting comfortable in his pink pajamas.

"February 2, 1992." the couple stared at each other once more. They began to bicker until HyeonCheol interrupted.

"Haha! They both are like mice~!"

"I guess you guys will be the mouse couple then~~~!" MyeongJae sang, "I'm going to bed~ Good night~" he informed them as he lay down on the floor.

"Mouse Couple?"

In bed~~

What made you feel like apologizing to her?
"I wanted to apologize because I was very rude to her and my hyungs from my group and her group, so I wanted to make it up to her. JaeYong-ah, if you're watching this broadcast later on, mianhaeyo for my atrocious attitude at our first meeting," YeJun apologized to the camera sincerely as he stood up to bow 90 degrees to it.

"Yah, JaeYong-sshi? Are you still awake?" YeJun asked his new wife who was "asleep" beside him in the bed. "Mianhae about earlier today. We got off at a wrong start. I just really had a bad day today. So let's start over. Let's just be friends for now and start being nice to each other, okay? Are you awake?" There was a long silence.


After an extremely long silence that YeJun thought she was asleep and that he'd only been talking to himself the whole time, JaeYong took out her hand from under the sheets to link their pinkies.



The two groups continued shopping and buying things, but it became awkward for the two who had just found out that they were a couple. They were constantly teased by their groups with gifts that were meant for couples or newlyweds.

Eventually as they left the mall to go back to their dorm, they say a mailbox with the sign 'We Got Married' on it.

"SungMin-ah, MinHee-yah, over there," MoonHee pointed at the mailbox, "I think it's for you."

The two of them walked over to the mailbox and read what was inside. "What does it mean find the house and think of a couple name?" the confused couple asked each other.

"I think it means to find the house with the given address and uhhh think of a couple name for you two," HyunKi advised.

"Gee, thanks. That totally helped," SungMin replied sarcastically.

After asking around for directions to the house and getting weird looks from some, they were able to make it to their destination. They arrived at a large manor with dozens of guards surrounding the area.

"WHOA~! Is this the right place?" SungMin and MinHee said as they huddled together to read the note again. "Yeahh... the address matches..."

"Let's brag it off to the other couples! Hehehehe...," SungMin laughed deviously.

They stepped out of the car they were driven in, and the others watched from the vans that followed behind. SungMin then asked the guard if this was where they were supposed to be. The guard continued by asking for their names. When given both their names, the guard signaled someone else to open the gate, and they went back into the car to be driven inside the gates with the other vans following behind. They stepped out and admired the mansion that was now their "home".

*Amazement* "WHOA!! IT'S HUGE!!" SungMin exclaimed. With permission to go inside, SungMin grabbed MinHee's hand smiled and said, "Kaja~."

How did you feel about your house?
"I really liked it," SungMin said, "I'm glad it's not a container box like Jo Kwon-sshi and Son GaIn-sshi's," he laughed. "I was very proud and I wanted to let the other groups know that we have a huge house."

Once inside they admired all of the house and began to explore together.They suddenly heard a voice on the PA that told them that this house had many security cameras all around the mansion. After a long while before the other vans were allowed through the gates, the other members entered the mansion.

"WHAA~! Daebak!" JunHee exclaimed upon entering. The two groups hung out around the mansion until a truck with their face on it and a huge heart came with their belongings. The message underneath was, "We Married Today~! ♡"

"At least they used a good picture of me," MinHee muttered as she walked over to the truck.

"What good picture? Your contacts don't match here. One's blue and the other one is hazel," HyunKi pointed out.

"Just shut up and help unload," SungMin ordered as he was unloading things already.

"Oooh~ getting all protective for your wife? Haha it's okay I-OW!" HyunKi exclaimed as JinHo punched him. "You know, when a girl punches a guy, it means she likes them. If you wanted to get together, you could have just asked."

"No," she replied bluntly as she began to carry bags out of the truck.

"Ahhh!! You children are so lazy!" KangHo exclaimed.

"The aideul are so idle," English speaker JunHee laughed while no one else really understood what he meant.

"Where do you want me to put this?" Noori asked MinHee.

"Oh, you can just put it there," she replied. "Thank you for helping," she smiled brightly.

SungMin just gave them a look before leaving to explore more in the house. After they finished unpacking and organizing the house, the two groups left them to do whatever they felt necessary.

"Bye bye, Idle Couple~~~!" the boy idiots of Eh:Jung exclaimed to them while waving.

Once they were gone, SungMin asked, "Wanna call ourselves that?"

"Hnn? Idle? Oh, sure," she responded. They continued to venture around the house when MinHee commented, "I'm glad that there are a lot of rooms so we don't have to sleep in the same bed. Aren't you?"

"Uhhh...yeah," he replied. *Awkward*

"Usually I'm quiet to strangers, but since you're in the same group as ChanMi-unnie, it's not so awkward. I feel a little close to you, but not close enough for us to sleep together."

"Yeah, I guess so, but your members are really weird. I'll stay in that room, and you can stay in that one there. Okay?"

"You're not allowed to, where do you assume you'll have a storage and where would some guests stay?" the PA announced, "you have to share a room."

"Well, I guess if it can't be helped...," SungMin mumbled as he stuck his hands into his pockets and felt something in there. "We should probably sleep now."

How did you feel about having to sleep with a guy?
"I was honestly very worried. I've never slept with any other guy except for my brother," MinHee laughed. "It was slightly awkward..."

"Yeah, I guess...," she agreed as she went to get her things. They changed their clothes and brushed their teeth and MinHee got in bed while SungMin checked around the house to make sure that the lights were off.

When SungMin walked in, they reviewed their couple sheets. "You like a funny and respectful guy? Oh, who's tall and pale with a nice face and single eyelids. Talented, athletic, musical, plays instrument, and skinny... I guess I fit all of those~."

"Haha, yeah, that's why I'm glad about our virtual marriage," MinHee smiled.

"You wanted to be paired with Noori-hyung and Yoosung-hyung?" SungMin questioned with slight envy.

"Mianhaeyo, honestly I just forgot to put your name on the list," MinHee made an excuse. "After all, you fit my ideal type perfectly."

"Oh yeah. Really? Okay~!" he replied.

"Yeah~! Exactly~!"

When she listed Noori and Yoosung, not you, how did you feel?
"Honestly, I felt a little envious of them, but I was happy again when she told me I fit her ideal type perfectly," SungMin laughed to himself.

"Good night," SungMin said as he turned off the lights and got into bed. He waited a while until MinHee was asleep to pull out the couple rings from his pocket that HyunKi bought and put the size 5 one on her left fourth finger.

"넌 내꺼야..," he whispered slowly before falling deep into sleep.



"What? Married?," TaeYeong sulked.

"Aww, it's okay, it could've been worse," SeungYoon tried to cheer her up.


"You could have been...paired with your brother, yeah..."

"Well whatever. That doesn't mean I'm not bummed out anymore," she complained more.

"Here, let me cheer you up. I'll teach you how to play something," SeungYoon tried to comfort her. He started by playing the chords to an FT Island song that TaeYeong was familiar with.

"Whaa~ I love FT Island," she smiled, "you know that I like them?"

"Hehe I didn't know," he replied, "I just guessed."

He began to play the notes and taught her how to do the chords for "Girls Don't Know" by pushing her fingers with his telling her how to hold and when to switch over. He then handed her his guitar and told her to try it. She proceeded by playing the chords perfectly.

"Wow! You were amazing! And you were only taught now," SeungYoon complimented.

"To be honest, I already know how to play," she confessed, "it was just fun having you teach me."

Why do you think she lied to you?
"Haha! Maybe because she likes me and likes that I held her hand to teach her. Haha, she's fallen for me~," SeungYoon laughed.

After they discussed this, a PD told them that they should be the instrumental couple because both of them were really good guitar players.

"Wanna go with it? The Instrumental Couple?" SeungYoon asked.

TaeYeong nodded in agreement and said, "I think the title is pretty cool."

The same PD gave them a card that advised them to go into a black car that would take them to their house. They got inside the car and were driven to their destination.

"I wonder what kind of house it is?" SeungYoon wondered aloud to try to make the closed up TaeYeong open up to him.

"Me, too...," she commented.

When they finally arrived, SeungYoon and TaeYeong were confused were their house was. "Where is our house?" SeungYoon asked the driver who brought them there but was shocked when the car drove off. *Emergency* "Wait! Where are you going! It's 2AM don't leave us! We're just 17! You can't leave me alone with her, I'm a beast! Please!" he screamed as he chased after the car.

"He's a beast! Don't leave me! Please! I don't have my things!" TaeYeong chased the car as well. Then, another car came and handed TaeYeong a bag filled with her belongings and gave the couple a box and a mission card. The box was wrapped for Christmas with a note. On the note was: "Merry Christmas, Instrumental Couple! Open this box."

"Let's open it...?" SeungYoon said.

"Okay sure, you go first."

"No you."



"Fine," TaeYeong gave in and tried to lift the tape carefully before SeungYoon eventually grew impatient.

"Give it to me!" SeungYoon exclaimed as he grabbed the box and tore it open. "What's this?" SeungYoon referred to the tent box that was in the wrapping.

"There's a label here," TaeYeong pointed out, "it says house. I guess we have to build it, then..." They began building it but had a lot of coordination problems.

"No, you put the stake there and connect it with that rope," TaeYeong scolded.

"Well, it doesn't go in. I don't think the hole is deep enough," SungMin explained.

"That's because you don't push hard enough," TaeYong told him as she stepped on stake, but still failed to push it down properly, so SeungYoon forced her off and stood on it himself. They finally got the tent up properly by around 2:45AM and entered it to set up their "bed" otherwise known as an oversize sleeping bag. They then took out their papers they were given earlier about their spouse.

"You like someone with nice vocals. Someone that's honest, trustworthy, smart, talented, plays an instrument, respectful,  nice, and caring. You like someone who doesn't care about looks, with single eyelids,has no tattoos, and doesn't smoke," SungMin read out loud.

"Yeah... You've already had your first kiss?" TaeYeong replied.

"Yeah, do I fit your ideal?" SeungYoon asked.

*...* "..." TaeYeong remained silent. "You used to have a girlfriend?" she changed the topic.

"Yah, you wanted to be paired with Choi SungMin? He's a dongsaeng. Shim YeJun? That would be an oppa to you that isn't your height. John Park? John Park?! Why not me? Jeon YongHa? The uhljjang? Oh yeah, you used to be one, right? He smokes and has a tattoo," SeungYoon exclaimed.


"Don't I suit better? Well there's nothing we can do about it since we're already married, right?" he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah," she agreed as the tent's roof collapsed onto them which meant that they had to go out and set it up. Again. "I hate this! This is all your fault!" she blamed him. *Anger*

"What? How's it my fault?" he retorted, "We both set up the tent, so it's both our faults."

"Not just the tent! Everything! This marriage is all your fault! I want a divorce!" she whined as she kicked around. *Outburst of anger*

"How's the marriage my fault? I didn't ask for this. We can't have a divorce for a virtual marriage. Let's just get out and fix it."

Why did you say it was his fault?
"I know it wasn't really, haha, but I wanted someone to blame," at that she and the PDs laughed, "Because it wasn't my fault," they laughed even more. "I'd rather have the Adam Couple's container box...," she whispered.

They exited and started fixing the tent.

When they entered back in, SeungYoon said, "Well it could be worse."

"No it can't."

"Yeah, it could- wait, where's the toilet?"


"Calm down, calm down. Hehe you're opening up to me~!" SeungYoon squealed which earned him a punch in the stomach. "Just lay down, I'll sing you to sleep," he whispered.

He sang
"당신께 쓰는 편지 (Write A Letter to You)" until she fell asleep as did he when he finished and organized them both in the sleeping bag.


"Our marriage?" Siwan and SeungHye questioned as they looked at each other.

"Yes! Now leave the dorm already!!" MinWoo exclaimed as he forced them outside with their bags that he mysteriously already had.

"Uhh, it's nice being on a show with you again...," SeungHye smiled.

"Yeah, it's nice seeing you again, too," Siwan agreed, "Do you want me to carry your luggage for you?" he asked as he picked up his luggage.

"No, it's okay... Where are we supposed to go anyway?" she interrogated as she picked up her own luggage.

"I'm not sure... but we should probably leave our building," he answered. As they exited the building, a PD gave them a card with the locations of their residence and told them to make a couple name.

"Do you have everything? We're about to go to your residence and it's a little far away," the same PD asked.

"I left my violin," Siwan answered, "may I go get it?" The PD allowed him, but told him to make it quick.

"Do you want me to come with you?" SeungHye asked. He said that she didn't need to, but she went with him anyway.

"Siwan-sshi, mianhae that we had to break up after Idol's Love, but it was because my manager felt that since you have a lot of fans, it would be bad for our group's reputation. He thought I would have a lot of antis even though during the show we had many supporters." SeungHye explained herself to Siwan who still seemed like he was holding a grudge against her.

"It's okay, my manager said it'd be risky for the both of us, too. But he let me take the risk, but I guess you weren't allowed to," Siwan replied.

They got to the dorm but had no idea where MinWoo had gone, but JunYoung told them that he received this note and a ring and left to go find someone. After retrieving his violin, the PD suggested that they get SeungHye's as well, so they drove to the W.I.S.H. dorm which is three rooms away from the SHINee dorm. As they entered, the elevator was about to close but it was still more than halfway open.

"Hold the elevator, please!" Siwan shouted as the two of them ran to it.

Whoever was in there pressed the door open button and waited for them. Once they entered, the hooded figure asked, "Fifth floor, right?"

"Yeah.. How did you know?" SeungHye asked confused. The male pulled down his hood to reveal no other than SHINee's Key.

"Do you need help, noona? You're carrying a heavy load," Key offered as he began to take some of her bags while Siwan just looked at them from the corner of his eye. *Peer peer*

Once the elevator door opened, SeungHye knocked on the door, and JaeKyung opened it. "Oh unnie, you're back," she remarked sleepily.

"Yeah, I'm just here to get my violin. Is TaeYeong home yet?" SeungHye asked.

"No, she got married. Didn't you receive her text?" JaeKyung answered.

"Whaa, married? Why didn't I know? SHINee and W.I.S.H. are sibling groups," Key whined softly.

"I need to get my phone, too," SeungHye spoke to herself as she entered. They then bid JaeKyung farewell, and Key got MinHo to come out and help carry Siwan's luggage.

"Yah, SeungHye-yah," Key spoke informally which made Siwan's head wince slightly, "who is he? Your... boyfriend?"

"Ani ani, nothing like that," SeungHye replied embarrassed.

"Husband," Siwan bluntly remarked, "I'm her husband. We married today," he replied as he grabbed her hand and held her close, far away from Key.

SHINee loaded their bags in the car and waved goodbye to them as they returned to the inside of the building, and the car drove off.

What is your wife's relationship with SHINee and how do you feel about it?
"Uhh, they're under the same management...and one of their members is the sister of SHINee's maknae, which is why they're close," Siwan explained. "...Honestly, I was threatened by Key-sunbaenim's unusual kindness toward her," he confessed.

"Excuse me, driver," Siwan began, "where are we going?"

"Busan," the driver responded, "your house is on Haeundae Beach."

"" the couple said in unison.

"You can say that...," the driver replied.

"At least we live in our home towns, huh? That's good for me~," SeungHye remarked.

"Yeah...," Siwan replied.

They fell asleep during the multiple hour drive, but when they woke up, they were brought over to a hut made from straw that would probably only fit four people. *Shock*

"How do we live in here?" Siwan asked himself.

How do you feel about your hut on Haeundae Beach?
"I'm happy it's in Busan~! My place of birth~, but I don't like the hut. It's too small and makes me feel claustrophobic every time I'm in there. I think it's to make us closer to our spouse," SeungHye explained, "I don't like it. Haha..."

When they entered, they say this billboard posted on the wall in their hut. They finished their unpacking and went over to read the billboard. They were surprised when it was filled with notes from their netizen supporters.

*Explode of happiness* "Omo, Siwannie, this one says, 'I'm glad that the SiHye couple will be together again. SiHye hwaiting~!' Hehe it's good to know that not everyone is an anti," SeungHye smiled.

"This one says, 'It's good to see SeungWan together again. Even though I love Siwan-oppa, I love SeungHye-unnie, too. SeungWan hwaiting!' I love you, too, ZE:A's~!" Siwan exclaimed to the camera.

"Here it says, 'I'm glad to see the Skinny Fashionista Couple together again after the break up. Siwan-hyung, take care of SeungHye-noona for me.' That's a funny title," SeungHye commented.

"Oh a guy supporter sent it. Wanna use that title? We're supposed to have a couple name, after all."

They decided to go by that title and began to read each others' information sheet afterward.

"I already know your first kiss," Siwan teased, "It was day 14's mission."

"Hehe I didn't know you wanted to be paired with Im YoonA. You guys have the same last name though."


"That's not allowed. It's illegal."


"That's like me writing down So GaCheol as my ideal partner," she retorted.

"It's different because you two are actually siblings. You're lucky your name was even on there," he scoffed.

*Disbelief* "You're lucky yours was, too. I thought of it last minute when HeeChullie called me."

"You wanted to be with Key? SuHoon? Aren't they dongsaengs to you?"

"They're more than just dongsaengs to me...," she answered quietly.

"Then what are we, huh? I used to be in a relationship, so what is your relation with me now besides being your virtual husband," Siwan retorted annoyed. *Annoyance*

"We're just friends."

"Friends?! We shared our first kiss!"

"Friends with benefits."

"Well whatever. It's so interesting that I meet your ideal type almost perfectly," Siwan changed the topic.

"Almost," SeungHye replied purposely to annoy him.

"But you fit mine perfectly," Siwan said while reaching for SeungHye's hand.

SeungHye pulled her hand away, pretending to stretch and offered that they should probably go to sleep now.

"Y-Yeah...good night, manura," Siwan told her as she was drinking water. She almost choked after hearing that.

"Good night, nampyeon..," she replied.



"We're married?!" KwangSun exclaimed out loud in question.

"Hehe, I guess~~. Good thing it's with someone like you~! I've really admired you since your debut," MinWoo complimented.

"Thank you, I've liked you since your debut, too," she complimented back to him.

"Should we go now?" he asked, "Kaja~." He held her hand as they exited the building together, still wearing their couple rings.

At the exit of the MBC building, there was a mailbox labeled 'We Got Married'. They both knew that it was for them, so they opened the mailbox and read the mission.

"Do you know where 137-4 Garibong-dong is, KwangSun?" MinWoo asked.

"Yeah, my brother's friend has an apartment in that building. I can call him for directions," she informed him as she took out her Sky JamBand phone and dialed his number.

"Hello? YeongCheol-sshi? What are the directions from the MBC building to 137-4 Garibong-dong?" she asked over the phone. "Oh, oh, yeah, okay, okay, really? Thank you! Yeah, I'll ask him now, though. MinWoo, would you be okay if he drove here to get us then drove back?" KwangSun asked. MinWoo shook his head 'no' and mouthed 'I have pride, too'. KwangSun replied, "It's okay, I think we can manage by ourselves. Thank you, anyway. Yes I'll take care. You, too. Thank you!" she hung up the phone.

They finally made it to the apartment complex and saw two trucks in front of the building.

"WHOA! WHY ARE THERE HUGE TRUCKS HERE?!" two mysterious voices shouted from no where.

"Why are there two trucks? I thought we only had one full of our stuff?" MinWoo questioned after seeing the one truck with there face cutouts over a heart background labeled underneath with: "We Married Today~! ♡"

"Someone else must be moving in," KwangSun explained to the confused MinWoo. "On the other hand, did you hear those voices," she whispered, "What. Was. That?" she spoke slowly.

"Well anyway, you should call your brother's friend down. I think we may need his help now," MinWoo informed.

KwangSun called YeongCheol who said he would be down in about five minutes. Four minutes passed and they could hear his voice say, "Good evening" to someone else. He then came to them and greeted them and hugged KwangSun and asked how her brother was doing. They talked for a while until MinWoo walked in between them and opened the truck.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I came here to help...," YeongCheol apologized as he walked over to assist MinWoo. They brought out all the luggage from the truck and placed them on the ground. Then, MinWoo and YeongCheol brought bags into the building. "What room number is it?" he asked MinWoo.

"What? Oh! It's...uh...528!" MinWoo informed him.

"Huh?! 528?! That's such bad luck! It means no easy fortune for me... Eotteokhae?" KwangSun told MinWoo as she was lugging up some bags on the stairs. KwangSun is both multilingual and superstitious.

"Haha, just relax, Kwangie~~~~!!!" MinWoo reassured her.

"Yah, don't call me that!" she scolded. "Omo!" she screamed as she dropped a bag. She turned around to a blond boy who caught her bag for her. "Ah! Gomapseumnida!!" she thanked him. *Who's this?*

"No problem, do you need help? Where's your room at?" he asked as he started to hold some of her bags.

"Oh no, it's okay. I'm fine," she answered, "Thank you anyway."

"Please let me help you," he pleaded with his eyes.

"Fine. It's a bad luck number. It's room 528," she answered him.

"Okay~. Hehe you're just like a dongsaeng I have," he replied.

"They continued talking until she heard MinWoo say that he couldn't open it because KwangSun had the key. MinWoo began to walk down the stairs toward them two.

"I'm R'd2Beat's Lead Vocalist Jo HyoSeong, by the way," he told KwangSun, "What's your name?"

"Yah, KwangSun-ah, who's this?" MinWoo asked in a slightly angry tone.

"Oh he's Jo HyoSeong-sshi. He helped me earlier," she answered.

"So, what's your name, miss?" he said as he kissed her hand. *Emergency Situation*

"Yah! That's my wife you're talking to. Let's go KwangSun," he grumpily remarked as he collected their belongings and stomped up the stairs while squeezing KwangSun's hand harshly.

"Bye bye, KwangSun-sshi!" Hyoseong yelled before running away in terror.

"Aisshh!!! That guy...," MinWoo muttered. They got to the room and opened it while YeongCheol, MinWoo, and KwangSun brought things in.

Why didn't you want her brother's friend's help and R'd2Beat's Jo HyoSeong's help?
"I was threatened," MinWoo laughed, "What? I didn't know he was a singer... Well, to me, it felt like admitting defeat to my wife and those guys because it would show that I'm not as strong or capable as them. Besides, he kissed my wife's hand," MinWoo and the PDs laughed even though MinWoo tried to mask his laughter by closing his lips together and using his hand.

"WHAT?!" the couple shrieked as they saw that the apartment room was old and abused. There was a note on the wall that said, "Like it? It's designed for the two of you to problem solve better.

"It's worse than my house in Yangsan...," KwangSun muttered.

"You're from Yangsan, too? Haha, let's show pride. We're now the Yangsan couple!" MinWoo announced.

"Wait could I at least have a say in this?" KwangSun asked.

"No, no, no, no no no no~~~. Your argument is invalid~," MinWoo chanted.

After they finished arranging their items and thanked YeongCheol, who left afterward, they looked over their spouse information sheets.

"You've never had a first kiss? But you've had a boyfriend before?" MinWoo asked, well more like pointed out.

"You never had a first kiss, too? Whaa... but you seem like you were cool in high school," KwangSun said.

"I still am cool!" MinWoo corrected.

"Ne, ne~!" she agreed.

"I suit your ideal type so nicely," MinWoo explained, "I'm able to dance, sing and am a blood type B. We're a perfect couple. You suit mine, too."

"Hehe, yeah...yah, MinWoo-sshi, aren't you scared? It's so...old and has this dark feeling..."

"Why? Are you scared, buin? hehe, it's okay, as long as I'm here, I'll protect you," he reassured her while holding her hand. *So lovely*

Why were you scared of the apartment?
"It's so scary! If you live there, you would be scared, too! It's so old and abused and broken! Haha, it's a good thing I have a brave husband," KwangSun smiled. "I can't wait until we move," she laughed.

After doing their business, the couple finally retired for the day. MinWoo hugged KwangSun while they were in bed because he felt that she seemed scared. Excuses.

"KwangSun-ah, I have a question."


"Why do you have a guy's name?"

"Because when my mother was pregnant with me, my grandmother on my father's side wanted three male grandchildren from our family so I was named ahead of time in my mother's stomach. I had the first syllable as Kwang to match my oppas. KwangHee and KwangCheol."

"Oh...good night, buin~! Saranghanda~~~," MinWoo whispered.


After leaving the cafe, the couple had a day off and decided to go on a date. The couple just went to a local mall and went around in there. Nina noticed many fans taking pictures of them holding hands and HongKi holding Nina's belongings like a true gentleman.

"Oh God, here comes the scandals...," Nina mumbled to herself.

"It's okay," HongKi told her, "I think they know that we're married now."

When leaving the mall, they spotted a mailbox that was labeled with 'We Got Married'. "Oh! I think it's our first mission!" HongKi exclaimed happily as he pointed to it. *Excitement*

The couple then opened the mailbox that told them to go to a certain address and once they get there to think of a couple name. They were told that their belongings had already been moved to the house and not to worry about their things.

When they finally reached the house, they were relieved as it was starting to get really late. They arrived at 11:48PM. "Hehehe, remember Dream Team?" HongKi asked, "That was fun~."

The couple explored around their house which seemed like it was for a small family. It only had two rooms, a living area, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

*Relief* "At least there are two r-what the heck, man?" Nina began before opening the door to the second room which was only a huge storage for their cooking supplies and other essentials for living. *Worry*

What was your feelings on living with your partner?
"I was excited but...I was uncomfortable with staying in the same room," Nina paused to giggle lightly, "I prefer staying by myself in a room, haha."

After they unpacked, Nina checked her cyworld which was filled with comments involving HongKi and her date earlier that day. They said a lot of things like "Nina-unnie is so cool and so is HongKi-oppa! They totally match!" or "Haha I saw the Cool Couple at the mall today! They were so cute!!!!"

"What are you reading?" HongKi asked as he sneaked up behind her.

"Huh? Oh, my cyworld," she answered, "Hey, we're supposed to think of a couple name, right? Let's be the Cool Couple."

"Okay~~~~!" HongKi smiled brightly.

How do you feel about the name 'Cool Couple'?
"I think it's very cool," HongKi laughed, "it suits us very well."

They looked over their information sheets and were surprised by some things they found out.

"You've never had your first kiss?" HongKi asked in disbelief. Nina merely shook her head. "You like someone straightforward, cute, funny, and doesn't care about their image. Do you think I fit that description?" Nina nodded.

"You wanted to be with my dongsaeng Song SeungHyun?!" HongKi exclaimed, "hehehe...okay~"

After going over the sheet for a long time, they decided to go to sleep. HongKi realized that she was having a little trouble sleeping, but didn't know that it was because she wasn't comfortable with sleeping in the same bed.

"Yah, Nina-yah, are you having trouble sleeping?" he asked.

"Hehe yeah... Why? Am I keeping you up? I'm sorry...," she replied.

Why did you have trouble sleeping and why were you nervous?
"I had trouble because I was nervous," Nina laughed with her hand covering , "I was nervous because we had to share a room...I'm not used to doing that. The same reason that I explained earlier," she giggled.

"Aniyo~! It's just.. I'll sing you to sleep!" HongKi stated, "Okay?" After Nina nodded, he began to sing Baby Love until she fell asleep, and both of them fell asleep for the night.

I lost six subscribers after releasing the first seven. I told you I would choose at least 9 or at least 13. I was actually going to choose some of you that unsubscribed, but what's the point in writing a story for someone who won't read it? Just to let you know, I'm choosing almost all of you unless you have the same partner as someone else chosen. If you did have the same partner, I would let you choose a new one or go with your other. I'm just letting you all know that if you unsubscribe when I release a few of the ones I'm choosing, I won't consider your application anymore.

On the other hand it's Christmas, but I'll update the Christmas one tomorrow since most of you are in America...(I think) And I won't update after Christmas because I'll be leaving my grandmother on my dad's side's house from Busan to go to my maternal family in Daegu where my family doesn't have internet. I'll still write new chapters, though, just won't update. Whoa, 8.050 words and 18 pages on word O: yeah...


Oh yeah I apologize for the last ones, I was writing this early in the morning... I should sleep now it's 4AM xDD

Thank you to MrBoogie who wrote the part of HyoSeong in the Yangsan couple's part~ lol

I'm sorry to ChibiXMiku because when I write hers, it's always the lamestㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Maybe because I always write yours last when all my creativity is gone... I'll start yours first after the Christmas special~

OH YEAH! AND whoever can translate what SungMin said, I'll be your best friend~ jk I'll put you a lot if you are a couple or if not, when you become a couple ;)

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cute story
Chocolatemushrooms #2
Interesting! Update soon!
Awe every guy revealing their wife XD I liked the dinner ^^<br />
It was so romantic! ^^
babysach #4
update soon please!
haha okay xD<br />
I really thought Amber was a dude, because I watched their vid Lachata without knowing the members names and I saw Amber and was like, "Oh my gosh he is damn fine." And then I heard 'him' sing >.<
ImSiwansaranghae #6
I'm online... at 2AM because my stupid brother forgot to pack and he lost his phone and guess what? It's on silent -____- not even vibrate. We were supposed to leave waaay before now but yeah... I'm on through my cousin's iPad. yeahhh
ImSiwansaranghae #7
@ByunMinHyo yeah xP lol onewsangtae made my character's siblings' personalities and he's protective over younger sister and doesnt like people who are dating her and such doesn't :P you too~~~ ^^<br />
@x_T-AE haha thank you~^^ yeah we just couldnt think of anything else.. :)<br />
<br />
@ChibiXMiku haha yeah~~~ LOL yeah I MISS AMBER D; merry Christmas to you, too :) and I will :) or I'll try to have onewsangtae since she knows my ps and imma add her as coauthor~~ yeah <br />
<br />
happy new year to all~~~~~~! ^^
haha merry xmas :)<br />
awe Hongki and Nina so sleepy xD Bom is nice and pretty :D<br />
haha woohoo for your brother :D I like Amber (nh) xD<br />
update when you can :D
x_T-AE #9
Haha!<br />
Onew and GD! Whoots~<br />
And I do hope you find time to update.<br />
Hwaiting ;D<br />
<br />
extra>> Lols. You guys give each other albums in Korea as gifts? How lucky..sigh.