The unexpected

Fruitless Love
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I woke up with the water that touched my face. My sight was blocked by a figure in my way. My eyes were opened slowly and I felt someone's hand on my temple checking for fever. Where am I was the first thing that crossed my mind. The familiar view made me realize that it was my room and I was on my bed. The next question that popped into my head was regarding the person who was checking on me.  My eyes took some time to get used to the bright light in the room.  The dark hair of that person felt so familiar. Oh god!! It's her...  It's finally her....  My Seo baby... 


"Yah.... Seobaby...  You're back" the words just escaped my mouth and I  realized that it wasn't her.  My heart stopped as I realized that. The figure was a Se..  But not Seo it was Sehun.  The Oh's son. I didn't try to hold my tears back as I let them flow freely. The other felt that I was sad so he came to me asking why? 

"Hey Luhan. Don't cry. It's not so bad. I'm just telling you if we both agree we can probably cancel this"
Wait what is he talking about? Oh crap! the marriage thing. I totally forgot that. 

"I also have someone I care about. I'm guessing that you do too. So if we both agree we can stop this. " he continue.

"Yeah! I guess.  I'll try too." I managed to whisper withholding my sobs. "What happened to me?" 

"Oh! You have high fever. I'm surprised that you didn't want to get admitted  to a hospital" .

"And where are our parents?"

"They went to discuss about the marriage. But don't worry there won't be a one. My parents won't Litsen to me. But yours will, I guess" He said but I wasn't listening. I was in a deep thought. 

Does Mr. Seo hate me that much that  he wants to imprison me in a loveless marriage. Was loving his daughter that big of a crime? Water works that I withheld was open again. I became a sobbing mess just in seconds.

The taller came near me and tried to calm me down. "Don't worry Lu.  Everything will be OK"

Lu?  Did he just say Lu?  Noone can call me Lu other than her. I grabbed his arm and yell "No. Don't call me Lu".

"OK. Sorry Sorry Luhan. Calm down. I'm sorry" the taller apologizeed. 
He looked so confused and sad that I felt sorry instantly because I yelled at him 
He seemed nice and kind for a boy with a deadbeat mood. 

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. And I'll talk with my parents " My aching voice said as steady as possible. 
After the Ohs and the devil left, my parents came to my room as I was too weak to walk and I needed to see them.

"So what did you talk with Sehun? My baby" mother asked with a teasing voice.

"Mom thats what I wanted to talk about " I said almost too easily as I ignored moms teasing glare. 

"What about it son? " father asked with a question mark on his face.

"I don't want to marry him father" my eyes could not have looked any dead as I tured my stare to the floor. 

"Why son?" 

"Don't bother me father. I just don't like him. " 

"I'll talk about this with the company" 
The hell?  Company?! How can a company decide my marriage? I laughed on the inside as I fell asleep.
"Oppaaaaa!!! " the annoying voice owner entered the room without asking for permission or without any hesitation.
"Get up you'll be late for school" my annoying sister was speaking in a high pitched voice. AGAIN.!!!
I threw my pillow at her as a sign to get lost. She caught the pillow in the mid air and threw it back aggressively with a threat that sounded like wasabi wrapped in sugarcoat. "Yah...  I'll call DO, Chanyeol & Kai hyungs. Or you better get up right now." I could've sworn that she smirked as she say that. 
I panicked. Not those three basterds. I was thrown out of my bed and stood on my leg

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Hey guys!... 😊 Here is the link to the sequel.. Happy reading..


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199 streak #1
Chapter 20: 🥰
199 streak #2
Chapter 6: 🥰
Jisoo_Luhan #3
HunHan it is better The Boss Baby
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 22: That was tragic °∆°
naimiestrella #5
Chapter 22: *squee
noemimart #6
Chapter 21: Unexpected ending. I just hope Luhan never goes back to Sehun. Sehun is not worthy. Just make Luhan pass by him... not remembering anything about him, then leave to USA again, while Sehun goes crazy.
OP_Robin11 #7
Chapter 21: Thanks 4 the sequel...
Fighting authornim!!
Chapter 21: Ohhhh.. Am seeing twice song.. Ahahhaah.. Excited for the Sequel!
Chapter 20: pls i need a sequel.....
Chapter 20: Lu is alive??!!!!