Chapter Six



Heechul stared at the two for the longest time. Things were very different - very wrong. They were laughing and smiling before. How did a whole weekend change things? Did Kibum try to put Jonghyun in pink? Did Jonghyun make some dirty comment? The possibilities were endless in Kim Heechul’s mind, but this was his work place. He built his company from the ground up with just a beautiful smile and a very choice comments (not to mention, he’d sleep around to get where he needed to be and he was good at it), but he will be damned if these two ruin his business.

He stomped into the room and slammed the door shut as loudly as possible. Both males in the room jumped and stared wide eyed and the fiery designer. “Okay, kiddos, this is how it is going to go. You both are going to pull the gigantic sticks out of your asses and be civil to each other. Jonghyun, you are in love with Key. It would take an idiot not to notice. Key, this very attractive midget is in love with and chances are – and I’m always right – somewhere in your subconscious you are in love with him.”


“Ah, not done,” Heechul said quickly, snapping his fingers in Jonghyun’s face, “Don’t interrupt me. I will hurt you,” he warned with a stern face. The blonde singer went to hide behind Kibum, who just stared as his senior with an annoyed face.

Heechul smiled charmingly, “You both are fantastic in music and design. You both have the stubbornness of a cow stuck in the middle of streets and from where I came from, I saw it often, now, both of you turn to each other, kiss, have , makes man babies or just shake hands. I don’t give a , but this is work time and I will castrate you both if Jonghyun walks out in with my label on it. Am. I. Understood?”

Jonghyun nodded quickly while Kibum rolled his eyes. Heechul raised an eyebrow at the boy. Was he daring him? Oh, this was going to be fun. “Key… comments?”

The singer looked at Kibum and his eyes got even bigger. He remembered that look. He backed away into the corner and whined, “Oh no…”

“Listen here, Heechul,” Kibum stared as he stepped closer to Heechul. They were pretty much the same height, “You hired me to get my work done and do good at it. You’ve never know me to do things half-assed. My issues with Jonghyun are my business and whether I’m in love with him or not is my decision, not yours, but thank you for the input and place in my jar of ideas. If I were a woman, I’d be here, 9 months pregnant, ready to pop a few kiddies out of me, designing my off. Now, may I finish my work?”

Heechul narrowed his eyes at the boy and Kibum did the same. Jonghyun stared back and forth at them for the longest time until Heechul grew a smirk onto his pretty face. “I taught you well, Bummie.”

Kibum smiled brightly and nodded his head, “I have the best hyung ever, no?”

“Yes!” Heechul kissed Kibum’s cheeks before waving to Jonghyun, “Have a good day you too. No on office hours, bye bye.”

The younger designer rolled his eyes, but waved goodbye to his boss. He sighed and turned to see Jonghyun, still in the corner, confused as hell. “You think the entertainment business is hard? Have you see Devil Wears Prada? Meet the real Miranda, honey.”

Jonghyun nodded his head as slowly as possible. He just could not understand what just happened.


Jonghyun and Kibum spent their time in silence for the rest of the day; a few comments here and there. ‘Turn around’ or ‘hold this’ or ‘can I go to the bathroom’ every once in a while. Both were caught up in their own heads.

It was only two days until Jonghyun was supposed to go on his world tour and Kibum was supposed to join him, but something may change that.


Kibum stared at Jinki’s car as it drove away. After Jonghyun had left their old hangout, Jinki had driven Kibum home. He cried the whole way there as Jinki either told him it was okay or sang to him. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to cry again.

After a few moments, he made his way up the stairs to his apartment. He pushed open the door and kicked off his shoes before hanging his jacket up. No matter if it was the end of the world, he would not have wrinkles.

He made his way into the living room, ready to head to bed until he caught sight of the blinking light on his answering machine. He sniffled a bit before walking over to it and clicking the button.

‘Hello, this is Kim Jaejoong of JYJ Fashion in New York City. I would like to offer you an internship. It will be yearlong and you will be paid. I am great friends with Jonghyun and he was the one who called me and offered you to be under my care. I will return you to Heechul the next yea, promise. Call me soon. This offer won’t last long. Hope to hear from you soon. Bye.’

Kibum stared at the answering machine for the longest time. He replayed the message and listened as closely as he could for laughing as if this was some kind of sick joke, but it wasn’t. This was real. Jonghyun really called to help him out. It was unreal, but what about the tour?



Kibum snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Jonghyun. The singer was staring down at him worryingly, “Are you alright?”

“Don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?”

The designer stood up and walked over to his sewing kit, “Stop caring me. Stop loving me. Just stop it.”

Jonghyun stared at Kibum’s back, his heart was breaking into pieces, “You don’t think I’ve tried,” his voice came out anger then he expected. He didn’t want to break down in front of Kibum. He was always known as the cry baby. He wasn’t going to let Kibum judge him. Not while he loved him so much.

Kibum his heel and glared at Jonghyun, “Don’t get angry with me, Kim Jonghyun. I didn’t ask for you to love me.”

“And I didn’t ask to love you either cause the fact is… you’re a horrid .”

The room grew silent. Kibum knew he was a , but no one ever dared call him that and Jonghyun knew that. Kibum hated that word. “What?”

“You’re a . You only care about yourself or your precious Jinki,” he said with a hint of resentment, “Well, news flash, if you hadn’t noticed. He doesn’t love you. I told you this before, but it seems even when Jinki says it to your face, you don’t seem to get in through your thick skull, so how about I try again? He. Doesn’t. Want. You.”

It was too quick. Neither expected it. Jonghyun stepped back a few spots and lifted his hand to his cheek, eyes wide. Kibum stared at Jonghyun with wide eyes as well, “Jonghyun… I’m sor-“

“The truth hurts.”


Jonghyun wiped at his lip to see if there was blood, but there was nothing, “The truth hurts… when you realize the one you spent so much time loving doesn’t love you back… I know the feeling,” he laughed humorlessly.

“I’m sorry for loving you,” he said pitifully as he pushed by Kibum and out of the room.

“Jonghyun, wait!” He ran to the door and stared after the singer’s figure. He was running away from him.

He gripped the wood of the door in his hand as tightly as he could. He could feel his hand burning to be released, but he couldn’t. He felt his heart breaking. For Jonghyun.

“I’m sorry….”


Author's note: Too lazy to go through and make all the blue squiggles. Ya'll survive without 'em. Enjoy. I know it has been awhile, but yeah. Anyways, I'm really proud of y Heechul and Key. Don't ruin it. Bye bye~ :3 <3

Oh, and random, but here is a poem for everyone ( I did it in my creative writing class and I am proud of it :3 )



I tend to dream in music.

I dream of people as music notes,

I dream of situations as the paper,

And I dream of emotions as the words.

My eyes become the stereo,

Whispering of what it has seen.



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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 8: i couldn'treadthe laschapterso i don't knowifI shoul hate youor thewholeworld cause umade ____ing cry an now my hearthurts, ubetter rewrite it, or send me to mymail, cause I'll kill u!!! ¬¬
Waterdroplet #2
I saw the trailer and wanted to read! It's amazing Ch.7 made me cry the ending was hilarious I loved it!!Though I do want to read the real ending X)
Oh god i Loved your ending!! It made me laugh really hard :D
SherlocKey #4
"Key comes back and JongKey does it."


lol but no seriously I love this story lots, more please? <3
Will it be the end for them?
-sniffs- Jonghyun-ah... its okay
and eoifvmördjnbdltjkbdltkjbn key kissed him >w<

Yay! can't wait for the next chapter! Even thought it's the end ;~;