But I love you!

Love me, Please
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A/N: Hi readers, so this is mostly an experimental piece. I don’t know how long it will be as of yet. It’s pretty much Joohyun being in love with Seulgi, and stopping at nothing to get the woman of her dreams. I’m making them the same age in this fic though, please enjoy.


“No.” A monolid, brunette says the very second she sees the drop dead, gorgeous raven coming over to her desk. The raven pouts, as soon as she hears the word no.


“You didn’t even let me ask, first.”


The brunette sighs. This always happens, all the time. She has no idea how many times or ways she can say no, before the raven understands.


“Joohyun, no.”


The shorter raven, Joohyun again pouts. This time more adorably. Most people, would have caved immediately upon seeing the pretty woman act like this. The taller woman is not one of those people.


“Seulgi,” Joohyun whines. “You didn’t even let me ask you!”


The monolid woman, Seulgi sighs. She has to get out of here now. She grabs her tea from her desk and proceeds to leave.


“Bye, Joohyun, have a nice day.”


“But...but…I love you!” She shouts out after the slightly taller woman, who is walking away faster. Joohyun sighs in disappointment. It’s always like this, everytime she wants to ask, Kang Seulgi out. The woman always says no. It’s been, 6 long years of loving the monolid woman, and so far no success. She just wants for, Seulgi to love her. Several people are looking at her with surprise, pity, and annoyance. The raven doesn’t care about them, though.


“Well, what are you even looking at!” She shouts at them, and that makes everyone pretend to be working all over again. Seulgi may have said no to her, again, but that doesn’t mean she will just give up. One day the monolid woman will finally say yes.


Seulgi, has no idea when it started, but somehow, Bae Joohyun keeps claiming to be in love with her. It was something, she thought would go away with time, not get worse. It’s been, 6 years since they have met, and for the majority of the time, Joohyun has been boldy saying she loves her. She’s been asking her out left and right, appearing practically everywhere, and it’s honestly freaking the monolid woman out. She isn’t safe at her desk. So, she goes to bother her best friend, Seungwan. She works on a different floor in the company, but they still find ways to meet. The small blonde, Seungwan is sitting at her desk typing away. She doesn’t even look up before speaking.


“Running away from, Joohyun, again?” She teases. Seulgi groans in annoyance. Everyone in the building must know about Joohyun’s so called “love” for her.


“Wannie, the woman is crazy.” Seulgi tells her before sitting down on her desk.


“Aww, that’s not nice. How can you say that about your future wife?”


Seulgi knows exactly what Seungwan is talking about. This happened probably a year ago, but it was something that no one could have forgotten.




It was the annual, company Christmas party, everyone was busy having a good time, stuffing their faces, and exchanging gifts. There was a karaoke station set up to where people were getting up there to sing, mostly badly. It was so fun that no one cared how badly they sounded. That, and the majority of people were drunk. When, Bae Joohyun got up there, Seulgi thought maybe she was too.


“You’re going to sing something, Hyun!” Her friend, Jennie shouts out drunkenly, falling onto her girlfriend, Lisa in the process.


“No, this is a message for my, bae, Seulgi. Haha, did you get I said bae, and my name is also, Bae.” She giggles.


“Oh my, god.” Seungwan mouths besides Seulgi. “Is she drunk, Seul?”


“God, I hope so.” Seulgi facepalms.


“Anyway, Seulgi-yah, this is for you. I love you so much, and one day you’re definitely going to be my wife!”


“Joohyun-unnie, get down from there!” Her younger friend, a tall dark-haired girl, Joy begs. She is normally fine with, Joohyun making a fool of herself, not in this case, though.


“Joy, leave me alone. I have to say this next part. All of you thirsty women that are after my bear, you back the hell off right now. Yeah, you know who you are, YooA, Eunae, Jisoo!”


“Yah, enough.” Joy covers before, Joohyun can continue going on. Seulgi is just so embarrassed by the woman, and hopes she’s just drunk, and that will be the end of it.


“So, when’s the wedding.” Seungwan nudges her in the arm.


“Wannie, shut up! There is no wedding.”


“You tell her that, then.” Seungwan points to where Joohyun is busy making hearts for her. Yeah, something tells Seulgi it won’t be the end of it.




Seungwan throws her head back to laugh at her friend’s disgruntled expression. Seulgi lightly smacks her in the arm. Some best friend she is, when all she does is laugh at her pain.


“Wan, this is not funny. What am I supposed to do? She won’t take no for an answer.”


The blonde stops laughing. “Hey, just go out with her already. It’s been what, 6 years and she still won’t quit. She’s like a Seulgiholic, or something, just give her a fix.”


That doesn’t sound like a good idea. If, Joohyun is really obsessed with her. How will it help to go out with her? It will only make things so much worse. No, there has to be a way to gently let, Joohyun down without making things more complicated.


“You’re no help, Wan.”


“Hey, I tried to help you. Remember, when we lied to her that we were married. You remember how well that turned out, right?”


“Y-yeah, don’t remind me.”




Seulgi was running for her life. Joohyun was chasing after her at full speed. For someone who is shorter than her. The woman can sure run, fast.


“Leave me, alone!” The monolid woman shouts.


“No, go out with me!”


“I said no, like a hundred times.”


“Then say, yes, finally!”


Seulgi doesn’t stop running until she gets to, Seungwan’s desk. She immediately wraps her arms around her best friend, in a loving embrace.


“Why are you holding her like that?” The raven demands to know.


“She’s my wife!” Seulgi lies. “This woman is my wife, and that’s why I can’t go out with you.”


“Yeah.” Seungwan nods fast. “She’s my wife, alright.”


Joohyun frowns, looking quite displeased. There is no way this woman is, Seulgi’s wife, because she is going to be, Kang Seulgi’s wife.


“Get your hands off of her, now.” Joohyun tells ,Seungwan in a murderous tone, although Seulgi is the one that has her arms around her.


“Um, what?”


Joohyun simply yanks the taller woman away from, Seungwan, and dust off her body as if she has been contaminated. Then she turns to the blonde with a look of disgust on her face.


“If you ever say you are her wife again. You will be eliminated.”


“Eliminated!” Seungwan cries out with wide, terrified eyes. She doesn’t even want to know what that means.


“You heard me. Seulgi is mine! Right, Seulgi.”


However, Seulgi is long gone, having run off the second she was able to get free from, Joohyun’s grasp. The woman is definitely a crazy person, and she has to get far away from her.




“I’m sorry that she tried to push you down the stairs.” Seulgi apologizes to her for what’s the hundredth time.


“Yeah, well it happens.” Seungwan deadpans. “Seriously, Seul you just have to go out with her. She’s not going to give up on you, obviously.”


“Is it so wrong to hope, she’ll quit?”


Her best friend gives her a look that says “Are you serious?” It’s been 6 years already, what makes Seulgi think she will ever quit now.


Meanwhile, Bae Joohyun sulks at her desk pathetically. Seulgi always says no. It’s been like this for as long as she could remember. She is discouraged, but she won’t give up on the person she loves.


“Oh, my god, Joohyun-unnie. Are you seriously being pathetic, again?” Joy, her close younger friend comes over to her desk. She can hardly believe how sad her unnie is. All because of this supposed love for one, Kang Seulgi. Sure, the woman is breathtaking, hot, sweet, but that’s no excuse for a woman like

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Ryunero #1
Chapter 4: Oh wow re reading and this reminds me of ban ji eum in see you in my 19th life hahaha
This reminded me so much of your story Professor Kang, I love you! With the basic premise being wild and then it slowly becomes more warming had me in tears, esp in that final chapter. Love the progression of the story, and seeing Joohyun bat crazy!
Chapter 6: They reincarnated the love from past life 🥺
Chapter 5: Seulgi is back 🤧
Chapter 2: I really enjoy reading this kind of plot geez joohyun hahahah
Chapter 1: Oh gosh what did just happened here hahahaah
Alexav94 #7
Chapter 1: I'm not going to sleep until I finish reading this. It's amazing haha
Chapter 6: I love ittttt <3
279 streak #9
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: ❤️💛