Do you remember too?

Love me, Please
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A/N: Hi, thanks for the reviews last chapter, I’m glad that you liked the surprise twist. Now we just need to have Seulgi remember too and reunite these lovers, yes, yes, please enjoy chapter 5


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, tay_84, Mooncrush22, sawyer09, taeyang729, Once1864, Kasey1432, tinybean, kaikaitheartist, Normallyotp, argonots, hanz316, RedPaint, Maraga, Kasey_1432, PengusTigerClub, and Shouto818. Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)



Joohyun will never forget the moment she walked into work those years ago, laid eyes on the monolid woman, and felt every single memory from her past life rush into her mind, like a dream, only it was no dream. She could see and feel very real imagery of loving Seulgi, their life together in another time, and place. It was scary but exciting reliving her past, but what wasn’t great was when Joohyun realized immediately that she was the only one who remembered. Seulgi didn’t look at her like she recognized her at all, and never responded to any of her love confessions, because Seulgi didn’t feel what she felt. It was disappointing but for six years Joohyun held onto her hope that sooner or later Seulgi would come back to her, she just had to.


There was no way the raven could go this life without her too, not when they had the chance to reunite. It was why not once did Joohyun give up, not at all. She isn’t the type to give up and always gets what she wants. The other day when Seulgi brought her favorite food to her, without having been prompted or told she liked it, gave Joohyun hope again. She walked into work with renewed energy and focus, Seulgi would remember too, she just had to. Now, Yerim explained to her before that she couldn’t outright tell her the truth, but she could maybe offer hints. 




“Yes, I’ll be there this weekend.” The brunette is on the phone. “Yes, I miss you very much too.”


“Oh, who the hell is she talking to! Who does she miss!” Joohyun is just about to scream in a minute if she doesn’t get an answer that sounds acceptable to her. 


“Sure, I’ll bring the soup you like, and the candy too.”


“Candy!” That sounds like a date, not on Joohyun’s watch will there be a date unless it’s with her.


“Now look here a minute!” The shorter woman complains.


“I’ll see you this weekend, grandma.” Seulgi ends her call and Joohyun turns red from embarrassment.




“Oh, Joohyun, good morning.” Seulgi turns to her with a polite smile. “Yes, I try and visit my grandmother at least once a month.”


Joohyun nods and feels her heart swell with even more love for this woman.


“You’re so sweet and caring, aren’t you.” She ran over and hugged the taller woman in a tight hug. Joohyun is glad that Seulgi doesn’t push her away or even try to get out of her embrace anymore, like she once used to. The raven takes it as a hopeful sign, anything is a good sign at his point.




“Yes, my sweet teddy bear.” She sighs and snuggles even further into her.


“I can’t work like this, you know.” Seulgi admits with a bit of a laugh and Joohyun nods before letting her go. If it were up to her she’d find some way they could work while she didn’t have to let go of Seulgi ever. She doesn’t want to ever let Seulgi go again, especially when the monolid woman remembers who she is to her, and what they mean to each other. Joohyun has played what that could be like in her head over and over. Seulgi would recall their past life, it would hit her strong and powerfully, similarly to how it hit her when she remembered, and overcome with emotion the brunette with swoop Joohyun up into her arms and finally tell her those three little words she has been hoping to hear again for so long. Joohyun has a silly little grin on her face just thinking about it at all.


“Um,” Seulgi notices her sort of zoning out and smiling. “Are you okay, Joohyun?”




“You’re just sort of sitting there grinning to yourself.”


“Oh great, now she’s going to think something is wrong with you, Hyun, well more so than she already does.” Joohyun mentally sighs. It’s bad enough Seulgi thinks she’s a total crazy person, but in her defense Joohyun has been doing a lot to tone it down, and show a more calm side to herself hoping it would help smooth things over, as her more bold antics hadn’t had the desired effect.


“I was just thinking about how nice it would be to sit and stargaze, doesn’t that sound nice?” The raven throws out something they would do together all the time. She and Seulgi would make constant late night trips to stargaze together. Seulgi was such the gentlewoman too, holding her hand the entire time, making sure she was never cold, while Joohyun would use any excuse to cuddle up close to her other half, whether she was actually cold or not. 


“Stargazing?” Seulgi blinks.


All of a sudden Joy bursts through the door with a huge smile on her face, startling the two of them, or more so she startled Joohyun so much that she looked like she was about to fall out of her chair. Seulgi gets up to help her, but Joy grabs her by the arm.


“You must come with me, Seulgi, and meet my girlfriend!”


“What?” Seulgi mouths.


“Yerim is here?” Joohyun is surprised by this, but it might be a good thing to have Yerim here after all.


“Yes!” Joy nods eagerly. “Come and meet my baby, Seulgi. She’s decided to grace you pathetic people with her presence.”


“Um…” The monolid woman doesn’t even have time to protest as she’s being dragged away by Joy, and Joohyun of course isn’t about to stay here and sit around while they go. Yerim is probably here for a reason after all, and she wants to know what it is. Joy’s smile never leaves her face the entire time, only until she gets back to her desk to find that Yerim isn’t where she left here, and then she full on panics.


“Oh no, where the hell is my girlfriend!”


Joohyun stands off to the side with a smile. She remembers not too long ago when she was panicking about Seulgi being missing and Joy was judging her for acting out, yet here the taller woman is acting an entire mess. Seulgi is sort of standing back too because she has never seen Joy acting like this.


“Is she okay?” Seulgi asks Joohyun.


“Haha,” Joohyun laughs. “No.”


“Okay, who took her, which one of you has taken my girlfriend! I want names, I want answers, I want….”


“Um, Joy?” They all hear Seungwan heading over to them with one pink-haired Yerim who has a huge cup of coffee in her hand. Joy is just so relieved to see Yerim she hurries over, practically pushing her way toward her girl.


“Did she kidnap you, baby?” She asks the songwriter.


“What?” Seungwan laughs. “I didn’t kidnap her, I ran into her and she asked where she could get some coffee, so this is your girlfriend, huh?”


“Yes.” Joy nods and throws her arms securely around Yerim’s waist. “She’s mine, don’t get any ideas. Anyway, let me introduce you properly, you already know Joohyun, and you’ve met Seulgi’s friend, and now this is the famous Kang Seulgi, the one our Joohyun is so in love with.”


Seulgi is being introduced to Yerim and while she’s shaking her hand she feels suddenly strange, with an odd feeling that she can’t fully describe.


“Something wrong?” The pink-haired woman wonders. Even, Joohyun is staring too, because as she wants for Seulgi to remember, but she will definitely be pissed in a way if Seulgi remembers Yerim before her, as she was their friend in a past life, but not the love of her life.


“Oh, she better not remember someone else before me!” Joohyun angrily thinks to herself. 


“No.” Seulgi says in an unsure voice. “It’s nice to meet you, Yerim. Joy speaks about you all the time.”


“She really does.” Seungwan nods in agreement. 


“No one asked any of you!” Joy sighs. “Anyway, you’ve all seen her, now you can get on with your day or whatever you do. I just want to spend my morning with my baby!”


“Fine with us.” The accountant agrees. “I have a ton of work to do, but maybe we could all meet for lunch, if that’s okay?”


“Sure, that would work.” Yerim agrees. She was hoping to be able to spend some time with Joohyun and Seulgi in any capacity she could. The songwriter is here to help or supervise if she can, in the best way she can. Joohyun seems to understand that too because she agrees that going to lunch with everyone sounds like a great idea, the only person that doesn’t seem too thrilled by the idea is Seulgi. 




“I have a lot of work to catch up on here, so you all go on without me.”


“But, Seul you have to eat.” Seungwan tells her best friend in concern. Joohyun grabs her hand suddenly and looks at her with a somewhat stern but also worried expression.


“You have to eat, Seulgi, work will be there for us when we get back from lunch. You don’t want to get sick because you didn’t eat, right?” She smiles and Seulgi pauses, looks at their now joined hands, and swears she feels something. She looks at Joohyun for a long moment that everyone else is getting concerned.


“I think you finally broke her, Joohyun, way to go.” Joy tells her friend.


“Honey?” Joohyun softly whispers, grabs her cheeks, and that resonates within Seulgi hearing that soft pet name.


“Hyun, stop.”


“What!” Joohyun reacts first. “What did you just say!”


“Um, I’m sorry?” Seulgi whispers, she doesn’t know what came over her. She feels confused but yet it felt natural too, like she has called Joohyun as Hyun before, and now things are weird in her head. Joohyun knows this is a huge development, Seulgi is remembering, whether she realizes it or not, and now she wants to hold her to let her know everything is going to be fine. She probably feels scared because she doesn’t understand what’s going on right now.


“Well, are we on for lunch later or not.” Joy asks.


“I think we are.” Yerim nods. “Babe, you’re supposed to be giving me a tour of your work, right?”


“Oh, yeah, of course, come on Yerimie, let me give you a tour. We’ll meet you all downstairs for lunch later.”


The two leave first, and Seungwan asks Seulgi again if she’s feeling alright since her friend looks a bit pale, and out of it to her. 


“Seul, hey are you okay?” The accountant asks. “You look like you’re about to pass out?”


Joohyun thinks Seungwan isn’t necessarily wrong. Seulgi does look kind of pale and out of it, which isn’t right for her normally nice tanned complexion. The dark-haired woman grabs her gently by the arm and helps her sit down at one of the desks.


“I’ll get some water, stay here.” She touches her forehead in that careful manner, a touch so soothing that can only be described as a lovers touch. 


“Hey, what’s wrong?” Seungwan walks over. 


“I don’t know.”


Seulgi doesn’t even think she can begin to explain to her best friend in a way that makes any sense, as she herself can’t fully understand it right now either. But as of right now Joohyun and even Yerim to an extent are feeling familiar to her in ways that shouldn’t, like she’s seen them both before somehow, but can’t explain how or why. Only she knows she’s never met Joy’s girlfriend before today and Joohyun she still doesn’t know from where they know each other, yet lately it’s feeling more like something she can’t explain trying to reach out and make her understand.


“Seul, maybe you should, I don’t know take a nap or something, get some air?” Seungwan suggests.


Joohyun returns with a cup of water. “That’s a great idea, let’s step out and you can get some air right now, Seul.”


The raven takes her by the arm and excuses herself with Seulgi in order for them to go out to get some air. She’s not thrilled that Seulgi seems to be unwell, like her remembering process is having some sort of negative effect on her, but if in the end Seulgi does remember her fully, it could be worth it? For now, Joohyun will be right here by her side, like she should be. The dark-haired woman takes her outside to where they can sit on one of the public benches and Seulgi can get some air. 


“I’m sorry about all that.” Seulgi apolog

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Ryunero #1
Chapter 4: Oh wow re reading and this reminds me of ban ji eum in see you in my 19th life hahaha
This reminded me so much of your story Professor Kang, I love you! With the basic premise being wild and then it slowly becomes more warming had me in tears, esp in that final chapter. Love the progression of the story, and seeing Joohyun bat crazy!
Chapter 6: They reincarnated the love from past life 🥺
Chapter 5: Seulgi is back 🤧
Chapter 2: I really enjoy reading this kind of plot geez joohyun hahahah
Chapter 1: Oh gosh what did just happened here hahahaah
Alexav94 #7
Chapter 1: I'm not going to sleep until I finish reading this. It's amazing haha
Chapter 6: I love ittttt <3
279 streak #9
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: ❤️💛