What Exactly is the Scariest Thing Known to Woman?

Opposites Don't Always Attract


“The dude is on drugs, Lee!” Miro declared, stressing to sound as soft as a whisper. “He touched me. I swear!”


“Calm down, calm down,” Lee said, “Now, tell me the whole story. Start from the beginning.”


After Lee had arrived from the kitchen with the sandwhich, Miro immediately hoisted her back, clutching her arm. Miro confessed the touching session that had occurred just some seconds ago all under one breath.

“And are you sure you weren’t imagining any of this?” Lee asked to clarify.

Miro’s eyes were agape with fire as she bellowed, “WHY WOULD I BE--”

Lee had quickly covered Miro’s mouth with her hand. “Shh! I’m pretty sure you don’t want him to hear you.”


“Too late!!” Seunghyun cried from the living room. It appeared Miro’s half whisper had failed.


Realizing that she had already been sought out, she slapped Lee’s hand away from and vigorously stomped over to the living room. “I’m glad you can hear me, you ERT!”


“Ah, Miro, Miro, please stop,” Lee pleaded, following her into the living room.  When she arrived, Miro and Seunghyun were face to face with Miro’s face displaying angst and fury, and Seunghyun’s displaying slickness and sarcasm. Lee hadn’t a clue of what to do.


“Lee!” Miro began. “This thing,” she pointed-- her finger was so close to Seunhyun’s nose, if he had to move just a little, his nose would’ve been cut from her sharp long black nail—“this guy is CRAZY. He TOUCHED me! He put his claws on my a.ss when he’s seeing my sister. Please, deal with him.”


“Alright, alright, step back,” Lee ordered, and Miro followed. Lee caught Seunghyun’s eyes. “Seunghyun…is this true?”


“It sure is.” It sounded as if this was more of a retort than an honest answer, but in this case, it appears to be both.


“Well, why?”

“I was trying to pull up her pants, because her were showing, and my hand felt the need to, and so it did. Simple male hormones. Call me a ert, but that’s what guys do.”


“No!” Miro interjected. “That’s what stupid, worthless, trashy guys do. You sleep with my best friend for comfort, you feel on my bum, and yet you still have the audacity to say my sister, your wife, is a and that the baby isn’t yours?? Ah, Seunghyun. You are sick.”


“Okay?” Seunghyun said with a shrug. “Get over yourself, scrawny b.tch. I’m a guy. We get wives, we like other girls, we stare at girls’ figures, and when we get the chance, we feel on them. What’s so wrong with that? It’s apart of our nature, like part of your nature is nagging and nagging and screaming and just being loud mouthed, as if you don’t have any home training of any visible sort. All you girls do is just throw out our flaws and use it against us. But when I say that MaeRin is a , every one starts popping off. I mean, get over yourself.”


Miro’s mouth hung open, astounded. “Are you high?”


“I don’t smoke.”


“Are you SURE? Because you sound like a F.CKING IDIOT! My god. I swear. I don’t EVER want to see you in MaeRin’s house. Never, ever, never, ever!”


“Oh, shuddup. Stupid c.unt, that’s my house. I pay the bills. Um, the last time I checked, your sister doesn’t get money, unless you count all the bills she gets from ing, then she really doesn’t.”


After that comment, the echo of the slap was so loud; the birds flew from their nest, sensing a dangerous disturbance.


Seunghyun’s face still hung in the position from the powerful force of Miro’s hand briskly coming down upon his face. Time passed, and the small chuckle following the smirk on his mouth was the silent breaker. With that, Miro was about ready to pounce onto him, but Lee held her back.


Suddenly, Seunghyun turned and walked away, going into his room. He had had enough. But Miro was still energized.


“Yes, you BETTER leave! And don’t ever—“ was muffled once more. “Shut UP!” Lee commanded.


Abruptly, Seunghyun stopped in his tracks. He turned around. “No,no,no, Lee, I want to hear all of what she has to say.” He closed in on them.


Lee stared into his deep eyes. “Uhh…” She hesitantly cooperated.

But Miro wasn’t hesitant to yell. “YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SCUM. I can’t believe my sister has to sleep in the same bed with you, you demon. You should be ashamed of yourself, touching me like you did—I’m, like, seven years younger than you!”


“ You’re sixteen, I’m 24. Do the math accurately, please,” he retored slickly.


“AAAGH! You and your smart a.ss antics and your sarcasm! Why can’t you take me seriously? I’m the same age as Lee, and you’re head over heals for her, which I really don’t understand, considering the fact that you ARE married to MY sister, Gong MaeRin! What the HELL is wrong with you? I am sooo glad you don’t want to man up to your responsibilities as a father, because I don’t even want you in my nephew’s life. You won’t care for him! I bet you’d beat him like you do your wife. Pssh, why not? You’re a man, right? You get to get away with sh.t like that, and sleeping with Lee and feeling on your younger sister-in-law. Well, newsflash: ANYONE can be a father, but it takes a true man to be a dad.”


The gaze had fallen; Seunghyun averted his eyes to the floor, speechless.


“Ah, Miro,” Lee began, “I think you went a little too far with that.”

“Well, he ‘went a little too far’ with hitting my sister again and having her go to the hospital. Why…” She marched closer, closing in on him until she was literally under his nose, swaying so that she could catch his eyes. “And I hope that hurt, too! And best believe things are gonna be different in that house when your baby comes, whether you like it—“


“Get out of my FACE!”

This time, it was his hand to wind up and come sliding across her face, effortlessly knocking her down. Miro clutched her buzzing cheek with wide eyes.


“Ok, ok, that’s enough!” Lee exclaimed. “you hit Miro, a girl!”

“She insulted me,” he replied, “and she even came to the point to put her nasty hands on my face. To me? Does she not understand that I senior her? Hell, she needs more than a slap, that skinny b.tch. She’s lucky I didn’t kick her like I did her ty, stupid sister.”


“Stop it! What’s wrong with you! You don’t ever lay your hands on a girl. I thought I trained you better.”


“Lee, I’m not an animal, you can’t tame me.”

“Well you sure are acting like one!” The tears inside Miro made her voice crack.


“Hey, shut up, pabo. You’re no better than me, I’ll tell you that. You and your sister are both trash.”


With clenched teeth, Miro stood up slowly clutching her hands into fists and saying, “Don’t…insult…my…sister.”


Seunghyun chuckled, taking steps toward her until they were a finger’s width apart. “And what are you going to do about it…little girl?”


She tried. She tried all she could to hold down that last statement as if it were nothing. She tried to kill the anger and the pain swelling simultaneously inside her. She tried to pretend her face wasn’t burning and that she wasn’t offended by Seunghyun. She tried to remember the phrase, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. She tried everything she could to swallow down her urge to fight. To hurt. To destroy.


She tried…and failed.


Miro launched the attack, exerting enough force to smack him, dead in the nose with her knuckles, now dripping dark blood.


“MIRO!” Lee stepped in between them, her back toward Miro. “Miro, you better leave. He’s angry.” Seunghyun was still holding his bleeding nose. Lee turned her back to face Miro. “Miro, GO!”


Instead, Miro stood there, ignoring the sting in her knuckles. She didn’t care. She actually liked the pain, and wanted more.


After noticing she hasn’t moved, Lee commanded once more. “GO!! Ah, are you stupid? You’ve done enough. Leave before he--”


“Lee!” Miro blurted. She saw the demon behind Lee, raising his left hand in the air, staring with a predator-like look in his eyes at the small blonde haired lady in front of him. It was a warning blurt.


Before, she could turn around, Lee was already on the floor.


Miro was past outraged. “You SICK, TWISTED, HUMAN BEING! How DARE YOU—“


His hand came down on her once more, and she fell to the ground, but this time with a crack.


“How dare you talk to me like that?” Seunghyun asked, bending at the waist. Are you CRAZY?”


“I’m not crazy!” Miro was brave. After two beatings and with a cheek swollen so bad, she couldn’t see from that eye, she was still talking. “You’re the one that’s crazy, talking about my sister, and even hitting me! You even hit your ‘sister’ Lee, and now she’s out cold. You DON’T DESERVE TO LIVE!”


That was the last straw.


Seunghyun had then got a good grip with both his hands onto her short brown hair, and with only a quick break for harvesting the energy, he forcefully pulled on her hair and left her sliding across the wooden floor. Friction gave her a small burn on her stomach, but her head colliding into the wall was what really stopped her.


Without time to heal, she was on all fours when she heard his footsteps getting louder. Miro crawled swiftly trying to find the staircase but her head started creating illusions. Three stair cases spiraled in her eyes until she stopped, and slowly they dilated into one tiny white staircase up ahead. Seunghyun was already at her tail, so she broke out in a sudden run, careful of walking straight so that her injured mind wouldn’t create more fabrications.


“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” With the sound of his dark, deep voice, Miro ran faster, panting heavenly until…


A huge thud was heard and her nose was now bleeding. She had ran too quickly, and her mind had failed to be truthful to her. It exaggerated the distance making it farther than it appeared to be, and caused her to trip on the first stare, hitting her nose on the fifth.


That may have obstructed her, but that didn’t stop her completely. She crawled hastily up the stairs and ran into the first door she could see, slamming it shut and locking the door. She flickered on the light, and it appeared to be Lee’s room. A picture of her and her family hung over the head of the bed hanging on the wall, and pink bras were on the floor. She stepped in closer and her nose cringed. The smell of sour milk filled it, and the sight of brown cereal balls followed afterwards, but she ignored them. Agilely, she grabbed the phone on the base on top of the lamp desk and dialed the magic numbers.


When a voice sounded, she answered quickly. “Hello. My name is Gong Miro. Please, please help me. My brother in law just slapped me and threw me across the room. He already hit my friend too and now she won’t wake up. Please, please—“


Loud banging at the door made her heart jump. It was almost as loud as the banging.

“Hurry! He’s pounding on the door!” Miro exclaimed.

“Hold on, hold on,” the man at the other line had said, “where are you right now, and what is your friend’s name?”

“I’m at her house. 3356 Cheol Yong Bang Lane. This is my friend’s house, and her--”


With a click, the door slowly creaked open. Inside the doorway was a black crowbar in the hands of what may have been the scariest thing known to woman…


An enraged man.


A/N: Well, hope it was worth the wait. Also I added a character table in the description because it seemed like readers were confused.

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Ruki's Writing Spree coming up soon,, just need to advertise a little more, then I'll start updating!


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Chapter 5: I love this fic. I wish you would update it. :3
Wow, at first the colours of the foreword made me think it'd be really.. another kind of story, if you know what I mean! But honestly, wow I haven't read such a meaningful first chapter in awhile. It's descriptive and I have a new word for my vocabulary! lol I'd like to read more from you ^_^ That was a good trade.
Omfg, Sorry If I keep commenting. But when I first saw that your story had updated I squealed and immediately read it! No matter what writing style , I will still read your stories! Updaaate! <3. I can't wait !
What the..... T.O.P IS SICK! LMAO chapter 3 now
Ohh (x . That was a REALLY long wait but i like the update ! Thanks ! Please update as soon as you could too ! This is my favorite fanfic story (:
Even tho i dont get what 2NE1 and Bigbang have to do with this. PLEASE UPDATE. Im in LOVE with this story ! <3 . Update sooon PLEASE. :D
dude he is messed up, he needs to check his self
update sooooooooooooooooooonn!!!!!<br />
hes sucha =-=<br />
<br />
melove2ne1 #9
Great~~<br />
Keep updating..^0^
lol. ' as dangerous as a fly'<br />
ahh i feel that this fic would be good...<br />
^^ TOP... omo *faints*