Rewrite the Stars

Rewrite the Stars

Byun Baekhyun was an 18 year old hooker boy who was often seen lurking around the bar or outside the Red District brothel every night. Some would think that he'd be there to look for fun and have a few drinks upon seeing him, given that he always dress like those rich spoiled brats from wealthy families. It would have been better if it was true, but some regulars of the establishments knew of the boy. He's a hooker who offers an easy lay in exchange of money and he's one of the best amongst his peers and clients.

Losing his ity at the age of sixteen is something that Baekhyun cannot be proud of. He's an orphan who has no parents to rely on so offering his body to whoever want it is the reason why he's still breathing and alive right now. This job, although hard and shameful as it was, it's still the job who gives him enough salary for food, his basic necessities and a roof over his head, so its not like he can complain. But of course, like any other hooker, he still feel ashamed of his self--for being so dirty, for allowing those brutal jerks ravish him just for a few dollars that still meant so much for him. It's his job but he’s not proud of it.

But what can he do? Being a hooker paid a good price, he could live a whole week with just being ed. It's not like he hadn't tried to look for a new job, he did, like his peers did before him, but it seemed as if they were always meant to land back to where they started; being a cheap hooker. He tried being a waiter in a fast food chain near his ty apartment, but all he did was messed up every single job given to him. And then he became a janitor in a school but he was fired for being accused of stealing from students. He was desperately looking for a job when Mr. Jung offered him a slot in his group, he didn’t think twice before he accepted it.

This night was nothing new for Baekhyun, for one of his client was dragging him on his designated room inside the brothel he’s working at. Being shoved in the bed, being ed so roughly it sometimes left him weak in the knees, unable to fight back or yell for help. There is nothing new here for Baekhyun. When his client went out after paying Baekhyun a good amount of money that can last him a week, Baekhyun wore the clothes hidden under the bed. He flinched when he felt the familiar tingly pain on his lower part, he couldn't help but curse under his breath.

When he came out of the room, he whimpered when his face clashed against a strong chest. Looking up, Baekhyun was startled when his puppy like eyes met a piercing but worried almond-eyes. Backing off a bit, the midget bows and muttered an apology to the guy before turning around to leave. He was almost outside the brothel when he was stopped by someone grabbing his arms to pull him back inside.

Baekhyun turned around in surprised, “You’re a ?”

Hearing this familiar word, Baekhyun could feel his chest tightening. He was offended again, but then again what can he do? He entered this kind of job, so he has to face it and act like one, right? If there's something this job had taught him, it was standing tall and proud and not wavering. Don't let anyone look down upon you and stared them down so they will respect you. Raising his head up, he tried to put his fake flirty smile back on his face.

“Yes, what can I do for you? Are you here to hire me to be your body for the night?” He said seductively while looking at the guy under his lashes.

Words like these leaving his mouth, Baekhyun wanted to puke. He made a disgusted face but was fast enough to smile again before the guy noticed.

The guy was startled but a frowned made its way on his handsome face, “No, I'm just... sorry about that--I--uhm… Why are you faking your smile?”

Baekhyun flinched. Getting rid of his surprise with a thumping heart and trembling hands, Baekhyun pushed the giant man away from him. To say the least that Baekhyun was surprise on how the hell this giant knew he was faking his smile and flirting gesture was beyond his knowing. If small things like these the man could read then Baekhyun has to get away from him. People like these could stare right into your soul and its frightening.

“A-Ah, I forgot that I still have things to settle and I’m getting late..." Remembering that the guy could be a potential client Baekhyun hurriedly continue, "You can come back tomorrow if you want. Bye, sir.”

Bowing in a hurry, Baekhyun almost threw himself out of the brothel when he noticed the guy following him exit the goddamn building. He turned into an alleyway where knows by heart and made a turn. When he came home to his poor excuse of an apartment, Baekhyun threw himself to the mattress lying on the cold floor of his room. He sighed exhaustingly as he tried to get himself up so he could drink the pain killers and his medication lying on his kitchen counter before falling asleep if he didn't want to woke up with a hot and sweating body because of a fever.

Baekhyun from a young age has a weak constitution because of his weak immune system. His salary, although it covers the expenses for food, his daily needs and apartment rent, he wasn't always enough to buy his prescribe medicine. And he's currently still studying so part of his salary has to be divided for his school projects. Luckily for him, Mr. Jung was nice enough by lending him some cash when he's really short on budget and he's also thankful to Jongin for buying and refilling his cupboards with so much food that he doesn’t need to always spend his money for those.

Baekhyun was about to enter his room when he noticed the stars shining brightly outside his foggy window. The sky was clear without a glimpse of cloud that could be seen around. He smiled in delight remembering that his Mother used to tell him that the stars can tell you of your destiny, but with a sudden pang in his chest he frowned when he realized what that meant for him.

“I guess, I will be living my life being a useless and unworthy little of those motherers forever. Mama said so.”

Little did Byun Baekhyun know was that, when he met the stranger at the brothel, his destiny finally changed. But the question is; is it a happy one or a tragic one? Well, who knows?


Park Chanyeol was your typical spoiled rich brat--anything he wants, he will definitely get. Since he has money to spend, then why not spend it to something he will greatly enjoy? After classes or his free days, Chanyeol would immediately go to bars to drink the night away pr go to brothels to look for an easy lay. He was a regular of clubs and brothels to say the least so the employees were already familiar of him. 

Tonight wasn't an exception. Chanyeol took a swig of his martini, smirking playfully when one of the ladies from the other table sent him a flirty wink. Amids the dimmed outline of the bar and the dizzying loud music, Chanyeol noticed his friend Minho dragging the same hooker again. Chanyeol was already familiar of the hooker's body by now, considering that Minho seemed to favor him instead of looking for a new plaything. 

Chanyeol knew Minho, his friend didn't like using the same things again and it also applies to his life. He was known for changing his bed warmers as often as one would do to his clothes, so it really was intriguing to see him acting this way. Why dragged the same guy again? Is he tight that Minho had great pleasure being with him that he cannot let go of the guy? 

Chanyeol's sight landed to the hooker's body, eyes falling on the man's round first before landing on his think waist and thick thighs. Well, if this were the reasons then Chanyeol wouldn't blame him. With this kind of body, who wouldn't want to have a taste? 

Even from where he was sitting, Chanyeol could feel the forming tent in his pants. With a sighed, Chanyeol turned his attention back on his friends, trying his best to ignore his .

Chanyeol internally cringe as he eyed his raging discreetly lest his friends would definitely if they noticed. Luhan and Kyungsoo were busy discussing the current trend in the fashion industry, excitedly exchanging opinions and references while shouting loudly over the loud bass music. 

Chanyeol tried to tune in but when Jongin moved his hand and accidentally hit his , Chanyeol couldn't help but let out a groan. Beside him, Jongin was staring at hims accusingly.

"Dude, what the ? If you're this , why not get laid?"

Chanyeol hissed at him silently, "Shut up! I'm not even that ."

Jongin rolled his eyes at him teasingly, "Oh yeah, sure. Then why do you have a then? Seriously, just get someone so you can get laid, stop trying to make excuses." 

"I wouldn't be this if it weren't for the hooker Minho just dragged earlier. You know my prefences, and that guy literally fits it all, how can I not get a , huh?"

Kyungsoo and Luhan glanced at each other with a knowingly look on their faces while Jongin's face immediately darken at the mention of it.

"That hooker is my ing cousin, Chan. Don't mention it again."


"Your cousin? Dude, stop joking this joke isn't funny." But Jongin remained silent while staring at him.

"If he's your cousin then why are you letting him do this kind of job? Why is he letting those men bed him then?"

Jongin sighed, "Chan, it isn't my story to tell, alright? But his Mom was a bastard so he wasn't ready accepted in the family. I'm trying to help of course, but it's hard to help when there's only one person versus a whole ing family." Jongin paused, looking away, "and why do you care? For all I know, you just want to get laid."


While Chanyeol was staring into the wall with a look of confusion on his face, Jongin and Kyungsoo took this as a sign to let him be. They both run up to the center to dance with the others while Luhan stayed sitting across from him with his usual flirty enegery radiating from him. A guy came up to him to ask him for a dance and Luhan's flirty smile made its way back on his face, and with a soft okay the two males disappears from Chanyeol's line of sight.

Chanyeol boredly roam his eyes around the club and stood up. He's going to waste time if he's going to stay seated there, so why not look for someone who's in for a one night stand and make this night fun? 

He walked up to the rooms prepared for the clients and hookers to occupy. Although he's been here on multiple occasions, Chanyeol still didn't know which direction to take without a hooker leadung him the way to the designated empty rooms. So in the end, he decided to just stroll around the area mindlessly.

What he didn't expect though was to see the same hooker Minho dragged earlier. He looked like he already changed clothes because instead of the too tight jeans and shirt he was now wearing a black turtle neck and loose training pants. But even then, the clothes couldn't hide the curves and plumpness of his body. 

When the midget accidentally bumped into his chest, Chanyeol's hands fell onto the male's curvy waist naturally. Chanyeol's heart leaped into his chest, feeling it swealing up with an unknown feeling. His hands fits so perfectly on the guy's waist as if they were meant for each other.

Chanyeol tried to chase after him but at the end he lost track of him. 

And then, from that day on, Chanyeol did nothing but to follow the nameless hooker around like a creepy stalker. He even knows where he lives, what day he is available in the brothel and how many hours he would usually stay to work. Chanyeol knew it all.

Three years have passed since then. Chanyeol graduated from college and became a successful CEO when he took over their family business. He wasn't the typical spoiled rich boy anymore but a high profiled business man in South Korea. His habits of going to bars and brothels have changed--there were a lot of changes in him but what remained was his admiration to that nameless hooker he met three years ago.

He learned his name with Jongin's help after finding out about Chanyeol's stalker behavior towards his cousin. Even with his disguised on Jongin recognized him almost instantly. Chanyeol tried to fled but he was tackled down on the ground by his friend in the end.


("Why are you following my cousin, Chan? And please don't dare deny it's you, I've been your friend for years, you wouldn't fool me." Chanyeol hissed when Jongin tugged on his arm back when he tried to run again. He cursed under his breath, Chanyeol gulped down his nevousness, racking his brain to come up with excuses but Jongin already beats him to it. 

"If you really like him this much, you should have told me. You, being a stalker for months now proves that you like him seriously. I was suspiously at first because you weren't normally like this so I stay silent. But now..." Jongin sighed in exasperation, letting go of him arms and light heartedly punched him on his chest. 

"His name is Byun Baekhyun, he's 20 years old. If you want to know something just ask me or better yet I can arrange for you to meet..." Chanyeol spluttered in embarrasement, his face flushing. Jongin shoved him playfully while laughing. 

Jongin turned to him, his face serious this time, "My cousin is a good person, Chan. I've always been worried about him so I'm trying to always stick by his side but I know that I wouldn't always be there for him and although it hurts, we both know it. I just wished that you wouldn't do or say that would hurt him, because he's been throught a lot of pain from his parents alone, I don't want you to add on his wounds too." 

Chanyeol genuinely smiled at him in reassurance, "Thank you, I owe you so much. I... I know that I can be stupid at times and might hurt him unintentionally but I promise to always make him happy and love him as long as I'm alive." 

"I'll set you up on a date with Kyungsoo in exchange of this, bro" It was Jongin's turn to blushed.)


Jongin really did helped him, he didn't fail informing him things there is to know about Baekhyun. And as he once proposed, he set them up on a date and Chanyeol couldn'y be any happier when he made Baekhyun his boyfriend. As Baekhyun was always insecure of himself, he always make sure to assure the younger that it wasn't his body alone that made him want him, but because he was Byun Baekhyun that made him so.

He never once failed to shower him with so much love and affection. Every morning he would kiss him good morning, sing him to sleep, cuddles were freely given and when at night, he would kiss him good night. He would do everything for baekhyun.

Chanyeol also didn't forget to give assurance to Baekhyun about his parents acceptance. Whether it is about him or his job, they would still accept him because he had made Chanyeol the happiest man alive and that alone earn him a lot of points, but Baekhyun would always say otherwise. 

Being a hooker had made him insecure, lower his confidence and self-esteem and it hurt Chanyeol to see Baekhyun putting his self down when he's more worthy and precious than that. So Chanyeol took it as a mission to always chase away his pain, kiss his hurts and wipe the tears clouding his clear and lovely eyes. Baekhyun would always hide away his pain with a smile on but Chanyeol knew him better than anyone and could see past throught its fakeness. 


(Taking Baekhyun's hand in his, Chanyeol gave his lover a loving smile. Baekhyun was obviously scared meeting his parents but Chanyeol clearly stated that if his parents treated Baekhyun bad or make him uncomfortable during the meeting, he wouldn't think twice to leave the place, his job and his family. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol wasn't lying and it made him at peace. 

Entering the huge mansion of the Parks made Baekhyun trembled. The maids greeted them with a smile on their faces, one even sent Baekhyun a wink and a fighting pose before leading them to the glamorous dining area. Foods were already arranged perfectly on the table and Mr. and Mrs. Park were chatting away while eating their dinner.

Upon coming in, they both look at their son and his boyfriend, the silence was killing Baekhyun inside. But when Mrs. Park smiled and told them to take their seat, Baekhyun knew everything was falling on their right places. Baekhyun slightly flinched when the only lady in the table reached for his hand and gave it a gentle pat.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Mrs. Park started, "Relax, you don't have to worry over nothing, hmm? If anyone in this room understand how you feel right now and of your job, then it would be me. I have this friend back in high school, she worked as a hooker too. She did it for his sick parents and dying sister, so I somehow understand you." 

"But if you don't mind, can I ask for you reasons?" Baekhyun looked away. Remembering the past still hurt him even until now, so how could he tell them without breaking down?

Baekhyun took a deep breath, "You see... I started working when my Dad left me and Mom for his mistress. We were having a good life back then, just the three of us, we're not exactly wealthy but we were happy. I remember him saying that I was a product of a one night stand so he chosed his mistress over us. My Mom hated me after that, she said it was all my fault and she left me too. With both my parents gone I didn't have anyone to rely on, my relatives wouldn't take me in. My Mom was a bastard daughter so her side of the family didn't want anything to do with me... but Jongin, he has been always supporting me and I'm thankful."

"My Dad's parents used to support me financially but when they died their children blamed me for it. I looked for a job but I was too young back then so no one accepted me, I had a few but I always messed up so I was fired. Mr. Jung asked me to work for him, I agreed right away."

Mr. and Mrs. Park felt sympathetic on his behalf. At such a young age, he already indured a lot. Their hearts were put at ease though when they saw their son continuosly soothing Baekhyun. For them, who watched Chanyeol grew up, they was the first they've seen him this caring and loving towards other people that aren't them. The couple smiled while watching the couple in front of them. They were at peace for once.)


Mr. and Mrs. Park accepted their relationship calmly and happily, they even asked the workers to clean the spear room beside Chanyeol's and turned it into a warm and cozy room for Baekhyun. And Chanyeol couldn't help but smile fondly while watching his boyfriend smiling freely and laughing genuinely without being afraid of being judge or thinking lowly of himself. Baekhyun needs love and care, he deserved it all. 

Jongin's words kept lingering on his mind and Chanyeol thought that it made sense. With a determined feeling Chanyeol thought, I promise, I won’t make this little angle cry because of me. You can count on me on this one, Jongin

But they said, promises are meant to be broken, just a single mistake can lead to a bigger one. What Chanyeol had promised was shuttered into tiny pieces and while Baekhyun was picking every single one of it, he ended up and hurting and left while still bleeding. 


(Walking with Chanyeol always felt amazing that it left Baekhyun feeling giddy and happy. Chanyeol never once failed to make him feel worthy, he felt so loved being with him and the Parks. He thought this day would be one of those days, but boy he was so wrong. 

On their way to the amusement park Chanyeol and Baekhyun happened to bumped with Minho and Chanyeol's peers back in college. They were obnixiously loud but when they noticed Chanyeol they immediately quiet down to make their way to the couple. 

 A few greetings here and there, catching on their lives now, but of course, Minho just ing have to land his sight on Baekhyun’s petite and small frame, looking so lost behind Chanyeol.


“Oh wait, I know you.” They all turns their head to Minho and Baekhyun, and the midgets wants nothing but to run and go home after remembering Minho. “You’re the e I used to ed back in collage, hey, what are you doing here? Are you still available?” Minho’s gaze travels to the midget’s hand that is laze on Chanyeol’s, “Oh? Chanyeol, dude, he’s your ? Damn, he’s good in bed, do you know that?”


Chanyeol’s colleague mate eyes Baekhyun from head to toe, and Baekhyun just wants the ground to swallow him whole for being so humiliated in front of so many people. The passer byes send a judging gaze on his direction and looks down on his feet. “Damn, Chan, you got yourself a nice piece of meat. You’re so goddamn lucky. The CEO of Park Enterprises got himself a able right here everyone.” Baekhyun thought, Chanyeol would yell at Minho and drag him away from here, but what Chanyeol did made him feel the same pain he felt way back when his parents blamed him for everything.


“Yes, I’m so ing lucky. He comes in handy, he’s good in bed, man, he’s a great moaner too. , you don’t know how tight he is, I paid him a good amount of money. He’s expensive.” The cocky tone of voice and the smug look on Chanyeol’s face makes Baekhyun feels so dirty and a trash. The crowd laughs, offering him money just to be with him IN THE ING PUBLIC PLACE WHERE EVERYONE CAN HEAR THEIR LOUD VOICES.


“I’m sorry, but I’m still with Master. You can pay me if my contract ends with him.” Baekhyun tries his best to make his voice flirty and the fake hint of seduction in his eyes, he even gives them a good fake smile. He didn’t give a spare glance in his boyfriend’s direction, even when Minho and friends bids their goodbye and left them. Baekhyun smiles at Chanyeol, “Let’s go now, Master. The rides are waiting for us.” There’s a hint of guilt flashes in Chanyeol’s eyes, and Baekhyun brushes it off before running to the roller coaster.


The whole enjoying and riding the rides is so awkward, and Baekhyun did his best to call Chanyeol Master with his every sentence. The passer byes who heard the conversation earlier asked him again when will his contract with Chanyeol would end, Baekhyun winks at them before saying, “Just leave your phone numbers with me. I’ll just call you, darlings.” And the tards, willingly puts their calling cards inside his bag.


On their way to the parking lot, Baekhyun can still hear the murmurs of the passer byes such as “The boy earlier is such a ! Can you even see how he seduced all of those men? My boyfriend was about to offer him a ing money! He’s such a , es like him should go and rot in hell!”


Baekhyun is not hurt, he’s used to it. But what hurts him the most is that, the person who said he is worth of everything, that he’s not a dirty person, who feeds him lies denies him in front of everyone. He even calls him ! How can he even do this to his own boyfriend?!)


Days turns into weeks, and weeks turns into months, but Baekhyun couldn’t still spare a glance in Chanyeol’s direction, with or without Mr. and Mrs. Park around. Silent treatment can make everyone goes crazy, I’m telling you. Mrs. Park, being a concern Mom asked him of what happened, but Baekhyun is such a great actor that he convinced her that he’s just tried because of school. Such a ing liar he is.


Chanyeol did tried to win him back, but his efforts were all thrown out away from the window. But every time when Baekhyun was ready to accept his apologies, he would always hear Chanyeol talking to Minho on the phone, saying the exact same words he called him at the amusement park. And it hurts like , it feels like committing your own suicide. The pain is too much to take without anyone by your side; If ever Mom and Dad are here, they would tell me to settle everything with Chanyeol and fix it, but then again, I remember, they both left me alone.


Waking up and falling asleep with tears streaming down his face has been his habit ever since that day, he will leave before they would wake up and after sleep, and Baekhyun would always forget to eat and take care of himself, because Chanyeol denied him, he’s not worth anything, so why the should he even take care of himself? Baekhyun is back with him only relying on himself, and Jongin is so ing worried to death!


Jongin was about to ask Baekhyun and force him to confess everything, Baekhyun suddenly came up to him while crying. And then, there, Baekhyun said everything to him, how much it pains Jongin to see his step-brother like this is too much. He would prefer the shy and bubbly Baekhyun than this one who did nothing but to humiliate and judge himself. Little by little, Jongin knows, he has to save Baekhyun before it’s too late.


“Baek, go home and pack your things. You can live with me for the time being, or after you graduate, but you have to leave the Parks so you can move on. How’s that sound to you?” And Jongin didn’t expect to hear an audible yes coming from the smaller.


Baekhyun did go home, packing his things and stuff in his baggage and black back pack, while hot tears falling down his face. But before he goes, he went to Chanyeol’s room, acts like everything is back to normal and made love to him. When Chanyeol was already sleeping with a satisfied smile on his face, he went back to his room and get his stuffs.


When he came down, Mr. and Mrs. Park looks at the things in his hand curiously, he smiles and says; “I will be going on a vacation, tell Chanyeol I would be back.” Though confused, the old couple nods their head before saying goodbye and gives him a kiss.


Baekhyun doesn’t know why leaving the Park’s mansion is so painful. But nevertheless, he makes his way out of the gate where Jongin’s waiting with his BMW car parked in front of the mansion. When everything is settle, Jongin starts the car and drove to his apartment with a silently crying Baekhyun in the shot gun seat, whimpering and crying himself to his sleep.


When Chanyeol wakes up, he was expecting to see a beautiful and Baekhyun by his sight, but he was so confused when there’s no trace of Baekhyun everywhere in his room. He tried searching to his closet, bathroom, to Baekhyun’s room. He even asked the maid if they ever saw him, but no one ever takes a glimpse of a certain small midget lurking around the mansion. He went downstairs and asks his parents. The Park couple tilts their head in confusion.


“Baekhyun left last night, he said he was going on a vacation and he would be back. We were so confused that you didn’t even know about this? Didn’t he tell you?”


Vacation? How would he be telling me when we’re not even talking for two months now.


“Chanyeol, your dad and I know that something is wrong with the two of you, when Baekhyun left last night… he was so sad and he looks so hurt… son, what did you do? Last night was the first time I ever saw him like that.”


Without a warning Chanyeol leaves the house with his car, driving off to the bar where Baekhyun was working at. He asked Mr. Jung, but the bar owner said, Baekhyun already left and said his goodbyes after his boyfriend asked him to live with him. Mr. Jung even added that Baekhyun looked so extremely happy than the first time he saw the boy looking for a job. And Chanyeol feels his heart ready to explode from the pain.


He keeps on repeating “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Love” in his head like a broken mantra, driving everywhere he can. But in the end, he comes home exhausted, but there’s no Baekhyun with him. Chanyeol never cried that hard before.


Three months of searching for his beloved Baekhyunee, and one day, Chanyeol just stumbles in Jongin’s apartment to apologies to whatever he did to Baekhyun, what he didn’t expect is to see his lover, looking so glowing than ever in front of his friend’s apartment door.




Chanyeol stares blankly at the door when it suddenly closed.


You still hate me, don’t you Love?


Chanyeol keeps on coming to his friend’s apartment after that, even when Jongin punched him to death, he still stayed. He would even sleep inside his car right in front of the said apartment because it was the only close distance he has for his lover, and Chanyeol can do everything just to win him back.


And that is what he did, and Baekhyun is obviously stressing himself because of it, and Jongin who was watching from the start couldn’t help but to be frustrated. He wants to do something to make them be together again, because as much as he hates Chanyeol to death for what he did to Baekhyun, the dumbo is so ing sincere when he said he would get Baekhyun back. And there’s this one time that Jongin suddenly snaps.


(Noticing the black and expensive van outside his apartment again, Jongin rubs his face with a sigh. Chanyeol has been camping on his car ever since he learned that Baekhyun was living with him, sometimes, he would see Chanyeol coming out of his car just to buy foods and stuffs. He would eat a jjajamyeon with his car’s door wide open while staring at the tan-skin’s apartment. Dark circles were now visible under his eyes, and his friend looks so skinny than the last time he saw him.


Jongin even learned from Mr. Park that Chanyeol filed a whole year leave from the company, he rarely comes home, and if he did, it was just to get his clothes and the things he would need to bring inside his car. Even Baekhyun seems to be affecting with Chanyeol’s presence around him, he was obviously stressing and over working himself just to distract him from any unwanted thoughts of Chanyeol. Jongin knows his step-brother, he knows, Baekhyun is as worried as , even if he wanted to go and scold Chanyeol, he must be stopping himself from doing so.


Shaking his head in disbelief, he makes his way to his step-brother’s room. The proofs are already evident in his eyes, both of those ing annoying in denial es are yearning for each other, yet they were so stubborn and prideful to even get back to each other’s arms. When Jongin notices that Baekhyun is busying himself with his homework again while glancing out of the window to check on Chanyeol every five seconds, he knows he have to do something. He closes the door, and the midget jumps to the noise.


“Oh, hey. Why are you here? Do you need something?” Baekhyun asks him, still writing with a ing hangul with his notebook turns upside down. He chuckles in amusement. “You know Baek, we both know that you really miss him. Why don’t you just go and give him a second chance, you haven’t even heard his explanation.”


Baekhyun snaps his head as fast as the lightning after hearing it coming from his step-brother, a disbelief looked painted on his mochi face. “You’re taking sides with him?” Rubbing his forehead, the taller boy shakes his head, he taps the table using his fingertip as he tilts his head to the side.


“You don’t get my point Baek. I know he hurted you, and it almost break you again, but he’s your boyfriend. You have to give him a second chance, you both are obviously suffering without the other, so don’t ing deny it because I’m tired taking sides. You’re my brother, while Chanyeol, while he’s my best friend. It sounds so impossible like , but don’t you trust me? Don’t you want to be with Chanyeol again and be happy?”


“And besides, stressing yourself is not good for the both of you…” Jongin takes a glance to the midget’s stomach, and Baekhyun wraps a protective hand over his small bump. “Besides, he needs to know about this. He’s the father, you can’t just hide his child away from him forever. You two loves each other, you deserve a second chance.”


When Baekhyun sends a quiet nod in his direction, Jongin hurriedly stands up and runs to the car parked in front of his apartment. He knocks several times, Jongin flinches when the door opens and a—oh holy ing hell Chanyeol greets him. He looks like a zombie that Jongin fears to touch him or else—oh never mind!


“ dude, you’re ugly as ! Can you ing fix yourself or else Baekhyun wouldn’t think twice to reject you again! Come on, hurry up, your baby smurf wants to talk to you!” Jongin never saw Chanyeol fix himself that fast in less than thirty minutes, and he proudly pats himself for shipping his brother and bestfriend. He should probably tell this to Kyungsoo, especially to Sehun who’s practically living for shipping Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


And now, Jongin’s job is finally done!)


And right now, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are facing each other in the dining room with Jongin on the door with his arms cross and eyeing them both carefully. The foods lying in front of them smells and looks so delicious, but neither of them finds it tasty. All that matters right now is the bitter atmosphere surrounding them, and the dull colors between them.


“Uhm… Baekhyun-ah… I don’t know if I have the rights to say this but I miss you so goddamn much.” For Chanyeol seeing Baekhyun this healthy and fine makes him feel at ease, for he was scared that Baekhyun would be abandoning himself for what he did to him. Chanyeol sends so many thank you(s) to Jongin who takes a good care of his lover.


“You miss me? Really? After slapping me right in the face that I was nothing but a to you, Master.” Raising his brows, Baekhyun smirks at him with his chin place on his palm, but the tone of his voice sounds so broken and it pains Chanyeol to death.


“D-Don’t say that… You’re my boyfriend, and it wasn’t my intention to say those words to you. You know that I love you and it’s true, I just said it in front of them because I was a shamed, but not to you, Love. I was a shamed that they can humiliate you but I can’t do something to protect you.” Rubbing his tired eyes, Chanyeol never feels so helpless before as he stares at his lover.


“And so, you decided to humiliate me too? Is that it Chanyeol? Is that why, whenever I was ready to forgive you, I will always hear you talking to Minho to say how good I am in bed, how a good moaner I am? Is that it?” The hurt look on Baekhyun faces makes Chanyeol wants to hug him, but he knows, he doesn’t have the rights to.


“No, Love. You don’t understand. At the amusement park, I was about to defend you, but then I though; I was a shamed, and I think about the what if(s). What if you’re not a e, what if you’re not working in a bar, what if you just applied on a decent job, what if you hadn’t let Minho used you. I was too late to realized that, if you didn’t become a in that bar then I wouldn’t have met you, if you applied to have a decent job then I wouldn’t be able to love you just the way you are, and if Minho didn’t used you then I wouldn’t have cross path to you. Love, I know I did wrong. I did promise to be a better man for you, the one who will always assure you that you are worth of everything. I was so stupid, an and a bastard—, call me those names but I don’t care.”


Chanyeol didn’t care if he looks so wrecked in front of Baekhyun, because all he cares about is to get his baby smurf back to him. Just thinking of losing Baekhyun gives Chanyeol the idea to just kill himself, he can never imagine living his life like he used to without Baekhyun by his side, that would always remind him of how stupid and a jerk he is.


“And when you heard me talking to Minho, Love, why didn’t you stay? If you just stayed then you would have heard me defending you to him. I’m not lying, I can even repeat it to you, I recorded our conversation. I already told him that you’re my boyfriend, and you know what Baek? He even congratulated us! He said that he was so sorry for whatever he had said that day, and he suggested if we can meet him up so he can apologize to you personally.”


Wiping off his tears, Chanyeol pulls out his phone in his back pocket in a hurry. He types a few numbers and letters before the voice of Chanyeol and Minho could be heard. Indeed, Chanyeol was saying the truth.


“Baek, please, let’s fix everything. I miss you love, I’m sorry for what I did, I was just—I won’t lie to you. I was so a shamed back then, but it wasn’t because of you, I was a shamed of your job, I never really meant everything I said. I’m so sorry, you can live here, but please, Love let me win you back. I will be a greater man for you, I will do anything you ask me to do. I can do all the chores here if you want to, or clean the toilet bowl, how’s that sound to you? Or, you can call me names, insult me like what I did to you, say every hurtful word you have in mind. I won’t be mad.”


Seeing the desperate look of his boyfriend, Baekhyun feels so guilty for giving him a hard time. Yes, Chanyeol did wrong and he never lied to it, he even admitted it to Baekhyun without lying every single detail of it. He asked for forgiveness even if he sounded so desperate, even if he looked so wreck while crying.


Chanyeol even seems to be wanting to reach out his hand and hug him when he first entered the dining door, but Baekhyun guess, Chanyeol is trying his best to hold himself for his sake. Chanyeol was trying his best to give him the space and privacy he needed, though it was so hard to restrain himself.


“Okay. I forgive you.” Baekhyun wants to chuckle when Chanyeol looks so taken a back with his answer.






“Though, I’m still in the process of totally forgiving you, I’ll let you court me again, because Mama and Papa did tell me how much you’re suffering. And I miss you too. And, there’s one more thing. Chanyeol-ah, I’m three months pregnant. And I know, I love you too.”





The End...

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