The reason why

Hey! Why don't you understand that I don't like you!
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You walked to the Han River. You haven’t been there in a long time. A small smile appeared on your face when you got there.

“I’ve miss this place.” You whispered and pulled your camera to your eye. You started taking pictures of the things around you. You were enjoying it smiling at yourself. You saw a tall messy hair boy. You took a closer took. The boy turned around. His eyes widen.

“Oh no.” You backed up and turned around to walk. “~~~~!” He called. You picked up your pace. Then someone grabbed your wrist and turned you around. “~~~~.” You tried to pull away but the person tightened their grip. “We need to talk.” You shook your head. “I don’t want to hear. Gongchan please.” You said softly. “Please. Give me five minutes to explain. Just five minutes.” Gongchan pleaded.

You sighed. *Just when I was happy this happens.*

“Please ~~~~~. Please.” You took a deep breath. “Fine. Just five minutes though.” You said. “Thanks ~~~~.” Gongchan smiled widely. “Let's go.” Gongchan pulled you. “Y-yah. Where are you taking me?” You stumbled after Gongchan. “Ice cream.” Gongchan smiled back at you.

You gave him a small smile. You knew that Gongchan was taking you to eat ice cream because you forgive people easily with ice cream.

*He still remembers.* You smiled at the thought. Gongchan turned back and saw you smiling. *Still beautiful as before. ~~~~-ah, I’ve miss you so much.* Gongchan smiled.

After pulling you for five minutes Gongchan stopped in front of your favorite ice cream shop. You looked at Gongchan and raised an eyebrow. He just smiled widely and pulled you inside.

“Welcome.” A girl worker called. Gongchan pulled you over to a seat by the window. He sat down across from you smiling. You opened your mouth to talk but Gongchan spoke. “Mint chocolate chip, right?” You just stared at him. “I guess that’s a yes then.” Gongchan chuckled getting up to order your ice cream. A shy smile crept onto your face.

You sat there waiting for Gongchan. Your phone vibrated. You got a message from IU.

To: ~~~~

Yah. You ran out of class so fast. I’ve been looking for you, did you know that? Of course you wouldn’t. But where are you? I’m at your house waiting.


“Crap.” You said under your breath. *How am I going to respond? Should I just tell her?* You sighed.

“Why are you sighing?” Gongchan asked setting down the ice cream. “Oh. Uh, nothing.” You quickly put your phone away. “Oh okay. Well here’s your ice cream.” “Thank you.” You smiled.

You took a bite and a big smile spread across your face. “You like it?” Gongchan looked at you. “Mm.” You nodded like a child. Gongchan chuckled. “Aren’t you eating some?” “No.” Gongchan shook his head. “Okay then. Your loss.” You shrugged putting another spoonful into your mouth.

“Okay now I want some.” Gongchan said grabbing your spoon. “You just said you didn’t want to eat.” You stuck out your tongue. Gongchan pouted. “Fine.” You grabbed spoonful and fed it to Gongchan but before you could feed him you quickly put the spoon in your mouth and laughed.

“Yah.” Gongchan frowned. You laughed. “Mm. This ice cream is so yummy.” You rubbed in Gongchan’s face. He was still frowning, he looked mad. “Yah. Are you mad?” You leaned over the table and lightly poked Gongchan in the shoulder. He didn’t answer you but looked outside instead.

“Gongchan-ah. Don’t be mad.” You poked Gongchan in the shoulder again. But he didn’t look at you. “Channie~” You cooed

Gongchan quickly turned to you with wide eyes and a big smile. Then you realized what you just said and cover your mouth. “I...I d-” “~~~~-ah.” Gongchan beamed cutting you off. He got up and hugged you. You stiffened at Gongchan’s action. He tightened his hug.

“~~~~-ah, I really miss you.” Gongchan said softly. “Gongchan…I-I…c-can’t breathe.” You choked out. “Oh, sorry.” Gongchan quickly loosened his hug and held you by the shoulders. You laughed. “It's okay.” “~~~~-ah.” “Hmm?” You looked at Gongchan.

“I'm sorry.” He apologized. You came back to reality of why you were with Gongchan. “Gongchan.” You called softly. “I’ll explain. I left you because Ihad to. I didn’t have a choice. My dad forced

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Chapter 37: Omg I'm so in love with this! Thank you for writing this story!!! Saranghae iheartskpop ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 16: So.. She likes Key?! :O
Chapter 15: HYUNA. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER. L.joe practically has a chance with her since her whole family's on his side....
Chapter 14: Awww poor Key ;-; WOOYOUNG AND IU! <3 Milkyyy Coupleeee ~^.^~
Chapter 13: o.o Byungie.. what are you gonna do?!
Chapter 12: Mhhmmm. That deserves it =_=
Chapter 11: What if there was a plot twist, where the "revenge chick" is actually... IU?! Oh god that would never happen
Chapter 10: Hmm... It's her. I can tell.
Chapter 9: O_O .... -_-" HYUNA?!
Chapter 8: Oh now she knows it's the 'girl' >.<