Chapter Eight

Fake Dreams




“AHHHHHHHHHH!” A loud scream could be heard in the entire house and Siwon had to go out of the shower with just a towel wrapped in his waist and still wet.

“Hyuk!” Siwon called as he looked for Hyukjae; going towards where he heard the screaming; he arrived to the living room and he panicked when he saw Hyukjae biting his lower lip and curling his body while hugging his knees. “Hyuk!” He called running towards the small boy. “What’s wrong?! Are you okay?! Is there an attacker?!” He hurried himself to ask while examining Hyukjae completely; making sure the other was completely fine. “Where is everybody else?!”

Hyukjae looked up and met Siwon’s eyes and he pouted. “Scary…” He mumbled pointing at the television and Siwon turned around quickly to see what was happening; raising an eyebrow in confusion and tightening his jaw when he realized Hyukjae was only watching a scary movie.

“Aish Hyuk! You scared me!” Siwon said pouting and kneeling down to hug Hyukjae softly. “Seriously… don’t be like that…” He said and Hyukjae just nodded hugging Siwon back.

“Sorry Siwonnie…” Hyukjae said smiling apologetically.

Both male turned around when they heard someone clearing his throat and they smiled nervously at him. “As much as I don’t want to misunderstand the situation because I trust Hyuk and I’m sure he wouldn’t do anything wrong…” Kyuhyun started clenching his fists tightly and trying to not make evident his annoyed voice. “I would really like it if you could, Siwon hyung, take away your , wet and muscled body out of my boyfriend arms…” He said and Siwon could feel a strange aura coming out from him.

Hyukjae opened his eyes and turned to see Siwon just to gasp when he realized Siwon was indeed almost . “Woah! You surely work out a lot Siwon!” He exclaimed tracing the muscles of Siwon’s arms with his hand. “Your body is perfect!”

Siwon smiled proudly. “Well…” He chuckled. “How do you think is possible for me to protect you if don’t?” He asked making Hyukjae nod in agreement and blush lightly.

“YAH!” Kyuhyun exclaimed angrily; already annoyed, not only by the conversation but because Hyukjae didn’t seem to be much uncomfortable with Siwon hugging him. And Kyuhyun knew; that probably Siwon was the most dangerous one because he was Hyukjae’s first kiss and he still hated that fact even if he really didn’t realize it was unconscious.

“Fine!” Siwon hissed pouting. “I’ll leave now!” He said winking an eye to Hyukjae who just raised an eyebrow at him and giving him a light peck in the cheek; laughing at Kyuhyun who just yelled in annoyance before disappearing.

“Aish! I really dislike him!” Kyuhyun blurted out sitting by Hyukjae’s side and wrapping an arm around his waist possessively.

Hyukjae chuckled. “You shouldn’t.” He said softly; leaning his head in Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “He’s a good person…” He said smiling softly and Kyuhyun’s expression softened.

Kyuhyun felt Hyukjae relax in his embrace; he turned and saw how perfect Hyukjae was; even when he was just half human; he smiled warmly and unconsciously at Hyukjae who had closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but just stare.

Hyukjae was perfect; his soft and white skin; his smile; his hair; his eyes. Everything was perfect at Kyuhyun’s eyes and still; there was a part of him that wanted to deny it furiously; knowing that falling deeply in love with Hyukjae would mean his end. A man in love is always the weakest; but somehow; he still wanted to protect Hyukjae no matter what.

“Hyuk…” Kyuhyun called softly and Hyukjae opened his eyes to look at him. “What about going out for a walk?” He asked and Hyukjae’s eyes brightened and he nodded furiously.

They stood up and Kyuhyun extended his hand for Hyukjae to take; the latter did so and soon; they were walking already to the door. “Oh lord!” Hyukjae took his free hand to his chest because he got scared again; he then sighed and smiled softly. “Come one Wulffrith! Let’s go take a walk!” He said and the wolf just tagged along; by Hyukjae’s other side.

“Why do you live here Hyuk?” Kyuhyun asked when they were already in the forest. “Why don’t you go somewhere else where no one knows you?” He added. “This place’s people hate you for nothing… they will hurt you if you keep being here…”

Hyukjae smiled warmly; looking ahead his way and pursing his lips in concentration. “Because this place is my father’s birth place.” He said. “I want to be here as well.”

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. “That’s not even a good excuse.” He snorted and Hyukjae chuckled softly.

“Can I tell you something no one knows Kyu?” Hyukjae asked looking directly at Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Kyuhyun gulped nervously at the intense stare and nodded weakly; Hyukjae just smiled at him.

“I won’t live long.” Hyukjae said and Kyuhyun’s heart sank.

“What do you mean you won’t live long?” Kyuhyun asked frowning lightly.

Hyukjae chuckled bitterly. “Usually… a royal member would live hundreds of years…” He said. “The prince now must be around a hundred so he’s pretty young…” He looked down and traced Wulffrith hair with his free hand. “They believe I’m he same but I’m not…”

Kyuhyun frowned deeply. “So you live as long as a human lives?” He asked.

Hyukjae sighed. “Kind of.” He said; not really wanting to say that he would actually live less than a normal healthy human.

Kyuhyun frowned and looked at the nothingness as they kept on walking hand in hand; they were in silence; both thinking deeply on their own and just walking randomly; Wulffrith following in silence as well.

“Hyuk..” Kyuhyun called after some minutes. “Do you know how many years the archers live?” He asked curious and Hyukjae looked at him confusedly before answering.

“They live even longer than royal members.” Hyukjae said. “They grow up and at a certain age they stop aging… I guess it’s because they have the most important mission of all… Like Siwon; he stopped growing at twenty three and now he must be about a hundred years already…”

Kyuhyun opened his eyes. “Really?!” He asked. “So he’s actually a grandpa!” He said already smirking because he now had something to mock the perfect Siwon with.

Hyukjae laughed. “I wouldn’t say ‘a grandpa’ but it’s not far from my definition of just ‘old’.” He said and both males laughed as they kept on walking hand in hand.

Kyuhyun took a look at his watch and sighed softly. “I guess it’s time for us to go back.” He said and Hyukjae just smiled softly while nodding lightly.

“Maybe Hankyung hyung has already the dinner done!” Hyukjae exclaimed happily and Kyuhyun forced a smile; he didn’t like Hankyung, not at all.

They came back and as soon as they stepped into the house; Sungmin threw himself to Hyukjae. “Hyuk!” He squealed. “I missed you! I thought we were going to see a movie!” He pouted and Hyukjae smiled apologetically.

“I’m sorry Minnie hyung…” Hyukjae looked down biting his lower lip. “I… well… I forgot about it…” He chuckled nervously and Sungmin just sighed.

“Don’t worry then Hyuk.” Sungmin sighed pushing away smiling brightly. “You were with Kyu so I can’t be mad at you.”

Kyuhyun smiled in triumph and he didn’t miss the snort from Siwon and the rolling eyes from Donghae. “Whatever; let’s eat!” Siwon said happily as he dragged Sungmin along towards the table.

Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk walked towards the table as well and they all sat down on it while Hankyung was busy placing their plates in front of them. “This looks delicious hyung!” Hyukjae exclaimed happily and Donghae nodded furiously.

“I can bet it’s delicious as well!” Sungmin smiled brightly and clapped his hands making everyone smile at his cuteness.

“Stop drooling Siwon.” Hyukjae whispered leaning softly by his left side where Siwon was sitting.

Kyuhyun frowned at the interaction between Siwon and Hyukjae; lately they have been really close and he doesn’t like it at all. He was about to yell at them to stay away when an arrow passed right through their faces landing on the wall and shocking both of them. Even Wulffrith seemed to be okay with that interaction now.

Everyone froze; the arrow barely passed through the empty space between Siwon’s and Hyukjae’s face.

And just three more seconds passed before Donghae, Siwon and the wolf placed themselves in front of Hyukjae; protecting him as a bow and arrows appeared in Siwon’s hand and a sword in Donghae’s.

Sungmin, Hankyung and Kyuhyun just froze in their spots before running towards the group.

Kyuhyun and Hankyung narrowed their eyes. The third archer. They both thought as they clenched their fist tightly and looked at each other before frowning deeply. They were the only two who knew the truth but that surely didn’t give them any kind of advantage.

Two minutes passed and nothing happened. “There there guys… it’s all over…” Hyukjae said calmly. “I’m hungry.” He added pushing Siwon and Donghae by his side to open up a path for him to go out towards his plate. He was already used to the attacks so he could calmly do whatever he wished without worries; somehow; he knew those attacks were just to make him know he was hated; not to actually hurt him. He patted Wulffrith’s head before sitting down.

Siwon sighed before closing his eyes and massaging his temple; the bow and arrows disappeared from his hands as well as Donghae’s sword.

It was almost daily that they got to be attacked and they were so used t it that they didn’t feel scared anymore; the six of them sat down once again in the table and resumed their eating as the arrow stuck in the wall disappeared slowly.

After almost an hour of just eating and chatting trivial stuff; Kyuhyun yelling at Siwon for being so close with Hyukjae and Donghae feeling scared by Sungmin’s and Hankyung’s stories about aliens; they finally went out of the dining room to get something to do; they would go to school the day after but they didn’t have things to do since they had no homework and even if they did they wouldn’t do it because they didn’t care about it.

Sungmin and Donghae fell asleep as soon as their bodies touched the huge sofa in the living room; Hankyung and Kyuhyun started playing videogames in that same living room, almost declaring a real war as their hands tensed against the control and their fingers pressed the bottoms harshly and quickly. Siwon and Hyukjae just watched the game and yawned as they slowly slept as well; Hyukjae resting his head in Siwon’s shoulder and Siwon resting his head in Hyukjae’s. Wulffrith was as well in the couch by Hyukjae’s side.

A noise coming from another room made Kyuhyun and Hankyung pause his game and Wulffrith grunt softly at it as it turned towards the source of the noise.

They both looked at each other and then looked at everyone who was sleeping in the couch. Kyuhyun stood up abruptly and was about to go and snap at Siwon who was sleeping peacefully with his boyfriend when Hankyung grabbed his wrist and placed his finger pressing his lips as if telling Kyuhyun to stay quiet and just go and look for themselves.

Kyuhyun hissed annoyed before nodding; but they didn’t want to disturb everyone of it was simply nothing. “Wulffrith.” Kyuhyun called softly and the wolf quickly posed itself in front of Hyukjae in case he would need to attack; Kyuhyun nodded at the wolf before he and Hankyung walked towards the source of the noise.

Just a second after they stepped into the dining room from where the noise came; they were both frozen because two swords were almost scratching their throats. “W-Who are you?” Hankyung asked nervously as he lifted his hands to the air and Kyuhyun did as well; yell wasn’t going to help them go away.

The small man holding both swords smirked. “What are you doing here?” He asked back.

Kyuhyun and Hankyung gulped as they glanced at each other; not really understanding what was going on and considering seriously if they should just run away or make some noise to wake up the others.

Hankyung smirked after a few seconds. “We’re two against one.” He remarked. “And you don’t seem to be strong actually…” He added and Kyuhyun just looked at him frowning and narrowing his eyes. What was Hankyung trying to do? To kill themselves by provoking the other?

“Looks can be deceiving.” The small boy said smiling softly and so sweetly that it made shivers run through Kyuhyun’s body.

“I don’t think so.” Hankyung said and the small man pouted.

“You’re seriously annoying.” The small man said and Hankyung only smiled wider.


Hyukjae yawned as he opened his eyes and stretched his arms; looking at Siwon who was rubbing his eyes softly and then turning to Wulffrith who seemed to be in alert. “Wulffrith?” He called softly but the wolf kept on staring at the same direction.

“Is there something wrong Hyuk?” Siwon asked as he yawned and stretched his muscled arms.

“Wulffrith is being weird…” Hyukjae commented as he pointed at the wolf just in front of him.

Siwon frowned as he stood up as well and walked towards the same direction; almost losing his track when he saw Sungmin’s and Donghae’s sleeping and peaceful sleeping faces.

As soon as Siwon was about to go out of the room he was in he gasped and took his hand towards his chest as he saw Kyuhyun walking in. “Damn t! You cared me!” Siwon exclaimed panting already.

Kyuhyun glared at Siwon and went to sit by Hyukjae’s side; kissing the other’s lips softly before turning to pat Wulffrith’s head making him relaxed.

Seconds later Hankyung entered the room with a young man in his arms; the other was tied up by the hands and ankles; his eyes were blinded and his mouth covered. He was shrugging to set himself free as Hankyung only hissed annoyed.

“W-Who is he?” Hyukjae asked tugging on Kyuhyun’s sleeve and opening his eyes widely.

Hankyung shrugged and threw the body in the free couch as he hissed in annoyance. “I didn’t have the time to ask…” He said rolling his eyes and making Siwon raise an eyebrow at him.

Hyukjae turned to Kyuhyun who just sighed deeply. “I don’t know either…” He said. “He just entered the house and wanted to kill us!” He exclaimed.

Siwon narrowed his eyes. “Could it be he is with him?” He asked himself and Hyukjae tensed because he already knew what the other was talking about.

“Him?” Kyuhyun asked narrowing his eyes and passing his arm around Hyukjae’s slim waist while the other relaxed a little.

“Ah… It’s nothing…” Siwon chuckled nervously before focusing completely to the person in the couch that kept on shrugging to set himself free. “Who are you?” He asked taking away the other’s mouth cover.

“Yah Siwon! Set me free now or I’ll kill you!” The small man yelled already annoyed.

Siwon opened his eyes widely and took away the others blindfold. “Ryeowook!” He called surprised but after some seconds he started laughing loudly.

“Why the hell are you laughing you damn horse! Set me free or you will have a taste of my power!” Ryeowook frowned at Siwon who kept on laughing; almost falling and having to rest his body on the wall in order to keep himself standing. “YAH!”

After some minutes; Siwon finally calmed down; everyone else just looked at him confusedly. “I can’t believe two humans did this to you…” He said still trying to suppress his laughter.

Ryeowook looked away. “I don’t even know how it happened… He mumbled pouting lightly.

“You know him Siwon?” Hyukjae asked and Siwon nodded.

“Really? You should have said he was coming!” Kyuhyun said frowning because they just spent almost an hour trying to catch him and now it seemed to be he was someone they knew.

“He’s one more archer…” Siwon said pointing at Ryeowook who just looked away and pouted. “That’s why it hilarious he got caught by two humans!” He said as he started laughing once again.

Hyukjae, Kyuhyun and Hankyung froze. “That small person is an archer?” Kyuhyun asked raising an eyebrow. “Well… he’s kinda weak you know…”

Ryeowook snorted offended. “I’m not weak!” He defended. “It’s just that you caught me off guard!” He said and looked away offended.

Hankyung narrowed his eyes. “Is he the one that always attack us?” He asked and Siwon was suddenly serious.

“Ryeowook?” Siwon called dangerously and Ryeowook sighed deeply.

“I don’t attack you.” Ryeowook said looking at Hankyung. “I only attack at people that hurt Hyukjae.” He nodded for himself.

Siwon gasped. “What the-!”

“Why?” Hyukjae asked narrowing his eyes softly. “Don’t you want to attack me?” He asked and Ryeowook shook his head.

“Of course not!” Ryeowook exclaimed. “I’m by your side!” He said.

“Yah!” Kyuhyun exclaimed. “Everyone here is by Hyuk’s side!” He said frowning deeply.

Ryeowook laughed at Kyuhyun. “That’s what you think.” He said. “But at this rate I’m the only one protecting him…” He continued. “Me and that wolf over there.” He nodded at Wulffrith.

Everyone froze. “You can’t make such accusations Ryeowook!” Siwon said.

Ryeowook rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He said sighing deeply.

Hyukjae just listened to the conversation and wondered around; he wasn’t alone; he had everyone with him; even Sungmin and Donghae who seemed to have a heavy sleep since they didn’t wake up after so much noise they made. “Then why are you by my side?” Hyukjae asked curious; even when he didn’t want to believe Ryeowook’s words about him being all alone; he wanted to know the reason why he thought of that.

“You don’t want to marry the prince right?” Ryeowook asked and Hyukjae nodded softly. “But you don’t want to stay in this place either.” He continued and Hyukjae nodded hesitantly. “So I won’t ask you to go or to stay; I will just follow whatever you want to do; that’s why me and that that wolf are the only ones by your side.”

Hyukjae sighed in relief; just for one moment he thought it would be other kind of thing. “I you say so…” He said softly. “What about staying here?” He asked making everyone gasp.

“What?!” Kyuhyun, Siwon and Hankyung asked in unison.

“Gladly!” Ryeowook exclaimed happily and Hyukjae dedicated him another bright smile.

Siwon massaged his temple as Hankyung sighed and Kyuhyun groaned. Now the latter had to stand someone else clinging on his boyfriend.


Donghae yawned as he opened his eyes and stretched his body; waking up Sungmin in the process; the place was already dark and they looked at each other with cheekily smiles.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Sungmin asked and Donghae nodded furiously. “Let’s ask Hankyung hyung to prepare something.” Sungmin suggested and Donghae’s smile grew wider.

They both stood up and ran to the kitchen when they heard noises coming from them; indicating that Hankyung was already cooking.

Neither of them knew there was a new family member waiting for them in the dining table.



A/N: wooah!! >///< I'm such a horrible author that abandoned this story!! TT_TT
but because you asked for it here it is! ^^
I hope you enjoy! I promise I will make some more interesting chapters in the future! (:
thanks for reading!
Comment a lot!
Love you all! :D

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babyteukieteukie #1
Chapter 10: I was already starting to think that this story was really weird ..I was barely understand the story completely ..I really think that Kyuhyun and Hankyung were the one who wants to kill Hyuk ..But then Kyu ,I think he doesn't want to continue it anymore because he fell in love with Hyuk ?And who the hell is Hyuk's fiancee ?How did Sungmin knows Leeteuk ?I guess you need to update soon so that I won't become this confuse ..
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 10: Please update k...I can't wait already want to know what will happen.. your fic rally intimidating... >____<
wanieyrin #3
Chapter 9: Haha everyone has their secret..and so clingy to hyuk.but I'm excited want to know what will happen ...
Chapter 10: Hello, I am a new reader! I've just finished reading your fic and I can't resist the urge to comment right now.
This fic has such an extraordinarily thrilling plot that I just wanna keep reading and can't stop thinking about what would happen next. At the beginning, I was pretty sure that Kyuhyun was the one in black that had been trying to kill Hyukkie but now, everything seems different and is it Hankyung? I've been curious about Hyukkie's fiance: who he is and why he hadn't shown up and claimed Hyukkie his. Why did Ryeowook say that he and Wulffrith were the only two protecting Hyukkie?
Oh, I had so so many questions needed to be answered.
I really hope you'll come back soon and I will always look forward to your next chapters!
Wish you the best!
Chapter 10: the story is really nice tbhhh :D
hmm i think the prince is kyuhyun but i think i wrong and who's kyuhyun actually and the prince actually ?? so many question in my mind :/ author please continue this fanfic neh ;) im so curious
Chapter 10: ahhh i'm so curious about what will happen next D: please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 10: erii....
why you never update this story...
this is second time I read this story and everything in this story really make make me curious...
update please...
hyukkie puppy eyes...**
Pippavnbk #8
Chapter 10: I hope for you to continue this story, it's really great
teukchulshipper #9
continue this story please, im really curious...
Oh, I want too know more!!