Double Bedded Love

Yoo Sawng Hospital [One-Shot requests In progress]

Username: Undankbar

Type of ending: up to you!! surprise me please


*Onew’s POV*

It was just in a blink of an eye. Everything happened. I was heading to the radio station and one wrong turn made a huge mistake. It was a chain reaction, one crash, after another. Someone cried and someone yelled. Then the world turned suddenly black for me.


*No one’s POV*

3rd person view:


“Someone get the ambulance!” A man yelled trying to help others in the car. Onew’s car was flipped right over and he was stuck in there. They quickly helped Onew out as he was unconscious. There was blood on his shirt and the ambulance had just arrived. They quickly carried Onew and the rest of the injured people to the hospital.


*Youhee’s POV*

I woke up just from my surgery from appendicitis. My pain on my stomach was still hurting, but, not as bad now. As I woke up, the doctor was checking how I was feeling.

“Hello Youhee” The doctor said. I quietly nodded, still having a blurry vision. “You should be fine, may I check your temperature please?” He asked. I had a fever which was one of the symptoms to the appendicitis. I opened my mouth as the doctor checked my temperature. “Good, you may go home about 4 weeks, we’ll let you recover and do some tests again” The doctor said.

“Doctor!” A nurse yelled.

“What is it?” He asked.

“There are 15 people who needs to be taken care of! It’s a trauma!” The nurse said and ran off to the emergency room with the doctor. I stood there, in my hospital bed alone in the room. I didn’t have anything to say since I just awoke from my surgery. I laid down again and thought of what will happen after I get home.

“Will I go to work again?” I thought. I was dozing off into my little world when a nurse came in pushing the bed next to me. The nurse smiled to me and walked away. I looked at the bed. “Is someone going to be there?” I thought.


*3rd Person View*

“Next one” the doctor said.

“The next one is Onew” The nurse said. “Three wounds in the head and two wounds on the arm” She said as she read the paper.

The doctor performed surgery on Onew for an hour already. After succeeding the surgery, Onew was sent to the room.


*Back to Youhee’s POV*

I woke up from the terrible sounds. “An hour of sleep only?” I thought. It was actually only noon and I had nothing to do, so, might as well sleep. I looked at the bed again and someone was laying there. “Who can that be?” I quietly said. I actually didn’t care but when you know you’re with someone in a room for at least four weeks, you will want to know. I quietly walked up and looked who it was. “A man…” I said. That was all I could say. His face was covered up and his arm also. I walked towards the window and looked beyond the horizon of Seoul. “If only… this didn’t happen, I’d be out there..” I said. A mumble came out from the guy and I turned around. He was awake already and was mumbling something.

“Doc……Doctor..” He said. I decided that he wanted the doctor, to check up on him and since I was standing up, I decided to be the one to tell the doctor. I walked towards the doctor’s room.

“Doctor?” I said.

“Oh, Hello Youhee, are you alright?” He asked.

“Yes, I am” I said.

“What do you need Youhee?” He asked again.

“Someone wants you, just follow me” I said and turned around and walked to my room. The doctor followed me and after telling him about the guy, he went to do a check-up on him.


*Onew’s POV*

I woke up, seeing..a girl standing there. “Is…Is this heaven?” I thought. Reality hit me when I looked at my arms. I mumbled out some words. The girl looked at me and walked away. After five minutes later, she came back, with the doctor.

“Hello, Onew” The doctor said and smiled. I nodded as a bow since I couldn’t really talk..yet.“It seems that you will be staying here for at least six weeks” The doctor said.

“Six weeks?” I thought. I decided to go along with his idea. I looked out at the distance from the view of the window. “Minho,Taemin,Jonghyun…and Key..” I thought. “They must be dead worried…” I said, but mumbles came out only. The doctor smiled as he took off the bandage on my head.

“Your wound quickly recovered on your head, but your hand will have to wait for six weeks, you had a hard hit on your arm” The doctor said.

“I understand…” I said. I was quite depressed that I will have to be away from my members and not be able to do a lot with a hand injury. I looked to my left as the girl sat down, dozing off into her world.


*Youhee’s POV*

I listened as what happened to the guy. “Onew.. that has to be his name..” I thought. It was only noon and time went by really slow… it always does. The doctor came up to me.

“Thank you Youhee for informing me about Onew” He smiled and pointed to Onew. “I hope you two will become good friends” He said and left. I looked at Onew as he also looked at me too. I quickly looked away and stood up.

“My…name is Onew..” He said as he tried to at least sit up.

“Don’t sit up..” I said. “It’ll..only cause more pain..” I quietly said.

“O-Oh, thanks” He said and had a sad smile.

“I’m…Youhee..” I said as I looked at him depressed.

“Ah…nice to meet you” He said. The nurse came in.

“Dinner time~” The nurse said and set up the table for me and Onew on our beds. After setting my table up, she helped setting up Onew’s table. “Want me to feed you?” The nurse asked.

“No, it’s alright” He said. The nurse smiled and after setting the food down onto our table she left. As I was eating my food, I watched Onew eat his. He sure wasn’t a lefty because he was starting to spill his food all over. I sighed and stood up and walked next to his bed.

“Here, I’ll feed you” I said.

“No it’s—“

“It’s not alright, you’ll just make a mess” I said. I grabbed the spoon and fed Onew. I blew the rice for him as he was looking at me. “W-What are you looking at?” I asked as I looked at him.

“N-Nothing…” He said as he continued to play around with his hands.

“Open your mouth” I said. He obediently opened his mouth as I fed him. “Good” I said and smiled. It has been awhile since I smiled but I couldn’t resist it, he was obedient to me, like a little boy. After the meal, we both quietly sat on our beds. Onew quietly drew pictures around for fun. As one of the papers fell, I helped him pick it up. As I looked at the picture, it was a picture of the Sea.

“You can really draw…..” I said as I looked at the picture. I quickly handed it to him.

“T-Thank you” He said as he was turning red. I was wondering why he was turning red.

“Are you alright? Are you sick? You face is turning red” I said.

“I-It’s nothing” He said as he touched his face. Then, there were silence again.


*30 minutes of silence later*

The door opened. “Onew!” Taemin,Minho, Jonghyun, and Key said at the same time, racing up to Onew.

“You guys..” Onew said and smiled.

“A-Are you alright?!” Taemin said looking at his arm.

“Don’t worry, I’m alright” He said and patted Taemin on the head.

“We heard everything! We dropped our video games and ran off here” Jonghyun said.

“You guys and video games” Onew laughed. “Well..I’m alright now” Onew smiled.

“Do you need any assistance?” Key asked.

“No, I’m alright..” He said and looked at me. “This is my new friend, Youhee” Onew said looking at me.

“Oh~ Hello Youhee” Taemin bowed.

“Ayong!~” Minho hits Jonghyun in the head.

“Yah! Don’t be informal the first time!” Minho said.

“Ah..Minae..Ayongsangyo~” Jonghyun said and smiled at me.

“Hello, Thank you for taking care of Onew” Key said. They all told me their names. I never liked being the center of attention but, somehow, this was different. I actually had friends in the hospital.


**Youhee’s Last Week**

 “Today’s my last day here…” I said as I looked out the window. It was morning and Onew was also awake. We got really close with each other ever since he came here.

“Today’s your last week?” He said a little upset.

“D-Dae…and my hometown is in Incheon.. I’m going to take a flight there..” I said.

“Do…You have to leave?” He said.

“I..don’t have anywhere to stay here..” I said as I looked at him. He slightly sighed. I didn’t want him to be depressed. “Let’s go play outside” I said. Onew’s arm was healing so I grabbed his left arm and ran outside. It was quite pretty, you could see the view of the lake from the hospital.

“If only we can always freeze time” Onew said as he looked up.

“Yeah..” I said and sat down.

“Youhee..” Onew called.

“Yes?” I said.

“I…I…” The ringtone went on Onew’s Phone. He picked up the phone. “Hello?” Onew said. “Ah~ Yeah 2 more weeks and I could go home” Onew said as he was on the phone, I sighed as I actually had a crush on him. But, a crush is just a crush right?... Plus…When I get to my hometown, we will never see each other again. The rest of the day, we spent our time wisely and played around.

**2 weeks later**

[Youhee is already out of the hospital and was at her hometown, but she’s at the Eurwangni Beach]

I walked barefooted, at the beach. I remember Onew’s drawing of the beach.

*Flash back*

“I’ve always wanted to go to the beach…but it never happens…something is always coming up on my schedule..or something always happens….” Onew said as he looked at the drawing.

“Really? Well there’s a beach by the airport at my hometown, it’d be nice to visit there one day if you can” I said.

“It’ll be great…if I’m not busy..” He said.

*End of Flash Back*

I looked beyond the ocean. It was quite pretty and the water was clear. I smiled as I sat down on the sandy area. I went to the hotel by the airport.

“May I have a room please?” I asked.

“Sorry, we are out of single rooms..” The worker said. “We only have double rooms now..” she said.

“’ll have a double room then…” I said.

“Alright…” The worker said. I paid her the money and she gave me the key.

“Thank you” I smiled. I walked into the room. It was a double bed. It reminded me of Onew. Someone’s suitcase was there. I thought it was odd how it felt like the times at the hospital.

“Youhee?” A voice said. I turned around. It was Onew. He took off his sunglasses. I smiled and he smiled. We both ran up to each other and hugged each other really tightly.

“I..Love you” He said as he hugged me. I smiled.

“I do too” I said. We both stopped hugging for a moment.

“You know what?” Onew said.

“What?” I said.

“We should keep on having double beds everywhere” Onew smiled. I laughed as I slightly hit him. He embraced me from the back as we looked at the view of the sea.

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YouDunnoMe #1
nice story (y)
AH~! I loved it! SO CUTE!<br />
i can't stop smiling now~! kekeke...<br />
thank you~! hwating~! ^________________________^
Everyone, I'll do all of your One-Shots and this story will be closed down :] (I'll keep the stories up though^^)
frangible #4
Problem [/plot]: As usual, Euna has an appointment with a doctor in the hospital to check out her leg’s bone and her health. She always go there with her twin and she was suspected to has leukemia but she thinks she’s not cuz she always stay in good health but yeah~ Idk. Her twin asks her to wait her out from the doctor room because she wants to talk with the doctor for awhile. As what her twin ask, she wait her outside but since she was bored, she takes a walk around the hospital’s park. Then, she saw a guy crying under big tree. She asks him why he cries and that guy (Key) say that his grandma just passed away just now in the hospital. And………<br />
<br />
Minor Characters: <br />
- Lee Hyena as my twin, she’s younger than me just in a few minutes XD<br />
- SHINee members as Key’s friends<br />
- Doojoon as the doctor! Hahaha!!<br />
<br />
Other: Neh~ Idk. Just make it little funny, maybe fun talks. Hahaha! You can make that Euna always talks about Harry Potter since she was addicted to it and she admired Fred and George pro pranks skills. Ok, maybe that’s all. Hahahaha!! XD Oh yeah! The different between Euna and Hyena is, Euna likes to tied up her hair like bun or wearing snow caps and she’s taller than Hyena while Hyena likes to free her hair and she’s has more milky-skin than Euna. Hahaha! XD<br />
<br />
Hwaiting! <333 ^^
frangible #5
Username: baeunalurve19<br />
Type of ending: HAPPY :) but slightly silly scenes happens XD<br />
<br />
Your Name: Lee Euna<br />
Age: 19 [Korean Age]<br />
Personality: I do be talkative, funny, bright, loud if I ONLY in good mood. Well, my mood always changes according to environment around me. Caring to certain people. You rude to me, I pay double or maybe triple rudeness at you. Clumsy when I was in awkward situation, nervous of something or someone and also, when I was in rush.<br />
Picture of you:<br />
<br />
Main guy's name: Kim Kibum<br />
Age: 20 [Korean Age]<br />
Personality: Yeah, the real him. Diva-ish type that don’t want to lose in any challenges or things. Nagging is his hobby and cooking is his skill. <br />
Picture of him:<br />
Being in the hospital, Daito had to undergo surgery. While waiting I was slowly dream off, getting all kind of flashbacks with Daito and that weird guy in it. A doctor wakes me up telling that everything is going to be alright and that Daito is out of danger. I'm relieved *dahaeng-ida* and quickly go to Daito's room. 'I'll let him rest.' is what I thought seeing him sleeping like a cute puppy. Dreaming at home in my bed the flashbacks came again. Finding out why Daito and that weird guy [who I hate so much right know -diedie (><)- *facepalm*] were so familiar and what they are to me. I deside to visit him everyday and keep him company together [feelings growing again and having fun.] with sometimes my best friend & BEAST. When he finally gets out of the hospital u deside to tell him u know everything again.<br />
Minor Characters: Can a few of BEAST be in this oneshot too~~ like,, they are our friends.. -Minji mecha puppy dog eyes-<br />
Other: Could u make it Romantic with comedy drama in itㅋㅋㅋw(⌒▽⌒)w and a few kissing scenes. U can choose if it would be a cinema or a club we're going to. *10jeom manjeome 10jeom for thatㅋㅋㅋ*
Problem[/plot]: While my best friend [u can choose who. -feelin' nice today ㅋㅋㅋ(><)-] and I are waiting for our friends in front of the cinema or club. Still waiting a weird guy keeps looking at us and it starting to creep the hell out of me. Luckily our friends came and I felt save again. At the cinema or club I meet a cute and handsome guy named Daito Shunsuke, who somehow looked familiar. When we all went back outside and got something to eat after eating we walked home, I went together with Daito. Suddenly I was Feelin' like someone was watching us. I turned around and I was right, the same weird guy from before was behind me, he looked familiar too. He had something sharp in his hand. I stand nailed to floor and close my eyes, waiting for something bad to happen. I hear someone but nothing happened, no pain nothing.. I opened my eyes seeing a tall guy standing in front of me with his back in my direction. It was Daito! He suddenly collapse on the ground.Worried and in shock I look at Daito and see the tiles turning red. I hear the weird guy scolding something and then looks at me. As quick as I can I call the ambulance, while trying to keep Daito awake. Just when I look up and was about to call the police the guy who stapped Daito was already gone.
Username: MiinaMinji<br />
Type of ending: Happy ending.<br />
Your Name: Kwon Min Ji<br />
Age: 18<br />
Personality:<br />
I'm a bubbly and a bright girl. I'm quite talkative and quite humorous. I believe in listening to the heart rather than the brains. Very curious, what can get me into trouble. When I'm angry I start to talk mixed Korean and Japanese.<br />
Picture of you: <br />
most say I look like <br />
IU [Lee Ji Eun]:<br />
and<br />
Maeda Atsuko [AKB48]:<br />
Main guy's name: Daito Shunsuke♥♡♥「J-Actor」φ(ω`●)<br />
Age: 24<br />
Personality:<br />
Talkactive. He really talks alot on his blog and interviews (mostly about food) and is most of the time really bright. Can be stubborn at times. Good fighter, althought he rather not fight. Caring about the ones he loves ♡^▽^♡ . Most people call him Daito although it's his surname.<br />
Picture of him:
Accidentally_in_love #9
it is so cute :3 I loved the song too especially with it, sooo cute <33
:3 I'm glad you liked it~ <3 I just wanted to add the song in it cause it'd be cute having that song while letting Catti talk it'd be super duper cute