A New Scandal?

A small Mistake, that turned into a huge Scandal.


Before leaving the hospital, I was told I had been in a coma for the previous 48 hours. I had multiple fractures in my arm, a minor concussion, a broken arm and a slightly bruised rib. I also had to wear a neck brace, what would support my neck or something. At least that seems logical.

Asides from the other small wounds and scratches, I was fine.

The concussion was a plausible reason why my memory was so vague from the days before I had this ‘accident’.

So every morning I would get a wakeup-call from someone in the hotel. They would check how I was doing and visit me every once in a while. All because of because YG ordered them so. To be very honest, I know it was for my own health and all, but it was really annoying.

I heard two knocks on the door and got out of bed, something I did for days because I wasn’t allowed, or able to do a lot more. After struggling to get on my feet, I struggled to get to the door. I gained balance by holding onto the wall the whole time.

“Just a sec!” I yelled, knowing it took a bit more time.

I made my way from the wall to the door and was finally able to open it.

“Sorry, it took this long,” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry,” G-Dragon said and smiled brightly. “I’m glad you were able to open the door,” He walked into the room and closed the door. “How is the walking going?”

“Well, I’m moving,” I said. “At least my neck brace is gone,”

I stumbled to the chair and lunged on it. G-Dragon sat down on the couch in front of the TV.

“O, I brought you something!” He sat up straight and searched his backpack. “Here,” He turned around. “It’s chocolate,” He smiled and handed me the bar. “The best medication, right?”

I took it from him and thanked him. It was kind of sweet knowing he thought of something. It was just so… Thoughtful!

“Hey,” I put the chocolate bar on the table. “Have you talked to TOP recently?” I asked while looking at my arm. “It’s been a while since I last spoke to him,”

G-Dragon stared blankly at the chocolate bar. “I have,” He said calmly.

“Hmm,” I said, too lost in my thoughts to notice G-Dragon’s seriousness. “The company also hasn’t contacted me in a while,”

G-Dragon sighed. “The month is over,”

I looked up at him raising my eyebrow. “Huh?”

“The fake-dating-month is over,” G-Dragon said.

My eyes opened wide. What? It was already over!

“But only a few weeks have passed-”

G-Dragon looked up at me. “There are only ‘a few weeks’ per month, remember?” He grinned.

I blinked a couple of times. “So, now he doesn’t have to come over anymore?”

G-Dragon nodded. “You know what that means, right?” He smiled. “It means we finally can stop disguising us all the time!”

I was too focused on the month-over problem, to enjoy this fact. What if, he doesn’t want to come over anymore.

“What did the papers say?” I asked.


“About the accident,”

G-Dragon smile faded and he leaned back, avoiding eye contact. “They mentioned it, a couple of times,”

I nodded slowly. “What did they make of it?”

“They weren’t really nice,”

“Just tell me,” I interrupted him, getting a bit curious.

“They said you tried to commit suicide,” He said awkwardly while he awaited my reaction.

I was a bit dumbfounded.

“Why?” I asked with a weird and awkward smile.

“Well, since you’re not seeing TOP that often anymore, they assume you two broke up and because ‘your heart was broken’…”

“I tried to kill myself,” I finished his sentence and sighed. “They sure know how to make up tasty stories,”

G-Dragon scratched the back of his head. “That’s one of the stories they came up with,” He looked around the room. “Others are even more harsh,”

Did I even want to know the others? I’d probably hear them a lot as soon as I could leave my room.

“Well let’s hope they now finally lost interest in me,” G-Dragon was quiet, what didn’t calm me. “They did lose interest in me, right?”

“Well,” He again avoided eye contact. “Let’s say that they noticed me visiting this hotel, regularly, and they haven’t noticed you leaving the hotel yet,”

I sighed. Now they knew about G-Dragon. “Ugh,” I murmured. “I really can’t take all the stories!” I said dramatically, making it look over exaggerated and fake. Even though I really meant it.

“___,” G-Dragon said comfortingly and his lips curled up in a small smile. “Don’t act like that,”

“Says the person who isn’t seen as suicidal by the world,”

“You and I know it’s a lie, right?” G-Dragon asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded. “That’s all you need,”

Even though his words sounded really sweet and about right. I felt ashamed and, kind of, guilty. I really didn’t like the whole situation I was in currently. It had gone from horrible, to worse.

“Does it still hurt?”

I looked up, escaping from my thoughts. “Huh?” G-Dragon nodded at my leg. “This thing,” I patted my leg and shook my head. “Not so much. But all the stitches are really annoying,” I looked up at him, seeing a worried look on his face. “But nothing to be worried about!” I quickly shouted.

He was always so tense about the whole accident thing, when it came to my wounded body. “You don’t have to feel sorry,” I said. “It’s not your fault, I’m the one that decided to jump in front of a car,”

He just stared at me with a blank expression and after a while he finally spoke. “Don’t say that,”


G-Dragon left after a while, but I just couldn’t let go of that thought. The month was over. That month, that seemed to last forever, was over. Now it seemed as if it had taken only a day. As if all these things happened in just a few hours and it was all over. But that wasn’t why I couldn’t let go of the thought, it was the fact that TOP hadn’t visited me ever since. I thought he liked me. Really liked me. You can’t just abandon someone you have experienced a lot with, right? Someone who practically ruined your reputation and still is ruining it. No, you can’t.

If he wasn’t going to come here, I was going to him.

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Everyone~ I will update the last chapter for the story now! I really love all you subscribers for staying with me through the whole story!! I luv you all :) xx


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faddyrobot09 #1
Chapter 33: wahhh! not only was she able to catch the eye of one bigbang member, but two~!?! i can't really pick between the two guys so i'm just sitting here trying to decide whether i should read the sequel or not. i most likely will end up reading it because i'm too curious. lol. anyways, i really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 33: Jumped straight to the sequel. ____ this is addictive <3
Chapter 33: Aish! That story was wonderful! ^^ Off to the sequel! Lost my whole day... but it was worth it ^^
Foreverrbeautiful #7
Wait wait wait...who does she want to stay with? GD or TOP??
No but seriously this was honestly one of the best fics I've ever read. *Reads sequel*
braye97 #10
This story was amazing! I can't believe how fast I read it. I was just so into it. Haha. I was just about done with it and was thinking "There better be like another part or sequel to this story!!" I love this story. Thanks for sharing it!(: