Why does she love me?

Love me, Please
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A/N: Hi all, so my plan is to try and increase my workload on these really old fics, if I can, I will try and post for two a week, do my best anyway, I still have other things going on of course. But I will do my best to complete everything, so here goes the next chapter for Love me please, and I just have to say again, I have a very specific sense of humor, some of you get that I get, some of you don’t and that’s okay but please don’t complain hard about it in the comments, don’t read the fic if certain humor of mine bothers you, for everyone else who gets my humor and enjoys it, please do continue to enjoy :) So Joohyun is really in love with Seulgi huh, and according to everyone, no one knows why that is, so I guess we’ll learn why sooner or later, this fic wasn’t meant to be long, so I’m going to still say 6 chapters.


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, SleepyRu, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, Kasey_1432, tay_84, Mooncrush22, tinybean, sawyer09, taeyang729, Once1864, Kasey1432, victoriatrrsx, samlion, kaikaitheartist, kemekemewave28, Normallyotp, and argonots. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^



It had been a week now since she and Joohyun had begun sharing an office space, and in truth Kang Seulgi has no idea how she’s still alive. For the monolid woman it was the longest week in the history of weeks. Before she could escape from Joohyun if she needed to, now it was much harder since the woman was right across the room from her. Each day, the dark-haired woman was blowing kisses, writing little love notes on purple paper, or finding any excuse for them to be close. 




No answer.




Still, no answer. The brunette sighs and gently moves Joohyun’s arms from around her waist, as they’ve been sitting like this for the past then minutes. The first thing she did was come over and sit on Seulgi’s lap, not even bothering to go to her own desk, but the shorter woman has started doing this for the last few days now. The first time it happened Seulgi had been so stunned she almost dropped the other woman to the floor. After awhile, she sort of left Joohyun to her own devices. She wasn’t actually harming anyone or anything. But now, Seulgi does kind of need to get to work. She can’t work with Joohyun simply sitting in her lap like this.


“Joohyun can you please go back to your desk so I can finish these reports, because I can’t work with you sitting in my lap like this.”


“Hm…” the shorter woman yawns, looking like she was about to go to sleep, and in that moment Joohyun really looks like some young kid to her, adorable even. But Seulgi can’t fall for that cute face, sure she thinks Joohyun is pretty, she isn’t blind or anything. Seulgi just has no idea why Joohyun says she loves her.


“I can’t work like this, do you mind going back to your desk?”


“Huh, oh, sure.” Joohyun smiles and gets off of Seulgi’s lap, reluctantly. She’s been able to be closer than ever to the woman she loves, and Joohyun can’t believe her good fortune. Things couldn’t have worked out more perfectly had she planned it herself. Joohyun heads back to her desk and tells herself she’ll get some work done. She will not stare at Seulgi. She does this successfully for about ten minutes, until she looks over to the brown-haired woman’s desk.




“Yes?” Seulgi asks.


“What are you doing for lunch today?”


“What am I doing for lunch today?” Seulgi repeats. Seulgi’s usual plan is to meet with her best friend Seungwan, and they’ll have lunch together, like normal. She has no idea why Joohyun is asking, but surely it can’t be good.


“Yes, I was hoping we could have lunch together?”


Joohyun asks in such a way that makes her look incredibly shy. She looks nothing like that over the top, aggressive woman Seulgi has come to know, and now the monolid woman is feeling conflicted. There are times Seulgi sees a calmness to Bae Joohyun, and a shyness too, like there is more to her than this crazy act she puts on all the time, and sometimes Seulgi feels like maybe she could get to know that Bae Joohyun, only sometimes, though.




“Please…” Joohyun looks so hopeful that Seulgi hasn’t the heart to tell her no, and she doesn’t.


“Yeah, sure, Joohyun.”


“Now, before you say no…”


The raven pauses because she hears Seulgi say yes, which was something she hadn’t been prepared for. She is so used to hearing no, that the fact that Seulgi said yes takes her by complete and total surprise.


“What did you say?”


“I said sure, Joohyun.”


“Yes, you mean, like yes you will have lunch with me today?”


The word yes coming from Seulgi’s lips is such a foreign concept to her. Joohyun has not ever heard yes to any of the questions she asks the slightly taller woman, so Seulgi will have to forgive her if she’s a bit shocked. Seulgi nods and the excited scream that erupts from Joohyun’s mouth is one that has the brunette covering her ears.




“Oh, sorry, I’m sorry.” She smiles apologetically. “You never say yes to me, for anything. I’m so excited, we’re going to have lunch together, this is wonderful. It’ll be like…” She catches herself. “It’ll be great.”


Seulgi eyes her curiously. She wonders what Joohyun is about to say, only the other woman starts focusing on her work again, and Seulgi figures that she should also be focusing on her own too. Seulgi knows that later while they are at lunch it’ll be the perfect opportunity to start figuring out why it is that Joohyun claims to love her so much, surely there has to be a reason, and Seulgi will get to the bottom of this, one way or another.


Two people also determined to figure out the same thing as to why Joohyun claims to love Seulgi are their friends, Seungwan and Joy, or rather Seungwan is trying to get Joy to talk to her, and the younger woman is too busy on her phone for the last ten minutes with her girlfriend.


“Oh my god, really.” The accountant sighs. If this was how this conversation was going to go, she should have just stayed upstairs, crunching numbers, because it would have been a lot more fun than sitting here listening to Joy talk to her girlfriend for the past ten minutes.


“Um, excuse me?”


“Babe, I miss you so much, when are you coming home again?” Joy sighs into the phone like she hasn’t seen Yerim in twenty years. Seungwan is debating on whether she should go or not, since clearly Joy won’t notice if she’s here anyway. 


“Um, hello?”

“Yerimie, the minute your flight lands, I’m going to be at that airport so fast!”


“Joy!” Seungwan shouts to get her attention. The younger woman stops talking immediately, puts Yerim on a brief hold, and looks at Seungwan like she could throw her tea in her face she is so angry.


“Excuse you, don’t you know it’s rude to just yell at people when they are talking to the love of their lives!” She screams back at Seungwan, who just blinks and whispers a quick apology. Joy takes a deep breath and turns back to her phone call and gets all sweet again with her girlfriend before ending the call. 


“Now, what do you want?” She asks Seungwan who can only groan again before sinking down on the cafe table.


“We were supposed to meet to talk about Seul and Joohyun, our friends, remember?”


“Oh!” Joy nods then, and remembers now that’s why she asked Seungwan to meet with her. She honestly had forgotten all about that entire conversation as all she has been thinking about is Yerim being out of town. Seungwan facepalms again and shakes her head, this is ridiculous.


“You said we should meet to talk about them.”


“Yes, well, we need to get to the bottom of things. Because somehow my friend Joohyun is really in love with your friend Seulgi, and no one knows how or why, it’s the strangest thing.”


“I agree.” 


The blonde thinks it’s v

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Ryunero #1
Chapter 4: Oh wow re reading and this reminds me of ban ji eum in see you in my 19th life hahaha
This reminded me so much of your story Professor Kang, I love you! With the basic premise being wild and then it slowly becomes more warming had me in tears, esp in that final chapter. Love the progression of the story, and seeing Joohyun bat crazy!
Chapter 6: They reincarnated the love from past life 🥺
Chapter 5: Seulgi is back 🤧
Chapter 2: I really enjoy reading this kind of plot geez joohyun hahahah
Chapter 1: Oh gosh what did just happened here hahahaah
Alexav94 #7
Chapter 1: I'm not going to sleep until I finish reading this. It's amazing haha
Chapter 6: I love ittttt <3
279 streak #9
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: ❤️💛