Chapter 5

Who Am I In Your Life

“Yah! Tiffany, w-wait…where are we going?”

I asked but she didn’t reply as if she didn’t heard me as she continues dragging me to the parking lot and stop in front of her car ‘when did she even have one?’.

“Get in the car”


“Would you prefer running? ”


“Well I don’t so get in”

“Where are we going anyway?”

“Just get in the car” she said as she pushed me in the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt, more like she’s strapping me. She went to the driver seat and starts the engine ‘does she even know how to drive?’  and starts driving to the streets. 

Along the road there was many noises coming from other vehicles, construction and people talking and screaming but inside the car there was only silence between us. I tried to break the silence but I have nothing to say to her so in the end I stay quite myself thinking what she wants to talk about and where she would take me that we have to use a car and between those thoughts I suddenly remember something.

“Jessica!” I mumble to myself. If she figure out I’m not at the café right now, she’s going to kill me when I get back.


“AISH! Where’s is that Taeyeon when you need her!?” Jessica said as she tries to serve all the customers “How can she be not when we have so many customers right now, how the hell will I serve them all by myself?”  “I’m so gonna KILL that Girl!” then her phone rang, she pick it up without reading whose the caller is as she is so busy serving the customers.


>>H-Hey, Sica it’s me T-Taeyeon  a-“

<<“Yah! Where are you?! Don’t you know we have so many customers right now?”

>>“W-well you see, I just have something to do important and ahm I’ve send someone there to help you out it’s our new employee”

<<“well that someone is not yet here and I really need a hand here!” Jessica said and heard a customer calling for her and Taeyeon heard it through the phone.

>>“I’m so sorry Sica but I’ll be back soon” as she heard the customer calling for her again.

<<“Hurry back or else!”

>>“Yes! Ma’am” when she about to end the call…



<<“I love you so much,  So please come back soon”

>>“Jessica, I-“ before she can finish, the call was suddenly cut off. She looks to her phone to see what happened and got worried but that set aside when a customer call her again. She turns around and gave the customer an icy glare, the customer got taken aback by that and got frozen. As Jessica was getting closer to the customer, droplets of sweat are forming to his face as he watched her coming closer.

“What would you like to order?”

“ah-ahm…I-I…C-Coffee P-Please?” the man is trembling in fear with the icy glare Jessica is giving to him.

“Coffee” writing on her note pad “nothing else sir?”


“Ok, I’ll be back with your order sir” she bowed and turns her way back to the counter.


“Jessica, I-“ before she can finish her sentence, she accidentally drop her phone due to the sudden stop Tiffany make by the red traffic light.

She glanced at Tiffany who looked very blankly serious driving to a traffic streets waiting for the red light to turn green. It was awkwardly quiet, even though Taeyeon wants to break the silent she decided to just not to but when she’s about to pick her phone where she drop it, Tiffany’s voice broke it.

“You tell her everything, do you?” 

“Ah, not all the time, but yeah I do tell her…she likes me to tell her everything I do and she gets mad when I don’t and I don’t want to see angry sica because she’s so scary” still trying to search the phone I dropped that I think it went under my sit without looking at her.

“Do you even realize that I’m getting jealous with you talking to Jessica on the phone and being sweet to her? ” 

“She’s my girlfriend of course It’s normal to be sweet to her and why would you even get jealous between me and Jessica, you have your Taecyeon”

“I know, I don’t have the right to get jealous you’re my best friend and I’m getting married but I can’t help it, I loved you the first time I saw you and-“ 

“What? What did you just said?”I stop my track on reaching my phone and trying to clear the word what Tiffany said.

“…I know I shouldn’t feel this way but I can’t helped thinking and regretting what if I have confessed to you-”

“Then why didn’t you?”

“for what? If I had confessed to you and told you I love you would you even say I love you to-”

“YES!....” and silence fell between us nobody dares to talk as she stepped on the gas when the light turns to green. Driving silently fast passing all the cars, I can’t even glance to her side and just sit there head low.


It’s been a tiring day for Jessica even though it’s only half day past as she was the only one who handled all those customers and while waiting for the person Taeyeon said who would help her but no sign of that person yet.  Jessica sat back on the counter trying to rest her stiff and tired body from serving those customers unlike earlier who are now few left. 

“You looked exhausted” that voice startled Jessica but she couldn’t care much on reacting to it for she’s too tired and knowing who’s the person that owns that voice.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking for Tiffany, Have you seen her?” 

“Do I look like a lost and found personnel?”

“No, but she said she’ll be here”

“Well, as you can see she’s obviously isn’t here”

“Yeah, and neither your Taeyeon” then Jessica shot him a deadly glare.

“You don’t have to remind me”  still giving him a cold glare.

“Ok, I get it, relax…Hey! You wanna grab something to drink later, To cool your head?”

“Yeah, I think I need that now”

“Now? Don’t you still have customers and I thought this café close till later?”

“I owned half of this café and I can close this whenever I want and besides I don’t think the person that is going to help me won’t come anymore. I can’t handle this all by myself y’know”

“Ok, I’ll just wait you outside”

“Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec” 


We’ve been in the road for about I don’t know maybe an hour?, heck! We’ve been in the road for hours and all I can see are Trees, Tree here, tree there and OH! another tree and this is getting on my nerved but as minutes pass by and more trees I see something seems so familiar it’s like I’ve been in this place before. While I’m trying to figure out the place not moment later the car stops.

“We’re here”
I look around and something is really familiar, “I think I’ve been here”

“Do you still remember this place?”


“Here’s for your upcoming wedding” Jessica raises a glass of liquor in the air, half drunk.

“Yeah..” Taecyeon followed as well.
Since they left the café and went to the club Jessica kept thinking about Taeyeon on where or who she is with even though denying the fact that she already knows who that person is Taeyeon with.

“Who would have thought you will marry my friend and my girlfriend’s bestfriend of all people” Jessica said, playing the glass of liquor.

“And who have thought my ex-girlfriend is dating my fiancée’s bestfriend. I never thought you were into girls, a shorter one too”

“Yah! Taeyeon maybe short but she’s way better than you are!”

“Maybe, maybe that’s why Tiffany likes her more”

“…..” Jessica drunk the glass of liquor that she’s been playing and swirling. Taecyeon did as well.

“I think I better go” Jessica said preparing to leave.

“Hey! Want me to give you a ride home?” Taecyeon offered standing up.

“No, thanks, I’m fine. Besides I have to go back to the café, I left something there”

"You sure you’re ok by yourself?”

“Yeah, and thanks for the drink” Jessica said grabbing her purse and exiting the club.


Meanwhile a tall tan girl running on the street that looks like a bit in a hurry. 

“Oh, No, I’m really late. I got caught up on dating that I forgot about Taeyeon’s favor to me” 
Running passed all the people around her although it was only few people left on the street. 

“Wait”  Realizing something she starting to slow down her run. 

“does that café still open at this time late at night?” she stopped running and she start walking. She sigh as she stopped at the pedestrian line waiting for the signal light to turn green.

“Sigh, I guess I have to apologize Taeyeon tomorrow”  thinking to herself, she notice a girl walking wobbly on the street and it looks like she doesn’t notice that the light is still red, she continues to walk across it. Then a car suddenly appears coming towards her. 

“Hey! Miss, Look Out!”

------to be continued 



Ahm, Yeah.........don't know what to say........


I don't know which pairing I would do now.      any Idea?



can someone teach me how to right a love scene?


fail author here

*walks back to the corner*

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Chapter 5: It was a great story!! ;)
Update soon! :)
AllenChi #2
Chapter 5: no updTE??!!
Chapter 5: Update soon please
Fighter_Man #4
Chapter 5: update soon ^^
aimfortranquility #5
Chapter 5: Update please :))
taeny and yulsic asdfasdfaf jebal author-ssi
Hi new reader here.
i hope it'll be taengsic and yulti.
update soon!!!
Taeny and yulsic!!!! *takes out a gun and killed taecyeon*
Taesic n yulti! must be,fair to jessica!