
Love me, Please
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A/N: Well, here we are finally at the last chapter, but you know towards the end I really did enjoy writing this story, it was nice and I’m glad I am able to complete this one, I really am. Seulgi rememberers Joohyun now so let’s end it on a good note, please enjoy 


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, tay_84, Mooncrush22, sawyer09, taeyang729, Once1864, tinybean, kaikaitheartist, Normallyotp, argonots, hanz316, RedPaint, Maraga, Kasey_1432, PengusTigerClub, Shouto818, KetchupPeng, and Zeliex. Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)



Joohyun almost doesn’t want to let her go, not again, not when Seulgi has told her she remembers and knows who she is to her. For a while the raven wondered if she would ever get her soulmate back, and sometimes it appeared hopeless, yet she is glad that she didn’t give up because there’s no way she could have ever given up on Seulgi. Slowly, the raven does let go only so that she can get a good look at her face. Seulgi really does remember her. There’s no trace of confusion or disbelief in the monolid woman’s face.


“I’m so sorry,” Seulgi whispers to her and leaves the most tender of kisses against her forehead, similar to how she used to a long time ago. Joohyun really will cry soon at this rate.


“No, don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault you couldn’t remember right away, you came back to me now and that’s what matters most.”


The monolid woman feels badly anyway, because for six years it was Joohyun only who remembered and carried on all their memories. And this whole time Seulgi had been reluctant and even thought Joohyun was strange at times, when in reality there was more to the story, much more. But now, the raven doesn’t have to be the only one to remember and feel their love anymore either. Seulgi reaches for her arm.


“Would you like to take a walk together, like old times?”


“Of course.” Joohyun agrees with a smile. They should be back at work, but who cares about work at this time when she can be with her only true love. Seulgi is walking side by side with her, no longer running away scared, but simply with her. Joohyun will never let the woman she loves go ever again. 


“We used to come here a lot, right?” The taller woman asks and picks one of the purple flowers up from the nearby flower bed to place it in Joohyun’s hair. The raven smiles and thanks her.


“You used to also do that a lot too, Seulgi.”


“I remember.” 


It’s not just a relief to Joohyun that Seulgi remembers, it’s a huge relief to the brunette too as now she has answers where there were none before. Things didn’t make sense, but now they do. Seulgi was Joohyun’s love in a past life, and theirs was an intense love like neither of them had ever experienced. Seulgi can remember spending countless hours with Joohyun watching the stars, having dates, sharing all their meals together. She remembers their best friend Yerim too, the funny character who kept it lively, and would tease them to no end.


“Does Yerim…”


“Does Yerim remember she was our friend, yes.” Joohyun tells her. “She’s been really helping me out, and trying to help us today. You were the only one who needed to wake up.” Joohyun says in a soft tone. Seulgi gives her hand a firm squeeze in apology.


“I’m a little late but we have the rest of our lives to make up for it.”


“Yes, we do.” The shorter woman agrees, and so they continue on their walk, hand in hand like old times, discussing what is the same about the park, what is now different in this time. Joohyun commits everything to memory about this moment with Seulgi.


“Let’s go see if our carving is still on the big tree we put it on years ago.” Seulgi suggests and Joohyun nods. She wants to know if their carving they made is there still too, it was a simple heart with their initials. 


“Your hands shook so badly when you were carving the heart for us.” 


“I know.” Seulgi remembers how very nervous she was carving that heart, despite being good with woodwork, crafting, and the like. She was just nervous as she can recall wanting to impress the woman she loved.


“Do you like any art now?” Joohyun asks. She remembers a woman who loved art in any form, and Seulgi was very talented. They’re not fully the same people as they were, there are naturally differences because of their reincarnation, but there’s still a lot of similarities to their past lives and selves. 


“I still love to draw. And will you still pose for me if I ask?”


“Ah,” the shorter woman laughs with cheeks turning red. A girl poses for her lover a few times in the past and now present-day lover is still asking her will she do it, some things never change at all.


“You should know I’ve been wanting to get for you again, and not necessarily for you to draw me.” She whispers it hotly into Seulgi’s ear and watches as the monolid woman’s face gets red. Seulgi can recall those times Joohyun posed for her and the other more intimate occasions of them being together.


“There’s the tree.” Seulgi noticed.


“Oh, you’re going to ignore what I said, huh. Well, I’ve waited six years for you, I think I’ve proven how patient I can be.”


The taller woman agrees. For those six years Joohyun was indeed the most loyal and devoted person in the world for her commitment to her, not wavering once. Seulgi knows she’s lucky to have been able to find Joohyun again, they’ll both make sure not to lose one another. The pair get to the tree and it takes a while but they find it in the same place it was carved before. 


“Ah, here it goes.” Joohyun smiles and takes a picture of the heart with their initials, it’s still here, and now they are too. Seulgi takes a photo of it on her phone and Joohyun runs her fingers over the carving like she had once upon a time. It brings back memories of when they were here together before.


“I have an idea, Seulgi, we should make another one.”


“Another one?” The taller woman laughs. “I don’t carry around a pocket knife or anything anymore, you know.”


Joohyun smiles and leans into her embrace as they look at their carving still in the tree from all many years ago.


“Okay, we’ll make another one the next time, alright, promise?”


“I could never say no to you, Hyunnie.”


“I could never say no to you either, Seul.”


This is true, the same as Seulgi could not deny Joohyun much. She also couldn’t deny her monolid love anything either. Something, Yerim would constantly tease them about in the past, saying they were a hopeless couple, but she was also the most supportive friend they ever had. Joohyun is grateful she’s here to be supportive of them now too. 


“We should get back to work, we’ve been missing a while.”


“We could go back to work, or I have a better idea for now.”


“Joohyun?” Seulgi eyes her curiously because Joohyun is looking at her in a way that has Seulgi worried about what her better idea could be. However, the shorter woman takes her hands and takes off running with this laugh that makes Seulgi laugh too. How can she not be excited to be with her only true love again, work could wait a little while longer, it really could.


“Do you trust me, Seulgi?”




Meanwhile, Yerim couldn’t explain how she just knew her best friends had been reunited, but she knew. Perhaps it had something to do with her role as their best friend before, or how she was the first one to really know who she was and the rules to the entire reincarnation deal, either way the songwriter simply could feel that those two lovebirds were back together and in short Yerim was happy for them, she really was. There is probably nothing worse than being separated from the one person you love the most and she was there as Joohyun had to be the only one to remember and deal with her feelings alone, it’s good that Seulgi knows too. Before, Yerim never had someone she loved so greatly. She was alone, but not really as she had the two of them and was fine being their friend, however in this life she has someone she loves very much, and knows the feeling of what it means to have a soulmate. She knows how she would feel if she were apart from Joy and that would crush her.


“Hey, what’s wrong, baby?” Joy finds her sitting in one of the company longues. She wondered why Yerim’s energy seemed so down after both Joohyun and Seulgi had gone off. The two of them hadn’t yet returned and still her girlfriend seemed different, and now Joy was worried. God help those two if they upset her baby with their crazy foolishness.


“Joy, hi.” She smiles. “I’m fine, I’ve got song lyrics in my head.” She admits that part at least. Somehow, Seulgi and Joohyun’s situation had made it too easy to think of song lyrics and if she has her next hit song on her hands she’ll have to credit the two of them. Joy laughs and hugs her shorter girlfriend before joining her.


“Seulgi and Joohyun strike again, huh. Well if you make money off it, then I think that’s great. But they sure seemed different, right?”


“Yeah, I think they’ll be okay, even if it started off odd, I wouldn’t worry about the two of them.”


“Well, they’ve been gone awhile, so if they don’t come back soon, we’ll probably have to start some sort of search party or something, and I’m really not kidding about that. Joohyun might have kidnapped her by now.”


Yerim doesn’t mean to laugh out loud at that but she does. Joy makes her laugh all the time. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to her and can’t imagine life without her. The shorter woman hugs her suddenly and Joy returns the embrace, but looks curiously.


“What’s wrong, are you sure that you’re fine?”


“Yeah, I’m fine, I just love you.”


“Aww.” Joy swoons. “I love you too, baby. Come on, let’s get out of this gloomy longue and get some air.”


“Joy, babe, don’t you have work to do?”


Joy shrugs and kisses her girlfriend on the lips. “Work will be here when I get back, let me treat you to some ice cream or something.”


And Yerim could not say no to such an offer, not when it meant spending time with the woman she lo

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Ryunero #1
Chapter 4: Oh wow re reading and this reminds me of ban ji eum in see you in my 19th life hahaha
This reminded me so much of your story Professor Kang, I love you! With the basic premise being wild and then it slowly becomes more warming had me in tears, esp in that final chapter. Love the progression of the story, and seeing Joohyun bat crazy!
Chapter 6: They reincarnated the love from past life 🥺
Chapter 5: Seulgi is back 🤧
Chapter 2: I really enjoy reading this kind of plot geez joohyun hahahah
Chapter 1: Oh gosh what did just happened here hahahaah
Alexav94 #7
Chapter 1: I'm not going to sleep until I finish reading this. It's amazing haha
Chapter 6: I love ittttt <3
279 streak #9
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: ❤️💛