
Rewrite the Stars

[Hello! So, to make everything up, this chapter and the upcoming more were just a drablle sequel for Rewrite the Stars. To be frank, I didn't know that someone will even read this story, because this was supposed to be a one-shot. But since there's so many who subscribed and votes to this (for me), I added three more chapters (or maybe more? Who knows?). A way of saying my gratitude! So, suit yourselves. Thank you so much for reading!]


I foolishly hope this song with lots of regret to touch the sky.

I hope the wish that keeps me up all night in tears touch your heart.


Three months had passed but Baekhyun can still remember how much he made Chanyeol suffered when he was still staying with Jongin. Like Chanyeol had said, he did everything Baekhyun ask him to, he even cleaned the toilet bowl without even having a second thought. And now, being a six-months pregnant gave him a numerous sleepless nights and hard time, but with Chanyeol by his side, he is once assured that he is not alone.


(Having a head ache for hours now made Baekhyun so dizzy that he couldn’t even stand and keep himself awake for a few minutes. Jongin said that he should just sleep until the dizziness disappeared, but it never happened. Jongin got a call from his father that he was needed in the company for some arrangements, but he was so worried to death that he didn’t want to leave his brother. He made some lies just to escape, but his Father knew him way too much. In the end, Jongin doesn’t have a choice but to go to the company.


On the way from entering his car, the familiar black van parked in front of his apartment caught his attention. Chanyeol was smiling so brightly while holding a lots of paper bag before coming to the back seats to arranged the pillows and blankets. Jongin didn’t wait a single second and sprinted his way to his friend. Chanyeol was a bit startled when someone suddenly turned him around, only to be met with a sweaty and looking so worried Jongin.


“Hey dude, what’s up with you today? It’s winter, why the hell are you sweating?” Chanyeol chuckled at the sight before continuing his work. “Chan, Dad called me to the company for some important stuffs, but I can’t go with Baekhyun feeling so awful today.” Chanyeol’s ears perked up at the mention of the name. As fast as the lightning he left Jongin beside his car and ran to Baekhyun’s room, he silently opened the door and saw his little angel sweating.


He checked his temperature, but Baekhyun didn’t catch a cold. Before Jongin finally left he told Chanyeol that Baekhyun was feeling awful and the dizziness won’t stop, so, Chanyeol thought it was better if he cooked a chicken soup and a healthy vegetable salad for his little strawberry. When he entered the room, Baekhyun was sitting with his back on the headboard and a pillow on his lap. He was rubbing his forehead before he stopped after noticing Chanyeol. The giant wanted to coo at the sight but stop himself for being a fanboy. Right now, Baekhyun and the baby’s health are the first priority he has to fulfill.


“What are you doing here?” Jumping a bit for the sudden question, Chanyeol fidgeted with his fingers in embarrassment. “Uhm… Jongin left because of the company, but since he can’t leave you alone because… y-you’re not feeling well, he told me to take a good care of you until he come home.” Baekhyun was struggling not to burst into a fit laughter and maintain his stoic face because of how Chanyeol looked. He looks like a kicked puppy.


“A-And I cooked a chicken soup just in case. If you need something y-you can just call me.” Turning around to leave, Chanyeol decided to let Baekhyun have some time alone because besides, he’s not yet fully forgiven for what he had done. He respected Baekhyun with his decision. But before he could open the door, a pair of warm hands wrapped around his waist, back hugging him.


“Yeol, the baby and I are hungry. Can you feed us?” It’s the pregnancy hormones, Chanyeol kept on repeating inside his mind as he carefully placed Baekhyun on the bed. He reached out for the tray neatly arranged on the study table before sitting down beside the smaller. He blew the soup to make sure that it wouldn’t burn the smaller’s tongue. “Say ahh, then.”


When Baekhyun finished the soup, Chanyeol arranged the empty plates in the tray and glanced back to his boyfriend who was staring at him intently. “Baekhyun, I will just get these downstairs. I’ll be back.” He tucked Baekhyun, rubbing his hair in a soothing motion that made Baekhyun want to sleep again. “It can wait, please Yeol, will you cuddle me to sleep? Don’t leave me please.” And who the hell is Chanyeol to disobey his prince’s request? Lying down beside Baekhyun, Chanyeol wrapped a protective hand on his waist whilst his free hand was playing with his hair.


“I love you, mochi Baek.” Being able to kiss Baekhyun even just his temple felt so great for Chanyeol. Having no Baekhyun beside him before and after waking up felt like dying, having a lunch and dinner without him felt like hell. This is the first skinship Chanyeol had after Baekhyun left him, and for him, this cuddling is a blessing in disguise. Chanyeol wanted to thank the heavens for making Baekhyun feel awful today… in a very good way, because of not of the dizziness, he wouldn’t have the chance to be by his side.


Chanyeol didn’t know when he fell asleep next to Baekhyun but he just woke up when he heard the door creaked. Rubbing his tried eyes, Chanyeol gazed through the door to see Jongin silently peaking outside the midget’s room with a big grin playing on his lips. He arched his brows teasingly to the giant and sent him a flying kiss before running quietly away from the annoyed giant. Chanyeol stared at his sleeping beauty for a while before he decided that it was time to leave before Baekhyun would get to wake up and get annoyed just by seeing his face.


Yes, Baekhyun did tell him to feed and cuddle with him, but that doesn’t guarantee the fact that Baekhyun was fully giving him his trust back again after he broke it. He does respect him and his decision with all his heart. With a heavy heart, Chanyeol carefully pulled his arm which Baekhyun was using as a pillow and gave him a sweet chaste kiss in the temple as he exited the room with light steps.


Little did Chanyeol knew that time, Baekhyun was actually awake way before Jongin peaked at the door or even when Chanyeol woke up from the sound. Baekhyun opened his eyes with a sleeping but tried Chanyeol by his side, his strong warm arms circling around his waist. He kissed his lips and closed his eyes with a smile, feeling the comfortable silence of his room and the presence of Chanyeol sleeping beside him. When Chanyeol left, Baekhyun felt like crying, and so he did. Pulling himself up, he rushed to the bathroom and locked himself, crying his heart out for missing the warm of Chanyeol’s hugs and kisses.


“Chanyeol-ah, I miss you so much… I’m sorry if I’m t-too coward to forgive you. I’m sorry…”


Outside the bathroom door stood the tall and lanky person, tears falling down his handsome face as he leaned his back to the wall as he listened to Baekhyun’s broken and longing voice calling for him to come back. He came back after noticing that he had left his phone inside Baekhyun’s bedside table, what he didn’t expect was to hear him wailing for him. He is hurt as much as Baekhyun was hurting right now. They were obviously yearning for their other half but having a little space for them would make their bond even stronger. And so then, being separated with the one you love will make you even stronger, a new version of yourself, a greater one. Everything will eventually be fine, trust the two persons who love each other so much.


Jongin stood by the door gazing the heartbreaking scene playing right before his eyes. He smiled sadly as he closed the door to give the couple a privacy. “I’ve already done my part to fix your relationship, Chan. It’s time to do yours. Get my brother back to you and give him the life he deserved. I know you will do great this time.”)


Gazing up to the sky with a wide smile displaying on his plump kissable lips, Baekhyun is once again fascinated looking at the stars again to their balcony, a warm hot cocoa clams on his hands. A cold wind passed by him which make Baekhyun shivers, “What are you doing here again, Love?” a warm baby blue blanket shields his body from the wind and he smiles in content. “I’m watching the stars.” Chanyeol couldn’t help but to rolls his eyes, “Watching the stars yet again. Love the wind is cold, you should have brought some blanket with you if you’re planning on staying outside.”


And it was Baekhyun’s turn to roll his eyes, “Are we seriously fighting about this same topic again every night Yeol?” Chanyeol rubs his nape and smiles sheepishly on his fiance. “I’m sorry. I really couldn’t understand why you always spend your time here watching the stars every night before you go to bed. You never really explained it to me.” Bowing down in guilty, Baekhyun gives him a tight smile.


“Mama used to tell me stories back when I was a child before we found out that Papa was having a mistress. Mama said, the stars can tell you of your destiny, like for example, the constellations. They were indeed true to be honest, because Mama can read the stars. She told me that sooner or later, Papa would break a biggest news to us, truth to her words that day, Papa did break us the biggest bomb of our lives. He brought his mistress home and then, in instant everything in my life was crumpled like a piece of paper.”


“I thought to myself that the stars indeed can tell you of your destiny. When I was still working at the bar, I used to think that yes, maybe I would be living my whole life being ed around like a toy. That I would be living my whole life as a useless and unworthy I was. I tried rewriting the stars, my destiny, by looking for a decent job but I would always fail. And then I just stopped because I was so tired rewriting my mistakes, and I thought that maybe, there’s no way for me to change my destiny, that no one can rewrite the stars, but then, you just have to cross paths with me Yeol. You changed my life for good Yeol-ah. You don’t know how grateful I am to you. I couldn’t thank you enough for that.”


Chanyeol smiles to assure his lover that he is not alone anymore, that Chanyeol is willing to help me in every possible way. The taller of the two knows how much insecurity Baekhyun has for the way he looks, the way he walks, and the way he talks. And it’s getting worst now that he is pregnant and the mood swings are kicking in like a thunder storm and even Chanyeol are having a hard time about it.


“Enough said Love. Okay, I won’t bother you again every night now that I already know the reason, but can we go inside now? You should really sleep.” Chanyeol carefully takes Baekhyun in his arms as he walks to their bed. Laying gentle the pregnant one, the giant turns off the lamp on the bedside table as he lays beside his fiance. Chanyeol hums a song with Baekhyun smiling widely in his sleep.


Chanyeol still remember the time that Baekhyun finally wants him back to his life, especially with their little Park on the way to make their lives even more bright. Closing his eyes, Chanyeol tries to recall the day when it happened, it was also the day when he finally finished the song he was working at for a month now. Chanyeol never smiles so wide that time when Baekhyun willingly hugged him back, , it was the best feeling ever!


(Jongin has been so busy these past months, going on dates with Kyungsoo, arranging stuffs here and there for the company, buying grocery for their house, having a part-time job aside from his father’s company and the fact that he always has to be out of town for the expanding of their family business. Baekhyun was always left alone in their shared apartment, but of course, Jongin can’t just leave his pregnant brother alone without anyone to look after him. And that made Chanyeol the baby sitter, he doesn’t mind though, as long as it concerns Baekhyun.


“Baekhyun, I’m so sorry. Please forgive hyung but I really-really need to go. Dad has been pestering me for this out of town business summit for weeks now, Kyungsoo will come with me because they’re kind of our business partner now. You can take care of yourself and the baby, right? Chanyeol will be here with you, so I’m sure you’ll be just fine.” Taking a glance to the statue Chanyeol, Jongin gave the midget an assuring pat on the head and a teasing wink.


“Chan, please take care of your boyfriend and baby. I’m entrusting them to you.” Chanyeol just bowed in assurance to the tan male without even looking up. Jongin bid his goodbyes and went to his car where Kyungsoo was waiting. Kyungsoo waved and smiled to Baekhyun and the midget doing the same whist Chanyeol did nothing but to stared down on his feet. “Let’s go now, Yeol-ah. Don’t you feel cold?” The giant almost threw himself out of shock when Baekhyun’s voice startled him to death. The smaller of the two couldn’t help but to let out a chuckle before he entered the warm and cozy apartment.


Chanyeol closed the door and went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat for the two of them. He opened the cupboard without a difficulty because of his abnormal height. He decided to just cook a spaghetti for the two of them because according from Jongin (thank you the much dude) Baekhyun’s having a craving for ramen, but since it is not healthy, Chanyeol thought that spaghetti would be a good replacement.


Turning to the refrigerator Chanyeol took out the cucumbers and the cartoon of milk, he then held the knife lightly on his hand as he chopped it little by little. And still according to Jongin (you’re a crap Jongin, I didn’t know you can be so helpful at times!) Baekhyun couldn’t eat the ramen without cucumbers and milk with it that made Chanyeol confused for a moment. “It called cravings dude.” Jongin had said when he asked him about it. So, basically Baekhyun’s having a craving for a really-really weird combination of food, because heck, as long as Chanyeol can remember, Baekhyun hates cucumber.


Chanyeol grabbed his phone on the kitchen counter and dialed Sehun’s number. Putting the phone between his shoulder and ear as he continued to work for his masterpiece, Chanyeol put the pasta out of the boiling water and placed it neatly on the white clean plate he found on one of the drawers. “Hello? Chan-hyung? Why’d you call just now?” Hearing Sehun’s voice after a whole month felt so good, he had been a loafing himself away from his friends, and , when did Sehun’s voice became this nice?


“Yo, Sehun-ah! I’m sorry about that! Anyway, I will just explain everything to you when I came back, but now, can you help me with something?” When Chanyeol heard the small but audible yes coming from the younger, he smiled widely. “What food is the best to pair with spaghetti?” Sehun laughed, shaking his head as he pondered for a moment before answering, “Duh, what do you think is the best? Of course, it’s meat balls, you’re an idiot god!” Chanyeol couldn’t help but to face palm with the younger’s answer.


“Seriously Sehun, can you give me a more helpful answer? If meat balls were the best pair for spaghetti then I should’ve just cooked spaghetti with meat balls you moron. Go search or ask Luhan, will you?” Sehun groaned before obeying the older. He stood up from the couch and ran his way to his lover who was singing while showering inside the bathroom. “Hey, Lulu dear. Just gonna ask, what would be the best dish to cook along with the spaghetti? Chanyeol-hyung’s asking me.” Luhan wrapped the towel on his body before peaking outside the door, “Hotdogs? Kyungsoo and I like it that way, but it still depends on who’s gonna eat it. Who would eat it anyway?”


The maknae whispered in a small but audible, “Hyung, can you tell us first who’s going to eat it? Luhan told me it depends on the person.” Chanyeol hummed, “It’s Baekhyun, he’s three months pregnant and I don’t know what he would like to eat since I’m kind of new with these kinds of stuff.” Chanyeol almost threw the phone away from his ears when he heard the loud and ear wrecking yelled of Luhan and the never-ending curses of Sehun from the other line. “Will you guys calm your ? You’re crapping my poor ears!”


“Well, congratulations with the baby hyung. But really, we couldn’t help you with that. Just ask Baekhyun of his cravings.” The two dominants bid their goodbyes with Sehun being a fanboy before ending the call. HunHan couple were having a mental break down after that, with Sehun continuously saying that his ship had finally decided on having a baby and with Luhan listing down his name of being a ChanBaek shipper in Sehun’s book of shippers along with KaiSoo and Jung Daehyun-sshi.


Whilst cooking the food for the both of them, Chanyeol was humming with the song he had made. He started to right the song two months after Baekhyun left, but he just finished it last week. The tune is not yet done but the lyrics was already waiting. “I’m hungry!” Chanyeol smiled fondly without turning around, he was sure as hell that Baekhyun was holding his stomach with a big pout on his pink kissable lips, and Chanyeol couldn’t risk of losing his self-control and everything up again. “When are you going to finish cooking the foods? Baby and I are hungry!”


For the past few days that Chanyeol has been hanging out inside Jongin’s apartment to check on Baekhyun or when Jongin has an important thing to do and would plead Chanyeol to take care of his brother, Chanyeol had noticed that whenever Baekhyun would say something that has something to do with the baby, he would tell it along with himself. “The baby and I…” became Baekhyun’s favorite words since then, and Chanyeol couldn’t find himself not to smile fondly because of that. Baby Park is just a three-months old baby bump, yet his Papa already loves him so much… his Daddy too.


“The dinner is ready your highness.” Putting the plate of spaghetti down in front of Baekhyun, Chanyeol reached out for the cut cucumbers behind him and the cartoon of milk, he poured it over to the pasta. “Ramen is not healthy, so I made you this. If this doesn’t satisfy you then I’ll make you ramen, how’s that sound to you Love?” Ignoring the fact that Chanyeol just called him with the familiar endearment, Baekhyun shook his head, looking up to give the taller a thank you smile. “No, it’s fine. You made this for me and the baby, so Papa and baby Park are going to eat this, thank you Daddy.” Placing a soft kiss on the taller’s lips, Baekhyun showed him his famous rectangular smile.


“Come eat with me and the baby, Yeol-ah…” Chanyeol is more than willingly to obey his little lover. When the two males were done eating their dinner, Chanyeol arranged the empty plates in the sink and started to clean the dirty and used plates. Even without turning around, the giant knew that the smaller male was still there, digging holes on his back as he was doing the dishes. “Aren’t you tired? Why are you still here? Do you want to eat something?” the small male shrugs his shoulder, as if Chanyeol can see him doing it. “You will sleep with me and the baby, right? I want cuddles, Yeol.” In an instant, Baekhyun got what he wanted. The two of them fell asleep with a wide smile on their faces.




When the morning came, Chanyeol suggested that they should stroll around the area of their big neighborhood for some exercise for the pregnant male. Baekhyun was wearing a white sweater and a tight-ripped jean along with a white converse shoes, whilst Chanyeol was dressed elegantly. His coat was screaming expensive, with his violet hoodie, jeans and supreme shoes. They stepped out of the apartment with a good distance from each other, “Shall we go to the café first? Jongin told me you’re craving for apple cake.” Baekhyun’s face lighted up with the mention of the apple cake, he nodded his head variously to his boyfriend.


Upon entering the café, all heads turned to them… err to Chanyeol who looked like he doesn’t give a flying as he held Baekhyun’s hand and dragged him gently to the two empty seats in front of the huge glass window. A waiter greeted them and asked for their order, the older was fast enough to order a slice of apple cake, pancakes along with a cappuccino and an orange juice, he even ordered the donuts and their best breakfast meal. The waiter repeated their orders before leaving them alone in a warm and comfortable silence.


Chanyeol was once again humming the song he had make for Baekhyun whilst playing with the glass of water. Baekhyun has his chin placed on his palm as he secretly and quietly occasionally took a peak to the smiling giant, he patted himself on the back for not being caught. He smiled lightly as he stared outside the window, it felt so great with Chanyeol around. He missed him so much after all and being able to be with him in just a few hours felt like eternity.


The waiter came back a good twenty-minutes with their food, he smiled at them brightly before walking away. “Go ahead, eat now Love.” Oh, how much he missed that familiar endearment! Baekhyun dig on his food without taking a glance to the chuckling yoda ears, he simply tried to ignore him by busying himself on the foods. Everything was so smooth, not until when a group of girls entered the café being so loud. They took a seat just beside Chanyeol and Baekhyun, but well… luck just have to leave Baekhyun’s side yet again.


“Wait! Isn’t that the boy at the amusement park? The ?” Baekhyun stopped mid-way of eating the last piece of his apple cake, “Oh yeah! That’s the boy who seduced all those men! Tssk, look at him now guys, having a rich guy with him again. Is he not ashamed of himself?” Baekhyun do, he does feel ashamed of himself now that he’s being humiliated in front of so many people again, “He disgust me to be frank! God look at his clothes, he even eats like a pig! And is it just me or does he really looked so fat today than the last time we saw him?”


Baekhyun badly wanted to shout that he’s pregnant, and that he’s carrying the child of the guy in front of him. He’s not a anymore, he stopped working as one since the day when he moved in with Chanyeol, but of course they wouldn’t know it. People are just too fast to judge him without even knowing the real reason behind his past job, they could easily judge the book by its cover without even reading what is the book about.


“He must be good in bed, pfft I pity him. He looks like a beggar to me.” And then they laughed after that. The other customers who were listening from the conversation of the ladies turned their gazes on him, they were looking at him in disgust and disappointment as they moved away from the lover’s table. He can feel the same stingy pain in his chest again, Baekhyun could even feel the unshed tears from the corner of his eyes. He was about to stand up and leave when a pair of warm hands pulled him back down.


“Well take a look at that, we spotted another group of es again Love.” The tensed atmosphere became even more intense when Chanyeol spoke. The group of ladies glared at him but who Chanyeol is to give a flying crap? “If you can’t shut your mouth then leave my lover alone. He’s my fiance and if you have a problem with that then let’s talk this out inside the jail, what do you say ladies? But well, my lover is not fat, he’s pregnant for goodness sake, meaning to say that if those ty brains of yours didn’t catch what I had just said, he’s carrying my child so off. You have no rights to say mean things to him because firstly, he doesn’t even know you es. Now, give my baby peace while eating his apple cake which is what he was craving for, for a whole week now.”


When Baekhyun said that he can’t eat no more, Chanyeol just nodded his head. He putted the money on the table and leave with Baekhyun by his side. The walk to their next destination was tense, the awkward atmosphere was present around them. Chanyeol was doing his best by giving Baekhyun a time for himself alone, and Baekhyun appreciated the action so much. When they reached the maze located at the farthest road of their neighborhood, Chanyeol who would always come here often, lead Baekhyun the way with a derp grin, and that didn’t go unnoticed by Baekhyun which made the small pup to smile fondly at the view. Chanyeol was leading him the way, it was like a tour to Baekhyun to be frank because Chanyeol would comment in everything his eyes would laid on. Such a humble giant he is.


Upon reaching the middle of the maze where the angel fountain can be find, a wide happy smile spread on Baekhyun’s face. The view was breathtaking, in the middle, an angel fountain was standing proudly with its dancing yet colorful fountain water, there was a background music that Baekhyun couldn’t find where they were hiding it. The flower petals were lying messily yet beautifully to the ground, a wind passed by them making the petals to dance along with the wind. Baekhyun almost teared up because of how unique and elegant the whole maze was, even on their way to the center, the way to the fountain was beautiful and romantic because of the arrows leading them the way.


“Why didn’t I notice this? I’ve been living with Jongin for three months now, but that crappy brother of mine didn’t even bother to take me here!” Baekhyun whined while rubbing his runny nose, “When baby Park is born, I swear I’ll take him here!” Chanyeol chuckled to the whiny puppy, but then his forehead crease when Baekhyun just address their baby him, “How can you be sure that the baby is a him? It could be a she you know.” This earn him a glare from the younger and he immediately shut his mouth up. That was scary! “I’m carrying him, and I can feel that he’s going to be a he! I’m his Papa so I would get to decide for what gender I want!” The smaller stomped his foot angrily… but cutely and leave the giant gulping down the lump on his throat.


“Actually, you can’t. It’s the genes Love, didn’t your science teacher teach you that in middle school?” When he heard a loud no coming from the upset puppy, Chanyeol just shakes his head and went after to the younger and coo at him. “Of course, our baby would be a boy. His Papa decided it after all, right Love?” Baekhyun was internally fanboying inside his mind. But maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones that made him kiss Chanyeol in the lips while hugging his neck tightly… or maybe not. “I love you Yeol, you’re the best!”




“Are you composing a song or something?” Baekhyun nudges his future husband’s shoulder after noticing the notebook, a pen and the guitar lying on their shared bed. Chanyeol just simply nods and carefully places the midget on the bed. Mr. and Mrs. Park just left after making sure that both of their lovely sons were in good condition. Ever since Chanyeol and Baekhyun got back together, the old Park couple just couldn’t get enough of the small male, especially now that he came home bearing Chanyeol’s child. He would be always showered in love coming from the Parks, they even bought him a crib for the baby, which made the pregnant male to cry his heart’s out in Chanyeol’s chest in a whole day.


“I already finished the lyrics, but I’m kind of not still done for the tone since we’re busy taking care of Baby Park.” Taking the notebook and pen away from the bed, Chanyeol places it on their wardrobe where Baekhyun wouldn’t be able to see. Chanyeol is waiting for the right time to sing it to his beloved Baekhyunee. When he came out of their wardrobe, Baekhyun was playing random notes on his guitar, it doesn’t even make sense what was the smaller’s been playing because of the notes. Chanyeol chuckles, “If you want, I can teach you how to play guitar.” But Baekhyun simply shakes his head in disapproval, “No, I’m fine with just the piano, so then I can be your pianist and you can be my guitarist.”


Throwing himself beside Baekhyun on the bed, he puts his hand on the growing baby bump. “What if you write a song, Love? I’m almost finish with mine, it can busy you for a while… well for the mean time before your labor so you don’t have to do the chores. Leave all the hard work on me, Love.” Baekhyun pouts, intertwining their fingers together above his bump. “But Yeol, how about your work? I heard from Papa that the expanding of your business is doing really great, but there are a lot of paper works for you now. How can you do that all alone?” The giant pats his head, making the midget to purr at the soothing feeling.


“I’m the CEO, I can bring my work here at home. Now shush, I can feel little Park whining for some attention.” Chanyeol chuckles when he felt another kick from their little bundle of joy. He fondly stares at his lover who is now looking at his tummy with a loving smile on his pretty face. The sense of pride in Chanyeol after seeing the love the smaller has for their baby is too much for him to handle, and their little Park too. He’s been so active lately that Baekhyun was having a hard time to get an enough sleep because of it, but Chanyeol never heard any complains coming from him. “Aww, you little attention seeker. What do you want? Daddy will talk to you,” Baekhyun says, sending a wink to the dumbo beside him.


“Ahh, maybe little Park wants to hear the song you made for me, Yeol.” When the couple received a powerful kick from the baby inside, Chanyeol couldn’t help but to coo while Baekhyun groans in pain. “Aissh, calm down, will you? That hurts like a bit… fitch, you know!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun agreed to the no cursing policy for their little Park. Yixing-hyung said (Baekhyun’s OB/GYN) that little Park can hear everything from the inside and that makes the couple to always show their affection to their little unborn baby by talking to him, and that too means that when they curse, then little Park would hear it too. They’re changing for good for baby 614.


“Alright then, little guy.” Taking the forgotten guitar, Chanyeol starts to plays the note. Making sure to make an eye contact to the younger, Chanyeol plays the song he composed with so much emotion, it was the song he had made three months ago.


[Playing: Beautiful by Wanna One. Credits to the person who wrote the song.]


I foolishly hope this song with lots of regrets to touch the sky,

I hope the wish that keeps me up all night in tears touch your heart.


I was young, I didn’t know it’d be like this.

Back then, I thought that things were a given.

The smile that you left for me still remains in this heart of mine.

To be honest, it looks like I need the love I have yet to receive.

As the time which I’m left alone grows longer.

I do feel scared.

I miss those days and I miss you so much yeah.


I miss you so much, I finally feel this space of our own.

I miss you so much, tears are coming out this much but why?

Didn’t I realize?

So beautiful, beautiful.

Because it’s you who’s more beautiful than anyone else.

Don’t get hurt. Don’t cry, this song, for you.

If you hear it, please come back again.

Oh, I miss you, I miss you.

This image of me standing alone, in the mirror is unfamiliar.

I’m scared. I need you.

I hate what I’m finally feeling so much.

Come back again.


They say one’s memory is storage that’s wide like the sea.

Even if I wander around in there all-day long.

I force my eyes to close today as well and I’m holding on to,

The thing that is traces of solely you.

I miss you so much, I finally feel this space of our own.

I miss you so much, tears are coming out this much but why?

Didn’t I realize?


So beautiful, beautiful.

Because it’s you who’s more beautiful than anyone else.

Don’t get hurt. Don’t cry, this song, for you.

If you hear it, please come back again.

Oh, I miss you, I miss you.

This image of me standing alone, in the mirror is unfamiliar.

I’m scared. I need you.

I hate what I’m finally feeling so much.


Yeah, I hold a flower that’s so pretty like you.

I want to stand in front of you again yeah.

With a better self than back in those days,

I want to appear in front of you yeah.

I draw those familiar times with my fingertip.

I cry here in my place like a clock that doesn’t turning.

You who shined, you who is like an angel to my heart.

I want to try holding you who is beautiful.

I really want to see you again.


So beautiful, beautiful, are you crying somewhere?

Don’t leave (Don’t go) I love you (Lies)

Because anything you say would be nice.

Oh, I miss you, I miss you.

Those final words of you who drifted away from me (I miss you)

Is unfamiliar. I’m scared. I need you.

I hate what I’m finally feeling so much.


I foolishly hope this song with lots of regrets to touch the sky,

I hope the wish that keeps me up all night in tears touch your heart.


Finishing the song with a final strum of his guitar, Chanyeol opens his eyes just to see a teary-eyed puppy staring intently at him, Chanyeol shakes his head in amusement, “Why are you crying Love?” putting the guitar aside, Chanyeol places his hand on top of Baekhyun’s. “See, even baby Park likes my song. He’s kicking non-stop, you should be smiling and not the other way around, Love. Shush now.” He peaks a few kisses on the younger’s lips making the puppy smiles in content.


“Always remember that I love you so much and that you’re beautiful. Yes, you used to work in a bar, but that was in the past. You’re going to be a Park soon, and a Papa to our little attention seeker, so you don’t have to be so insecure about small things. Plus, you’re not fat, how many times do I have to tell you that? You’re pregnant, so don’t mind what Luhan called you yesterday, I know you’re still upset with him so don’t try hide it from me. My lovely Baekhyunee is a sweet angel came from God, and you are the best gift I had receive, you know that? And maybe yes, I will agree with the name you choose. Park Jihoon, doesn’t sound so bad at all like I imagine it would be. Now, now, Park Jihoon, go to sleep young man and let Papa have his beauty sleep, and don’t go kicking him in the middle of the night. I love you both.”


Okay, so to get straight on the point, everyone can indeed rewrite their stars, their destiny of who and what they wanted them to be. Don’t let others to affect you, take Byun Baekhyun as an example then, he did give up correcting his mistakes, gave up rewriting his destiny, but then God sent someone to help me stand up again, and that was Park Chanyeol, his fiance and soon to be husband. Always tell to yourself that if you’re turning the wrong alley way to your better life, God would send someone who will help and take the lead to the life you deserve. This may sound so useless, but it’s true. There won’t be a problem if you believe in this just a bit you know.


And I foolishly hope that this story with lots of useless things to touch your heart just a single bit. Well, whatever, Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun finally found the love and life they deserved in the first place anyway.

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Chapter 5: In love ♡
Chapter 4: Sign me in Mr. President Oh. Lol. ="D .
And Chanbaek is so sweet :")
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