Arriving in Korea

A Trip to Korea

Napoleon Dynamite finally ended, and you and Rosallia were still obnoxiously laughing about the ending. "That movie was hilarious!" She exclaimed. "Yeah! It-" but you were cut off by the speakers. "We have finally arrived in Korea. Please do not remove your seatbelts until the plane has completely stopped. We hope that you had a nice flight. Thank you for traveling with International Airlines."

You and Rosallia looked at eachother, and then smiled. "We're here!" You had totally fogotten about Napoleon Dynamite.

The plane halted an abrupt stop. Both of your bodies jerked forward. Your hands were clutching the arm rests, to prevent you from banging your head onto the seat in front of you. It seemed like everyone else was doing the same. 

Finally, the plane stopped and everyone began taking off their seatbelts. You retrieved your bag from the cubby and lugged it behind you as you carefully walked down the steps of the airplane.  

Your eyes almost popped out of your head when you saw the beautiful landscaping. It was way different from your hometown. Suddenly, Rosallia appeared next to you. "I think I can get used to this," she said as she looked beyond the distance. "No kidding," you replied. 

You all walked to the front of the airport, where there was a long bus waiting for you. Everyone filed into the bus, and you took a seat next to Rosallia. The seats were a dark grey, the arm rests silver and cold.

It took a while, but the bus finally arrived at a huge academy.

It was too early in the morning, and everyone was tired of staying on the plane for so long. "Want to share a room with me?" you asked Rosallia. "I was going to ask you the same thing." So it was settled. You and Rosallia dragged your suitcases into the room you were assigned to, and then immediately spread across one of the beds. 

"Sleep as much as you can," Rosallia said. "Tomorrow morning, we are already going to explore Korea." You took her word, and quickly fell asleep.

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KaMichaMaChu #4
OMB RHEANNA!!! I LOVE YOUR STORY!!! ITS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MINE!!! Keep writing this story!!!!!! I love ya gurrl!
Rheannalicious #5
EH. Sorry it was taking me so long to update this story. I was trying to level both of the stories so that its easier. But now that ive done so, ill get started.
New reader. Liking the story. UPDATE SOON~
Rheannalicious #7
Thanks you guys (((:
Wow! :)