Mystery revealed

Love me, Please
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A/N: Thank you all who left reviews last chapter, I do appreciate it very much. All of you seem quite interested in Joohyun knowing what she knows yet isn’t saying, so yes I wonder why that is, and what’s going on with her. But all will be revealed, that I can assure you. Please enjoy this chapter :) 


Sponsor Mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, SleepyRu, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, tay_84, Mooncrush22, sawyer09, taeyang729, Once1864, Kasey1432, victoriatrrsx, samlion, kaikaitheartist, kemekemewave28, Normallyotp, argonots, hanz316, RedPaint, Maraga, and Kasey_1432. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^




Somehow, Joohyun got dragged into going with Joy to the airport to pick up her girlfriend. Joohyun doesn’t even know how the hell she managed to get herself in this situation, but here she is, waiting with Joy as she anxiously waits for her girlfriend's arrival. The younger woman was an absolute mess to put it mildly. Joy was in between excited and a nervous wreck.


“Oh my god, my baby is coming, my baby is coming.” The taller woman repeats as she paces a bit.


Joohyun shakes her head at the pathetic display, and wonders again why the hell she isn’t at home in bed sleeping, it is a Saturday after all. 


“Joy, will you calm down. She didn’t go away forever.”


“It felt like it! When you grow up and find a girlfriend you’ll understand.”


“Excuse me, I already have someone I love, thank you.” Joohyun nods proudly. She is very much taken already, why everyone else seems to fail to understand that doesn’t make any sense to her at all. Joy stops pacing and looks at Joohyun with a look before sighing.


“Listen, Joohyun. Can we talk, woman to crazy woman.”




Now, Joohyun is sure as hell about to be offended in a moment. She can surely leave Joy here to meet her girlfriend, this isn’t her business anyway.


“Sorry, you’re my friend and I care about you, but you need to either pull yourself together or at least tell me why the hell you love Kang Seulgi so much. I can’t help the helpless if I don’t understand the situation.”


Joohyun grows quiet all of a sudden, as she thinks about things. She can’t tell Joy anything, as for one it’s none of her business, close friend or not, and even if she could tell her, Joy would never understand.


“Joy.” She looks up when she spots Yerim in the distance. The shorter pink-haired woman must have just arrived and is heading their way.


“No, really, I want to help you, Joohyun. I want you to be happy.”


“Thank you, Joy, but…”


“I can hook you up with tons of hot chicks, you know. I know people, I can even get you someone close enough to Seulgi’s look.”


“No, not interested, and now if you shut the hell up and listen to me, you would know that Yerim is heading this way.”


“What!” Joy screams in excitement, turns around to see her girlfriend, and takes off running, forgetting all about Joohyun for the moment. Joy runs for her girlfriend and captures her in the tightest hug. She can be heard saying some incoherent words, some sounding like she loves and missed Yerim, but Joohyun isn’t all that sure honestly. Her friend has some nerve talking about anyone looking like a crazy person when she’s over there looking insane at this moment.


“Babe, finally, I was going to go crazy soon.” She places kisses all over the songwriter’s face.




“Did you have a good flight, did you have fun, did you miss me!”


“Soo, yes, yes, and of course yes.” Yerim is able to say the moment her face is free. The songwriter notices Joohyun simply standing there looking like she could or should be anywhere else. Yerim eyes her girlfriend curiously, wondering why her friend is here, not that she has some problem with Joohyun or anything. She’s a nice enough woman.


“Babe, what’s your friend doing here?”


“Friend, what friend?”


Joy turns around when she remembers that Joohyun is indeed standing there. She laughs apologetically and turns back to Yerim.


“Oh, don’t worry about her. I just needed to get her out of the house, you know how pathetic she can be.”




“For the record, I was fine staying at home in bed.” Joohyun announces. “Anyway, hi, Yerim, it’s good to see you again.”


“Hi, Joohyun. It’s nice to see you too, I was going to treat Soo to lunch but would you like to join us?” Yerim offers politely and Joy looks at her girlfriend with a hurt look.


“Babe, this is us time now, we don’t need extra mouths to feed, no offense, Joohyun.”


The raven smiles in such a way that has Joy nervous. Perhaps she should have rethought this asking Joohyun to tag along.


“Sure, that sounds great, I find myself suddenly hungry.”


“Ugh.” Joy groans. But latches onto Yerim’s free arm. “Well, come on then, Joohyun. I suppose it’s okay to feed you, but don’t get used to it.”


“How nice of you, Joy, thanks.”


Still, the older woman can’t help but to look at the cute way Joy is with her girlfriend. The way she links their arms and walks off together, it’s rather sweet. Joy really loves Yerim very much and it’s clear they have a loving relationship. Joohyun just wants the same thing for herself with Seulgi. No one else can be her person but Kang Seulgi, and Joohyun knows that without a doubt. She can still think back to yesterday at the office, how nice that was having lunch with Seulgi, together, like two regular colleagues, and how Seulgi didn’t try to do everything in her power to get away from her. She thinks fondly over how they worked together so well too.




Joohyun told Seulgi that working together so closely wouldn’t be the worst thing ever for them, and although Seulgi had been reluctant at first, even she must admit that they work well together. Not only do they help each other with their own individual work, they get a lot of work done together. It was because of their shared work on a proposal for their boss that earned them both high praise.


“Hey, Joohyun.” The monolid woman calls out from her side of the room. 


“Yes?” Joohyun looks up, right away, pen still in hand as she was writing something down, but will always make time for Seulgi if she should need her for anything.


“Thank you for your help the other day, you brought up an interesting idea that I hadn’t considered and I think it’ll help moving forward.” She thanks Joohyun for the help and input she had on one of Seulgi’s assignments that the brunette had been struggling with. Seulgi thanks her as Joohyun didn’t even have to help, and yet her help was beneficial. The dark-haired woman smiles brightly. She’ll take anything over Seulgi running away from her or being wary of her. 


“You’re welcome!” She nods. “I told you that us working together wouldn’t be terrible. We should go out on a date to celebrate.”


“Hehe,” Seulgi laughs nervously. “Umm…”


“Is that a yes?”




She didn’t really get a yes to her date, but she’ll surely take Seulgi not running away away in fear. It’s been awhile now since Seulgi did everything she could to avoid her, and as far as Joohyun was concerned some progress was better than no progress. At the moment, she has to settle for being a third-wheel of sorts, not that she particularly asked to be one, but it isn’t the worst thing seeing Joy fawning all over her now returned girlfriend. Plus, Yerim did offer to treat for lunch, which was very nice of the younger woman.


“Has she been on her best behavior?” Yerim asks Joohyun when they’re seated at the restaurant and looking through menus to decide what to order. Joy is looking at Joohyun with a bit of a glare, meaning she better tell her girlfriend that she was a perfect angel while Yerim was away or else there will be hell to pay. Now, Joohyun isn’t scared of Joy. They may go back and forth with one another in interesting conversations or debates, and the younger woman can be quite savage at times, but it’s all apart of her charm. Joy really is a good friend to her and Joohyun does appreciate her, most times.


“Oh, you know Joy, an interesting character all the time.” Is really all Joohyun says about that.


Yerim nods and grabs one of Joy’s free hands. “Yeah, but she’s my interesting character.”


“Of course, babe.” The taller woman nods and plants a huge kiss on the side of Yerim’s face. The pink-haired woman pretends to be annoyed by the kiss and they engage in cute and playful banter. Joohyun sighs to herself, now she wants Seulgi to be here so that they can be like that too. One day though, she has to let Seulgi figure it out for herself, even though it’s frustrating on Joohyun’s end to not be able to say how and why they know one another. She’s wondering if she can give hints without telling her. Joy nudges Joohyun and passes her the drink she ordered.


“Hey, Yerimie has some music industry friends, you know. We can definitely introduce you to hot women!”


Yerim looks surprised by this news, as all the updates she hears from her girlfriend are usually how crazy about their coworker Joohyun is, has she all of a sudden given up on the woman.


“You quit Kang Seulgi?” Yerim wonders.


At that Joohyun stands up with clenched first in determina

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Ryunero #1
Chapter 4: Oh wow re reading and this reminds me of ban ji eum in see you in my 19th life hahaha
This reminded me so much of your story Professor Kang, I love you! With the basic premise being wild and then it slowly becomes more warming had me in tears, esp in that final chapter. Love the progression of the story, and seeing Joohyun bat crazy!
Chapter 6: They reincarnated the love from past life 🥺
Chapter 5: Seulgi is back 🤧
Chapter 2: I really enjoy reading this kind of plot geez joohyun hahahah
Chapter 1: Oh gosh what did just happened here hahahaah
Alexav94 #7
Chapter 1: I'm not going to sleep until I finish reading this. It's amazing haha
Chapter 6: I love ittttt <3
279 streak #9
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: ❤️💛