Hick Town, Korea

Cry Out With My Heart and Soul

We got to the town at 8:45 and we were both starving – mainly me. After driving around for another ten minutes, we found a cute little home-style family restaurant. It was so simple, in fact, that they only sold sandwiches and pies, which was fine with me. So long as it was food, I'd eat it.

The two of us walked into the restaurant and found out just how incredibly small it was. When we walked in, the few people that were eating – all locals, I assumed – stared at us like we were invaders coming to take the only thing they loved. I ignored their looks as I turned to the lady standing behind a podium. "Well y'all sure as heck ain't from around here, are ya now?" She wore a simple dress and her hair in ringlets in a half-up half-down style. Her smile was genuine.

"Uh, no. Could we get a table for two?"

"Y'all on a date or somethin'?"

I felt my face get red. "What? No! We're just…"

"Alright, alright. Don't get your wadded up over nuthin." She grabbed two menus and led us into the diner, where all eyes never left us. "My name's Jesse Belle. If ya need anything, just holler."

Yesung smiled. "Will do."

After Jesse Belle left, I leaned across the table and whispered, "Where the hell are we? I didn't know there was such thing as hick town in the middle of South Korea."

Yesung shrugged. "I don't see what's so bad about it. It's actually kind of cozy. It's like the Southern part of the United States. You know, one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone? Although, I always did prefer Canada…"

I eyed Yesung. "I just want to eat here, then get out. Preferably to a five-star hotel."

"You think you're gonna find a five star hotel in the middle o' this place?" Jesse Belle said as she poured us iced tea from a pitcher.

"What will I find?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Well you know, Harvey and Carol just opened up that there Bed and Breakfast not a block away from here. Said it used to be Harvey's Grandma's house. Didn't wanna sell it after she passed away last year, so they made it a cozy little place for travelers like y'all. Why don't I give 'em a call and tell 'em to expect two young men comin' in around 9:45?"

"What is this place even called?"

"The diner? It's called Pete's! That's my husband. He opened the place up when we first built the town, he did. Ain't never gonna close it. We even named our son Pete so he could continue it on."

"Uh, no I meant the town."

"The town? Honey, we're so small we don't need a town name. We just call it Home." I exchanged glance with Yesung, who seemed sincerely interested. "Have y'all decided what y'all want?"

"What would you recommend, Jesse Belle?" Yesung asked politely. I wanted to puke.

"Why, you wanna know what I think? That's sweet of ya, it really is. If it were me orderin', I'd get myself this right here." She pointed to a picture on Yesung's menu. "By gosh, that might be one of the tastiest things I've ever eaten."

"We'll both take it."

"Fantastic! I'll go make that call, now." Jesse Belle headed into the kitchen, taking our menus with her.

"What on earth are you doing?"

"Being polite. Maybe you should try it sometime." Yesung smirked.

I jerked my chin in his direction. "What did you order us, anyway?"

"Just a BLT. Classic sandwich; you'll like it."

"Hey." I turned my head to see the guy sitting at the table next to us. He was a big guy wearing overalls who forgot the meaning of the word 'shave'. "What are a couple of city guys like yourselves doing in a place like this?"

"Uh… well…" I started, not wanting to explain myself to this guy.

"We decided to take a road trip. You see, Ryeowook over here was feeling adventurous, so he called me up and we decided to just drive and see where his car would take us."

"Why is he in such a bad mood?"

Yesung and I exchanged glances before continuing. "Well, you see, Wookie got dumped by his girlfriend and, um… it was right after her birthday. He's mad because she waited until getting a present from him to break up with him. She was just being greedy, right Wookie?"

"Uh, well I'd rather not talk about it…"

"He still loves her. Poor guy."

"Man, I can't stand when girls do that. That's why I never got married. Name's Chuck, by the way." Chuck patted his stomach as if it was success that he never married. Glancing at him, it wasn't too hard to imagine that his ignorance wasn't the only reason he didn't get married. 

"I'm Yesung. That guy's Ryeowook."

"Alrighty, folks. I got your two BLT's here and I made that call for ya. Carol's gotcha all set up."

"Why thank you Jesse Belle, it's really nice of you to do this for us."

"Don't mention it. It's not every day we get travelers. We're glad to have the company. How long will y'all be stayin?"

I answered before Yesung got the chance. "We leave tomorrow morning."

"Aww, just passin' by? That's alright, though. Enjoy your meal!"

We did, actually. Jesse Belle was right when she said the BLT was the best thing she'd ever tasted. We even ordered desert – or rather, Yesung did. We each got a piece of apple pie with a scoop of ice cream on top. I was reminded of my Aunt's pie – made from scratch. As soon as we were done eating, we got directions to the Bed and Breakfast and headed over there. Carol greeted us with a smile and led us upstairs – supposedly where Harvey's mom's bedroom was. It was cozy, with a king-sized bed and a bookshelf, dresser, and armoire. As soon as Carol was gone, I stripped my shirt and shoes and got in the bed, asleep before Yesung even turned off the light.

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1639 streak #1
Chapter 25: With all the roller-coaster emotions in the entire story the ending was pretty perfect. I liked it that Yewook just had a wonderful, relaxing day and could looking forward to a future together where they will be at each other's side, loving and supporting each other. They fought long and Wookie deserves a partner who treasures him with all he has to give. A beautiful ending. Thank you for sharing and keeping this story here for so long ❤️❤️
1639 streak #2
Chapter 24: I'm confused about Henry now. I mean I'm glad he's finally ready to let Wookie go, but if he wanted him to be happy why he didn't let him go way sooner? With all his psycho acts and maniac behavior, it comes to his mind that he only wants Wookie to be happy, now? This guy is insane. I'm happy Wookie is free for Yesung now, but I really wanted Henry to regret what he did to him and almost destroyed him. If Henry didn't get a proper punishment then he should give Ryeowook a proper apologize. Wookie deserves it. At least this nightmare will be over and we know Yeye will treat Ryeonggu way better than Henry ever did. Thank you for sharing this ❤️
1639 streak #3
Chapter 23: I was really hoping for Wookie to open up to Yesung about his true feelings himself. But obviously Yeye was fed up of waiting and thought now or never. But it's sad that Henry already destroyed Wookie self confidence that much, that he never imagined he himself could have a chance with Yesung and is the person of his heart. Wookie needs someone who will shower him with love and Yesung is just perfect for this. Thank you for writing ❤️
1639 streak #4
Chapter 22: Poor Wookie. Get well soon and then tell Yeye about all your feelings inside. This kind of horror ride must end so Wookie can live his life happy and with people around who will do good to him. Thanks again ❤️
1639 streak #5
Chapter 21: I can imagine that this is how Wookie must feel inside. Running out of battery. Totally exhausted and his entire world falling down. Hope he will feel better soon, and with Henry staying away from him. Thank you ❤️
1639 streak #6
Chapter 20: A pity Wookie gives up that easy. He should go out and fight for Yesung. It's sad he has so low self confidence, but I blame Henry for this. Anyway, thank you for this ❤️
1639 streak #7
Chapter 19: Oh Wookie, stop being a coward and open up to Yeye. Maybe you will get a nice surprise He never imagined why Yesung gave him his number? Or why Sungie was searching for him during the months? There is a reason, Wookie. You just need to listen. Thank you as always ❤️
1639 streak #8
Chapter 18: Henry is a psycho. Wookie should call the police and close the chapter of his past with him. Yesung is in so much ways on a different level than that jerk. Think wise Wookie. Thank you for sharing ❤️
1639 streak #9
Chapter 17: Great, Henry is going to ruin the mood again >_>
I was about to say what a lucky child Wookie is because getting his car fixed for free. But obviously he needs such good moments in life, because in a blink of an eye Henry is back to destroy everything. It's time for Wookie to cut the lines with him. Thank you again ❤️
1639 streak #10
Chapter 16: I can't understand why, Wookie is doing this to himself. This wasn't the first time Henry treated him like but he wanted to be back to this jerk just because he wanted to forget about Yesung. Worse forget Yesung so the older wouldn't get hurt anymore. Wookie definitely needs help to get away from this toxic person. And goddammit Henry needs to get punished for all his wrong doings in the past. Hope Wookie finally can realize that Yesung can be a, safe place, a safe home for him. Thank you for this longer chapter ❤️