
Two Hearts
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Days passed…

I drive sana to the college every single day. The serial killer just killed another guy and it’s time for me to investigate it and know his intentions. After I dropped sana at the college I went to the crime scene where some blood could be seen on the sidewalks. I went to the old man who owns a small tailor shop. I bowed to him and he did the same, he looks humble and kind.

“Sir, who is the victim?”

“A friend of mine” he looked depressed “he was a healthy harmless guy”

“I am sorry sir”

“But you know what that monster is doing? He is taking healthy organs from each victim”

I widened my eyes at him “Organ trade?”

He nodded and frowned “I hope they can catch him before he kills more innocent people, they found all the bodies with a missing organ and he kills them with a poison syringe in their neck”

“That’s awful” I sighed “thanks for the answers sir” I shook hands with him and walked to my taxi car “please don’t come close to my favorite people” I prayed before I the engine but unfortunately it didn’t turn on.

“” I cursed as I left the car, I called Donghae and asked him to send me a mechanical. Glad that I am a man of influence. I leaned on the car and kept looking at my watch today sana has a late course and he didn’t finish fixing the car yet.

“It won’t work” he stated as he cleaned his black hands.

“WHAT?” I yelled at the poor guy. He shrugged his shoulders at me.

“I need time to fix it at least two days”

I messaged my nape “sure, just call donghae when you finish”

He bowed humbly to me as I walked around in town until it became almost seven when I went to sana’s university. I waited for her by the gate. My hands were tucked into my beige pants. I was kicking a small stone and blowing air from my mouth thinking about that serial killer and who is his headmaster.

“Hey” I looked at the girl that greeted me, she was so beautiful with her long brown hair and pointy chin “uhm are you waiting for someone?”

“Yes my friend”

“I am chaeyoung”

I was taken back, her name is same as me? HOW?

“But they call me rose”

“Oh, hey I am uhm chaebong” I was confused and she looked shy with her trembling hands that were holding the books “um can I use your phone?”

“Sure” I handed her my phone and watched her call someone but that someone is…HER.

“This is my number so” she winked “let’s hang out”

“uhmm” I heard a cough from behind rose, it was sana and she linked her arm in mine?

“Sorry my friend is not straight”


“Oh! Really?” rose rolled her eyes “never mind you are short”

I glared at sana for few seconds before looking away.

“Hi chaebong” she winked at me… She uses skin ship a lot and it’s making me uncomfortable especially when I get because of her.

“Where is fido?”… Yeah, she named my car fido… I don’t know why but it’s cute.

“Fido is sick”

“Oh” she pouted and I smiled shyly at her.

“Let’s go to the bus station, it’s already night”

We were walking while linking arms and I carried her back bag she was talking non-stop about how her teacher is telling bad jokes and she needs to laugh just so he can give her extra points.

She sat by the window while I sat beside her.

She blew air on the window and made it foggy she drew a heart with her finger, such a childish old act. I smiled widely and leaned in I drew a smile inside the heart and she looked at me, our faces were so close.

“Promise me that you won’t ever erase the smile from your heart”

“Why?” she asked in a low voice.

“Because you have the purest heart and the most cheerful personality in the world” we smiled and her eyes were focused on mine until the bus stopped suddenly followed by the loud honk of the bus and our lips touched.

Don’t panic.

Don’t panic.

She widened her eyes and pulled away immediately… ‘Thank you driver-nim’ I thought and she looked away quickly, her cheeks were pink while I was smiling non-stop.

She thinks I am a gay who doesn’t feel anything toward girls… while I am already in love with her.

She didn’t talk with me at all through the whole ride till we arrived at our house. Haru rushed to her and momo was with him, she was eating some gummy bears while watching me greet haru.

“Hey momo” I ruffled her hair earning a kick on my … We are this close now. I went to my room and laid down on the bed after the small peck between me and her.


Haru was drawing some random stuff that he learned at school while sana was wa

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ice_cream #1
Chapter 30: Happy ending for sachaeng... my saplin chaeplin heart (twice in switzerland effect, dont mind me)
Feel bad for mina...
Chapter 2: Lol, he's too desperate to be near her...
Jeonyeon_Daddy #3
Chapter 9: I ING HATE KYUNGSOO MORE LIKE KYUNGZOO. I don't know why, kyungsoo is SUPER creepy.
Junren01 #4
Chapter 30: im crying deym i hate u
Junren01 #5
Chapter 30: great story author. New story?????
522 streak #6
Chapter 30: I'm not crying authornim, you are UWU :') thank you authornim, for this brilliant story. You've done well! Keep on writing Hwaiting ^^
ImIcE_ #7
Chapter 30: woah that was amazing! such a cute way to end it.
oh my god i love you lolol
this is so great! and chae at the end, i really admire that. he really does love sana, to the point where he would work hard enough to basically rewire his body to make his legs work again.this was an awesome story, and i hope to see you is DAISY! (i’m working on the next chapter, it’ll be up soon!)
Chapter 30: Thank you author-nim for happy ending of sachaeng :D
You did a great job author-nim and I will wait to read ur new story :D
Chapter 30: (^.^)(^.^) i'm happy for them...aldo minariii...woow i'vr had a great time with this story...thank you autornim for the efforts you've did!