Chapter Five


The five friends were sitting around a table, each of them were quiet. They had no idea what to say. Taemin and Minho were both excited and scared for Jinki’s return. Kibum was confused, but thrilled that Jinki was back. Jonghyun was sort of happy, but disappointed. Jinki was just happy to be back. He would deal with the consequences later.

“So… welcome back,” Minho started.

Taemin nodded his head and smiled, “Yeah! We’re so glad you’re home.”

“Thank you,” Jinki smiled. He turned his eyes to Jonghyun and Kibum. Kibum nodded his head and smiled brightly, but he didn’t speak up in fear he’d cry, while Jonghyun merely nodded. He was going to have a serious talk with Jinki later.

“So... what are you doing back?” Minho asked, knowing that was exactly what was on everyone’s mind.

Jinki smiled. He knew it was coming, “I loved London. It was great. The people were amazing, but it was my home. I was doing great at Oxford, but it wasn’t the place for me. Korea is where I belong. I’ll be transferring to University of Seoul. They only select about 50 students a year, so I’m lucky they are letting me in,” he smiled at his friends, “I’m back guys.”

Kibum wrapped his arms around Jinki and cried into his shoulder, “I’ve missed you so much.”

The male smiled and rubbed Kibum’s back, “I’ve missed you too, Key,” he said softly. He looked at the other around the table. Jonghyun’s eyes darkened. He pushed his chair back and walked away. Taemin wanted to call after him, but Minho stopped him. They both looked at Jinki who just looked at Kibum.


Jinki had managed to pull Kibum off of him and convince him to go wash up with Taemin while he and Minho went outside to find Jonghyun waiting for a taxi. He was covering his face just in case anyone spotted him.


“Don’t.” Jonghyun said quickly as he turned to look at Jinki, “Don’t Onew. I’m happy you’re back. I have work to do.”

Jinki sighed as he walked closer to Jonghyun, “Jonghyun, listen to me. It isn’t my goal to get between you and Key. I have no intention to do so. I really missed Korea and all of you. Honestly, with me being back, I can get Key to fully understand that I’m not the one for him. I never will me. Want to know why?”

Jonghyun didn’t say anything for a moment. Minho was the first to speak, “Ask him why.”

The singer turned to look at Minho weirdly. The taller male just shrugged and smiled. Jonghyun sighed and gave in, “Why?”

“Because I’m not you. Come on, Jjong. You and Key have more history then the rest of us. You’ve been friends since you were five! We didn’t meet you two till middle school,” Jinki smiled, “Who was it who protected Key when he needed it? Who was the one who told him stories?”

“Me… until you came alone,” Jonghyun replied as he looked at Jinki, “I’m not the one for Key. He loves you and you are back. He can finally have the one he wants. You. Not me, never me.”

Minho looked between the two, “How do you know?”

Jonghyun threw a glance at Minho before smiling sadly at them both, “He didn’t cry in my arms, did he?”

The cab pulled up to them and Jonghyun looked down at the ground before looking up at Jinki, “Take care of him,” he said before he got in and shut the door. The two watched the singer leave before facing each other, “What am I supposed to do, Minho?”

“Tell me the truth… all of it.”

Both turned to see Kibum there, staring at them with confusion and hurt. “Why did he tell you to take care of me?”

“Key hyung. Let’s get inside. It is cold,” Taemin tried, but Kibum pulled away from him, “Tell me now!”

Minho looked at Jinki then back at Kibum, “Jonghyun… is in love with you and has been for years.”

Kibum stared at Minho for the longest time before looking at all of them, “And you all knew… and never told me…”

“It isn’t ours to tell-“ Jinki started, but Kibum cut him off, “NO! You should have told me, but nothing will change. I don’t love him. I’ll never love him! I love you, Jinki…. Only you.”

“But I don’t love you!” Jinki raised his voice. It surprised all of them. Jinki never raised his voice. He took a deep breath to calm himself before looking at Kibum sadly, “I don’t love you, Key. Truth is, I went to see Luna before I left. I told her when I come back we’d start over. I love Luna.”

Kibum bit his lip to stop the tears from falling. It was no use though. They wouldn’t stop, “Y-you said you’d come back to me….”

Jinki nodded his head, “I did come back for you. I came back for everyone. I love you, Key, but not the way you want me to. Jonghyun lo-“

“NO! I don’t-t want him… I w-want you,” Kibum cried desperately. Jonghyun wasn’t the one for him! Jinki was! He knew he was.

The older male shook his head, “I’m not yours to have, Key. I’m sorry.”

“Hyung,” Taemin touched Kibum’s arm and the designer wrapped his arms around the boy, holding him close as he cried. Taemin’s eyes filled with tears as he stared over at Minho and Jinki. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Jinki came back too early.

“I should go,” Jinki bowed before getting into his car and driving away. Things were supposed to be different. Jonghyun promised him.


“I need you to get Key to fall in love with you. You two are meant to be and it hurts to see him wanting me when you loved him for so long,” Jinki said to Jonghyun.

The blonde couldn’t believe what he was hearing this. “You don’t think I’ve tried? Key doesn’t want to listen to me.  There is nothing I can do. He’s in love with you, Jinki.”

“I know,” Jinki replied with a sigh, “But it isn’t me. I’m not the one for him.”

Jonghyun looked down at the ground, “What am I supposed to do?”

“Love him the way I can’t.”


Jonghyun stared out the window. Somehow rain began to fall and laughed humorlessly. The rain was mocking his heart. He knew he was hurt and it wanted to hurt his heart even more. He deserved it. How could he ever think that Kibum would feel anything for him?

He rested his head against the cool glass and closed his eyes. He had a headache and he just wanted to sleep.  He wanted to forget about everything. He wanted to forget all of his memories of Kibum. He wanted to forget that he ever loved the other. And he would do it. He would forget about Kibum.


Author's Note: I am going to attempt to write another chapter for this, but I plan on writing a LONG one-shot for Valentine's Day/Sunny. It is my apology for what I am about to do - delete For Your Entertainment. Apparently my morals stop at pushing SHINee into ion. I just can't do it. I feel bad. LOL After killing them, making them drug addicts, I stop at prosititution. I know, right? Plus, I've lost all interest in it. But to make things better, I plan on writing this one shot AND actually finishing Hold Me Tight! It'll be different then how I started it, but it will be a good different! I hope you all will enjoy it!

And on that note, watch this trailers my girl Malkom made for moi~

New Star Struck Trailer

Old Star Struck Trailer

Hold Me Tight Trailer

And a random one Darren Criss tribute she made for my birthday; Happy Birthday Me

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 8: i couldn'treadthe laschapterso i don't knowifI shoul hate youor thewholeworld cause umade ____ing cry an now my hearthurts, ubetter rewrite it, or send me to mymail, cause I'll kill u!!! ¬¬
Waterdroplet #2
I saw the trailer and wanted to read! It's amazing Ch.7 made me cry the ending was hilarious I loved it!!Though I do want to read the real ending X)
Oh god i Loved your ending!! It made me laugh really hard :D
SherlocKey #4
"Key comes back and JongKey does it."


lol but no seriously I love this story lots, more please? <3
Will it be the end for them?
-sniffs- Jonghyun-ah... its okay
and eoifvmördjnbdltjkbdltkjbn key kissed him >w<

Yay! can't wait for the next chapter! Even thought it's the end ;~;