Walking on the beach with Oppas ! and ....Sungjong

Love Game

Hoya woke up with a big stretch and groggily rubbed his eyes. He was in the middle of yawning until he saw your sleeping figure on his bed. Hoya softened. *She must of been scared sleeping herself.* Hoya got out of bed and went to go make breakfast. He saw Sungjong on his way out. "Yaah, maknae".

Sungjong turned his head to see Hoya. "Ne, hyung?"

"Come and help me prepare breakfast "Maknae nodded and followed him.

You woke up with a cute big yawn. You looked over to your side to see Hoya's absence. You shrugged and went back to sleep turning your back on Dongwoo. Dongwoo got up and slipped under your blanket and s his arms around your waist. He snuggled against your neck. You turned your head to see the handsome dinosaur. You smiled and went back to sleep. But as soon as you did, Hoya came in.

"Yaah, dinosau-" Hoya came over to his bed and yanked the blanket off. You blinked at Hoya. Dongwoo just shut his eyes and 'slept'. To his dismay he got yelled at. "YAH, who told you to sleep with Yeosin?!" Hoya asked. "Jeez, sorry, now excuse the dinosaur I mean handsome dino, to go use the restroom" You giggled and layed back down. After you heardd the door shut you look and saw Hoya staring at you. You and Hoya met eyes. "Uhh breakfast is downstairs, go get tidied up and eat breakfast. You nodded and went to the other bathroom since Dongwoo was in the other. As soon as you came out of the shower, you went to the drawers and picked out an outfit. You wore denim jean shorts and a lime green tanktop. You had your bikini under just in case. You put your hair in a bun and headed downstairs.

You came down seeing them already at the table. Woohyun looked at you up and down. "Damn girl, you look fine!" He his lips and continued staring at you. Sunggyu had to admit, you did loook pretty cute. Sunggyu slapped the back of Woohyuns head. "Owww, hyung!" Sunggyu smirked. "Have some respect for the women" Sunggyu smiled at you and you smiled in return.

Time passed, and all 8 of you were gathered in the living room. You look at each and every member. *Sunggyu is such a gentlemen, and Sungjong is my adorable dongsaeng, Sungyeol is just freakishly tall, L is very handsome, Woohyun is a bigtime ert but yet handsome and Hoya is just a lovely guy, any girl would be lucky to have him as a soulmate, oh yeah, how can I forget that handsome dinosaur?* You smiled at every thought. All eyes were glued on the TV, because Girls Generation were performing their hit song 'The Boys'. "Hey, Sungjonie you're favorite song is playing!" Sungyeol pointed out. Sungjong smiled and got up. I tilted my head at his funny but yet cute dancing. He put his right hand across his head and his left arm out, bending his wrist and squatted. Everyone chuckled at the maknaes cutness and applauded.

Soon all 8 of you decided to go outside to take a walk. *Ahh its so nice and cool out hear.* You gave a warming smile to the beach. You were like the leader since you were in front of the group. "Oppas and Sungjong, how did you guys fin-" You said while turning around with everyones absence. You looked around and next thing you know you were spinning in a circle. "What the heck ? Where did they go?" Your eyes widened. *Omo! Did they get eaten by a sea creature?! EEK !" You were running with closed eyes and you fell on someones body.

L's POV Oof! I saw Yeo's big puppy eyes looking at me. *Oh man, our plan didn't go well! I was supposed to scare her! Your such a fail L* After that thought, she started hitting me nonstop. OW! OW! OW! "Heey why are you hitting me?" "Where were you guys ?! I thought you guys got eaten by sea creatures ?!" *Oh yeah, no such things as sea creatures" L got up and dusted sand off hiself. NO ONES POV* Sungjong came running with the rest. You ran to the water and had a plan in mind. "Ahh help, I'm drowning!" You splashed and 'struggled'. *Ha, now let's see who the jokestar is now!* You felt yourself getting pulled up. Woohyun carried you and looked at you. You opened your eyes and smiled innocently at him. Woohyun made a 'What the heck?' face and you stood up and tackled him into the water. "That's for pranking me you dimwits!" All of them had smiles plastered on their faces for the whole night playing and laughing with each other.
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durururururu I wanna see MyungYoon in here~~~
Please update soon! Love your story..!!!! :D
LOl, yeaah and ohkay have a nice daay
angeltears-315 #4
once again you updated~! Lol<br />
anyway gotta go ~! talk to you some other day~! ^___^
LOl ! maybe soon ! (: & yeaah i have nothin else to do , so i decided to just update (:<br />
LOl Kikwang.
angeltears-315 #6
you updated so soon~! haha awww i was expecting them to kiss >_< lol<br />
hahaha i have my kikwang<3 kkk
Hehe thaanks And oh how can i forget my Yoseob !? LOl
angeltears-315 #8
ohh nice~! :)<br />
Tiffany from SNSD and Sungyeol from Infinite(:
angeltears-315 #10
haha welcome ~! <br />
Hoyaa is my bias along with Yunnie of DBSK >_< who's you'r bias?