Not good enough {Aomine}

Kiseki no Angst {KnB x Reader Angst}

"Daiki, why are you back so late??"


"(y/n) leave me alone dammit I had basketball practice," 




I know where you've been Daiki... 


You think I wouldn't notice when Momoi leaves our shared apartment with her shirt ed and her skirt backwards?!


You think I wouldn't notice you leaving me just to talk to Momoi?


Why did you ask me out Daiki? It's obvious that you're using me...


Why do I never leave you..?


It's because I still love you... no matter how you treat me.


Ever since we were little kids you would always treat Momoi better than me.


You would comfort her when she was sad, stand up for her when she got bullied and shared everything you owned with her.




I was the one comforting myself when you treated me like . I was the one standing up for myself when you yelled at me. I was the one who paid for the food you shared with Momoi. 


Am I not good enough for you??


You would laugh when I got hurt, tease me about all my flaws but I kept coming back. Because I love you.


Momoi never liked you back because she loves Kuroko. You would see them together and take out all your rage on me. 


I think I've stayed long enough... long enough to realise that you never and never will love me back.


I love you Daiki... But I guess I'll never be good enough...

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