A Little Crush

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“You know why he gave you a sign name, right?” Baekhyun asks with a sly grin.

“Why?” You sigh, not really wanting to hear his stupid comment.

“So he can talk behind your back.”

“You do realize half the things you say don’t make sense, right? If he wanted to talk about me, he wouldn’t have shown me my sign name.”

“It’d be nice if you could play along and pretend to be offended, you know?” He squints his eyes at you for a second before taking another sip of his latte.

The cafe you’re at isn’t very busy for a Friday afternoon. You’ve only shown up because Baekhyun begged you to meet a guy that he swears is perfect for you. If he’s a few minutes late, then maybe he isn’t…

“Sorry, I got caught up with one of my classes.” A familiar voice comes up to your table.

Your surprised eyes meet Jongdae’s.

“Ah, it’s you again.” He says, smirking as he sits next to a confused Baekhyun.

“You know each other?” Baekhyun looks between the two of you.

“Yeah, I caught Y/N eavesdropping on someone.” Jongdae chuckles.

“I wasn’t eavesdropping…” You say under your breath, holding your cup up to your mouth.

“Is this who you’re trying to set me up with?” Jongdae directs his attention to Baekhyun, who nods. “Hmm, I’ll have to pass.”

You choke on your coffee at his words. “Excuse me?!”

“Don’t take it personally. I just don’t want to get in the way.” He assures you.

“In the way of what?!”

“I know someone who thinks you’re cute.”

“Is it Minseok?” Your heart pounds nervously.

Jongdae actually has the audacity to laugh. “God, no. He thinks you’re kind of rude.”

If you weren’t offended before, you definitely are now. How in the hell were you rude? You’ve gone out of your way to return his precious notebook! You take back thinking he was cute. It’s not cute to think someone’s rude who has been nothing but nice.

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Chapter 7: How did I only find this story now?! Anyway, I really like this story so far. I hope you continue to update this one. Great work!
Chapter 7: I see he is finally opening up... this should only get better
Chapter 5: Whoah, the nerve on that boy. That only makes him more interesting though.
darkangel15 #4
Chapter 4: hey, the story is back!! :D thank you for the update!
Draculorda #5
Chapter 3: Curious on what will happen next ^^ and i know it might be too much to ask, the chapters are really good but they are also quite short. Hope the next update will be longer :)